Fungal pathogens associated with respiratory problems in broiler chickens | Author : Radwan I. A.; Abed A. H.; Abd El-Aziz M. M. | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Fungal diseases of poultry have become problematic as bacterial and viral
diseases. Therefore, this study was designed to investigate the prevalence of
fungal agents in broiler chickens suffering from respiratory disorders. The
prevalence rate of fungal isolation was 53.1% including mycelia fungi (42%)
and yeast isolates (11.1%). Mould isolates were identified as Aspergillus
fumigatus (21.7%), Aspergillus flavus (8.4%), Aspergillus niger (8.4%),
Aspergillus nidulans (1.3%), Cladosporium spp. (0.4%) and Penicillium spp.
(1.8%). Concerning yeast isolates, Candida spp. was the most predominant
which were identified as C. albicans, C. pseudotropicalis (2.7% each), C.
krusei, C. regosa (2.2% each), and C. stellatoidea (0.4%). Moreover, one
Cryptococcus sp. was recovered and identified as C. neoformans (0.9%). PCR
assay using oligonucleotide primer amplifying a 570 bp fragment based on
ITS region gene was conducted on randomly selected 9 isolates including 6
Aspergillus spp. (A. flavus, A. niger, A. fumigates; 2 each) as well as 3 yeast
isolates (two isolates of C. albicans and one isolate of C. neoformans). All
tested isolates had positive reactions. |
| Field evaluation of inactivated Corynebacterium ovis vaccine in sheep prepared from a local isolate | Author : Nabila A. Ghazy1; Mohamed G. Abdelwahab2; Makhareta M.A.M.3; Abdallah Y.A.4 | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :; "> Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis vaccine was prepared from a local field
isolate. Vaccination of sheep with 50?g PLD toxoid and 10 mg bacterin adjuvanted
with Montanide oil improved the levels of immune responses of sheep. In many
countries, inactivated C. pseudotuberculosis adjuvant vaccines have been used for
prevention and control of caseous lymphadenitis in sheep. However, the efficacy
was variable. The aim of the present study was directed to prepare and evaluate
the potency of an inactivated C. pseudotuberculosis vaccine using Montanide
ISA206. Sheep were vaccinated with 1st dose of 2ml containing 10 mg bacterin and
50?g toxoid and Montanide ISA 206 oil adjuvant and boostered with the same
dose 15 days Apart. Evaluation of post vaccinal cellular immune response with
lymphocyte proliferation assay and humoral immune response using ELISA was
carried out. Cell mediated immune response of vaccinated sheep reached its peak
0.445 by 1st week post the second vaccination. The level of humoral immune
response showed optical density of 1.005 by 1st week post the second vaccination.
Challenge test was done in all sheep four weeks after the second dose of
vaccination. Three sheep from vaccinated and three sheep from non-vaccinated
groups were slaughtered and necropsied 150 days post challenge. The results
revealed 75% protection percentage against challenge while unvaccinated
challenged sheep showed 9% protection. Statistical analysis indicated that the
vaccine assessed a significant level of cellular and humoral immunity. |
| Rumen impaction in cattle due to plastic materials | Author : Akraiem A.1; Abd Al-Galil A. S. A.2 | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The present study was carried out on 22 cows suffering from ruminal impaction with plastic materials as foreign bodies and ten apparently healthy cows as a control group. Clinical examination included clinical signs, temperature, pulse, respiratory rate and ruminal motility were recorded prior to treatment. Hematological parameters such as hemoglobin (Hb), packed cell volume (PCV), erythrocyte count (RBCs), total leucocytes (WBCs) count
and the glutaraldehyde test were performed. Ruminal fluid was evaluated for
pH and the methylene blue reduction time (MBRT). The mean pH of rumen
fluid, MBRT, total leucocytes count, and PCV were increased significantly
(P<0.05). Rumen motility was significantly reduced (P<0.05) preoperative in
