Electoral Reforms in India: Comparative Analysis with U.S.A. & U.K. | Author : Dr. Pragya Singh | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : The elections and political parties are necessary ingredients of democratic governance. Elections are a necessary condition of representative democracy. In representative democracy citizens participate in politics primarily by choosing political authorities in competitive elections. Elections, hence, are a necessary and crucial instrument to make democracy work. In India, free and fair elections are held at regular intervals as per guidelines of the constitution and the Election Commission. To make them free of flaws it is essential to reform them from time to time. Electoral reform means introducing fair electoral systems for conducting fair elections. It also rejuvenates the existing systems to enhance and increase the efficiency of the same. Following the demands of electoral reforms several committees were being set up. Some of the measures like reduction of voting age and anti defection law are appreciable but there are other vital areas in election field completely neglected. This paper will evaluate about different attempts made for electoral reforms in India. Different challenges before the Election Commission are also been discussed, also how it can be made effective as suggested by Commission in India will be presented. A comparative analysis with other democratic countries like U.S.A and U.K. is added to it. |
| Effectiveness of Public Distribution System in Jammu & Kashmir | Author : Ms. Ramandeep Kour | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : Effectiveness of Public Distribution System in Jammu & Kashmir Author / Authors :Ms. Ramandeep Kour Page no.166-178 Discipline : Applied Economics/ Management/ Commerce Script/language : Roman/English Category : Research paper Key words: PDS (Public Distribution System), Fair Price Shop, Social Security, Essential Commodities. |
| Dalit vimarsh: Prasangikta kal, aaj aur kal | Author : डॉ0 आभा रानी | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :http://www.slideshare.net/Socratesjournal/s-o-c-r-a-t-e-s-journal-abstract-3 |
| Women Empowerment in Modern India | Author : Dr. Shruti Singh | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : For centuries women were not treated equal to men in many ways. They were not allowed to own property, they did not have a Share in the property of their parents, they had no voting rights, and they had no freedom to choose their work or job and so on. Gender inequality has been part and parcel of an accepted male-dominated Indian society throughout history. Women were expected to be bound to the house, while men went out and worked. This division of labor was one of the major reasons why certain evils like 'Sati Pratha', ‘PardahSystem', 'Child Marriage', 'Dowry System', etc. took birth in our society. The traditional Indian mentality assumes that the place of women is mainly concentrated to the household activities like kitchen work and upbringing of the children. There is systematic discrimination against women economically, socially, politically and culturally more so, in India. These discriminations & disabilities are practised at all levels day in & day out. Women Empowerment is the ability of women to exercise full control over their actions. This means control over material assets, intellectual resources and even over their ideologies. It involves, at the psychological level, women's ability to assert them which has, so far, been constricted by the 'gender roles' assigned to them especially in a culture like India which resists changes. This essay throws light upon the different challenges that are faced by Indian Women and why there is still need for their empowerment. It will also focus on the efforts made by Government for empowerment of women. |
| Dalit vimarsh: Prasangikta kal, aaj aur kal | Author : डॉ0 आभा रानी | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :https://www.evernote.com/shard/s352/sh/737947c4-017a-405b-a696-b8e670f79267/4d68fbef945e0adcb352114e699b58c5 |
| BHARTIYA SANSKRITI AUR HUM | Author : डॉ0 आभा रानी | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : find this article on : https://www.evernote.com/shard/s352/sh/7ce28131-ce5f-47b1-871e-76b598d4a080/69d89911af913edd5d622e0eabcf37b2 |
| Health and life style of rural and urban population: An Anthropological study | Author : Arnasha Singh | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : Food has been a vital material of the life since inception of all organisms. By taking food we ensure growth of our children and youth, and maintain our good health. But some foods are good and helpful for maintaining health, while some are harmful. A large part of it is scientifically beneficial for body and fulfills needs of our life style. Thus, it can be stated that food is that which nourishes our body. It may also be defined as anything which is eaten or drunk, that meets the needs for energy building. In short, the food is the raw material from which our bodies are made. Intake of its any kinds amounts to health, which may be evident in our appearance, efficiency and emotional well-being. My objective of this study is that to check the health status of urban and rural health. This approach is used for rural and urban population of Allahabad district. Research design is descriptive type and data collection techniques are applied interview schedule, participant observation, sampling etc. Finally conclusion is found out in my study that variation of diet is present and health of urban people is good. |
