Is hedonism present in the purchase of academic books? An empirical analysis in online and traditional purchase methods |
Author : Shivakami Rajan, Jeevananda S |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This paper examines hedonism in Indian consumer behaviour and its exploration in the consumer’s perceptions towards purchasing behaviour in the world of academic and non-academic books. This study also explores the factors that might influence the consumers’ perceptions in hedonic pleasure in shopping for books. Book and publishing industry in India is under a transition period due to the onslaught of internet and its capabilities. M/s. Flipkart changed the consumer perceptions of purchase behaviour in online shopping especially books. Today consumers have plenty of options and choice of virtual companies who are luring them with low pricing and free shipping strategies. There is a war for consumers today in the web. The winner is the consumers who are benefited widely because of this. In such a platform, consumer’s behaviour specially the hedonic behaviour in shopping is examined in this paper. Quantitative survey method is used to achieve the objectives of the paper. The participants of this study are Indian citizens who made purchases of both academic and non-academic books in the past one year or plan to do so in the coming one year. The study is restricted to the geographic area of Bangalore, as Bangalore has the highest internet penetration rate amongst other Indian cities along with a heterogeneous consumer market. The factors which lead to hedonic pleasure in academic shopping are examined. Consumer perceptions of shopping experience, shopping experience in the context of affordability (prices) are also identified. The study reveals that the academic consumers are more economically oriented, enjoy shopping, very author specific and base their purchase either online or traditional, based on the type of book they want- which may be academically oriented or leisure oriented. This may be of special interest to marketers interested in entering the academic market online or traditional. |
Flexural strength and Ultrasonic pulse velocity of Crushing Sand-Lime-Cement-Phosphogypsum Building Brick Grade SW |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The present work focuses on the flexural strength and ultrasonic pulse velocity of wade sand –lime-cement-phosphogypsum building bricks grade SW. It is observed that these bricks have sufficient flexural strength and Ultrasonic pulse velocity Tests were also conducted to study the relationship between ultrasound pulse velocity (UPV) with strength of bricks.. The results suggest that compressive and flexural strength values may approximately be determined without a destructive testing by using the non-destructive UPV measurements |
Mixed Convection in MHD Slip Flow of Alumina Water Nanofluid Over a Flat Plate |
Author : Padam Singh, Manoj Kumar |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Heat transfer in magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) slip flow of an incompressible, viscous, electrically conducting, mixed convective and steady alumina-water nanofluid over a flat plate has been analyzed. The governing equations are transformed into a set of simultaneous ordinary differential equations by using similarity transformation. The set of equations thus obtained has been solved using Adaptive Runge-Kutta method with shooting technique. The effects of magnetic parameter and heat source parameter on velocity and temperature distribution, shear stress and temperature gradient were depicted graphically and analyzed. Significant changes were observed in the heat transfer rate. |
Best Path Routing Algorithm for IDS |
Author : Tomar Kuldeep, Arya Richa |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :In networking there can be any type of security compromise.IDS detects such type of security threat. Information is transferred from one point to another point across the network. There may be various paths between source and destination. But providing best routing path is very important in network.This paper uses different routing algorithms. These efficient algorithms provide good performance for transferring of data over the network. |
Self Organizing Network Functions in 4G (LTE) |
Author : Madhu Bala, Santram Vashisht, Monika Thakur |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This paper deals with Self Organizing Network (SON) and its functions which play a very important role in the cellular network. Now a day’s networks are getting more complex to configure, optimize and maintain. Manually it becomes very difficult to monitor the number of network parameters of increasing number of base stations in the network. SON provides the solution to network problem without any manual intervention. In other words we can say that SON is used to reduce the CAPEX (Capital Expenditure) and OPEX (Operational Expenditure) of mobile operator. Many SON functions will give cost savings and performance benefits from the very beginning of a network deployment. SON has the self healing capability when any fault occurs in the network. Basically SON module in the LTE network consist of many function called as SON functions such as MRO (Mobility Robustness Optimization), CCO (Coverage and Capacity Optimization), ANR (Automatic Neighbor Relation), PCI (Physical Cell Identity), MLB (Mobility Load Balancing) etc. |
Reducing Error Signal in Multilayer Perceptron Neural Networks using MLP for Label Ranking |
Author : Kalyana Chakravarthy Dunuku, V.Saritha |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This paper describes a simple tactile probe for identifying error signal in Multilayer. In multilayer having the number of hidden layers error signal can be process as irrespective manner so difficult to find out the error signal. The multilayer perceptron having the number of hidden layers with one output layer. This networks are fully connected i.e. a neuron in any layer of this network is connected to all the nodes/neurons in the previous layer signal flow through the network progress in a forward direction from left to right and on a layer by layer. In this networks we can identify the two kinds of networks. First one is Function Signal-A function signal is an input signal that comes in at the Input end of the network. Second one is Error Signal- an error signal originates at an output neuron of the network and propagates backward i.e. layer by layer through the network. In this paper, we adapt a multilayer perceptron algorithm for label ranking. We focus on the adaptation of the Back-Propagation (BP) mechanism. |
