Regard retro-prospectif sur les crises ivoiriennes de 1993 a 2011 | Author : KOUAMÉ SYLVESTRE KOUASSI | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : At the independence, Ivory Coast is led by Felix Houphouët Boigny with a system of single party, the PDCI-RDA. The country enjoys political stability which is about the "Ivorian miracle". The economic upturn that knows a halt in 1979 led to social unrest, which later lead the President to re-establish a multiparty system in 1990. Even relative, peace has been preserved. The death of the father of the nation at December 7 of the year 1993 marks the beginning of a turbulent period characterized among other things by the division of the "heirs" meeting within the PDCI-RDA, the coup of 1999 and the bursting of the socio-political military crisis in 2002. The 2010 elections considered like the end of the long crisis will cause over 3,000 deaths due to severe post-electoral crisis that followed. What can we read today of these successive crises? What are the main factors and actors that have characterized the last twenty years of crisis? How are they structured the country? Our approach is backward looking. It is to see through a systematic analysis of past and present how Ivory Coast reached the current situation in order to draw lessons for the future. |
| Urbanisation de la metropole abidjanaise et la mise en minorite des autochtones Ebrie | Author : RAPHAËL KOUADIO OURA | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : Urbanization of the Abidjad metropolis and the autochthon minority of Ebrie population. Migration is a phenomenon stemming from wealth inequalities within inhabited areas. It goes hand in hand with human life. This phenomenon has witnessed such a growth that the notion of autochthony is increasingly blurred in big cities, especially in African cities. If in Côte d' Ivoire, we still identify Adzopé, Bonoua, and Ferké etc. respectively as Attie, Aboure and Senufo’s cities, this is not the case of Abidjan, where the Aboriginal concept seems to escape Ebrié people who tend to merge with migrants. The migration flow is so important that its population has increased from 300,000 in 1950 to more than 2,877,948 inhabitants with only 98,285 inhabitants for Ebrié Aboriginal people (NIS, 1998). Representing 3.41% of the total population of Abidjan, this people has become a minority people in a modern world where competition is the rule. The disproportionate extension of the metropolis has a real impact on this people which now seem disarmed. |
| Contributions to geosites perception in the Iron Gates touristic area based on some in situ analyses | Author : DANIEL IOSIF | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : Geosites are relief forms with a scientific, aesthetical, ecological, economical, and cultural value, in respect of human perception, that completes the total heritage of a given territory. In the last decade, those geosites were strongly related with the touristic phenomenon. This paper presents an empirical study about some most important geosites of the Danube defile in Romania. The point of view from which the analyze is made concerns the opinions of the tourists presented here in the summer of 2011. Consequently, we have made practically 105 questionnaires in situ and we have extracted some of the special questions among them. The results indicate the tourists’ opinions about the actual touristic phenomenon in the Danube defile. |
| Analyse de la variabilité de l'écoulement liquide de la riviere Buzãu dans son secteur inférieur | Author : IULIAN MITOF | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : Water flow analysis of the Buzau River in its inferior sector. Buzau River is one of the most important tributaries of Siret river. The lower section of Buzau river is situated in an area of low plain which undergoes an active subsidence. The characteristics of the river’s water flow were analysed on the period between 1956 and 2011, by considering the values of the mean flow measured at the two hydrometric stations situated in the river’s lower section, Banita and Racovita. Mean water flow variability analysis in the lower section of Buzau river shows its fluctuations on annual scale and the multiannual trends for a 56-year time lapse in a region that is vulnerable to the flood risk. The great flows variability is caused by the irregular rainfall distribution over time which is specific to the eastern part of the Romanian Plain. These oscillations are also reflected in the variation of Buzau river annual mean flows that present a drop for the analysed period. Although there is a strong correlation between the discharges measured at the two stations, a loss of water is observed downstream the Banita station, meaning a reduction of water resources in an area frequently affected by drought. |
| Assessment of the habitat fragmentation density in Postãvaru Mountains, Brasov County (Romania) | Author : IULIA FONTANINE | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : Postăvaru Mountains are one of the most important touristic areas of Romania and Brașov County. Here, the most important mountain resorts of Romania, Poiana Brașov is located, known for its numerous ski paths. Also, the high accessibility of the area is given by the developed road network across the mountains. The aim of this study is to analyse the degree of natural habitat fragmentation, caused mainly by touristic activities and grazing that lead to deforestation and the growth of anthropic surfaces. GIS tools, by ArcGIS 10.1 software, were used to analyse the way that human activities caused the natural forest habitat fragmentation. By applying the proposed methodology, the Habitat Fragmentation Density Index, of which values reveal the critical areas regarding the loss of natural habitat and assert the degree of habitat fragmentation caused by the considered anthropic elements (ski paths, roads, pastures and built areas), was computed and spatially modeled. |
| Niscov Basin boundaries | Author : ADRIANA BOGDAN | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : The first step in analyzing the spatial organization of a river basin is to establish its present boundaries and possible developments of space. The most important component of the system, by which it is achieved, is the orographic delimitation; the watershed is carried out first on the alignment of high altitudes on the whole northern (Ciolanu Hill) and southern (Istriţa Hill) hilly area. Only in the west and east are distinguished two deep areas: an old saddle (Poiana lui Roman) and respectively, the lane of Buzau valley, where are the terraces and lower valley. They are related to the evolution of the region started with the end of the Pleistocene and continued in Holocene period. |