Exploring Emotional Intelligence of the Sin Industries' Stakeholders with respect to US Market |
Author : J. Venkatesh and Mr. D. Balaji |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :his paper proposes a conceptual framework for understanding the causal factors influencing conflicts that evolve in Gambling industries. The stakeholder emotional intelligence framework assesses two critical factors – emotional intensity and stakeholder power – that influence how an issue gets defined in the general public and ultimately resolved with policymakers over the lifecycle of the issue. Psychophysiological Experience is emotions caused by the internal and external influences interacting with every individual's state of mind. Individuals must equip ability to handle the same in effective and efficient ways with respect to environments and situations, which is termed as Emotional Intelligence. |
Physico-Chemical Status of the Water of Historical Lakes and Tanks in Kolhapur City |
Author : D.H.Pawar |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Due to the unprecedented population growth and intensive agricultural practices ground and surface water is been exploited on increasing scales. Water bodies such as springs, streams, rivers, lakes ponds, bog etc. are playing prime role to supply the water for drinking, washing, irrigation, industrial purpose, generating electricity etc. |
Author : R. Suresh Kumar |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The late Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries witnessed the rise of several Subaltern Leaders who took up the cause of the Depressed Classes and worked for their elevation with complete dedication. These Leaders came from all walks of life and from all castes and creeds. They led exemplary lives and practised what they preached. They tried to improve their conditions by exhorting the Scheduled Caste to follow cleanliness, good habits and obtain education and to break down the Social Barriers by propagating and educating themselves. The efforts of these individual Leaders went a long way in improving the condition and Status of the Scheduled Castes. One of the notable leaders is pandit iyothee dass. |
Exploring Emotional Intelligence of the Sin Industries' Stakeholders with respect to US Market |
Author : Rajpalsingh S.Chikhalikar |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :India is the largest democratic country in the world. There are number of castes, sub castes, creeds, races and classes are living by heterogeneous. Basically, the social system of India is based on caste structure in which Dalit or Outcaste is one of the exploited castes among them, and these people are marginalized in Indian society for long ago. For that reason the untouchability carries out still today. According to four varna systems follows the old customs, conventions, ritualism, casteism and gender discrimination: |
Socio-economic conditions of fisher folk vis-à-vis satellite technology in coastal district of ganjam, odisha |
Author : Aneesh A. Lotliker, T. S. Kumar,K. C. Sahu, S.K. Baliarsingh, S. Srichandan |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The present article focuses on the background and socio-economic conditions of fisher folk in coastal district of Ganjam. The study was a component of Potential Fishing Zone (PFZ) utilization and validation programme funded by Indian National Center for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS). The feedback was collected during 2003-2005 by means of one-to-one interaction and awareness campaigns conducted in different villages and landing centers. The study confirms poor catch during bad weather conditions, turtle mass nesting, invasion of coastal area by Andhra trawlers, missile training and medical problems. These were the key factors responsible for economic condition of the fishermen. |
Author : P. S. Joshi,S. D. Pandharikar |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Heavy metals and their salts constitute a very important group of environmental pollutants since they are potent metabolic inhibitors. The inherent toxicity of a metal depends upon its capacity to disturb the dynamic life processes in biological system by combining with cell organelles, macromolecules and metabolites. Cadmium is considered as non-essential element. This study was performed to begin an assessment of effect of the heavy metal on biochemistry of blood serum because blood is a good patho –physiological indicator. Clarias batrachus responded to the cadmium and for duration of 30 days. Clarias shows a decrease in glucose and sodium while increase cholesterol, total protein, urea, creatinine and sodium values. After studying the result of present work it is clear that Cadmium very much affects the energy metabolism, which in long term cause the death of the individual organism and affects the whole community. |
Sin, Guilt, and Regeneration in The Scarlet Letter |
Author : Sachin Vaman Londhe |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The Scarlet Letter (1850), the romantic fiction, is written by renowned American novelist Nathaniel Hawthorne. The present article analyzes sin, guilt and regeneration in The Scarlet Letter. Different types of sin are represented in The Scarlet Letter. There are sins of the flesh, sins of weakness, sins of will and the intellect. Hester stands on the scaffold wearing a dull gray dress with a large scarlet "A" on her bosom. She shows to the world the result of her sin in the form of little Pearl. While Hester's sin is noticeable to all, Dimmesdale's sin is hidden. |
Ruth Prawer Jhabvala's Heat and Dust: A Lacanian Study of Desire and Erotica |
Author : Khursheed Ahmad Qazi |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Desire is the desire of the Other - Lacan Our desires, beliefs, biases, and so forth are constructed for us as a result of our immersion in the Symbolic Order, especially as that immersion is carried out by our parents and influenced by their own responses to the Symbolic Order. This is what Lacan means by his claim that “desire is always the desire of the other – Jacques Lacan |
Studies on Socio-economic aspects of the people at Machilipatnam Region and their impact on Mangrove Forests, Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh. |
Author : Brahmaji Rao P.,Nabi A. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Mangrove Ecosystems play an important role in preventing cyclones and tsunamis at estuaries from entering into interior land and in the economic development of local inhabitants. Mangrove plants have special adaptations such as stilt roots, viviparous germination, salt-excreting leaves, breathing roots, knee roots by which these plants survive in water logged anaerobic saline soils. The study of mangrove ecosystems in the deltaic region of Krishna river, particularly in Machilipatnam coastal region is very less and hence taken up. The data of the people in the selected field stations are gathered. The socio-economic status of the local inhabitants and their dependance on mangroves for their economic growth have been established. |
Emerging TQM Culture in Business Education |
Author : Mehraj -Ud -Din Shah |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Undoubtly, higher education holds a merit to work as a catalyst for securing inclusive growth both within and without state. Accordingly, today, higher education is being given added significance in the world over to bring a phenomenal change in the quality of human resources. Unfortunately, over the last two decades or so, Higher Education is in deep crises from low quality input to poor process, curriculum, infrastructure etc. |
Pre-Service Teachers Teaching Anxiety about Mathematics In Drill Lesson |
Author : G.T.Khurpe |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Why do we teach mathematics? What do we want to achieve in our mathematics lessons? These were the questions which we asked our self while joining the career of a mathematics teacher. In fact these are good questions which all teachers should ask themselves from time to time in their daily practice. This study is based on the principle that the mathematical anxiety in pre service teachers and they should be encouraged towards mathematics. It is expected from teachers that he can teach very well this confidence to prepare exercises improving mathematical ideas for their students. |