Experimental Analysis Of An Explosive Test Chamber Subjected To Internal Blast Loading |
Author : Pooja V. Angolkar , N. Madan Mohan Reddy , Prasad S Kallolimath |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract : Explosive test chambers are huge closed chambers used in research, testing of explosive materials and armor, research, and testing of nature of explosives used in military and defense weapons. The chamber is a huge, cylindrically closed, and is reusable. The material of the chamber is structural steel. After initial observations; an experiment is conducted on a volumetrically scaled model. The prototype, which is cylindrical GI container, is closed on both ends. A simple festival cracker is used as an explosive that is placed exactly at the centre of the container. The experimental setup is totally fixed. A camera with 15 frames per second is used to capture the experiment. The deformations are measured using dial vernier, dial gauge etc. The prototype is then modeled in ANSYS with same boundary conditions as for experiment and internal pressure is applied. The time step given is taken from the experiment. The pressure values are validated. Finally, the values are tabulated comparing experimental and FEA results for prototype. |
Injection modeling of Diesel Engine: A Review |
Author : Shankhdhar Vivek , Kumar Neeraj |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Diesel Engine is the most important part of our life. Our transportation, agricultural, defense, science fields are based on the diesel engine. With the increase the use of diesel engines our life many problems are raising. Pollution is major problem so it is necessary to engine manufacturer to invent new technology that how to increase efficiency, decrease fuel consumption rate, Increase work done and decrease exhaust emission. To improve these problems injection timing is the most important parameter. Injection Timing is the crank angle at which the fuel is injected in the combustion chamber. The advances of this angle there is a impact on the performance of the diesel engine. Delay Period increases with increase in injection advance angle. The reason for increase in delay period with increase in injection advance angle is that pressures and temperature are lower when injection begins. When injection advance angles are small, delay period reduces and operation of engine is smoother but power is reduced because large amount of fuel burns during expansions. |
Survey on Various Image Contrast Enhancement Techniques |
Author : Jeena Baby, V. Karunakaran |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :In this paper a survey on various image contrast enhancement techniques has been done. Colour image enhancement plays an important role in digital image processing. Contrast enhancement is an optimization problem and is done for the images which are experiencing poor quality. Poor quality on images is due to various factors like environmental lighting conditions, defects in photographic devices etc. Therefore image contrast enhancement is important in order to improve the human acceptance rate. Most of the papers are based on histogram equalization technique and its extensions. Histogram equalization is a contrast enhancement technique based on histogram of the image. Each technique has got its own advantages as well as disadvantages. Various contrast enhancement techniques have been proposed by different authors as an extension of the traditional histogram equalization. They are power constrained contrast enhancement, dynamic range compression, colour model conversion, gamma correction and channel division methodologies. Several recent papers are being surveyed under each technique. |
Analysis of Artificial Neural Networks Based Intrusion Detection Systems for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks |
Author : Alka Chaudhary, V.N.Tiwari, Anil Kumar |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :In mobile ad hoc networks, Intrusion detection system is known as the second line of defense because prevention based techniques are not a good solution for ad hoc networks due to its complex characteristics. For the security point of view, many intrusion detection systems have been proposed to mobile ad hoc networks in literature. This paper analyzed the proposed artificial neural networks based intrusion detection systems and also discussed their applicability in mobile ad hoc networks. |
Slicing of Software Components Using Object-Oriented Technique |
Author : Arvind Kumar, Dr. Surender |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE) is an approach used to develop a large software system with the assembly of reusable software components according to the client-specific requirement. CBSE is based on reusable software component that can be replaced and updated easily. This paper extends the graph less technique proposed by Beszedes for slicing Object Oriented Programs. The proposed approach computes the dynamic slices of the OOPs especially in case of polymorphism. The proposed approach generate the defined-used chains of the objects and variables used in the program and then compute the slice using those defined-used information, then debug the program by detecting the various possible bugs and generating the suggestion messages which may remove the present bug. A GUI tool has been developed to compute and display the computed slice. Tool allows the user to browse the program and then generate the results. So using this technique, researcher selects the optimal components from component repository. |