Author : Kalidas Bhange |
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Abstract :The present compendium is regarding the evaluation of higher education in Rural India. The few points that need to be considered during this study are the technical terms as to: which stream is under present demand i.e. which stream fetches the most number of admissions; is it science, arts and commerce? The next important term for a nation like India is as to what is the sex ratio of the candidates seeking admission to the various courses. In order to have the survey of these terms and to keep the concerned statistical record the Kannad taluka is selected for Aurangabad district. It is a well settled fact that in the over all development of a nation education plays a vital role. In the entire education system the higher education is playing a planned role to increase the level of education and to constantly improve it to reach the pinnacle. The aim of higher education is not only to have over all development of the people but also to inculcate humanitarian feeling and in addition to these ensure the modern scientific attitude and technical advancement. |
A study on Role of Banks in Rural and Agricultural Development |
Author : G. L. Pedhiwal |
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Abstract : Money, everybody knows, makes the mare go. The financial sector , therefore, in India has been primarily dominated by the banking system. Banking can be viewed as one of the most traditional and sophisticated sectors in the economy and business markets. Scheduled commer cial banks (SCBs) occupy a predominant position in the financial system the real back - bone of any country because it controls the entire economy. It was some twenty years after the attainment of independence in this country that the national leaders thoug ht of involving the banks in a big way in the development plans of the country. At the end - March 2007, the public sector banks (PSBs) accounted for 70 per cent of the total assets of SCBs. Foreign banks operating in India accounted for about 8 per cent o f the assets of SCBs. The RRBs and the co - operative banks, with two broad segments of urban and rural co - operative banks also form an integral part of the Indian financial system. Indian banking sector have responsible commitment to straighten the agricult ural sector in lending. India growing in population needs more food production even to meet its own demand. It is critical now that agricultural sector has been pushed as secondary sector rather than primary. Economists have expressed a variety of opinions on the effectiveness of the banking systems in promoting or facilitating economic development . As an economic institution, the bank is expected to be more directly and more positively related to the performance of the economy than most non - economic insti tutions. Banks are considered to be the mart of the world , the nerve centre of economies and finance of a nation and the barometer of its economic perspective . They are not merely trader in money but are in fact trader in development. Banking have been regarded to be the core area of rural and agricultural development |
Author : P.Murali |
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Abstract :Travel and Tourism have been transformed over the last few decades globally. More and more distinction choices are emerging. Options that appeals to a wide cross section of people are increasing networking across sectors are on the rise and inn orations are the order of the day, In the midst of this transformation. It is time that the industry takes a close look at the challenges facing it. This study aims at identifying the hotels that are preferred by the tourists, also the reason for the change in choice of hotels by the tourists and how hotels are changing their services according to the customer (or) tourists. |
Agriculture and Rural Development: Climate Change and the Food grains production in Dharwad District, A Geographic Approach |
Author : M.N. Meeranaik,G.P.Patankar |
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Abstract :Agriculture contributes only 21% of India’s GDP, its importance in the country’s economic, social, and political fabric goes well beyond this indicator. The rural areas are still home to some 62 percent of the India’s 1.2s billion people, a large number of whom are poor. Most of the rural poor depend on rain-fed agriculture and fragile forests for their livelihoods. The sharp rise in food grain production during India’s Green Revolution of the 1970s enabled the country to achieve self-sufficiency in food grains and stave off the threat of famine. Agricultural intensification in the 1970s to 1980s saw an increased demand for rural labor that raised rural wages and, together with declining food prices, reduced rural poverty. Global warming and Climate change are the hot topics in recent years across the world as the society linked sectors viz., agriculture, animal, ,poultry, dairy and marine products, biodiversity, water resources ,forestry and health are adversely affected and the global economy is influenced to a large extent. A significant increase of 1.00 C In global temperature was noticed during the last 150 year and the projected rise is between 0.80C and 4.40C varied carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere by 2100 A.D. The carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere increased from 230 ppm before industrialization period to 390ppm in 2010 as per the latest reports. Though several green house gases like carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and CFCs influence the global warming, up to 75 percent increase in temperature is due to increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide. Researcher has been selected the Dharwad district for study, because Dharwad district is semi malanadu area to know the impact of climate change on selected food grain production. |
