Comparison of total phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of four brands of infusions of Hibiscus sabdariffa (Malvaceae) marketed in Costa Rica. | Author : Melissa Aguero, Cindy Segura, Jonathan Parra | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Consumption of Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) infusion is widespread in Costa Rica due to its known cardioprotective effects associated with the presence of phenolic compounds, mainly consisting of anthocyanins. This paper established the differences in the phenolic compounds profile and their corresponding antiradical activity amongst different distributors of Hibiscus sabdariffa infusion in Costa Rica. Tannins, flavonoids and anthocyanins were identified qualitatively. The total quantity of phenolic compounds was calculated using the Folin-Ciocalteu methodology and the antioxidant activity was quantified using the DPPH method. Results show all samples contained phenolic compounds, including anthocyanins. However, there are significant differences in the content of phenolic compounds and their corresponding antiradical activity amongst the different manufacturers of infusions. Therefore, we can conclude that the phenolic compound profile of infusions in this study varies according to each manufacturer. |
| Editorial (Vol.28 – N°1) | Author : Yuri Morales | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : Número actual (Vol.28 – N°1) Este número brinda al lector tres trabajos científicos en las áreas de topografía y geodesia, biología, y farmacia. Estos trabajos corresponden a manuscritos presentados en 2012 y 2013, y ofrecen aportes considerados de importancia para compartir con la comunidad nacional e internacional. El primer artículo, según los autores, describe el movimiento cinemático de una zona considerada sobre la placa Caribe, partiendo del hecho de que, precisamente, las diferencias en las series temporales, al igual que en el Sistema Geocéntrico para las Américas (SIRGAS), se deben a los movimientos propios. El segundo trabajo, como indica el autor, tuvo como objetivo conocer, de manera sostenible, los recursos biológicos y ecológicos del Proyecto Hidroeléctrico de Toro 2. Para conocer si el sitio reúne las condiciones biológicas de atracción turística, se realizó una investigación en donde se hizo un inventario de aves, mamíferos y plantas. Por último, en el tercer artículo los autores aportan información sobre diferencias en el perfil de compuestos fenólicos y su actividad anti-radical entre diferentes comercializadores de tisanas de Hibiscus sabdariffa en Costa Rica. Yuri Morales López Director Revista Uniciencia |
| Management Strategy for Hydroelectric Project Toro 2: Knowing and enhancing natural resources sustainably | Author : José Pereira Chaves | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The aim of this article is to understand and sustainably enhance the biological and ecological resources of the Hydroelectric Project of Toro 2, thus; a research was carried out to inventory the presence of birds, mammals and plants, in order to know if the site qualifies as a biological tourist attraction, as well as to know the opinion of local people. It is proposed the sustainable uses of natural resources, through a strategy of use, management and conservation of the ecosystems. |
| Evaluation of the kinematic behavior of a series of stations Geocentric System for the Americas processed with Precise Point Positioning online. | Author : Jorge Moya Zamora, Sara Bastos Gutiérrez, María José Rivas Guzmán, Gabriela Cordero Gamboa | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : By calculation mode in Precise Point Positioning (PPP) online, processed more than two years of daily observations of 14 continuously operating stations belonging to Geocentric System for the Americas (SIRGAS), which are strategically located on the Caribbean Plate. Under the assumption that in a PPP development can achieve accuracy greater than that provided by commercial software calculation, we used the results of this processing option to make a comparison of the data with respect to offered weekly by SIRGAS which are of high quality and accuracy and analyze their level of agreement. This comparison allowed for a description of the kinematic motion of the area concerned, based on the fact that precisely the differences in the time series, as in SIRGAS, are due to the movement themselves. In online processing tool available was used by the Canadian Spatial Reference System (CSRS) on its website, with which processed more than 7000 files daily. After purification of the results could be obtained in an average difference of the velocity values in the XYZ coordinates of the stations -0.8 mm/a, +2.2 mm/ay +1.9 mm/a with data regarding SIRGAS. |