Liberalisation de la filiere coton en Côte d'Ivoire quinze ans apres : empreinte spatiale et organisationnelle |
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Abstract : The liberalization of the cotton sector in Ivory Coast after fifteen years: spatial and organizational marks. The liberalization of the cotton sector in Ivory Coast is inspired by industrialized countries. Its approaches are supported by the Breton Woods institutions and the French Cooperation. The aim of this study is to review spatial and organizational reforms in the cotton basin of Ivory Coast. The results of this research revealed that liberalization is the cause of the restructuring of the cotton area. On the other hand, it has resulted an organizational dynamic based on the activity of the cotton companies and producers. In addition, the areas defined by the liberalization are not respected by cotton agencies. This non-compliance is manifested by the incursion of cotton companies in areas outside their initial block. In this logic of incursion, the producers of public society (CIDT) produce significantly more than those supervised by private cotton companies. This observation raises a debate regarding the continued liberalization of the cotton sector in Ivory Coast. |
Short lasting climatic risks in Romania. Comparative case study: late rimes that took place in May - 1952 and 2011 |
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Abstract : The study regarding the late rime on the territory of Romania, by comparing the causes that were at the basis of rime production in May of 1952 and 2011, proves the wide dimension of the hydrometeor, that is characterized by whitish materials bed on the soil surface, and on the objects on the soil, on clear sky, or with weak winds, and relatively high humidity. Due to a repeated series of rimes (like the ones in 1952), this climatic phenomenon can produce a series of damages at most of the crops, through its duration, and especially through its intensity, and by cumulating the effects from one phase to another. The complexity of the synoptic conditions that define late rimes and the effects on agricultural cultures in the first stages (blossom or the formation of the fruits in fruit trees and grapes), as well as the similarity of thermal aberrations and the way of manifestation of arctic air advections, allowed several conclusions to de drown. These regard the territories that are affected the most, the intensity of the phenomenon for each of the two cases, as well as the elaboration of some empirical models for foreseeing the occurrence of late rimes, with the help of nomograph method, with different assurances. |
Landscape dynamics analysis in Iasi Metropolitan Area (Romania) using remote sensing data |
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Abstract : The present paper focuses on the observation and quantification of land cover changes in Iasi Metropolitan Area during 1993-2009. The analysis is centered upon the built-up space dynamics and includes the detection of its extension directions and the measurement of its structural changes by landscape metrics. In order to obtain the land cover data, some remote sensing images were processed by supervised classification and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). In the end of the study, a synthetic statistical analysis of the change dynamics is performed at commune level, in order to compare the administrative units by the intensity of land cover dynamics. |
Using GIS techniques for surface runoff potential analysis in the Subcarpathian area between Buzãu and Slãnic rivers, in Romania |
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Abstract : The Subcarpathian area between Buzău and Slănic rivers, located in the south-eastern part of Romania, is one of the most affected areas by the torrential related phenomena. This occurs due to physical-geographical and economical-geographical factors, such as: slope, curvature profile, lithology, soil texture and land use. In order to calculate and spatially model the surface runoff potential index, these factors were integrated and worked in GIS enviroment. Each characteristic of the factors was given a bonitation score, according to the way that it influences surface runoff. By applying the methodology mainly taken after Smith (2003) [1], the Flash-Flood Potential Index was obtained, with values between 19.4 - 44.5. The highest values of the index correspond to deforestated slopes, which exceed 15º, located in Bălăneasa and Sărățel river basins. |
Relief suitability to purpose of developing the ski domain in Obârsia Lotrului area |
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Abstract : Relief and climatic conditions represent two defining elements for the development of a ski area in mountain area. The study proposes an evaluation of parameters of particle morphology and morphographic of relief, in order to identify the eligible areas. Analysis of slope and exposure of the hips, to which we can add the geology and current use of the land a high accuracy GIS project. The longitudinal profiles of the proposed slopes, constitutes a good tool for determining the degrees of difficulty of the slopes. At the same time, the study proposes new areas in order to develop tourist infrastructure for winter sports in accordance with European standards and in harmony with the environment. |
Dynamic analysis for the management of stray dogs in Bucharest |
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Abstract : The paper presents a new concept in Geography, with debates about the analyzed entities on many ways, such as journalistic or political. In the present case, I wish to adjust it to the geographic plan and to incorporate social-geography elements, elements relating to environmental issues, location being the most important component. Practically, complaints made by the capital`s citizens against stray dogs, that are being received by the Animal Protection and Surveillance Authority (ASPA) in Bucharest, are standardised, brought to a common form and are introduced under a punctual form on a map at that address. From all this complaints, a data base with lots of information is built. Through processing, thematic and analytical maps result, which will represent the cartographic support of this research and all information will be examined both qualitatively and quantitatively. |
Sport tourism in Romania and the Romanian experience in organizing and hosting an international sport event. Case study: Bucharest International Marathon |
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Abstract : Sport and tourism are worldwide considered to be the modern niches for economic development, but only high developed countries have realized that to maximize their economic impact, sport and tourism must be considered as a whole. The tourism in Romania is currently under continuous development, due to several investments in general and touristic infrastructure and also due to the strategies of capitalization and promotion of the Romanian tourist potential. Different sports are practiced in Romania from ancient times and the Romanian sport made the country known worldwide through its legendary sportsmen, but only recently sport became also an element of tourist attraction. The rebirth of physical culture and Romania’s accession to European Union, offered to Romania the opportunity to exploit sport as a touristic product, generating tourist flows and tourist services consumption. Even if sport tourism is a new concept in Romania, in order to grow the economical impact of this new form of tourism, the development strategies are counting on the rehabilitation of general and specific (both touristic and sporting) infrastructure and on the exploiting of the most efficient form of sport tourism, the one related to organizing and hosting a sport event with international participation. |
Une proposition de circuit géotouristique avec un guide des Gorges du Danube en Roumanie |
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Abstract : A proposal for a geotouristic circuit with guide in the Danube’s Gorges in Romania. In the previous issue of this journal we published a research on the geo(morpho)logic characteristics of the Iron Gates in Romania and the existing issues regarding a study of geosites. This time we tried to develop a geotourism circuit comprising some high value geosites. It should be mentioned that the proposed circuit is not part of any touristic offer, so it can be integrated immediately into local geotourism programs. This circuit is created to ameliorate the geotourism and to increase the overall tourist offer of Romanian Danube Gorges. |