CHARACTERIZATION OF EUCALYPTUS GLOBULUS FOUND IN PROVINCES OF PAKISTAN AND ITS APPLICATIONS RELATED TO CONTROL ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION | Author : S. AMBREEN, M. ASLAM, F. S. REHMANI, M. IBRAHIM | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : Eucalyptus consist of 500 species growing in all over the world including Pakistan, native to Australia. The reason of selection of globules specie is that it has a great medicinal importance, being used as anti diabetic, anti fungal, anti bacterial, antiviral, analgesic and to relief wound. The function of pH, moisture content and metal ions in biological system is so valued that their imbalance can cause severity. The focus of the present study was to estimate the pH, moisture content and metal ions in Eucalyptus globules. To know the concentration of toxic metal ions is very significant as it becomes hazardous if enter in biological system and exceed the acceptable limit. Metal ions estimated at Atomic absorption spectrometer by using the accurate standard and sample preparation method. It is experimentally confirmed that moisture content and concentration of Pb, Cu Ni, Cd and Fe is dissimilar in polluted and unpolluted areas of Pakistan. |
| THEORETICAL STUDY ON STRUCTURE AND ELECTRONIC PROPERTIES OF 2, 5-BIS [4-N, N- DIETHYLAMINOSTYRYL] THIOPHENE AND ITS FURAN AND PYRROLE DERIVATIVES USING DENSITY FUNCTIONAL THEORY (DFT) | Author : B. SEMIRE, A. OYEBAMIJI, M. AHMAD | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Theoretical calculations using Density Functional Theory (DFT) were performed on 2,5-bis[4-N,N-diethylaminostyryl]thiophene and its furan and pyrrole derivatives The energy band gaps calculated at B3LYP/6-31G(d) level for thiophene derivatives arelower than that of furan and pyrrole analogues. The absorption ?max calculated using DFT was shifted to longer wavelength by replacement of R = CH3 by C2H5 for all studied molecules. The geometries and electronic properties of the compounds were also studied. |
| STUDY OF ANTIFUNGAL ACTIVITY OF ESSENTIAL OIL OF THYMUS SERPYLLUM | Author : M. ASLAM, I. ANIS, N. AFZA, M. KHALID, A. HUSSAIN, T. H. BOKHARI, M. NIAZ, A. H. CHAUDHRY | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The determination of antifungal activity of Thymus serpyllum L. was the major focus of this research work. The oil of Thymus serpyllum was checked for antifungal activity against three test microorganisms i.e., Aspergillus niger, Rhizopus oligosporous, Trichoderma viride and it was carried out by taking 50, 100, 150 and 200 mcg of essential oil. In order to compare the results with standard, three antifungal drugs i.e., Natamycin, Nystatin and Miconazole were employed. The significant antifungal activity of Thymus serpyllum oil was observed for Aspergillus niger. |
| IMMOBILIZATION OF THE PROTEASE OF CARICA PAPAYA ON DEAE-CELLULOSE | Author : H. BOKHARI, M. R. KHAN | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Proteolytic enzymes can immobilize on different materials to constitute systems for continuous hydrolysis of protein substrates. They are mostly immobilized by binding some matrices filled in chromatographic columns and continuous proteolysis is accomplished by subsequent passing of the buffered substrates through the column bed from top to bottom and collecting of hydrolyzed products eluting out of the column from the bottom. Immobilization of the protease of Carica Papaya was carried out on DEAE-cellulose. The percentage of immobilization was found to be 67%.The life span of the enzyme immobilized on DEAE-cellulose was 30 days. |
| EVALUATION OF KINETIC AND THERMODYNAMIC PARAMETERS OF 1, 1’-DIBENZOYLFERROCENE IN METHANOL BY CYCLIC VOLTAMMETRY | Author : I. I. NAQVI, M. Z. KIRMANI, R. PARVEEN, MISBAH NAZIR, M. ASHFAQ | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : The electrochemical Kinetic study of 1, 1'- Dibenzoylferrocene (DBF) at a platinum working electrode in 0.1 mol dm -3 NaClO4 non aqueous medium has been studied by Cyclicvoltammetry. The heterogeneous electron transfer rate constants (ks) and the diffusion coefficients (Do) of DBF were estimated at various temperatures (283 – 323 K) and at different scan rates (0.05 – 0.5 V s-1). A calibration curve, linear over the range of 1x10-3 – 9x10-3 mol dm-3, was plotted at the scan rate of 0.25 Vs-1. This plot can be used to analyze an unknown sample of the compound. The kinetic data was also used to evaluate the Activation energy (Ea). The thermodynamic parameters such as enthalpy change of activation (?H*), Entropy change (?S*) and Gibbs free energy change (?G*) were also investigated during the study. |
