Author : Jaowad Ali , Arvind Bahadur Sing , Mohd. Tanveer Khan&, Abdul Rahaman |
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Abstract :The purpose of this study was to compare the level of multidimensional trait anxiety between university and national level hockey players of Uttar Pradesh. For the purpose of this investigation 40 male subjects (20 university and 20 national level players) were recruited as subjects of the study. Their age was ranged from 17 to 25 years. To findout the level of anxiety of university and national level players the multidimensional trait anxiety Test developed by Martens (1977) was administered on the subjects. 't' test was employed to analyze the data. Results have revealed that there was no significant difference found between intervarsity and national level hockey players of Uttar Pradesh in regard to multidimensional trait anxiety at 0.05 level of confidence. |
Challenges before cultivators of Medicinal and Aromatic plant in Western Maharashtra |
Author : Pratap R Desai |
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Abstract : India is nations of f armers were agriculture is a major business; more than 60 perc en t of population is engaged in agriculture. In Maharashtra one of the very less cultivat ed crops is the medicinal and aromatic plan ts. Due t o global and domes tic demand f or medicinal and aromatic plan ts, people are trying t o cultivat e medicinal and aromatic plan ts in their fields. All cultivat ors are not aware about the medicinal and aromatic plan ts agronom y and the mark eting of medicinal and aromatic plan ts |
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Abstract : The s tudy was in t ended t o find out the In t ernet Kno wledge of Higher Secondary School T eachers in Madurai dis trict, T amil Nadu, India. Random Sampling T echnique was used t o compose a sample of School T eachers Mean, St andard Deviation and t value were calculat ed f or the analysis of dat a. The result revealed that the level of In t ernet Kno wledge of Higher Secondary School T eachers is low . The male and f emale s tuden ts, rural and urban area s tuden ts, arts and science subject t eachers and In t ernet users and non users e xhibit ed significan t diff erence in respect of their In t ernet Kno wledge. |
The theme of Nostalgic Experiences in the Poetry of Sylvia Plath and Kamala Das |
Author : Khandekar Surendra S. |
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Abstract : The presen t paper is an att empt t o f ocus on the theme of nos t algic e xperience in the poetry of S ylvia Plath and K amala Das. As conf essional poets, both have drawn vivid pictures of their nos t algic e xperiences in their poems. There is howe ver a s triking diff erence in their responses t o even ts in childhood. S ylvia Plath seems t o filt er and retract her e xperiences more through the people she knew . K amala Das seems t o be much more emotional in her responses than S ylvia Plath |
Author : Santosh M. Yadawad MBA, Smt Ratna G. Kadapatti |
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Abstract : Floriculture or flower f arming as it is popularly called is a discipline of Horticulture, and is the study of growing and mark eting flowers and f oliage plan ts. Floriculture includes cultivation of flowering and ornamen t al plan ts f or sales or f or use as raw mat erials in cosme tic and perfume indus try and the pharmaceutic al sect or . The persons associat ed with this field are called floriculturis ts. |
Author : R. RAJESHWARI |
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Abstract : The his t orical values of the museums, the meaning of the word Museum, and the con t en ts of the museum along with the things presen t ed in it are e xplained. The f acts about the museums are highligh t ed by off ering suit able illus trations. The governmen t Museum, Madras, K anchipuram, Pudukk ott ai, and the F ort Museum at V ellore are all cit ed as e x amples. The import ance of Art galleries, the diff eren t kinds of Museums such as the F ort St. George Museum at Chennai, the Museum main t ained by the Departmen t of Ancien t His t ory and Archaeology of the University of Madras, the Marine Museum at Mandapam, Ranganatha Swam y t emple Museum at Sri Rangam et c. are also described. The various impacts and influences of the Museums in addition t o their his t oricity are also e xplicat ed. The Museum mat erials assis t ance in the periodisation is also revealed. |
Molluscicidal activity of two pesticides against Macrochlamys indica |
Author : Bhavsar Smita S. and Patel Nisar G. |
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Abstract :The two pesticides Thiamethoxam (Arrow 25% WG) and Diafenthiuron (Pegasus 50% WP) were tested to observe their molluscicidal activity against the terrestrial snail Macrochlamys indica at various concentrations, test carried out against the adult snails for 24 hours. The result revealed that the Thiamethoxam was more effective than that of Diafenthiuron. Thiamethoxam exhibited marked potency with LC50 value 5100ppm followed by Diafenthiuron with LC50 value 6400ppm |
Author : Shri.Abhay Patil |