the animals suffering from rumen impaction, but the mean value of pulse
rate, respiration rate, temperature, glutaraldehyde test, haemoglobin and
total erythrocyte count were non-significantly changed. On the 5th
postoperative day the clinical and the laboratory parameters in the study
group had largely become normalized. Six months after the procedure, 18
(81.9%) cows showed complete recovery and 4 (18.9%) animals were
slaughtered within 3 months following surgery. This study concluded that the
clinical and laboratory findings might be of diagnostic importance. Rumen
impaction with plastic materials should be differentiated from anorexia,
emaciation, ruminal hypomotility, tympany and dehydration in cows. The
surgical removal of foreign body demonstrated positive effects on animal
health. |
| Characterization of antimicrobial resistant bacterial pathogens recovered from cases of bovine mastitis with special reference to Staphylococcus aureus | Author : Hassan W. H.1; Hatem M. E.2; Elnwary H. A.3; Sediek S. H.3 | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In the current study, a total of 20 and 78 milk samples were collected from animals
showed signs of clinical and subclinical mastitis, for isolation and identification of
different causative pathogens in some dairy farms of Beni-Suef Governorate, and
for investigation of in vitro sensitivity. The recovered microorganisms were
Staphylococcus species (n=79; 80.61%), Enterococcus spp. (n=28; 28.57%), CAMP
negative Streptococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa (n=7; 7.14%), E. coli (n=3; 3.06%)
and Proteus vulgaris (n=1; 1.02%). Antibiogram profile for S. aureus showed that
the most effective drug was vancomycin and the least was penicillin. Trials were
done to detect biofilm production for recovered isolates of S. aureus (n=23) by the
use of a phenotypic method (Congo red agar, CRA) and genotypic methods
through determination of some biofilm related genes using PCR. All recovered S.
aureus isolates were seeded on the CRA media to detect the biofilm forming
ability. It has been found that all tested isolates showed a biofilm forming ability
either strong (13; 56.52%) or intermediate (10; 43.48%). The detection of some
biofilm associated genes (icaA, icaD and bap genes) using polymerase chain
reaction revealed that two (10.53%) isolates out of 19 were negative for all tested
genes, 16 (84.21%) isolates harbored both icaA and icaD gene, while only one
(5.26%) isolate had all tested genes. |
| Decontamination of broiler carcasses` skin using medicinal herbal extracts | Author : Fathy A. Khalafalla1; Fatma H.M. Ali1; Jehan M. Ouf2; Ahmed M.M.A. Mosa3 | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :"> This study was carried out to detect the efficiency of different
concentrations of medicinal herbal extract as decontaminant agent on
broiler carcasses. Therefore, a total of twelve broiler carcasses treated with
sumac extract (4% and 8% w/v) and rosemary extract (0.3% and 0.5% w/v)
and stored at 0±1°C. All treated carcasses were sensory and
microbiologically analyzed. It has been found that there were no changes in
color and odor of treated carcasses, either by sumac extract (8% w/v) or
rosemary extract (0.5% w/v), however, a reduction in the total bacterial
count, coliforms count, E. coli count and Staphylococcus spp. count one/two
log less than control samples and shelf-life of broiler carcasses was noticed
and extended three to six days more than the control. From the present
study, it could be concluded that sumac extract (8% w/v) and rosemary
extract (0.5% w/v) are effective as broiler meat decontaminant and
preservative. |
| Effect of calcium soap of palm oil fatty acids on milk composition, ewe and lamb performance in a crossbred sheep | Author : Hanaa H. Abdel-Hakim1; Abdel-Hafeez H. M.2; Samar S. Tawfeek2; Hegazy M. A.1 | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :; "> This study aimed to evaluate the effect of Ca soap of palm oil fatty acids (CSFA), as
a protected fat, on milk composition and the performance of both ewes and lambs.
