Developing the Smart Phone Addiction Scale and its Validity and Reliability Study |
Author : Ali Haydar SAR , Tuncay AYAS , Mehmet Baris HORZUM |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The purpose of this research is to develop the smart phone addiction scale and conduct the studies of its validity and reliability. In accordance with this purpose, a literature review was performed and an item pool was generated while developing the Scale and expert view was received for face and content validity and the scale was pilot-applied to the target group. The scale was corrected in line with the pilot application and expert views, and then it was applied to the participants and the studies were performed for factorial and structure validity and reliability. The participants of the research were categorized into two separate groups for two different studies in developing the smart phone addiction scale. The first study was composed of 234 students who study at different high schools in the city center in Sakarya for the exploratory factor analysis. The second study comprised of 228 students who study at ninth grade of different high schools in the city center in Sakarya for the confirmatory factor analysis. For the factorial validity, the scale was firstly analyzed with the exploratory factor analysis and a confirmatory factor analysis was performed to confirm this structure. Convergent and discriminant validity was applied for the structure validity of the scale. As a result, a valid and reliable smart phone addiction scale was obtained. |
Developing the Smart Phone Addiction Scale and its Validity and Reliability Study |
Author : Ali Haydar SAR , Tuncay AYAS , Mehmet Baris HORZUM |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The purpose of this research is to develop the smart phone addiction scale and conduct the studies of its validity and reliability. In accordance with this purpose, a literature review was performed and an item pool was generated while developing the Scale and expert view was received for face and content validity and the scale was pilot-applied to the target group. The scale was corrected in line with the pilot application and expert views, and then it was applied to the participants and the studies were performed for factorial and structure validity and reliability. The participants of the research were categorized into two separate groups for two different studies in developing the smart phone addiction scale. The first study was composed of 234 students who study at different high schools in the city center in Sakarya for the exploratory factor analysis. The second study comprised of 228 students who study at ninth grade of different high schools in the city center in Sakarya for the confirmatory factor analysis. For the factorial validity, the scale was firstly analyzed with the exploratory factor analysis and a confirmatory factor analysis was performed to confirm this structure. Convergent and discriminant validity was applied for the structure validity of the scale. As a result, a valid and reliable smart phone addiction scale was obtained. |
Ergenlerin Siber Zorbalik Egilimleri |
Author : Erkan YAMAN , Zuhal SÖNMEZ |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Bu arastirmanin amaci, ergenlerin siber zorbalik egilimlerini belirlemektir. Arastirmanin örneklemini 2014-2015 egitim-ögretim yilinda Bursa ili Karacabey ilçesinde ögrenim görmekte olan 300 lise ögrencisi olusturmaktadir. Arastirmada veri toplama araci olarak Çetin, Yaman ve Peker (2011) tarafindan gelistirilen ‘Siber Magdur ve Zorbalik Ölçegi’ kullanilmistir. Elde edilen verilerin analizinde, cinsiyet için iliskisiz örneklemler t-testi; sinif düzeyi için tek yönlü varyans analizi testi yapilmistir. Arastirma sonucunda cinsiyete göre anlamli bir farklilasmanin olustugu ve ergenlerin siber zorbaliklarinin cinsiyete göre erkeklerin lehine anlamli düzeyde farklilastigi görülmüs, sinif düzeyine göre ise anlamli bir farklilasma olmadigi sonucuna ulasilmistir. Arastirmalardan elde edilen bulgular dogrultusunda tartisma yapilmis ve önerilerde bulunulmustur. |
Ergenlerde Öznel Mutluluk Ile Siber Zorbalik ve Magduriyet Arasindaki Iliskinin Incelenmesi |
Author : Mehmet Ali PADIR Yüksel EROGLU Mustafa ÇALISKAN |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Son yillarda özellikle ergenler arasinda kullanimi giderek yayginlik kazanan bilgi ve iletisim teknolojilerinin bazi olumsuz sonuçlara neden oldugu görülmektedir. Bu olumsuzluklardan bir tanesi de bilgi ve iletisim teknolojilerinin digerlerine zarar vermek amaciyla kullanilmasi sonucu son zamanlarda yaygin olarak yasanan siber zorbaliktir. Bu arastirmanin amaci; öznel mutluluk ile siber zorbalik ve siber magduriyet arasindaki iliskileri incelemektir. Bu amaç dogrultusunda genel tarama modellerinden biri olan kesitsel tarama modeli kullanilmistir. Arastirmanin çalisma grubunu 2014-2015 Bahar yariyilinda Bayburt ilindeki çesitli liselerde ögrenim görmekte olan 274 lise ögrencisi olusturmaktadir. Katilimcilarin 136’si (% 49.63) kiz, 138’i (% 50.37) erkektir. Arastirmaya katilan ögrencilere Öznel Mutluluk Ölçegi ve Sanal Zorba/Kurban Ölçegi uygulanmistir. Öznel mutluluk ile siber zorbalik ve siber magduriyet arasindaki iliskileri incelemek amaciyla yapilan Pearson korelasyon analizi sonucunda, öznel mutlulugun siber zorbalik ve siber magduriyet ile negatif iliskili oldugu bulunmustur. Siber zorbalik ve siber magduriyetin öznel mutluluk tarafindan açiklanma düzeyini belirlemek amaciyla kurulan yapisal esitlik modelinden elde edilen uyum iyiligi indeksleri, modelin iyi uyum verdigini göstermistir. Yapisal esitlik analizi sonuçlari öznel mutlulugun hem siber zorbaligi hem de siber magduriyeti negatif yönde yordadigini ortaya koymustur. Bu arastirmadan elde edilen bulgular bireylerin öznel mutluluk düzeyleri arttikça siber zorbalik yapma ve siber zorbaliga maruz kalma olasiliklarinin azaldigini göstermektedir. Arastirmadan elde edilen bulgular alanyazin isiginda tartisilmistir. |
Ögretmenlerin Bilgisayar Oyun Bagimlilik Düzeylerini Yordayan Degiskenlerin Incelenmesi |
Author : Furkan AYDIN , Mehmet Baris HORZUM |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Bu arastirmanin amaci yetiskin bireyler olarak ögretmenlerin oyun bagimliligi düzeylerini yordayan degiskenlerin incelenmesidir. Arastirmanin çalisma grubunu Istanbul ilinde görev yapan ve ölçekleri dolduran 264 ögretmen olusturmustur. Arastirmada oyun bagimliligini ölçmek için Çakir, Ayas ve Horzum (2011) tarafindan gelistirilen oyun bagimliligi ölçegi kullanilmistir. Arastirma sonucunda ögretmenlerin oyun oynama süreleri arttikça oyun bagimliliginin da arttigi görülmüstür. Bunun yaninda nörotik kisilik yapisina sahip olan ve erkek ögretmenlerin daha fazla oyun bagimlisi oldugu ortaya çikmistir. |