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Abstract : All the people in K arad lived in the f ort in the olden period. And the rulers were lived in the mansion. The s tructure of K arad was V ernas from ancien t times. W e can see it clearly t oday also. The Brahmans lived at the edge of Krishna River at North, ne xt t o theme `V aish ya'. In the W es t ` Kshatriya' (Maratha), in the cen tre Muslim and Maratha society . In the south and E as t` Sali, sangar , bhoi, K oshti , T eli, and Kumbhar , diff eren t cas ts and creed were f ound |
Information Communication Technologies in Tourism |
Author : Vidyullata S. Jadhav |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract : ourism is travel f or recreational, leisure or business purposes. Inf ormation and Communication T echnologies (ICT) ref ers t o t echnologies that provide acc ess t o inf ormation through t elec ommunications. Inf ormation T echnology in t ourism is of special significanc e. Electronic commerc e can be defined as a secure e x change of inf ormation, products and services via comput er network s. This article also e xplain T raditional value chains and in t ernet based value chain. It w i l l a l s o e x p l a i n f r a m e w o r k f o r I n f o r m a t i o n a n d C o m m u n i c a t i o n T e c h n o l o g i e s f o r t o u r i s m |
Author : Ajayraj M Vyas |
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Abstract : Human capit al is arguably the mos t treasured and valued asset of an y organiz ation, and is primarily responsible f or adding value t o all other assets of an organiz ation. R ecruitmen t, the very word, means a logis tics nigh tmare f or the HR arm of man y organiz ations. Man y companies rush t o recruit and hire candidat es, lat er disco vering that a particular individual may not be the bes t person f or the position |
Rice Mill Workers in Gulbarga City: Problems and Prospects |
Author : Suresh Gowda & Tarihalli. Hanumanthappa |
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Abstract :It is well known that the unorganized workers constitute more than 90% of the workforce in the country. It is important to look into the issues relating to gender as the proportion of women workers entering the unorganized workforce has been increasing sharply, especially since the reforms of the early 1990s |
Author : A.V. Pore , Y. S. Mote |
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Abstract :Present investigation intends to study the spatial pattern in literacy of scheduled caste population in the Kolhapur district and their male-female disparity also, mainly based on secondary source such as District Census Hand Book Kolhapur District. Literacy rate has been computed for the population above 6 year and Sopher's Disparity Index (1974) modified by Kundu and Rao (1983) has been employed for the measurement of male-female disparity in literacy. It is observed that, in all tahsils of Kolhapur district, the scheduled caste male literacy was much higher than the female literacy in 2001 and the male-female disparity has declined. However, the scheduled caste female literacy level as a whole needs to be increased. |
“Issues and Challenges before Indian Agricultural in Drought Prone Areas” |
Author : S.S.Sheja |
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Abstract :Agriculture has always been the backbone of the Indian economy and deposit concerted industrialization in the last six decades, agriculture still occupies a place of pride. It provides employed to around 60% of the total workforce in the country. The agriculture situation started improving after 1960s with the introduction of high yielding varieties of crops and the development of agriculture infrastructure for irrigation credit Storage and marketing. But Indian agriculture is depends upon the monsoon farmers have to face the fury of nature in the form of drought, unseasonable rain which causes extensive damage to crops. |
Author : DESHMUKH J. A. |
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Abstract : This describes the s tructure of one of the f orm of spok en discourse. i.e. patt ern and relation of the units above rank clause and the way in which such language functions. (as ques tion, command and s t at emen t) are realiz ed through grammatical s tructure and position in discourse |
Author : Kaumudhi Challa |
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Abstract :In the present times the knowledge of biological and chemical sciences is being applied to living organisms like plants, animals and micro-organisms to modify and manipulate their genetic makeup in order to obtain desired products and characteristics. This technology known as biotechnology and genetic engineering has already invaded each and every facet of human life and environment and its profound effect on our everyday life may become more prominent by the end of this decade |
Author : Aneesh V. Pillai |
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Abstract : F ood saf ety is a growing c oncern across the world. There is increasing need to pro vide great er assurance about the saf ety and quality of f ood t o consumers. Consumers have a righ t t o adequat e and suit able f ood t o meet their nutritional needs. They also have the righ t t o e xpect that such f ood is saf e t o consume |
