THE FIGHT AGAINST RELIGION IN AZERBAIJAN DURING THE FIRST PERIODS OF THE SOVIET UNION | Author : Rana Bayramova | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The fight of the Bolsheviks against religion and believers in Azerbaijan
after the Sovietization, especially the disregard for the democratic principle of freedom of
conscience, provoked strong protests from the people, as well as from influential clerics. The
national traditions of the people were grossly violated during the campaign against Muharram,
Ramadan, Eid al-Adha and Novruz holidays. This led to such large-scale protests that even the
Bolsheviks in power had to admit it.
Attitude towards Islam was one of the main issues of Narimanov’s policy and took an
important place in his views of national statehood. He repeatedly protested against anti-religious
campaign. He believed that it would be a great mistake to look at Islam as a theory that seeks
to hinder culture and progress.
Thus, although the antireligious company took on the character of a fierce struggle in the
Union of the Godless and other state policies, it was not possible to tear the religious values that
had seeped through the centuries from the soul of the people.
The main goal is to objectively study the negative attitude to Islamic values after the April
1920 revolution, the great socio-political figure Nariman Narimanov’s view of Islam, different
from that of the Bolsheviks, the struggle against Islam in the ruling circles of Azerbaijan based
on facts and archival materials. |
| HISTORICAL QUARTERS OF GANJA CITY AS AN EXAMPLE OF TOLERANCE | Author : Elnur Hasanov | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : In the research work, on the basis of numerous historical sources, scientific
works and archival documents, the historical quarters that existed in the city of Ganja were
studied as carriers of multicultural values and tolerant traditions. On a scientific basis, the
demographic situation of the population, observed in different historical periods in the populated
areas, the characteristic features of the culture of coexistence that have been preserved here
for centuries, has been studied. In addition to the local population, a positive attitude was
noted towards representatives of various peoples resettled in our country since the 19th century,
including the city of Ganja and its surrounding areas, respect for their national and religious
dignity. |
| SUMERIANS: THE CREATORS OF HUMAN CULTURE | Author : Rovshan Nazarov | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The subject of the article is the Sumerians, the creators of human culture.
The history of the Sumerians, their geographical locations, cultures, discoveries, languages,
customs, rules, legal system, novelties they have given to mankind have been studied here. The
similarities between the Sumerian language and the Turkish language, as well as the degree
of closeness of the Sumerian and Turkic peoples are the subject of discussion. One of the main |
| KARABAKH LIBRARIES AND ARMENIAN VANDALISM | Author : Alizade Najafov | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The article is dedicated to the destruction of the libraries and book fund
subjected to Armenian vandalism that existed in this area during the occupation of Karabakh
by the Armenian armed forces. The history of Karabakh libraries, which are an integral part of
our culture, especially in the occupied territories, the organization, development and formation
of the Centralized Library Systems implemented in the 70s and 80s of the 20th century,
comparative analysis and perspectives of the situation before and after the occupation were
Thus it was studied that, in the late 19th century and early 20th century, the regional
central libraries and regional public libraries on the basis of the private libraries that existed
before them were operating in this region. During the administrative regionalization of the
region, Centralized Library Systems were created in separate regions on the basis of existing
In this article, in addition to Shusha, Lachin, Kalbajar, Khojaly, Gubadli, Zangilan,
Jabrayil districts, which all territories and settlelments were completely occupied, library
sistems of Fuzuli, Aghdam and Gazakh districts which most of the territories were under
occupation were also mentioned.
The article also paid attention to the operation of library systems in difficult conditions in
different areas during nearly thirty years, during the years of forced displacement, book fund,
employees, readers, book distribution and other issues. |
| METHODICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR TEACHING THE COURSE “INTRODUCTION TO MULTICULTURALISM” | Author : Imash Hajiyev | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Unlike in the past, the global world today is full of inter-ethnic contradictions
and conflicts, confrontations and other problems. In such a situation, there is a great need for
mutual dialogue and the maintenance of sustainable tolerance in order to regulate the political
course of society.
