Perception of a sample of mathematics teachers on training received in the university | Author : Edwin Chaves Esquivel | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : The main objective of this study was to determine the perception of a sample of 249 mathematics teachers regarding the training received in their university. We identified strengths and weaknesses of the academic programs that train teachers of mathematics in the country, according to the teachers. The sample included educators trained in public and private universities, working at different educational regions of the country. The information was gathered through a questionnaire. Overall, educators perceive training in theoretical mathematics as the main strength. However, according to the scale used, all other aspects related to the formation process of a math teacher had a low perception. Within the mentioned weaknesses are: training in educational elements, evaluative, methodological, philosophical, psychological and historical, as well as the lack of adequate preparation in the use of technological resources in teaching. These opinions are a valuable input to the universities, because they show the opinions held by graduates of the training received. |
| Educational research and research in Mathematics Education | Author : Mario Castillo Sánchez, Ronny Gamboa Araya | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : This report corresponds to a literature review whose aims to present the point of view of different authors on the concept of Education, to establish the relationship between Science Education, Pedagogy and Education as well as to show the role that of the philosophy of Education in this process. It also analyze the role of research in the field of Education and Mathematics Education. In this context, education is conceived as an ongoing and dynamic process that gives tools for personal fulfillment and his conscious insertion in a social world by promoting rules, behaviors, knowledge, school content and values, among others, according to the cultural environment in which it is immersed. After giving an overview of research in education, we conclude that research in mathematics in the education plays a role. We recommended that an eclectic vision that leads to an integration of quantitative and qualitative research methods to understand the learning process of mathematics teaching. |
| Detection and objects tracking present in 2D digital video with Matlab | Author : Melvin Ramírez Bogantes, Carlos Travieso González, Rafael Ángel Calderón, Jorge Arroyo Hernández, Oscar Salas Huertas, Federico Mora Mora, Juan Pablo Prendas Rojas | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This paper presents the main results of research obtained in the design of an algorithm to detect and track an object in a video recording. The algorithm was designed in MatLab software and the videos used, which presence of the mite Varroa Destructor in the cells of Africanized Honey Bees, were provided by the Centro de Investigación Apícola Tropical (CINAT-UNA). The main result is the creation of a program capable of detecting and recording the movement of the mite, this is something innovative and useful for studies of the behavior of this species in the cells of honey bees performing the CINAT. |
| A pedagogical model to develop mathematical power on gifted students in Costa Rica | Author : Evangelina Díaz Obando, Hazel Alemán Castillo, Carmen Hernández Brenes | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The purpose of this article is to share an experience on the construction of a pedagogical model that allows high school gifted students to develop mathematical power. This model was designed with the intention to offer an alternative to mathematics teachers, so they can teach these students more efficiently. Most of the time, these students are left out in a mathematics classroom. The intention with this model was to generate a learning environment where all students could develop their intellectual potential, in mathematics. This research was conducted in a public high school, located in San José, Costa Rica. It was developed under a qualitative paradigm. The subjects were two students from eleventh grade selected using specific criteria. Other participants were the mathematics teacher and the whole group. In this report we propose a pedagogical model to assist talented students, in the micro-culture of a classroom. T will be documented with evidences coming from focal point students. Finally, there are some recommendations given to different actors from the community of mathematics educators. |