Dis trict-wise Gr o wth of Population in W es ter n Himala y an St ates of India, 1 98 1-20 1 1 | Author : Sandeep Kumar And S ujan S ingh | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : The growth of population is an important demographic characteristic which not only helps in understanding the population change that a society has under gone, but also helps in predicting the future demographic characteristics of an area. Therefore, it is useful to study and analyze the pattern of population growth. The purpose of this study is to examine the decadal variation of population growth in W estern Himalayan States of India i.e. Jammu and Kashmir , Himachal Pradesh and Uttrakhand sprawling over an area of 3,31,392 sq km. It constitutes about one-tenth area of India but supports merely 2.44 percent of India's population (Census 201 1). The present study is based on secondary data collected at district level for four Census years i.e. 1981, 1991, 2001 and 201 1. The simple percentage method and choropleth technique have been used to present the temporal and spatial variations in growth of population. In order to identify the regions of high, low and moderate growth rate the decadal growth rate of population has been calculated for these decades (1981-1991, 1991-2001 and 2001-201 1). The study reveals that the study area as a whole experienced declining trend in growth of population. However , there were marked regional variations at the district level. The majority of districts of Jammu and Kashmir have recorded sizable growth of population, whereas, the central and southern parts of the study area which comprise Himachal Pradesh and Uttrakhand have conversely registered low growth rate in population |
| Effect Of Sublet hal Concentr ations Of Insecticide Dic hlor v os On Respir ator y R ates Of Snail L ymnaea A ccuminat a (lamar c k) | Author : A.N. L onkar | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : Snails L ymnaea accuminata , were exposed to 1.4 mg/l (1/10thof 96 hrLC50) and 2.8 mg/l(1/5th of 96hr LC50) of insecticide Dichlorvos. Initially at 24 hours, at both the concentrations Increase in respiratory rate is noted. At 48 hours stage, increase in respiratory rate is noticed at both the sublethal concentrations. At 72 hours stage in both the sublethal concentrations reduction in oxygen consumption is noted. At the end of 96 hours, again in both the concentration decrease in oxygen consumption prevailed. These experimental snails upon transfer to fresh water for 24 hours, showed recovery in respiratory rate. Respiratory rates are discussed with respect to sublethal concentration and time of exposure to toxicant Dichlorvos |