Enlightenment of people in the society, especially youth in this spirit, unconditionally,
is carried out in accordance with the main line of domestic and foreign policies of the state
through various means of propaganda including the teaching of relevant subjects in educational
institutions.. In accordance with the realities of the need for a modern international sociopolitical arena, one of the subjects taught in higher educational institutions is “Introduction
to multiculturalism.” The article explains the etymological meaning and essence of
multiculturalism, as well as methodological requirements to its teaching |
| ARCHAEOLOGICAL ARTIFACTS OF THE XI-XIII CENTURIES OF KHUDUTEPE SETTLEMENT | Author : A.Agalarzade, K.Gudratova | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The article deals with the medieval material culture samples found in the
Khudutepe multi-lateral settlement in the Jalilabad region in the southeast of Azerbaijan. It
is noted that during the excavations in the settlement rich unglazed and glazed pottery, glass
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ornaments of the Renaissance period were found. The location of the settlement in a favorable
geographical area shows that intensive life was formed in Khudutepe in the 11th-13th centuries |
| THE SPREAD OF BEKTASHISM IN THE BALKAN PENINSULA AND BEKTASHI TEKKES | Author : Emin Orujov | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In the article, the spread of Bektashism in the Balkan Peninsula was
studied on the example of different countries. First, the reasons for the spread of Bektashism
were investigated, the assumptions of some scientists were touched upon, and the different
manifestations of the spread of Bektashism in different geographical areas were discussed.
The article also provides information about the countries of the Balkan Peninsula, which
played an exceptional role in the spread of Bektashism. Thus, in countries such as Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Bektashism
became an object of historical discussion. The article also mentions information about the
personalities which were the founders of tekkes, who played a role in the spread of Bektashism,
and the reasons for the spread and fall of Bektashism in the Balkans. The role of the Ottoman
state in the spread and fall of Bektashism in the Balkans was studied in the article. |
| INTERFAITH AND INTERCULTURAL SPECIFICATIONS OF BUSINESS COMMUNICATION | Author : Sevindj Sadigova | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The article deals with issues related to interreligious and intercultural aspects
of oral and written business communication in the Azerbaijani language. It is emphasized
that taking into account the religious, national-cultural differences of the participants of
business communication is very important in increasing the effectiveness of communication.
Information is given on the equal treatment of representatives of different religious confessions
in Azerbaijan, the measures taken to ensure a high level of religious tolerance in our country,
the parameters by which representatives of different cultures are distinguished, as well as the
types of perception of intercultural differences are shown. Special attention is paid to national
and cultural traditions in written business communication.
The conclusion reached when working on the topic is that it is very important to take into
account religious and national-cultural differences for both oral and written forms of business
communication. Knowing and understanding the characteristics of one’s own national culture,
as well as showing respect for the cultural values of other peoples with whom one has business
relations, being cautious when evaluating their behavior and weighing the decisions made is an
important condition for the effectiveness of intercultural business communication. |
| RELEVANCE OF THE ALIENATION PROBLEM IN THE MODERN PERIOD AND ITS STUDY IN THE PHILOSOPHY OF EXISTENTIALISM | Author : Sevinj Huseynova | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :At the end of the 20th century - the beginning of the 21st century, profound
changes in the world affected all areas of life - education, upbringing system and human socialization. These changes led to the emergence of new global problems, which are now called
universal. These include environmental problems, terrorism, the threat of nuclear war, and the
demographic crisis. All these are not only social but also deep existential problems. Society is
not only a collection of individuals. Society is the product of human interactions; It is human
activity in various forms that unites them. It is clear that philosophy should be directly involved in solving problems in society. One of such global philosophical problems is the problem
of human alienation. The problem of alienation is one of the most urgent problems of modern
socio-philosophical thought. Alienation as a process covers the whole human life, manifests
itself in the loss of control over the products of one’s activity, in the contradictions between the
nature of the human being and the nature of social relations. In our opinion, alienation should |
| THE QURAN IS THE QUINTESSENCE OF ALL RELIGIONS | Author : Samira Mir-Bagirzadeh | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : Quran is the quintessence of all religions, it combines all the religions and
beliefs of the world. The general idea reflected in them whether in the Abrahamic religions,
ancient myths, Zoroastrianism, Vedas, Buddhism, Shintoism or other religions is spiritual and
rational development of man. Muslim culture is considered as a syncretic culture that includes
ancient and modern cultural traditions of different peoples. It was greatly influenced by Quran,
the holy book of Muslims which formulated the main rules of the world reflection. |
| THE ROLE OF RELIGION IN YOUTH’S IDENTITY FORMATION | Author : Ozlam Akshin, Jengiz Mursal | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In this article, we investigated how religion plays a role in the identity formation
process of young people and what kind of effect it has. In the study, an answer to this question
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is sought on the basis of academic studies on personality and religion through the method of
literature review.