| India's Efforts in Coping the threats of Climate Change | Author : Dr. Sanjay Kumar Dwivedi | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : The global Climate Change has unprecedented consequences in terms of scale and severity over human life. The accumulation of greenhouse gases and CFCs has increased environmental deterioration which is called global warming. Erratic changes in weather, brutal blizzards and floods, vicious heat wave etc. are only some of the effects of climate change. But the most dangerous effect of climate change is the melting of ice caps on the poles due to which sea levels are rising dangerously and life at the poles is threatened. It is also a reality that habitation in several countries , not very much above the sea-level, for example, Maldives, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Indonesia, which have a threat of huge displacement of human beings and domestic animals due to global warming. The survival of millions of people in developing countries like India is more vulnerable to the negative impacts of climate change because of their limited capacity in terms of human financial and institutional resources. India is the world’s fourth largest economy and fifth largest greenhouse gas (GHG) emitter, accounting for about 5% of global emissions. India’s emissions increased 65% between 1990 and 2005 and are projected to grow another 70% by 2020. The major impacts of Climate Change on India are major shifts in temperature, effect on monsoons, rising of sea levels, change in crop cycle, etc. India has prepared the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) in 2008 for energy efficiency and sustainable development. India is a part to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Under the Ministry of Environment and Forests, a National Inventory Management System (NIMS) has been formed to generate a comprehensive knowledge base on scientific issues related to climate change and mitigation. This paper highlights the issue of impacts of climate change and measures adopted by the government to minimize the dangers. |
| Water conservation & the National Water Policy (2012) | Author : Saurabh Chandra | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : Earth and every living organism on this planet require water for survival and without water there would be no life. Drinking water should be clean that means it should be free from microorganisms, free from harmful chemical and other pollutants. Consuming unsafe drinking water may lead to several water borne diseases, and other long term and chronic health problems. Water conservation encompasses the policies, strategies and activities to manage fresh water as a sustainable resource to protect the water environment and to meet current and future human demand. Water conservation in simple words, is an effort to save water and ultimately save the planet. Water conservation is needed to protect the ecosystem and to restore its fast deterioration and to overcome the threats of environmental degradation, to meet the unavoidable emergency of shortage for drinking and domestic water in near future. Water is a finite resource and cannot be replaced or duplicated. Less than 3 percent of the water on Earth is fresh; much of that is unreachable in glaciers, icecaps, or deep in the earth. The ground water levels are declining very fast. Rainfall is unevenly distributed over time and space.Water resources are theoretically ‘renewable’ through hydrological cycle. However, what is renewable is only the quantity, but pollution, contamination, climate change, temporal and seasonal variations have affected the water quality and reduced the amount of ‘usable water’. Increased demands in coastal areas are threatening the fresh water aquifers with seawater intrusion. In inland saline areas, the fresh water is becoming saline due to excessive withdrawal of ground water. |
| भारतीय संस्कृति का उत्स वैदिक वांडमय | Author : डॉ आभा रानी | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : ABSTRACT: This paper is a reflection of Indian culture and civilization in the lights of holy Vedas. The author in this paper considers the Holy Vedas as the origin of enriched and spiritual civilization of India. The Vedas ("knowledge") are a large body of texts originating in ancient India. Composed in Vedic Sanskrit, the texts constitute the oldest layer of Sanskrit literature and the oldest scriptures of India. The Vedas are apauruṣeya ("not of human agency").They are supposed to have been directly revealed, and thus are called śruti ("what is heard"), distinguishing them from other religious texts, which are called smṛti ("what is remembered"). The Rigveda, containing hymns to be recited by the hotar, or presiding priest; The Yajurveda, containing formulas to be recited by the adhvaryu or officiating priest; The Samaveda, containing formulas to be sung by the udgatar or priest that chants; The Atharvaveda, a collection of spells and incantations, apostrophic charms and speculative hymns. |
