MPLANTAÇÃO DE INDICADOR-CHAVE DE DESEMPENHO EM CENTRO DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO EXTERNO DE EMPRESA DE GRANDE PORTE DO DISTRITO INDUSTRIAL | Author : João Marcel de Almeida Ribeiro Larissa da Silva Pimentel Alexandre Pirangy de Souza Jurandir Moura Dutra Karina Medeiros Pirangy de Souza | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :As grandes empresas necessitam transformar os dados oriundos do desempenho das suas atividades, em informações que possam ser analisadas e comparadas a fim de identificar possíveis melhorias. É nesse contexto que tange o objetivo
principal deste trabalho, a análise dos indicadoreschave de desempenhodo setor logístico interno de uma empresa de grande porte do Distrito Industrial de Manaus, além de propor a adaptação e implantação de um indicador determinante para o seu centro de distribuição externo, controlado por um operador
logístico,proporcionando a utilização deuma ferramentapara rápida comparação de desempenho dos procedimentos realizados na empresa, baseadas em métricas pré-determinadas. Os instrumentos desta pesquisa foram observação direta, a qual permitiu uma visão holística do ambiente de trabalhoe acoleta de dados e informações através de relatórios
disponíveis. |
| PATTERNS OF EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS IN INDIA | Author : Nirmala Sirgapur | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Worldwide changes in employer-employee relations or employment relations now indicate growing dissimilarities in
employment practices across firms within countries and growing similarities in employment relations across countries. The dissimilarities and similarities are best described in terms of differences in firms’ employment relation systems, where each employment relation system is described by a set of interrelated
components such as organizational structures; rights of workers, unions, and managers; and nature of work
practices. In this approach, difference in employment relation systems across firms arise because of differences in the components of their systems and differences in the relationships of the components. |
| A PRODUTIVIDADE NA MODERNIDADE (Productivity in modernity) | Author : Clêuber Pimentel Barbosa, Raylene Rodrigues de Sena, Edna Aniceto de Magalhães Cardoso, Lenice Ypiranga Benevides de Araújo Vieira Sá, Alexandre Pirangy de Souza, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This article aims to present an understanding of how the power relations between capitalists and workers, together with the dominant discourse on the question of labor productivity, with a view to maintaining the level of competitiveness of the
organization in front of the market and the own Workers income. The concept of productivity assumes fundamental importance in the business environment in the current economic context, for its importance in ensuring the survival of the
organization and contributing to its success. The method used for this analysis was the critical hermeneutic, based on the work Discipline and Punish by Michel Foucaut. It is noticed that in modernity some organizations have developed a more elaborate form of monitoring and punishing when adopting systems of bonanzas, where profit goals are established that, if they are reached, all receive an additional one in the form of a type of fourteenth salary; Otherwise they do not receive (they are
punished). The problem begins when what happens is not always within reach of employees to achieve the goal
(for example, in the midst of an economic crisis). It is healthy to revise and adopt a critical stance regarding discourses from other countries, where there is culture and habits different from ours. |
| O IMPACTO DAS TRANSFERÊNCIAS DE CAPITAL NO DESENVOLVIMENTO DOS MUNICÍPIOS DOS ESTADOS DA REGIÃO SUDESTE DO BRASIL | Author : Cristiano Martins Vieira | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Abusca de fontes de recursos alternativas que promovamreflexos no desenvolvimento local tem sido um dos grandes desafios dos gestores públicos. Neste sentido o presente artigo busca verificar os reflexos da política pública de transferências de capital no desenvolvimentoregional. As transferências de capital, aqui trabalhadas são aquelas fruto da
transferência voluntária de recursos por outros entes da federação. Metodologicamente foi realizada uma pesquisa descritiva a partir de um estudo de caso nos municípios dos estados da região sudeste do Brasil (São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais e Espirito Santo) onde foi verificado o total de recursos recebidos a título de transferências de capital do ano de 2003 a 2013, extraídos do site da Secretaria do Tesouro Nacional,e a variação de alguns indicadores: Indicador de
Desenvolvimento Humano Municipal-IDHM (educação, longevi d adeerenda ) , Índice Firjan (emprego&renda, saúde educação), Índice de Gini e Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios-
(PNAD-IBGE). A partir destas informações foi realizada uma análise estatística através do coeficiente de correlação entre as transferências de capital per capita e a variação dosindicadores de desenvolvimento ao longo de determinado período. Como resultado foi verificado uma correlação positiva moderada existente entre o total captado per capita e os indicadores de educação e saúde, porém o inverso ocorre com o indicador de emprego e renda, ficando evidenciado neste último quequanto maior a arrecadação per capita pior oresultado. Cabe neste caso um melhor desdobramento da área para qual a transferência
capital foi vinculada, ou seja, quanto dos recursos repassadosforam vinculados a educação, saúde,emprego e renda. |
| FACTORS AFFECTING CONSUMER BEHAVIOR ON ONLINE SHOPPING-A STUDY ON BANGALORE NETIZEN’S | Author : Mr. Neella Bhargava and Dr .Geeta Rajaram | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :English entrepreneur Michael Aldrich inventedOnline shopping in 1980’s now it became a necessary for the consumers in developed and developing countries.E-shopping is a form of electronic commerce which allows consumers to directly buy
goods or services from a seller over the Internet using a
web browser. Alternative names are: e-web-store, eshop,
e-store, Internet shop, web-shop, web-store, online store, online storefront and virtual store. Though online shopping is very common outside India, its growth in Indian Market, which is a large and strategic consumer market, is still not in line with the global market. The potential growth of on-line shopping has
triggered the idea of conducting a study on on-line shopping in India. The present research paper has used Qualitative and Quantitative research methods to study the impact of Demographic factors of consumers on on-line shopping parameters like satisfaction with on-line shopping, future purchase intention, frequency of on-line shopping, number of items purchased, and overall spend on on-line shopping.
The data was collected through Questionnaires. The results of study reveal that on-line shopping in India is significantly affected by various Demographic factors like age, gender, marital status, family size and income. The results of the study could be further used by the researchers and practitioners for
conducting future studies in the similar area. |
| THE REGULATORY POWER CONFERRED ON THE ACCOUNTS COURT OF RONDONIA STATE AS USE ELECTRONIC TRADING SESSIONS ON PUBLIC BIDDING | Author : Victor de Almeida Conselvan and Daniela Barreto da Silva | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The Court of Accounts of the State of Rondonia is acomponent that is supported directly by the Federal Constitution of 1988. This is a supervisory body, which operates in such a way as to assist the external control exercised by the legislature. The Cortes of Accounts were assigned various responsibilities, within the limits imposed constitutionally. However, there are shortcomings related to the area of coverage of the normative power that offers the performance of the functions of the Courts of Accounts, including within the framework of the state of Rondonia. The subject matter includes the discussion about the interference of the Court of Accounts of this state on the choice of trading for the achievement of public bids. |