Safeguard the Cultural Heritage of Ladakh | Author : Farhat Bano Beg and Furqan Aalam Beg | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : ABSTRACT: Cultural and natural heritage is among the priceless and irreplaceable assets, not only of each nation, but of humanity as a whole. The loss, through deterioration or disappearance, of any of these most prized assets constitutes an impoverishment of heritage of all the people of the world. It tells us about the traditions, the beliefs and the achievements of a country and its people. Tourism is concentrated in the predominantly Buddhist settlements of the Indus Valley, of which the ancient capital and trading center of Leh. It is a land of rich culture, traditional knowledge and natural wonders. The strength of locals to tolerate the geographical and climatic extremities often leaves the visitors overcome with amazement. Visitors come to see a preindustrial culture, tour the Buddhist monasteries, and take in the dramatic mountain vistas. Over the years, Ladakh has gained popularity as a unique tourist destination. Mass tourism has acted as a powerful catalyst for change that is extremely challenging. Tourism has an enormous influence on the local economy, ecology and Society. The tourism economy is centered around Leh, and very little of the economic benefit of tourism accrues to the more than 90 percent of Ladakh is who live outside of this area. Within Leh the handful of Ladakhis who own large hotels benefit disproportionately. The openness and friendliness that Ladakh is have traditionally shown to visitors has been eroded by the commercialization of their culture and their understandable resentment toward the invading crowds. Theft, virtually unknown in traditional Ladakhi society, is now a common complaint among urban tourists and trekkers alike, and children now plague visitors for handouts. In the past few years, this unique culture has suffered great losses and indigenous communities, have included themselves in the fold of unchecked globalization, further damaging their cultural wealth. Tourism industry is crucial for Ladakh as a source of livelihood at the same time; it is posing a colossal threat to its cultural and environment legacy. No government or non-government organization can contribute to the conservation of the society without the participation of local communities. |
| AMERICA FOR THE EUROPEAN: A study of Kafka’s novel Amerika | Author : Dr. Shazia Siddiqui Khan | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : ABSTRACT: My article has tried to present a deep study of the novel Amerika, written by the Prague born writer, Franz Kafka, this being the first of the three novels that this novelist, belonging to the period of the Hitler regime, wrote. Therefore being helplessly relegated to the margin was an idea that was extremely familiar for this Jewish writer who died early due to tuberculosis. The article takes up the issue of marginality and assimilation as it traces closely, the experiences of a very young, and initially naïve protagonist, in the alien continent\country- America. Also examined in the article is the idea of menace which the protagonist sometimes encounters. I have also tried to probe into the psychology of a character, who has been thrown, unprepared, into a new world, that too by way of punishment. |
| Comparison between the structures of Wuthering Heights and Great Expectation | Author : Iftikhar Hussain Lone and Shafaq Muzaffer | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : ABSTRACT: The structure is the backbone of a book. Beneath the surface, it holds everything together and imposes order on the flow. Without a coherent and logical structure, the novel’s key elements are unclear. Victorian Age is known for perfection of the novel from all corners. Though Charles Dickens and Emily Bronte have distinct places in the literary World, Yet their representation of their age has many things in common. The two novels in question “Great Expectations” and “Wuthering Heights” range from Gothic tradition to migration and romance to villainy. Both of these stories can be set off and paralleled to the other. The setting, narration, plot, time era, and lover’s relationships are the elements of comparison as they form the overall structure of a novel. |
| Re-discovering English as an Oriental weapon in post-independent India: Chutneyfication of the western tongue through textual and verbal discourses | Author : Sayan Dey | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : ABSTRACT: In the contemporary era, English language performs a crucial role in global transformation and exchange. Diversification and modification of the language has not only diminished the age-old occidental/oriental dichotomies but has caused a complete erasure of the cartographical divisions of nation-state across the world. This language through a continuous process of colonial and marketing exchanges has become the primary source of universal contact. The acceptance and impact of English varies from nation to nation. English may have been introduced as a formal communicative procedure in Europe, but in the continents of Africa, Asia, America or Australia the language was introduced as a powerful colonial discourse and it is still flourishing as a neo-imperialistic discourse in several countries. This paper highlights the function of English in post-independent India, imploring the gradual transcendence of the language from mere colonialism to globalism. The language has been re-explored and rediscovered as an anti-colonial weapon to escape from the colonial shadow and establish universally distinct language identity. Most fascinating aspect about India is that English has been mimicked and molded on the basis of distinctive language communities spread across different states. Indianized version of English is not a centrally complete concept, but exists through its regional differences. Shedding its capitalist and colonialist identity, today English has emerged as a successful anti-colonial weapon in India to encounter all forms of imperialism or neo-imperialism. |