Author : Vijaykumar P. Tupe,Naresh S. Kolte |
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Abstract : Suicide is an important issue in the Indian context. More than one lack ( one hundred thousand) lives are lost every year to suicide in our country. In the last two decades, the suicide rate has increased from 7.9 to 10.3 per 100,000. There is a wide variation in the suicide rates within the country. The southern states of Keral a, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu have a suicide rate of > 15 while in the Northern States of Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Jammu and Kashmir, the suicide rate is < 3. This variable pattern has been stable for the last twenty years. Higher lit eracy, a better reporting system, lower external aggression, higher socioeconomic status and higher expectations are the possible explanations for the higher suicide rates in the southern states |
Author : CMA. Makarand Raghunath Sakhalkar |
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Abstract :India has a well-developed tax structure with clearly demarcated authority between Central and State Governments and local bodies. Central Government levies taxes on income (except tax on agricultural income, which the State Governments can levy), customs duties, central excise and service tax. Value Added Tax (VAT), stamp duty, State Excise, land revenue and tax on professions are levied by the State Governments. Local bodies are empowered to levy tax on properties, octroi and for utilities like water supply, drainage. In last 10-15 years, Indian taxation system has undergone tremendous reforms. The tax rates have been rationalized and tax laws have been simplified resulting in better rationalized , ease of tax payment and better enforcement. The process of rationalization of tax administration is ongoing in India. |
Author : Y.D. Pujari |
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Abstract :Agriculture forms the backbone of the Indian economy and despite concerted industrialization in the last six decades, agriculture occupies a place of pride. Being the largest industry in the country, agriculture provides employment to around 60% the total workforce in the country. The significance of the agriculture in the national economy can be best explained by considering the role of agriculture under different heads. |
Studies on diversity of benthic macro invertebrates in two lotic ecosystems near Chandrapur, Maharashtra, India |
Author : Dahegaonkar N. R,Telkhade P. M,Rohankar L. H,Bhandarkar W. R. |
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Abstract :The benthic macro invertebrates are the biological community most frequently used to evaluate water quality in aquatic environments. The benthic macro invertebrates can be used as a barometer of overall biodiversity in the aquatic ecosystem. In the productivity of lotic ecosystem, the importance of bottom fauna as a link in the energy flow from primary productivity to fish yield has been stressed by many workers. This paper describes the results of investigation of two lotic ecosystems on benthic macro invertebrates to determine the effects of increased nutrient concentrations from urban runoff inputs. The presence of indicator species like Chironomous larvae, Limnodrillus and Lymnia in abundance in river Zarpat indicate polluted status of the ecosystem. However, the absence or less abundance of indicator species in river Wardha indicates its less polluted nature. |
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Abstract : Human capital is an important asset for or ganizations under intense competition. T raining and Development function enables human capital to unleash their dexterity . A pr ofound training pr ogram acts as a vehicle to enhance employee skills and enable t hem to perform better in thei r job. T raining and development is very crucial t o the employees, the or ganization and their effectiveness. Human capital is the differ entiator between a good company and a gr eat company . The or ganizations have long understood that their most valuable asset is their human capital and many ar e convinced for lar ge investments in employee training and development. An effective training pr ogram is one that addr esses training needs and delivers training accor ding to training objectives. Resear ch in T raining and Development function has pr oduced many r esults. In the last decade, training evaluation has been the main focus for many studies. This literatur e r eview based article pr esents differ ent viewpoints of various authors r egar ding the significance of training & development, per ceptions of employees towar ds training effectiveness, training evaluation and training effectiveness. It finally endeavours to measur e training effectiveness by pr oposing a new model |
