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Management of the scrotal trauma caused by an air-compressed gun in a child: A case report

Author : Ugur Uyeturk
Abstract | Full Text

A rare case with multiple urinary anomalies associated with urethral duplication: Distal hypospadias, posterior urethral valve, left vesicoureteral reflux, and right renal agenesis

Author : Erol Basuguy, Salih Bayram
Abstract | Full Text

Congenital imperforate hymen with hydrocolpos and unilateral hydronephrosis in a neonate: A case report

Author : Ali Suat Erkoc
Abstract | Full Text

Perineal and scrotal lymphangioma in a 3-year-old male patient: An unusual case report

Author : Selma Erdogan Duzcu, Hulya Ozturk
Abstract | Full Text

An unusual complication of preputial adhesiolysis: From flimsy adhesions to bridging adhesions

Author : Prabudh Goel, Minu Bajpai
Abstract | Full Text

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