| FOLLOWING ORDERS: Deliberate Defeat at the Little Bighorn | Author : Monette Bebow-Reinhard | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : ABSTRACT: The battle of Little Bighorn in 1876 marked the beginning of the end of conflict between the U.S. and its military against the various Native American tribes west of the Mississippi River. Historians have given us various ideas of why Lieutenant Colonel Custer met with defeat. But none have noted, in connection with the November 3rd “secret meeting” between Grant and his generals, a movement of troops away from the Black Hills even before decisions were supposedly made to no longer keep miners out of that sacred land. When we study attitude and orders in conjunction with what we know about these events, the idea emerges that the government knew that they couldn’t get the Indians to break the Fort Laramie Treaty unless they were attacked. Here, then, is a presentation of the possibility of deliberate defeat by the U.S. government and its military in order to take the Black Hills. |
| Failure of the Audiovisual Media Law and the contradiction that holds public interest hostage | Author : Raimonda Nelku | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : ABSTRACT: Democratic transitions of Eastern countries brought about the need to shifting from eastern into western paradigms. Transitioning into western models of media, more specifically to the public system of broadcasting became a prerequisite for achieving the EU status for Eastern European transitioning countries. It has been twelve years since Albania entered the process of transformation from being a State TV towards becoming a Public Television. The article aims to provide a theoretical framework of public television networks in western countries pointing to the pertaining relationships with their political systems. Using this methodology, the article evaluates the developmental process of RTSH, and traces the evolution of certain fundamental laws to determine that political elites have not put forth any efforts to reform laws to establish self-regulatory instruments and guarantee the media independence as a self regulated institution. Despite international recommendations and internal pressures for change, the practices in the area of public network television services have served the private interest of political parliamentary forces. Using the Hallin and Mancini comparative models for media, we established that efforts towards reformation, the changes of Albanian public television are not guided towards a liberal democratic model; instead they resemble a Mediterranean or polarized system. Political arbitration in choosing key institutions that ensure self regulation and the direction of public service broadcasting reflects similarities with the Italian model of Lottizzazione.However, the design of hybrid laws whose structures and functions do not serve public interests, but instead ensure the interest of political elites, is not a formula that guarantees public service broadcasting. By choosing to pursue the old trend of TVSH’s broadcasting methods, politics is channeling the future of public service broadcasting towards a polarizing model. The approach that would allow a liberalization of Public Service Broadcasting, demands a political emancipation and consensus on this particular issue. For now, the sings of consensus are nowhere to be seen, and as such the fate of public service broadcasting remains in a pending status. One of the main consequences in this process, remains the under informed public that is a vital element in a viable democracy. In this case, society becomes the victim of an autocratic system, perpetually stuck in a vicious cycle against democratic interest. |
| Women Empowerment through Entrepreneurship Development in Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in India: An Exploratory Study | Author : Dr. Jainendra Kumar Verma | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : Abstract: The emergence of women entrepreneurs and their contribution to the national economy is quite visible in India. Women’s entrepreneurship has been recognized during the last decade as an important untapped source of economic growth. According to of statistics women in India 2010, proportion of female main workers to total population in percentage is 16.65 in rural areas and 9.42 in urban areas this shows overall less contribution of women in work but more percentage of women workers in rural areas. According to the quick result of the Fourth All India Census of MSMEs (2006-07), there are 26 million MSMEs in India which provides employment to about 60 million people. The sector contributes about 40 % GDP, beside 45% to the total manufacturing output and 40 % to the exports from the country. There could be many opportunities identification hidden inside the challenges for small business concerns. This paper examines various opportunities and challenges for Women Entrepreneurship Development in Micro Small and Medium Enterprise. More precisely the paper explores, rewards for starting a small business, myths about small businesses, new opportunities, four forms of entrepreneurship, identification practices among first generation and major challenges in small business. |
| An Empirical Evaluation of Job Satisfaction in Private Sector and Public Sector Bank Employees | Author : Prof. Madhurima | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : ABSTRACT: Job satisfaction cannot be defined by a single measurement alone. In fact, there is substantial evidence to support a relationship between satisfaction and performance of a job. For such a relationship there has been tremendous interest among managers and economists as it helps in increasing the quality as well as quantity of the production. However, some argue contrarily, that rather it is the performance that leads to satisfaction. Whatever be the direction of relationship, one thing is clear that productivity and satisfaction have some mutual relationship and each of them affects the other. This paper examines as to when generalizations are to be made it becomes imperative to see which of the factor differentiates the job satisfaction level of private from the public sector employees and if the satisfaction levels of any of the two sectors are different from the other then what are the implications of that on the performance, growth and effectiveness in the long run. The paper empirically measures employee satisfaction in key areas, organizations can gain the information needed to improve their satisfaction, motivation, retention and productivity. |