As a result of the research, it has been concluded that religion contributes to the
determination of the reason and purpose of existence in the world of identity seeking, and
also guides the individual to take place in the network of social relations. In addition, it has
been concluded that religion plays a clear and dominant role in determining individual, social,
cultural and ethnic identity when it plays the role of a person’s supreme identity. |
| DIVINE UNITY AND RATIONAL DOCTRINE IN IBN RUSHD’S PHILOSOPHY | Author : Rahim Hasanov | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Ibn Rushd, who preferred rational doctrine, is considered a “philosopher of
philosophers” in the Islamic world. According to Ibn Rushd, the founder of the philosophical
doctrine of Averroism, Aristotle was the only philosopher who lived in the world. Ibn Rushd is
best known in the West for his translation of Aristotle’s works and his detailed commentaries
on them. Adhering to Aristotle’s philosophical doctrine, Ibn Rushd was known in the Islamic
world as a “sharih”, in the Latin world as a “commentator”, and in the West as “Averroes”.
Aristotle’s legacy was rediscovered in the West through by Ibn Rushd’s translarions into Latin.
Ibn Rushd devoted thirty years of his meaningful life to commenting on the works of Aristotle.
All the works of the “first teacher” were commented on, except for the work “Politics”, which
he could not get during this period. Ibn Rushd, the last great representative of the Masha’i
teaching, has written more than 150 works in the fields of politics, religion, law, medicine and
At the same time, the philosophical system created by Ibn Rushd has original features. At
the heart of Ibn Rushd’s philosophy was the problem of combining reason, faith and knowledge.
In general, rational knowledge occupies a leading position in Ibn Rushd’s philosophy, and this
feature of the philosopher’s philosophical system makes it possible to understand the existence
of God, the world, and man. |
| EXPLANATION OF THE NAMES OF ALLAH KAVNI IN SUFISM (ON THE BASIS OF AZERBAIJANI MANUSCRIPTS) | Author : Yegana Rahnulla | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :As in all monotheistic religions, the names and attributes of Allah are
comprehensively studied on the basis of ayats and hadiths of the Quran. These attributes of
Allah constitute the main branch of various theological fields, especially the science of discourse
(science of kelam) under the religious term “asmaul-husna». Scholars have different opinions
and serious disaccords about the divine attributes, a controversial branch of the science of
discourse. Summarizing all these ideas, the attributes of Allah are divided into three parts –
essential names, names related to creation, existence, and the names related to human being,
according to the classification of the “Asmaul-husna” of Abu Isa at-Tirmizi, a famous Islamic
scholar. This article contains the religious-scientific analysis of the manuscript copies of
Sadraddin al-Konavi’s work «Sharh asma Allah al-husna», Sadraddin al-Shirazi’s work «Tafsir
al-Quran» and the other one named “Sharh asmallah” by an unknown author, preserved in
Azerbaijan |
| THE HISTORY OF WESTERN PHILOSOPHY FROM THE MIDDLE AGES TO THE NEW AGE IN THE STUDIES OF A.O.MAKOVELSKY | Author : Zaur Rashidov | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Among the Azerbaijani historians of philosophy of the XX century, one of
the researchers of numerous Western European worldview systems was Alexander Osipovich
Makovelsky. Despite the fact that his approaches to various periods of the history of Western
philosophy differ in their diversity, the basis of all these methods is the method of systematic
research. Makovelsky consistently expounds the history of philosophy as the history of logic.
This moment, in turn, is an extremely effective way of forming a whole picture of the stages of
Western philosophy analyzed by him. In addition, Makovelsky’s ability to interpret the history
of Western philosophy in a clear and understandable language is also one of the important
factors. In the Soviet period, in numerous studies on the history of Western, in particular, on
ancient Greek philosophy, references to the rich legacy of Makovelsky also directly indicate
his high achievements in the field of philosophy. Similar factors stemming from Makovelsky’s
professionalism also had a positive impact on the study and teaching of the history of Western
philosophy in Azerbaijan during the Soviet period. And also, the pedagogical activity of
Makovelsky in the main educational institutions of Azerbaijan and the training of most of our
historians of philosophy in the Soviet era deserve praise. |