| Caste, Gender and Resistance: A Critical Study of Bama’s Sangathi | Author : Navya. V.K | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : ABSTRACT: Dalit literature articulates the oppressions and exploitations faced by Dalits in a caste ridden society. Dalit writing as a political form of writing records the cultural and social lives of Dalits and ideologically the writing offers a call for resistance. Bama is a Tamil Christian Dalit writer who writes about the lives of Dalit Women in Tamil Nadu. This paper attempts a look at Bama’s novel Sangathi as a site representing Dalit women and analyses how caste and gender act as tools of double oppression in their life. This critical feminist reading of the novel from a Dalit Feminist perspective focuses on how women are discriminated in the Paraiya community in their relations with different social institutions like education, marriages, electoral politics etc. Simultaneously, we see how this text through its form and theme builds up a resistance against the oppressions the women face in their everyday lives. |
| The Reception of Classical Persian Poetry in Anglophone World: Problems and Solutions | Author : Adineh Khojastehpour and Behnam Mirzababazadeh | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : Abstract: The impact of Persian literature on world culture and literature is undeniable. Persian poets such as Firdowsi, Sa’di, Hafiz, Rumi and Khayyam who deal with universal themes beyond a particular place and time are among the most widely-known literary figures of the world; their works are translated into different languages. Despite the fact that there are different translations of Persian literature in English, it is still not clear whether Persian literature has gained its appropriate place in the world. We study the reception of Persian literature in general and classical Persian poetry in particular in Britain and The United States to see whether it is rightly introduced to these countries or not. A close study of the reception of Persian poetry in Anglophone world in general and in Britain and The United States in particular reveals that while Persian literature is introduced and taught in these countries, it is still far from being truly known there. Those who have been familiar with Persian literature have mainly known it through translations by western scholars, and this has led to problems and misconceptions. As Edward Said argues in Orientalism, the orient is never truly depicted by the west. The best way would be to have Persian scholars of English literature translate Persian works into English. |
| A Study of Women Self-Help Group Members in the District of North Tripura India | Author : Biplab Kumar Dey | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : Abstract: The study attempted to analyze the reasons for joining SHG’s, socioeconomic condition of women self-help group members before and after joining the SHGs and their satisfaction level. For the analysis, primary data collected from 120 women SHG members of north district, Tripura. The chisquare test is used as statistical tools for analyzing the data and testing the hypothesis. The hypothetical analysis shows that there is no significant relationship between the age, profession, income level and level of satisfaction. But educational qualification and the satisfaction level of women has a significant relationship. Finally the study concludes that maximum women group members are satisfied with the activities of SHGs and they got benefit after joining the SHGs. |
| FACTORS influencing e-CRM IN AIRLINES IN J & K | Author : Jyoti Sharma | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : ABSTRACT: Today every organization is acting in a dynamic environment and in a world characterised by turbulent change and fierce competition due to technological advancement and the knowledge based economy, an organization must always ready to adapt and transform themselves so as to be able to confront the shifting needs of the new environment, more demanding customers, smarter workers, anticipating ability to changes, accelerating the development of new products, processes and services, changing technologies and customer expectations, businesses have realised the importance of Customer Relationship Management in acquiring new customers, retain existing ones and maximize their lifetime value. The wide spread availability of the internet across the world has led airlines to use their corporate web-sites to bypass travel intermediaries and focus on online communication, information and transaction. The paper considers five dimensions of Web site quality-usability, web site design, service quality, information quality and enjoyment on a sample of 150 respondents from four airlines namely, Air India, Spicejet, Indigo and Jet Airways. Respondents consisted of 40 employed, 80 business men and 30 students. Overall, the majority of respondents are frequent, experienced Internet users and likely to be relatively good judges of Web quality. Analysis of results shows that customers’ priority about airlines website are changing. As the self-service, no-frills and low-cost trend for air travel has grown in recent years, so consumers have been driven less by service quality and more by easy access to good information packaged in an entertaining and fun "wrapper'. More over the airlines have pursued different strategies for their Web sites over the period of study .Air India rated badly for service quality and Jet Airways and Spice jet scored high on service and information quality. The paper suggests that careful management and selection of subjects to be placed on web site can retain the customers and reduce switching intentions. |