Analysis of Domination Problems using Domestic Theory |
Author : Santoshkumar Mallikarjun Sunagar |
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Abstract :An important role is played by multiple dominations. Multiple dominations can be used to construct hierarchical overlay networks in peer-to-peer applications for more efficient index searching. The hierarchical overlay networks usually serve as distributed databases for index searching, e.g. in modern file sharing and instant messaging computer network applications. |
Emerging Trends and Technology for the empowerment of rural women |
Author : Anuradha C Ghuikhedkar |
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Abstract :India is a country of villages and about two –third of the total population lives in the rural areas. With diverse socio – cultural economic features the role of rural women in rural economy has been tremendous .They have to play both the home as well as farm affairs with multiple responsibilities. There is great need of up gradation of skills and technologist to increase the productivity of the rural women in diversified fields. The application of science and technology in removing the drudgery of their workload and improving their quality of life has been emphasized by the national planners and scientist but achievements in this direction is not significant. It is high to do micro planning of poor women in village and to empower them with right kind of technical skills and technologies. Present paper focuses on some potential technical trades and technologies useful for rural women for their socio-economic transformation. |
Author : Vaishali P. Fating |
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Abstract :Confidence is to life, what testosterone is to a man, if not more. Life without confidence is like a racing car, running on a 100 cc engine. In true since, dearth of self-belief can take away all the fun in the roller-coaster ride named life. You will never be able to touch the high points of life, if you are unable to find the self-reliance required for it. Confidence is something that is inculcated in you through your own efforts and unlike physical strength cannot be attained by brutish training. Confidence is related to your mental well-being and determines the actual course taken by your life. |
Author : N.S.Masal,Gawade V.K.,Gaikwad L.N. |
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Abstract :Regional disparities have become one of the most important glaring and growing problems not only in developing countries but also in the most advanced countries of the world. (Sharma & Kumar 1993). It is true with the developing country like India; it has greater regional disparities in the sectors of agricultural, economy, industry, education, social etc. The process of economic development depends on the pace of development in the important sectors constituting an economy. As such, the degree of agricultural development determines greatly the rate of growth of an economy. In developing economy the extent of agricultural development becomes even more important because of the dominance of the agricultural sector in such economies with agricultural development, activities in the secondary and tertiary sectors get accelerated which in turn induce agricultural development and there is cumulative process of development leading to higher rate of growth in the economy (Sing, 1990). |
Correlations between Concepts of Electricity and Magnetism with Physics Expectancies: A Cognitive approach |
Author : M. N. Nyayate,J. K. Pendharkar |
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Abstract : The conceptual understanding of fundamental subject like electromagnetism in Physics is much depends upon cognitive developments of students. These cognitive beliefs affect the conceptual understanding of such fundamental subject. This research was survey and co relational type research. The learner's characteristics of undergraduate students were quantified using different techniques. The students were undergraduate students studying basic sciences having physics as there one of major subject in 10+2+3 pattern in Mumbai University, India. After survey co relations were found between many parameters like conceptual understanding, cognitive beliefs in physics, effect of gender, computer knowledge and entry level performance. The quantification of such co relations will be important in identifying complex nature of learner's characteristics and hence deciding strategies in communication methods in teaching of physics at undergraduate level. |
Methods for spectrum Assignment ,Pricing and Sensing Mechanism |
Author : G.M.Kadhar Nawaz,A.JayanthilaDevi |
