Development of post-communist parliamentarism in Kazakhstan and Romania: a comparative analysis |
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Abstract : This study compares institutional development of legislative bodies in post-communist Romania and Kazakhstan. Despite having shared a communist past experience, Kazakhstan and Romania have followed a quite different path in their post-communist political order: Kazakhstan is unwillingly accepted the break-up of the Soviet Union in 1991 and peacefully declared its independence, while Romanian Revolution of 1989 was the most bloody of all in East Central Europe. However, in spite of their geographical remoteness, different cultural and historical backgrounds, various ethnic and religious compositions, as well as different economic profiles, Romania and Kazakhstan have shared some common elements of communist legacy and its side-effects during the post-communist development of political institutions. It does not necessarily mean that their respective experiences with communist rule and transition to democracy were the same. The parliamentary development in the two countries differs from each other, both in terms of stability and the level of institutionalization. The goal of this article is twofold. First and foremost aim of the paper is to explain parliamentary development in post-communist Romania and Kazakhstan from historical point of view and to identify what contributes to changes and different outcomes in legislatures of the respective countries. Second goal is to compare two parliaments and identify similarities and differences with making some inferences about the strength of legislatures compared to each other and to other major political institutions. |
La recherche geographique des geosites: quelles perspectives? |
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Abstract : The geographic research of geosites: what perspectives? The paper does not discuses about the term of geosite or its definitions. Those aspects are already well known for the scientific researchers. In the last years, some intense scientific activity was concerned to releasing papers which the main subject was the geosite and his derived terms: geomorphosite, geo-archeological sites etc. We can see a scientific boom around this notion. In those conditions it is necessarily to make a theoretical work with the scope to introduce the lecturer in the complexity and interdisciplinary properties of this research field. The paper starts with a short history of the development of the field and continues with his most important component: the geomorphologic site and some perspectives to valuing. Finally, we note that the anthropic monument can be analyzed as geosites too, and the best way to make a cartographic representation of geosites is to use the GIS solutions. |
Territorial planning that is reflected in ecoturism in the Province of Córdoba |
Author : DRAGOS ONEA |
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Abstract : At the local level to search for potential resources could effectively capitalize. This is in addition to a set of rules that facilitate cooperation with EU institutions, consulting specialists and rural centers. The agro-ecological pattern into province of Córdoba became a real and effective alternative to destructuring the agricultural landscape of the autonomous region of Andalusia. In the case study Alojamiento Rural Yanem Centro Educatión Medioambiental in ecological agro-tourism practices relating to accommodation, food and environmental space are applied using ground and green building techniques. Constructions are based on bioclimatic and organic materials are used for this. |
Use of land located within Eselnita drainage basin |
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Abstract : Developed on the south-eastern side of Almãjului Mountains, Eşelniţa drainage basin neighbours upon the following basins: upon S – SV with Mala, upon SV - V with Mraconia, upon V - NV with Berzasca, upon NV - NNE with Nera and on the NNE – SE direction with Cerna. The basin has a surface of 77 km2 and present a 5th degree hydrographic network according to Horton-Strahler ranking system, tributary to Danube by means of Eşelniţa main collector. Among surfaces belonging to various categories of use of land located within Eselnita drainage basin, there may be noticed the high share of forest and secondary grazing lands, although the latter have a smaller surface in comparison to the first ones. Therefore, the types of use of land located within the drainage basin are distinguished by the high share of surfaces of forests to the detriment of predominant agricultural land proven by using of some quantitative indexes defining the character of the Eselnita drainage basin as belonging to forestry type. Also the impact of human activities and number of inhabitants do not have a very damaging influence on the land corresponding to the basin, therefore it has a naturality index indicating an ecological equilibrium closed to the natural one. |
L’importance des projets paysagers d’aménagement dans le changement de la perception sur les paysages périphériques. Etude de cas : Parcul Tineretului (Le Parc de la Jeunesse) de Craiova |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract : The importance of landscape design projects in changing the perception on peripheral areas. Study case: The Youth Park from Craiova city. Towns and cities change over time, and this process of change is inevitable because the political, economic and social systems of a community constantly generate new demands, that trigger urban development. This urban progress has to take into consideration not only the socio-economic development of the areas considered, but also the quality of life and most importantly, the aesthetics of residential areas, green areas, leisure and recreation areas, that exist in any city. Having as starting point the actual case of the Youth Park from Craiova, our attempt is to analyse the evolution and the transformations underwent by this park, during the decades as well as the surrounding area. Therefore, we shell discuss the importance of landscape planning projects which subordinate to public actors’ decisions and meet the European requirements of urban regeneration. |
Exploring the objective and subjective dimensions of urban life quality on Regie Boulevard and surrounding streets |
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Abstract : L'étude des dimensions objectives et subjectives de la qualité de vie urbaine sur le boulevard Régie et les rues avoisinantes. Cette étude analyse la qualité des logements sur Regie avenue et les rues environnantes. L'analyse se concentre principalement sur le campus. Situé dans le district 6, le campus est l'un des plus anciens de Bucarest, mais aussi l'un des plus populaires en raison de facilités offertes. Pour une meilleure perception de la qualité du logement, il y a été appliqué un questionnaire qui a révélé des aspects positifs et négatifs de cet environnement, dans l'opinion d'habitants. Ainsi, le campus d’étudiants Regie est un repère pour Bucarest, en raison de sa bonne accessibilité et les caractéristiques de l'intérieur qui attire des étudiants. |
Vidraru tourist region in the context of sustainable development |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract : Région touristique Vidraru dans le contexte du développement durable. La vallée de la rivière Arges dans le secteur montagneux présente un potentiel touristique élevé particulièrement dans la région du lac d’accumulation Vidraru. Ce potentiel est mis en évidence par l’intermédiaire du cadre naturel et également par celui des objectifs antropiques à grande valeur culturelle et économique. Même si l’aménagement du lac d’accumulation a représenté une opportunité de développement des activités touristiques de la région, on identifie en présent de nombreux problèmes concernant la gestion touristique et également la pression sur l’environnement. De cette manière, il importe de faire une analyse sur le développement de la région touristique Vidraru de la perspective durable, afin d’identifier ainsi les solutions le plus viables. |
Geographical risks in the touristic region of Tusnad-Balvanyos |
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Abstract : Des risques géographiques dans la zone touristique Tușnad-Balvanyos. Les régions volcaniques représentent un élément d’intérêt majeur tant pour les spécialistes, du point de vue de l’étude de diverses caractéristiques, que pour les touristes qui les apprécient particulièrement pour leur potentiel curatif. Pourtant, ces régions attirent et a la fois exposent les touristes a certains risques. Dans la région que nous avons choisie, les risques sont extrêmement variés et les principaux éléments de dangerosité peuvent être classifiés dans deux catégories comme suit : naturels (glissements de terrains mineurs, solifluxion, inondations, torrentialité) et anthropiques (l’absence des panneaux informatifs, l’aménagement inadéquat, les sources d’acide laissées sans surveillance, l’exploitation irrationnelle des ressources). Bien que la région ne soit pas affectée par des risques majeurs, il est impératif de mieux gérer la région et les ressources afin d’améliorer la qualité de l’acte touristique et de renforcer la sécurité des touristes. Cette étude se propose de présenter la majorité des risques mentionnés et de fournir plusieurs suggestions de prévention, de solution et d’aménagement. |