ANALYSING THE EFFECTS OF GREEN HOUSE TO BUILD A MONITORING SYSTEM BY EMPLOYING INTERNET OF THINGS | Author : Simran Narang | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The objective of this paper is to structure a nursery (Green plant area) analyzing framework dependent on the Internet of things (IoT). A nursery is a secured region where plants develop. It is otherwise called a place that is known for controlled yields and plants. There are some significant parameters to be observed inside the nursery are temperature, relative moisture and carbon-di-oxide utilizing cozier |
| EMPLOYABILITY OF VISUAL CRYPTOGRAPHY IN ENHANCING THE SECURITY FEATURES OF ONLINE TRANSACTIONS IN THE E-COMMERCE FOR FORMAT | Author : Atul Kalkhanda | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In the last decades, E-commerce has taken the world literally by storm-there is hardly any domain left untouched by this rapidly growing medium of trade and commerce. The expansion of E-commerce has, in turn, compounded the growth of fulfilling transactions using online banking or credit/debit cards. This would
lead to the phishing of personal information if the security measures used on the payment gateway were not adequate. To overcome this issue, this research paper proposes a visual cryptography technique to make these transactions more secure.
| DATA SCIENCE: EMERGENCE, EVOLUTION AND FUTURE CHALLENGES | Author : Aryan Marwah | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :As the software and hardware technologies has increased dramatically in its scope of managing huge amount of data. The term Data Science refers to an area where statistical, domain-related and technical knowledge is required to perform a proper data analysis. Data Science provides a broader area of research and analysis for people not only belongs to technology but also for mathematicians. A major part of Data Science is performing data analysis by applying a required range of skills. Such skills are further used in designing and implementing related areas of architecture, acquisition, analysis and achieving of data. In this research article, the authors have explored some of the different issues to be considered while implementing data science.
| VIDEO SHARING WEBSITES - IDENTIFYING THE SECURITY BREACHES TO STALL TRANSFERING OF SPAM CONTENT | Author : Divyashi Agrawal | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Video sharing websites are most popular services for share video among the number of users. These sites
additionally associate with various sort of clients known as long-range informal communication Web
Services. In any case, in these administrations, there are various types of contamination identified with
the video, for example, transferring of vindictive, copyright disregarded and spam video or substance.
The clients transfer the video for the specific classification and viewers/responders reaction the video by
remarking, share video identified with the transferred video yet vindictive clients dont share related
video. The clients share the random data, injurious or obscene, business video or it very well may be
naturally contents. These recordings are the responsive recordings. This examination work exhibits a
strategy for identification of such sort of reactions. The primary period of discovery is to separate the
issue in various situations and characterize the watchwords in database which can be identified with
business and obscene. The example dataset will contain all the data and video for investigation of the
recordings and arranged according to content sort. The distinctive sort of procedures will distinguish the
video and with a few highlights, for example, nearness of specific terms in the title or portrayal, Likes,
slipped by time, transferred time, and so on. The distinctive sort of recordings information accumulation
will be considered for investigation the calculation and relating result will be created. The exploration
will be exhibited utilizing MATLAB TOOL which will contains the example recordings for Analyze the
spam identification, pornography video and business recordings. The site will likewise spare the
catchphrases and these words will be refresh as often as possible and expel obsolete words for enhanced
identification of recordings. |