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Abstract : In India, mobile service operators have always had to scramble for more spectrum allocation. However, in the last two years, the fight for spectrum has further intensified, mainly because the mobile subscriber base has grown at a very fast pace. Spectrum is like oxygen for mobile operators and lack of it leads to call drops (calls being disconnected) and congestion in the network. In India, allocation is handled by the Wireless Planning & Coordination (WPC) wing of the department of telecommunications (DoT). The two primary technologies in use today are GSM and CDMA. Both operate in different spectrum bands on account of their different technological requirements. The following spectrum bands are in use in India:GSM: Frequency bands 890-902.5 MHz paired with 935-947.5 MHz and 902.5-915 MHz paired with 947.5-960 MHz has been allocated to GSM technology. Initially, GSM operators are allocated a chunk of 4.4 Mhz and subsequent allocations are in multiples of 0.6 Mhz. This makes it a total of 25 + 25 MHz.CDMA: For CDMA, the frequency band earmarked is 824-844 MHz/869-889 MHz A total band of 20+20 MHz The allocation for CDMA, therefore, is slightly lower than that for GSM. CDMA operators are demanding that they be allocated as much spectrum as GSM which the latter is opposing. |
Bapsi Sidhwa's Ice-Candy-Man: A Feminist Artefact |
Author : S. T. Waghmode |
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Abstract :Bapsi Sidhwa, a twentieth century Pakistani Parsee woman, like Khushwant Singh and Chaman Nahal, has recaptured the pulse of historic past of the partition days in her novel Ice-Candy- Man. (1988) The novel covers some of the years of the pre-partition period during which the human consciousness was tossed across some barriers like religion and hatred in human life. Religion had become, once again, a source of strife, struggle and separation for existence. Unfortunately, for centuries, the word religion with its true spirit has not been properly understood by the humankind. One wonders to find out the. evaporation of its essence and its ugly residue disturbing human relations. This paper attempts to focus the human experiences with the special emphasis on the dynamics of man-woman relationship in this novel. An eight-year-old, physically deformed girl-Lenny is the narrator in this novel. Although the novelist has tried to create a kind of innocence in the novel, it, later on, falls short and there is the authorial narration in it. It is natural that a girl of eight could not have grasped the vastness of the happenings around the city of Lahore- the place of action. |
Author : Vinod H.Mane |
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Abstract : The present paper is an attempt to evaluate India’s direction and composition of foreign trade in the last sixty years. Foreign trade plays crucial role in every nation’s economic growth. India ac cepted globalization and liberalization in the year 1991, since then India’s foreign trade has undergone substantial changes. India’s major exports include manufacturing and engineering goods. In the present paper, the table has been given, which provide s the information of India’s foreign trade from 1991 - 2009. There has been a gradual increase in India’s export and imports trades and also there is a rise in trade deficit. India has good trading relations with all the major countries in the world. More than fifty percent of India’s total export trade is with Asia and ASEAN region and about sixty percent of India’s total imports is with the same countries |
Author : V.S. Mangnale,J.V. Chavan,A.D. Randive |
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Abstract : Technology , people and customer are the three elements on which hinges the success of b anking in the fast changing economic environment. The ultimate performance of a bank depends upon the satisfaction of its customers. In the emerging competitive and technological driven banking era, banks have to strive hard for retaining and enlarging the ir customer base. E - CRM, which is the latest buzzword in the corporate sector, is perceived as one of the effective tool in this direction by the banks. Its emphasis is on defining the customers as valuable in the long - term and on viewing customer relation ships as a learning relationships. The concept of CRM, when seen in the context of e - business, it translates into e - CRM, which essentially deals with managing customer interactions over the web. The present paper attempts to analyze the concept of e - CRM in Indian banks from its various dimensions covering specifically its need, process, present status and future prospects |
Author : Vasanthi Kadhiravan,Dhabne Prashant |
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Abstract : The study was conducted in order to improve the performance of the men volleyball players by enhancing their Neuro - Motor variables with the specific training. Forty male Volleyball players, age ranging between1 4 - 16 were randomly selected as subjects for this Experimental study from the volleyball playing population of Hiranandani Founadation School, Powai. The parallel group was designed for this study. The selected forty subjects were divided into two equal gr oups consisting twenty on each group. ie experimental group and control group. The specific exercises training were given to the experimental group for a period of eight weeks, 3 days in a week in the morning session for 45 minutes. The control group was k ept sedentary. The pre - test and the post - test were conducted for both the groups on the Neuro - Motor variables of Agility, Co - ordination and Reaction time by conducting Shuttle Run, Eye - Hand co - ordination and Nelson Reaction time test respectively. The coll ected data were analyzed by using‘t’ test and the result revealed that the specific exercises training significantly improved the neuro - motor variables of the male volleyball players. |
