Asssesment of Industrial Wastewater Quality and Management | Author : 1 2 3 Yennawar Vyankatesh B., Bhosle Arjun B. and Shaikh Parveen R. | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : Wastewater is being considered a highly valued water source for irrigation. In this paper, an attempt is made to assess the quality of effluent from Oil & Cattle feed industry in MIDC Nanded region had been analyzed during the study period of year 2011 to 2012. This region located on the bank of river Godavari. In this investigation the collected samples were tested for following parameters such as alkalinity, chloride, hardness, total dissolved solids, total suspended solid, pH, electrical conductivity, sulphate, sodium, potassium, biochemical oxygen demand and carbon dioxide had been analyzed of the effluent collected from the oil industry of Nanded region. It is necessary to analyze and treat the industrial wastewater because it may deteriorate the groundwater and soil. Also it causes surface water pollution due to its discharge. Except oil & grease all the parameters included in this study were found to be within the permicble or prescribed discharge limits for industries. |
| Sustainable Development In Exports Of Herbals And Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani And Homoeopathy (Ayush) In India | Author : K. Marichamy , N. Yasoth Kumar And A. Ganesan | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : India has 15 Agro climatic zones and 17000-18000 species of flowering plants of which 6000-7000 are estimated to have medicinal usage in folk and documented systems of medicine, like Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani and Homoeopathy. About 960 species of medicinal plants are estimated to be in trade of which 178 species have annual consumption levels in excess of 100 metric tons. Medicinal plants are not only a major resource base for the traditional medicine & herbal industry but also provide livelihood and health security to a large segment of Indian population. The domestic trade of the AYUSH industry is of the order of Rs. 80 to 90 billion (1US$ = Rs.50). The Indian medicinal plants and their products also account of exports in the range of Rs. 10 billion. There is global resurgence in traditional and alternative health care systems resulting in world herbal trade which stands at US$ 120 billion and is expected to reach US$ 7 trillion by 2050. Indian share in the world trade, at present, however, is quite low. The National Medicinal Plants Board (NMPB) set-up in November 2000 by the Government of India has the primary mandate of coordinating all matters relating to medicinal plants and support policies and programmes for growth of trade, export, conservation and cultivation. The Board is located in the Department of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha & Homeopathy (AYUSH) of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. |