Thirty-three crossbred ewes aged 2-3 years and weighed 41-44 kg were allocated in
three unequal groups for A, B &C (10, 12 &11 ewes, respectively). Group A was fed
a diet free from protected fat and kept as a control. Group B was fed a diet
containing 4 % fat and group C was given a diet containing 8 % fat. The ewes were
in the last month of pregnancy and the experiment extended till the end of late
lactation (4.5 months). Milk composition was tested, and body change in ewes and
nursing lambs was traced. Moreover, the effect of fat addition on dry matter intake
of ewes was analyzed. Results revealed a decrease in dry matter intake in the late
gestation and an increase in early lactation, with no significant differences in the
late lactation. The effect followed the amount of fat added. There was no effect on
ewe’s body weight change or lamb’s growth rate from birth to weaning. On milk
composition, there was an increase in fat %, higher in group B and total solids%,
while percentage of protein was decreased. Concerning fat supplementation, no
effect on lactose, urea milk nitrogen, and somatic cell counts was detected. There
was a decreased level of solids-not-fat in group B, while group C showed no
detectable alterations. In conclusion CSFA supplementation was effective to
increase the fat % and yield in milk of sheep especially at the rate of 4% of addition. |
| Characterization of E. coli and Salmonella spp. isolates associated with omphalitis in baby chicks | Author : Azza A. EL-Sawah1; AL Hussien M. Dahshan1; Soad A. Nasef2; El-Shaymaa El-Nahass3; Nayel A. I.4 | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :0px; "> Omphalitis is a major cause of increased first week-chick mortality. Omphalitis, navel-yolk
sac infection, is a hatchery-born disease, and also known as ‘mushy chick disease’ or ‘navel
ill’. It is a common disease of chicks and poults, often artificially hatched chicks, causing
high losses in the brooding period, as a bacterium penetrates the porous egg shell. As
incubation conditions are suitable for bacterial growth and incubating eggs as well, various
bacteria, such as E. coli, staphylococci, Proteus, Clostridium fecali and Pseudomonas may
be involved in the yolk sac infection. The present study aimed to determine bacterial
causes of omphalitis through isolation and identification of such pathogens. Therefore,
samples from 216 yolk sacs were collected from chicks with unabsorbed yolk materials that
could even smell putrid. Among those, 196 (90.7%) were positive; 135 (62.5%) harboured
single bacterial strains and 61 (28.2%) had mixed infections. The most prevalent single
bacterial isolates were E. coli (110 isolates) and P. aeruginosa (11 isolates). Meanwhile, the
most predominant mixed bacterial strains were E. coli with Salmonella spp. (16 isolates;
7.4%) and E. coli with P. aeruginosa (13 isolates; 6%). Other mixed infections were found in
low percentages. Most E. coli strains were Congo red-positive and non-haemolytic.
Different E. coli serogroups were serologically identified including O27 (4 isolates; 20%), O157
(3isolates; 15%), O26 (3 isolates; 15%) and one isolate of each of the following; O78, O6, O125,
O44, O15, O115, O25, O168, O112 and O63 (each of 5%). Different Salmonella serogroups were
identified including S. cremieu (2 isolates) and one isolate of each of the following S.
enteritidis, S. blegdam, S. senftenberg, S. kingston and S. emek.Isolated bacteria differed insusceptibility. The adhesion-encoding genes (crl and fimH genes) of E. coli were detected
by cPCR. It has been concluded that chicks with omphalitis harboured different pathogens
and they are considered a source of infection during the successive days of life in broiler
| Heavy metal residues in local and imported fish in Egypt | Author : Fatma H.M. Ali1; Nasser S. Abdel-Atty1; Jehan M. M. ouf2; Marwa A. S. Moustafa3 | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :"> A total of 100 random muscle samples of Oreochromis niloticus, Claries lazera, imported
Mugil cephalus and Scomber scombrus fish (25 of each) were collected from different
markets in Fayoum City for determination of lead, cadmium, copper and mercury residual
levels to ascertain whether these levels exceeded the prescribed legal limits. The mean
mercury level in the edible muscles tissues of fish species were ranged from below
detectable level to 0.29 ppm in local fish and to 0.28 ppm in imported fish. The residual levels
were not exceeded the prescribed legal limits of the European Commission Regulation (EC).
