Bankfull Curves for the Temperate Rainforests in the Southern Appalachian Mountains of Western North Carolina | Author : MICKEY B. HENSON, OLUWATOYIN D. KOLAWOLE, OMOTAYO AYENI | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : Bankfull hydraulic geometry relationships, also called regional curves, relate bankfull stream channel dimensions and discharge to watershed drainage area. This paper describes results of bankfull curve relationships developed for the temperate rainforests of the Southern Appalachian Mountains primarily on Western North Carolina Mountain streams in the Southeastern United States. Gauge stations for small and larger catchments were selected with a range of 10 to 50 years of continuous or peak discharge measurements, no major impoundments, no significant change in land use over the past 10 years, and impervious cover ranges of <20%. Cross-sectional and longitudinal surveys were measured at each study reach to determine channel dimension, pattern, and profile information. Log-Pearson Type III distributions were used to analyze annual peak discharge data for nine small watersheds sites gauged by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory and for eleven larger watersheds gauged by the United States Geological Survey (USGS). Power function relationships were developed using regression analyses for bankfull discharge, channel cross-sectional area, mean depth, and width as functions of watershed drainage area. |
| Les techniques traditionnelles de captage et de partage des eaux d'irrigation dans l'Oasis de Béni Ounif (Région de Béchar, Sud-Ouest, Algérie) | Author : REZZOUG CHERIF | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : For centuries, the oasis dwellers of the Béni Ounif used techniques for acquisition of groundwater to meet the domestic needs of the population of Ksar and garden irrigation. The oasis dwellers were able to master the management of water through these processes. Despite a low annual rainfall, they were able to manage critical situations of prolonged droughts while protecting their environment. These ancient techniques such as traditional wells including foggaras have proven effective in the past. However with the addition of modern methods of water catchment (boreholes and pumps), the ancestral techniques of irrigation degraded from one year to another and their future is threatened. The use of new systems of pumping of groundwater by drilling, and not taken into effective charge of Foggaras, made this system to lose its value which deteriorates while the palm groves disappear. The overpumping causes a significant decrease of the level of the groundwater. Soil salinization is widespread throughout the oasis and water pollution has even reached the whole tablecloth of the oasis. Over 80% of these systems have been abandoned in recent years. However, during the years 2007 and 2008, different rehabilitation projects have been launched by the concerned departments and even some oasis dwellers have started processes to maintain several foggaras, sources and seguias. This study aims to analyze the traditional techniques of capture and sharing of waters of the oasis of Béni Ounif |
| Conséquences de l’étalement de la ville de Foumbot sur les terres rurales (Ouest du Cameroun) | Author : JEAN NOEL NGAPGUE | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : Foumbot, the pole of coffee development in the Bamoun country, has become the relay center of the foods produced in the region. This new urban function is observed in the city with the creation of the other social and economic infrastructures. Setting-up these structures requires spaces which the former city of coffee plantation cannot offer and the locality launches its tentacles in its periphery (in the outskirts). This sprawl of the city on lands that were not ready to receive it produces certain consequences. This contribution examines the geographical effects of this urban expansion on the new spaces conquered by the city. The analysis of the images taken by a satellite partner in a series of inquires made on the ground shows the expansion of the city towards the neighboring villages. The main forms of this expansion are the invasion of the cultivated surfaces and the swarming along the main roads that cross the colonial plantations of coffee. New homes of urbanization are born and carry the mark of the new urban functions. Urbanization is followed by the modification of the old rural landscapes and by a decrease of the population living only on the work of the earth. This uncontrolled sprawl of the city raises the problem of the rational integration of the cultivated surfaces in the urban tissue and of the population supply with water and social infrastructures. |
| Detection of hydrological characteristics using statistical analysis in the upper basin of Desnãtui River, Romania (1964 - 2011) | Author : GABRIEL VELCU, GABRIELA ADINA MOROSANU | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : This study focuses on the graphical and mathematical representations of some important hydrological datasets (annual and monthly mean flow, flood hydrographs) available for Dragoia hydrometric station, situated in the south of the upper sector of Desnățui river basin, the biggest first order tributary of Danube river between Jiu river and Cerna river. The data entries were evaluated after the frequential hydrology principles, the temporal scenario revealed by the calcula being correlated to the geographical features of the river basin, especially the climatic regime and the particularities of flow. The results of this research proved useful for the watershed management, constituting a scientific way to demonstrate the scarce of the surface water resources in this area of Getic Plateau, along with the uncertainty which rises when we try to predict the flood effects during peak rainfalls or the etiage flow intervals. |
| The Dynamics of Clopotiva Village. A Cartographical Analysis | Author : THEODOR CEPRAGA | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : The study aims to analyse the dynamics of Clopotiva, a village in Hațeg Country, from the date of its first documentary mention until present. The analysis points out the role of the natural, historical and cultural conditions together with the processes influencing the dynamics of this settlement. Information extracted from monographies, historical documents and other specialised studies were used for the medieval period, and starting with the 18th century, GIS analysis was applied to the available cartographical documents in order to highlight the morphological transformations of the village. The results showed that the village appeared initially south-west of the actual location, developing towards Râul Mare and the agricultural fields. The study also aims to create an analysis model for the dynamics of the settlements in the Hațeg Country. |