| EFFECT OF GERANIOL ON MACRO AND MICRO ELEMENTS LEVELS IN LUNG TISSUE OF RATS THAT ARE SUBJECTED TO OXIDATIVE STRESS | Author : M. GÜNES, A. O. GÖRGÜLÜ, H. ÖZMEN | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In this study, protective effect of geraniol administered intraperitoneally on levels of Fe, Zn, Cu, Ca, Mn and Mg elements in lung tissue of the rats exposed to oxidative stress with H2O2 were investigated. In our study, 24 male rats in total were used. Four groups with equal number of male rats in each were created and designated as control (K), H 2O2 (H), geraniol (G), H2O 2+geraniol (H+G). 50 mg/kg of geraniol and 20 mg/kg of H2O2 were injected intraperitoneally every other day for a period of 30 days. In this study, levels of Fe and Ca were higher in H group when compared with others groups (p 0.01). Levels of Fe and Ca compared with the H group decreased in H+G group, they were equal level with K group. Levels of Mn and Zn in H group decreased when compared with to the other groups (p 0.01). Levels of Mn and Zn in H+G group were found to be near to K group. The difference of Cu and Mg levels among the groups were found as not significant (p>0.05). According to our results, it can be concluded that hydrogen peroxide administered to rats as a source of oxidative stress caused a negative impact on macro and micro elements in lung tissue that geraniol eliminated negative impact of hydrogen peroxide on element levels. |
| MODIFICATION OF POLY ETHYLENE GLYCOL WITH 4, 4-AZO DI BENZOIC ACID AND STUDY OF ITS PHYSICAL PROPERTIES | Author : Z. A. AL MOUSWAY, A. J. SADIQ, Z. H. RHEEM | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : Polyethylene glycol 20000 was modified by copolymerization with 4, 4-Azo di benzoic acid, using cold-warm esterfication. The modified copolymer has been characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometer (FT-IR) which showed characteristic vibrational bands of OH, CO and N=N groups. The modified copolymer was subjected to differential scanning colorimeter (DSC), conductivity and swelling measurements. The obtained results of the thermal behavior (DSC) for the different percentage of ? ?prepared copolymers were (I=10% PEG +10% 4, 4-Azo di benzoic acid)= 54.2 C, as well as (II=20%) = 68.6 C, (III=30%) = ? ? ?81.5 C, (IV=40%) = 93.3 C and (V=50%) = 120 C. This means that perfect results when the polyethylene glycol 50% mixed with 50% of 4, 4-Azo di benzoic acid. While the conductivity of all copolymer in an aqueous phase with varying chain lengths of PEG reacted with 4, 4-Azo di benzoic acid, in different percentage were (I) = 75.6, (II) = 151.8, (III) = 165.3, (IV) = 226 and (V) = 277 ?m(S.cm2.mol-1). In ethanol, the copolymers were observed to have electrolyte behaviors. The solubility of the prepared ?copolymer was tested in different solvents at 25 C. It is highly soluble in DMSO and DMF and insoluble in other solvents. The experiment of measuring the degree of swelling under room temperature, in equal periods of time, showed good water uptake and required ~ 12 hours for reaching the equilibrium for the different percentage of prepared copolymers. |
| THE EFFECT OF COLLOIDAL SILICA NANOPARTICLES ON THE ACTIVITY OF ?-AMYLASE | Author : G. R. BEHBEHANI, M. SOLEIMANI, A. KHANI, L. BARZEGAR, S. BAGHERI | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : The effect of silica nanoparticles on the activity of a-amylase is determinations using isothermal titration calorimetry. It was found that the immobilized enzyme activity increased as evidenced by the stability parameters recovered from the extended solvation theory. The stability indexes of the immobilized a-amylase was less than of the free enzyme, thereby the activity of the enzyme was increased as a result of its interaction with silica nanoparticles. The present report shows that silica nanoparticles are activator of -amylase, as the complexes of silica+ -amylase are less stable than the free enzyme. |