| Effects of Organizational conflict stress on public sector employees in India | Author : Ms. Vaishali | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : ABSTRACT: This study aims to explore the effects of organizational conflict, on role stressors namely role conflict and role ambiguity, among the employees of J&K public corporations. Based on the survey of 242 corporate employees of J&K State Forest Corporation, J&K State Road Transport Corporation, J&K Cement Limited and J&K State Industrial Development Corporation, the effective response received was 72.31%. The data was analyzed using exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis using the structural equation model to measure the relationship among the constructs. The empirical results revalidate that role conflict and role ambiguity has positive association with employees stress. The mediating effects of organizational conflict positively impact employees stress. Implications, limitations, and future lines of research are also discussed in this paper. |
| Rural Development with Special Reference to Drinking Water, Health and Agriculture in India | Author : Shailendra Kumar | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : ABSTRACT: Rural India comprises 73 %of the country’s population, but its share in the total national income is less than 45 %. The rural sector is characterized by low income levels, poor quality of life and a weak human capital-base. There are many problems in rural India related with the health, agriculture & drinking water. Generally rural public health facilities across the country are having a difficult time attracting, retaining, and ensuring regular presence of highly trained medical professionals. The higher the level of training required for the position, the greater is this need gap. It is true that providing drinking water to such a large population is an enormous challenge. The health burden of poor water quality is enormous. It is estimated that around 37.7 million Indians are affected by waterborne diseases annually, 1.5 million children are estimated to die of diarrhoea alone and 73 million working days are lost due to waterborne disease each year. Indian agriculture has taken a big leap in the last 60 years. Agriculture which had the responsibility to feed 350 million in 1947 has now 1,100 million people to feed, which is a huge responsibility. Indian agriculture is facing a policy paradox. In spite of that we should discuss on these three elements. |
| An empirical study on measurement of employee's satisfaction with special reference to AREVA, Allahabad | Author : Indal Kumar | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : ABSTRACT: This study has been done to measure the satisfaction level of employees with special reference to AREVA, Allahabad. Nowadays scenario has been changed to sustain in such a competitive market. It is very important to retain good employees that contribute towards the achievement of organizational goal and employee’s satisfaction as well. The research papers highlight some of these problems and present a picture of level of job satisfaction among employees of AREVA Companies. It also identifies unique issues of job satisfaction in the company. In order to gain competitive advantage and adapt to the dramatic changing environment. It is important for them to achieve management efficiency by increasing employee satisfaction in the organization. |
| Industrial Dispute Act and Its Impact on Industrial Development: An Analytical Study | Author : Bheemvrat Pratap Singh | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : Abstract: The Industrial Disputes (Amendment) Bill, 2009 was introduced in the Rajya Sabha on 26th February, 2009. The bill seeks to amend a few provision of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. Industrial Disputes and their settlement have been provided in Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. The Act defines the relevant terms and also defines the Industrial Dispute, Industry and the mechanism of the settlement of dispute. Now we will study different dimensions in detail for managerial perspective. The study of Industrial Dispute prevention involves the study of determining the types of disputes and their causes along with the settlement and prevention of disputes in Management. What is the management attitude towards labour.An exploratory study to use in this paper for industrial dispute act and its impact on industrial development for analysis of different dimensions of this topic and the research paper based on secondary data sources. Finally study gives the suggestions and conclusion about how to prevent the industrial dispute. |
| Thinking dynamic fragments of the infinite | Author : Fabio Scorza | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : ABSTRACT: Compilation of eleven short essays that reflect authors view on various themes. Themes covered under this compilation are: • Right or wrong, good or bad, beautiful or ugly, these are all undefined and indefinable abstractions. • Communication: we're losing this ability; we are hiding behind a screen. • Ecology and environment: what can we do? • From kings to subjects: a society founded on the principle of dishonesty, arrogance and inequality. • Globalization and constraints, we must respect and protect diversity! • The Internet: the most possible objective analysis. • Everybody isn’t equal in front of law and you cannot speak about justice... • The World’s Government, our money does not belong to us anymore! • We are reducing our planet into a giant landfill: we ourselves are becoming garbage! • School: an obstacle to reasoning, reflection and research. • Let’s entrust the highest roles of the State to young people and women! |