Author : Khobragade Grishma Manikrao |
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Abstract :In the present paper, it is proposed to study mainly the dramas of Mahesh Dattani with the reference to the Gender bias and Social consciousness in Indian social system. Contemporary Indian English drama portrays images of protagonists confined to rigid tradition and orthodoxy. The drama produced after independence show that the western culture has been partly assimilated by Indians. In this study, therefore an attempt will be made to scrutinize Mahesh Dattani’s drama to show how he is conscious of the social system and that have come up in the contemporary India. The study is based on the hypothesis that Mahesh Dattani’s drama effectively depicts the gender discrimination and social consciousness of modern India. Today’s modern Indian drama highlights on the some current social issues and the real life problems. The purpose of paper here is to discuss Mahesh Dattani’s “Tara”(1990).and Dance Like Man His plays deal with the social and contemporary issues Dattani’s plays are about the marginalized sections of our society:, women, gays, and hijras (eunuch). His plays raise question of discrimination, including, gender discrimination and homosexuality. His plays not only bring up gender issues and the liberty fixed to women in a patriarchal society, but also they deal with gender biases and prejudices which influence the lives of girl-children even amongst middle class educated society. |
Impact of SEZs on Agricultural Sector in India |
Author : Suhas Avhad |
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Abstract :As a result of serious balance of payment crises, India was forced by the world bank and IMF to adopt the New Economic Policy, known as LPG. LPG means Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization. The Globalization component of New Economic Policy was based upon free movement of capital and multinational industries specially into the developing countries like India. Spcial Economic Zones (SEZs) are the consequence of the Globalization. |
Author : Saroj Kumar |
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Abstract : "Different but equals", this is the hallmark of multiculturalism . The term multiculturalism generally refers to an applied ideology of racial, cultural and ethnic diversity within the demographics of a specified society of polity. While living with differences is a fact of our social existence, multiculturalism reflect s upon the status of difference cultural communities within a polity and advocates a society that extends equitable status to distinct cultural groups, with no one culture predominating. The equality in the realm of public domain is the prism through which multiculturalism examines the subject of democratic citizenship. As such, multiculturalism is opposed to mono - cultural projects of nation state, homogenization and has the context of special minority rights. It speaks of minoritization cultural discrimina tion lies at the center of multicultural debate |
Potential values of fiction genre and its future in literature |
Author : Uttam Baliram Sonkamble |
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Abstract :Despite the two distinctive features of fiction; the mainstream fiction and the fiction genre or the popularly known as popular fiction, they have rooted in depth in each of their areas holding a wide and diverse readership. With or without bare comments on the mainstream fiction, the paper deals the latter fiction with its various subgenres and overlapping its other subgenres, origin in brief, significance as well as the world literature. There is a wide range of popular or genre fiction types and subgenres. All the subgenres though different from one another, hail the dominant factor of popular themes carrying major thrust upon amassing large and wider readership ranging from children to the old people. To achieve and retain the readership, the writers of the popular fiction are committed to cater what their readers wish. The fiction readers want to be entertained without much of strain to their brain- without philosophy or overdosing of brainstorming social, ethical and literary theories but pure entertainment. Those who grasp the readers’ point of view become the bestseller writers. The failures leave; in fact, no room in the popular fiction area and lose their existence in the popular fiction or lead to the conventional fiction where readers are at the insignificant while the critics and their reviews at the crucial place. To name some of the illustrious writers; JK Rowling, Salman Rushdie, Alexander McCall Smith, Dan Brown, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle etc. are the prominent ones in popular fiction. As of subgenres are concerned, there are number of subgenres, each distinctly diverse from other carrying different subjects but sharing one common motive of amassing readers by selling voluminous number of copies. Following are some of the core contemporary publishing fiction genres. |