ENABLING FACTORS OF STRATEGIZING HR PLANNING | Author : TAREKEGN DEA LERA | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In the era of globalization organizations productivity achievement not only determined by existing manpower skill, ability, age and experience mix but also adding value to company competitiveness. What you have to day never be guarantee for tomorrow. Because we live in uncertain and ever changing environment that always need care and seeing unforeseen future events. Globalization, cultural, demographic, social structure changes, technological dynamisms make strategic human resource planning imperative. Just failing to address potential threats in the markets or service place can jeopardizing the validity of your business, failing to anticipate personnel need can impact on overall business or services. HR planning is one way to buffer future environment uncertainties. But this complex activity never happen in vacuum or sterile environment therefore immediate and urgent strategic concern for enabling factors such as organizational culture, building good HR posture through HR architecture and using appropriate measurement tool for instance balanced scorecard is mandatory to gain value from it. Investments in HR technologies are corner stone for proactive planning in HR and that will change the total direction of your organization to boost on competitive world. |
| A STUDY ON THE EMPLOYEE INVOLVEMENT IN KOTHARISUGARS AND CHEMICALS LIMITED, KATTUR ATTIRUCHIRAPPALLI | Author : M.PRABHA AND G.JOHN | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Programs for employee involvement in management decision-making have evolved through numerous stages. Many of these programs, once implemented, did not last. Employee Involvement, Work involvement management (WIM) contains many advantages. By its nature, Employee involvement requires an organization to articulate and assess its most basic activities and values. Work Involvement, instead of imposing a new program on an existing structure, has the potential to reconstruct an organization. Often, for employee participation or a labor-management partnership to work, such fundamental change is needed. Successful implementation of strategic goals requires the understanding and support of the people most often expected to carry out those goals—the employees. In this case, employee involvement and management can be instrumental in producing a sustained commitment and enhanced relationship among employees and performance |
| E - COMMERCE AND GLOBALISATION | Author : CHAVAN ASHOK D. | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This paper examines how globalization of e-commerce is impacting business in general. With the increase of internet-based technologies, it has been the reason for recent stimulus globalization. In this Information Age, Internet commerce is a powerful tool in the economic growth of developing countries. While there are indications of ecommerce patronage among large firms in developing countries, there seems to be little and negligible use of the Internet for commerce among small and medium sized firms. Ecommerce ensures better business in the SMEs and sustainable development of economics for developing countries. However, this is based on strong political will and good governance with a responsible and supportive private sector within an effective policy framework. |