Abstract : Priming is one of the physiological methods which improves seed performance and synchronize germination. In this regard a field experiment was conducted to evaluate the response of sorghum phenology and green fodder yield to various sources and levels of osmopriming. The experiment was laid down in randomize complete block design with four replications. In this research eight priming sources i.e. NaCl, CaCl , KCl, KNO , NH Cl, Na SO , PEG and Manitol 2 3 4 2 4 along with seed soaking in water and control were tested on sorghum seed germinated in laboratory to test germination % and the effect of osmopriming on germination of sorghum seed in incubator at room temperature after 24 hour priming. The data was recorded on various phonological parameters and tissue K concentration. osmopriming sources and levels significantly affected sorghum phenology and tissue K concentration. PEG 8000, NaCl, CaCl 2 showed best results in term of sorghum phenology and green fodder yield. Similarly NaCl and PEG 800 were also better than other chemical sources. KNO showed very poor performance among all chemicals. The lower levels of 3 most chemicals performed better than higher levels. It was concluded that soaking seed with osmopriming agents improve phenology and is recommended for seed priming.