IT Services in India: Present Scenario |
Author : S.T. Bhosale |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :India is developing into an open-market economy, yet traces of its past autarkic policies remain. Economic liberalization, including industrial deregulation, privatization of state-owned enterprises, and reduced controls on foreign trade and investment, began in the early 1990s and has served to accelerate the country's growth, which has averaged more than 7% per year since 1997. |
Steganography: To preserve the document security |
Author : Navin D. Jambhekar |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The rapid expansion of the Internet has increased the availability of digital data such as audio, images and videos to the public. The digital data transmission is easiest for every one user, but if the data is theft or stolen then it will be more dangerous or unwanted. Protecting multimedia information becomes more and more important from illegal use |
Author : K.Vetrivel and R. DakshinaMurthy |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract : F ood saf ety is a growing conc ern across the world. There is increasing need t o provide great er assurance about the saf ety and quality of f ood t o consumers. Consumers have a righ t t o adequat e and suit able f ood t o meet their nutritional needs. They also have the righ t t o e xpect that such f ood is saf e t o consume. |
Author : R. DakshinaMurthy |
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Abstract :Suicide is a very democratic phenomenon. It knows no discrimination of race, colour, creed, age, or sex. Nor it is true that a person has to be mentally deranged to commit suicide. It is a highly personal tragedy of purposely ending one's own life, with the loss always leaving hurt, guilt, remorse, bitterness, and other emotional repercussions in its wake. Each suicide represents a unique combination of circumstances. Views on suicide have been influenced by broader cultural views on existential themes such as religion, honor and the meaning of life. |
Author : More R. B. ,Sawant V. A. and Dubal R. S. P. G |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Foundry industry is characterized by multitude of concomitantly occurring exposures such as silica dust, metal dust, various chemicals, noise, heat, radiations etc. Workers health and comfort get affected due to such adverse work environment. Industrial occupational hazards, stress, lack of safety measures, lack of healthy work place environment and welfare schemes which are affecting the safety and health of the industrial workers. In the present study priority has been given to study effect of foundry environment on the skin of workers. It has been observed that calcification and skin lesions developed on the palms of foundry workers |
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Abstract :People rights are the basis of human rights do not represent the rights of the individual as western ideologists believe. They belong to a collective of individuals which make up peoples of nations and cannot be realized solely by an individual. In the process of realizing people's rights, enjoying his rights and freedoms (Freedom of speech, of the press of assembly the right to participate in elections etc. |
Revitalizing Undergraduate Courses within Commerce & Management in Sangli district through ICT based tools using Reverse mentoring |
Author : Milind M. Samudre |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Peer mentoring has been used by majority of the Institutes in order to help those who are found less able to improve, by pairing them with a mentor of a similar background. Mentoring has been used in academic milieus, where one student will help another, and in more professional milieus where one colleague is paired to help another colleague. However, the current paper adds a twist to it. This paper describes the perception, attitude of undergraduate students and their teachers towards one of the newest forms is reverse mentoring. In reverse mentoring a senior employee is also mentored by the junior employee |
“Forensic Accounting: A new concept of Investigation.” |
Author : Anil S. Patil |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract : F orensic ac coun t ants are curren tly in great demand, with the public need f or hones ty , f airness and transparency in reporting increasing e xponenti ally . These f orensic acc ount ants need acc ounti ng, finance, law , in ves tigative and research skills t o iden tify , in t erpret, communic at e and preven t fraud. As more and more companies look f or f orensic acc ount ants and prof essional organiz ations off er certific ations in the area, it is becoming eviden t that the f orensic acc ount ant has a skill set that is very diff eren t from an audit or or a financial acc ount ant. F orensic acc ounti ng is hardly a new field |
Intraspecific colour variation in population of Dendrobium anceps Sw. (Orchidaceae in Darjeeling Hills of West Bengal, India |