The highest mean levels of cadmium were recorded in Mackerel (0.119 ± 0.060, ppm) which
exceeded the permitted values stipulated by European Commission (EC). The samples in this
study contained copper within of the general guideline limit for copper in food. The highest
mean levels of lead were also recorded in Mackerel (0.477±0.073 ppm) which exceeded the
permitted value stipulated by European Commission (EC). The results were evaluated
according to International standards of WHO and EC. The provisional tolerable weekly
intakes used in this study to assess the relative safety of marketed in Fayoum. The public
health significance of heavy metal residues in fishes were also discussed. |
| Using indirect ELISA and PCR for the diagnosis of equine herpes virus-1 (EHV-1) infection in Egypt | Author : Fayez A. Salib1; Magda A. Kalad2; Hany M. Hassan3; Samer F. Said3 | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The present study was carried out for studying the prevalence of equine herpes
virus-1 infection among equines in different Governorates of Egypt. One hundred
eighty two equines of different ages, sexes, localities and breeds showing signs of
fever, respiratory manifestations, abortions, ataxia, dog sitting position, limb
edema, foal depression and death were examined for the isolation of EHV-1 on
both embryonated chicken eggs and baby hamster kidney (BHK) cell culture, the
aborted fetuses were histologically examined for the detection of inclusion bodies.
Serum samples were collected to detect immunoglobulin-G specific to EHV-1 by
using ELISA. Nasopharyngeal swabs isolated virus and the aborted fetal tissues
were tested by PCR using specific primers to prove the infection with EHV-1. The
prevalence of EHV-1 infection in the examined animals was recorded as 4.94%. It
was prevalent in Cairo, Giza, Kafr Elsheikh, Monofeia, El Sharkia Governorates. The
EHV-1 was isolated on the embryo chicken eggs and the pock lesion was appeared
on the chorio-allantoic membranes. The cytopathic effects were also observed in
tissue cultures. The Liver of aborted fetuses showed necrosis of all hepatic tissue
and activation of Kupffer cells with hemosiderin and the detection of eosinophilic
intranuclear inclusion bodies. Indirect ELISA could detect IgG in all infected equines
(n=9) from which EHV-1 isolated. PCR proved the infection with EHV-1 in the
aborted fetal (n=3) tissues and gave similar results by using the horses
nasopharyngeal swabs isolated virus where 489 bp PCR products were detected in
both. In conclusion, EHV-1 is prevalent in different Governorates in Egypt. EHV-1
infection could be diagnosed by intranuclear eosinophilic inclusion bodies in the
aborted fetal tissues. The indirect ELISA could diagnose EHV-1 infection in all ages
and sexes groups. PCR applied on aborted fetal tissues is better for the diagnosis of
EHV-1 infection than that based on the horse nasopharyngeal swabs isolated virus
due to saving time and money. |
| Study on the capability of a dual capripox vaccine in protection of cattle against LSD infection | Author : Christine A. Mikhael; Olfat E. Nakhla; Namaa A. Mohamed | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The experiment applied on four groups of calves, each of four calves. Three calves
from each group were vaccinated with one of the following attenuated vaccines:
Lumpy skin disease vaccine (LSD), Romanian sheep pox (RSP) vaccine, Held goat
pox (HGP) vaccine and dual (bivalent) vaccine of SPV and GPV. All vaccines were
evaluated by estimating the cellular immunity using lymphocyte blastogenesis
measured by XTT assay, and humeral immunity using serum neutralization and
ELISA tests of vaccinated calves. The NI coincided with the ELISA antibody results
and corroborated the results of cell mediated immunity which demonstrated the
capacity of LSD and dual vaccines to induce immune response higher than SP
vaccine and GP vaccines. In conclusion, the current study proved that the LSD and
dual vaccines were highly immunogenic than the RSP and HGP vaccines, and dual
vaccine could be safely used for vaccination of cattle against lumpy skin disease. |