Author : Samuel Rai ,Rajendra Yonzone and D. Lama & R. B. Bhujel |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Present paper deals with the intraspecific colour variation in the population of Dendrobium anceps Sw. (Orchidaceae) from Kalimpong Sub-Division of Darjeeling district of West Bengal, India. Colour variation was observed in lateral sepals, dorsal sepals, lateral petals, lip and mentum foot and where instead of light green colour, pinkish grey colour was observed. However, the minute colour variation is not the criteria to place it into a new species or variety. Thus, the variation observed in lip and mentum foot may be due to environmental influence. |
Alienation in Relation to Emotional Intelligence of College Students with Visual Impairment and Normal Vision |
Author : Sushil Kumar |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract : This research work s tudies the relationship of alienation with emotional in t elligence of colle ge s tuden ts with visual impairmen t (VI) and normal vision (NV). 400 colle ge s tuden ts (VI=200 and NV=200) were select ed from diff eren t colle ges of Delhi and Haryana. Dat a analysis in volved the use of product momen t method and t-t es t. The results revealed a negative and significan t relationship of alienation with emotional in t elligence of colle ge s tuden ts. College s tuden ts with normal vision were f ound bet t er than their visually impaired coun t erparts with regard t o emotional in t elligence. The le vel of alienation among colle ge studen ts with visual impairment was more than th at of studen ts with normal vision |
Author : Suresh Kumar. R, Ganesh. P, Tharmaraj. K |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract : In this s tudy , the efficacy of an organic product-P anchagavya's biochemic al properties were evaluat ed. The traditional P anchagavya was prepared as per the s t andard guidelines and its various chemical and biological properties were analyz ed by s t andard methods. The results showed that P anchagavya had sligh tly acidic pH, increased E C, rich in macro , micro nutrien ts and organic carbon. Man y eff ective microorganisms were isolat ed from P anchagavya viz., bact eria, fungi, actinom yce t es particularly Pseudomonas, Lactic acid bact eria, Az ospirillum, Az ot obact er were predominan t. P anchagavya did not have direct anti microbial activity agains t microorganisms. |
Author : Ubale P.P. and Lokhande T.N. |
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Abstract : In the presen t in ves tigation an att empt is made t o find out the cen trality and hierarch y of cat tle mark et cen tres in Solapur dis trict of Maharashtra. The en tire in ves tigation is based on the in t ensive fieldwork, f or which schedule and ques tionnaire t echniques have been employed t o colle ct the inf ormation regarding 15 paramet ers select ed f or the s tudy . It is also supplemen t ed by the secondary dat a. The composit e scores of cen trality are obt ained by location quotien t method of Davies |
A Sociological Study of Women Lawyers in Gulbarga District |
Author : Shanta. Astige |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The globalization and especially technological transformation opened the door for the women new opportunities towards their work life. Now, women occupied in all the occupations and professions, which were occupied by men earlier. Hence, the women engaged as successful professionals as Medical Practitioners, Nurses, Teachers, Lawyers, Bankers, Lecturers, Librarians, Information Technologists, Engineers, etc. But, the women are not like men. |
Author : B. H. Damji |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract : The role of small scale indus tries in t erms of growth, production and e xport is quit e appreciable. The indus trial policy resolution of 1948 and 1977 have emphasiz ed on the developmen t of SSI sect or . The governmen t promot ed t o SSI sect or during pos t independence period. Howe ver , the globaliz ation policy has posed some challenges bef ore SSI sect or . Though the governmen t has been att empting with various policy measures, the eff orts seem t o be inadequat e. The t ough c ompetition in the both domes tic and in t ernational mark et is very s tiff . So there is an urgen t need t o s trengthen the SSI sect or in India. The small scale indus tries also need t o resort t o moderniz ation. |
Father-Son conflict in the novels of Hugh MacLennan |
Author : H. B. Patil |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract : Hugh MacLennan (1907-1990), a dis tinguished modern Canadian novelis t, was born in the remot e coal- mining t own of Glace Bay in Cape Bret on Island, Nova Scotia. He received h is bachelor's degree and won a Rhodes Scholarship which t ook him t o Oriel College, Oxf ord where he work ed slavishly on the e x cep tionally difficult course of s tudies called Honour Moderations and Lit erae Humaniores. He acquired a research degree in Classics at Princet on University , America. |
Exploration of Indian Traditional Female Stereotype in Githa Hariharan's The Ghosts of Vasu Master |
Author : H. B. Patil |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Githa Hariharan is a postcolonial Indian woman writer. She was born in 1954 in Coimbatore, India, and she grew up in Bombay and Manila. Her fictional world includes novels, short stories, essays, newspaper articles and columns. Her first novel, The Thousand Faces of Night (1992) won the Commonwealth Writers' Prize in 1993. In it, she explores the story of a woman, who does not live happily even after her marriage |
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Abstract : T The sheep is an import an t ec onomic lives t ock species con tributing greatly t o the agrarian Indian ec onom y , especially in arid, semi-arid and hilly areas. They play an import an t role in the livelihood of a large number of small and marginal f armers and landless labourers engaged in sheep rearing. Sheeps are mos tly reared t o obt ain meat and wool as commer cial goods. Sheep skin and wool is used by a number of rural based indus tries as raw mat erial. Sheep manure is an import an t source of organic f ertiliz er f or increasing soil f ertility . The aim of presen t paper is t o assess growth, dis tribution and changes in Solapur dis trict of Maharash tra |
Sustainable Development of Agriculture |
Author : Suhas Avhad |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The Brundtland Commission (World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987), defined sustainable development as "development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." Arrow, Dasgupta, Goulder, Mumford and Oleson (2010) take the view that economic development should be evaluated in terms of its contribution to intergenerational well-being. |
Author : S.S. MASKE ,B.R. PHULE |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The buffalo is an important economic livestock spices, contributes greatly to the agrarian Indian economy. They play an important role in the livelihood of marginal farmers and landless labourers engaged in buffalo rearing. Buffalo is the dairy, drought and meat animal. Buffalo manure is an important source of organic fertilizer for increasing soil fertility. The aim of present paper is to assess the concentration and rank of C.I. of buffalo in Solapur district of Maharashtra. The entire investigation is based on secondary sources of data. The data obtained from socioeconomic review and District statistical abstract of Solapur district, livestock census etc. It is also observed that the concentration of buffalo high in North Solapur, South Solapur and Pandharpur tahsils. whereas low concentration in Karmala, Madha, Sangola and Malshiras tahsils |
In search of Strong Democratic Political Reforms in India for Sustainable Development: Inclusive Reflections and Refractions |
Author : Mr. M. Muniraju and Valmiki Rama Krishna |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract : The democratic ref orms with political will are need of the hour since from the ages of developmen t and innovation of t echnology . In this back drop the paper discusses and realiz es the need f or political ref orms in a democratic setup f or more i nnovative and re flective sus t ainable developmen t f or achi eving compe titive advant age. Innovations are sought from users, s t aff and of course R&D e xperts within and outside the public organisation. |
Tourism Opportunities in Maharashtra |
Author : Usha N. Patil |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract : Maharashtra is the thir d lar gest State of India, both in ar ea and population. It is located on the W est Coast of India with a 720 km long coastline along the lush gr een Konkan r egion. Nestled in the W estern Ghats and the Sahyadri mountain range ar e several hill stations and water r eservoirs with semi-ever gr een and deciduous for ests. The V idarbha r egion of Maharashtra, with i ts dense for ests, is home to several wild life sanctuaries andnatur e parks. Thus all the thr ee r egions of Maharashtra offer considerable tourism potential. Maharashtra abounds in numer ous tourist attractions ranging fr om ancient cave temples, unspoiled beaches, ancient forts and monuments, for ests and wildlife, unique hill stations, pilgrimage centr es, and a rich tradition of festivals, art and cultur e. Hence, our campaign slogan for Maharashtra T ourism – “MAHARASHTRA UNLIMITED!” |
Author : Prakasha G.S and H.R. Jayamma |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has"—Margaret Mead. |
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Abstract :Slowly but surely, the world today is realizing why green management matters, and why it is imperative to take a green approach to business and management. The authors wished to investigate as to how educated Indians are trying to counter the growing environmental issues that progress brings in its wake. 500 educated consumers from all walks of life were selected by the random stratified method. A structured questionnaire was administered together with a personal interview to gather primary data. Results showed that most people were aware of sustainability and global warming mainly through social networking sites. Majority of the respondents kept an eye on their water and electricity consumption. It was heartening to note that not a single Vizagite consumed non vegetarian food on all seven days of the week. Most respondents went in for cfl bulbs that resulted in a saving of both electricity and money. |