| Coagulase Negative Staphylococci as an emerging cause of bovine mastitis: prevalence, antimicrobial resistance and biofilm formation | Author : Fawzy R. El-Seedy; Ismail A. Radwan; Walid H. Hassan; Amr Shehata | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :"> Coagulase negative Staphylococci are the most prevalent cause of bovine subclinical mastitis. The current study were designed to study their occurrence, antibiogram and their ability to form biofilms. A total number of 95 CNS isolates were recovered from 400 lactating. S. xylosus (36.84%), S. chromogenes (12.63%), S. epidermidis (10.53%), S. saprophyticus (8.42%), S. haemolyticus (7.38%) were the most common recovered species. Disk diffusion method against 14 antimicrobials discs was used to detect their antibiogram. 100% were sensitive to Imipenem, 96.84% were sensitive to Enrofloxacin, 85.26% to Chlramphenicol and 84.21% to Vancomycin. But, 95.79% were resistant to Ampicillin, 77.9% resistant to Cefoxitin, 35.8% resistant to Cefuroxime, 32.63% resistant to Amoxycillin and 18.95% resistant to Clindamycin. Cultivation on Congo Red Agar (CRA) was carried out to detect biofilm formation. 47.37% were positive and S. epidermidis was the most biofilm positive species on CRA by the percentage of 70%. Haemolysins were studied by cultivating CNS on sheep blood
agar. 25.26% were ß-haemolytic, 71.57% (n=68) were ?-
haemolytic and 3.15% were a- haemolytic. |
| Epidemiology of viral components causing respiratory problems in broilers in six Egyptian Governorates | Author : Taher M.T.1; Amer M.M.2; Arafa A.1; Saad F.E.3 | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Infectious bronchitis (IB), Newcastle disease (ND) and Avian influenza (AI) are
highly contagious and the most economically important diseases of the poultry
affecting the respiratory tract and causing economic losses in the poultry industry
throughout the world. In the present study, 180 broiler flocks were sampled from
6 different Egyptian provinces (Giza, Qaluobia, Sharqia, Menofia, Al Behira and
Fayoum) during 2014 to 2015. The birds showed respiratory illness and they were
examined for 4 respiratory viral diseases; avian influenza (AI subtype H5 and H9),
vNDV and IBV. All farms were vaccinated against IBV, ND and AI and were
investigated using RT-PCR. The results showed that 41 out of 180 broiler farms
were positive for either IBV or vND or AI-H5 and AI-H9 as a single infection as
follows: 24, 10, 5 and 2 farms respectively. There were 62 farms detected as mixed
infection, the highest incidence was shown in 40 farms co-infected with IBV and AI
(H9) and 11 with IBV and vNDV, rRT-PCR results for each governorate separately go
more or less parallel to that of all governorates collectively, There was no clear
geographical preferences in positive viruses among governorates. ,Mortality rate
and clinical signs incidence showed the highest percentage for birds reared in
winter and Autumn compared with the other seasons. The results revealed that
IBV as a single or a mixed infection had a major role in the respiratory problem in
the field. |
| Prevalence of brucellosis in buffaloes and its control measures | Author : Mahmoud H. Abd-El Halim1; Abeer A. E. Mohamed2; Nadia A. Shalaby1 | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :> Brucellosis is considered an economically important highly contagious and
zoonotic bacterial disease of water buffaloes. Control of brucellosis in buffaloes is
very important for public health. The efficacy of control program depends on the
detection and eradication of infected animals coupled with vaccination and
application of biosecurity. This study was carried out to control the brucellosis in
buffalo farm in Assuit Governorate, Egypt during the period from April 2015 to
August 2016. Out of 620 unvaccinated buffaloes, 87 (14.03%) aborted. Moreover,
90/620(14.51%), 82/620(13.22%), 82/620(13.22%), and 80/620 (12.9%) buffaloes
were serologically positive by BAPA, RBPT, m SAT and Riv.T, respectively. Three
isolates were differentiated as Brucella melitensis, biovar 3, one strain isolated
from one vaginal swap out of 10 Riv.T. positive recently aborted buffaloes (10%)
and two strains were isolated out of ten milk samples of Riv.T. positive buffaloes
(20%). Eighty serological positive buffaloes to Riv.T were culled from the herd,
while 60 serological negative heifers were vaccinated by Brucella abortus S 19
vaccine, with a dose of 3-8×109 cfu/5ml and monitored for serological titer for 240
days. After 6 months of vaccination, the number of serologically positive calves
declined marginally to 50 (83.33%), 40 (66.67%), 50 (83.33%), 0 (0%), 40 (66.67%)
and 0 (0%) by BAPA, RBPT, mSAT, CFT, iELISA and cELISA, respectively. Three
successive serological tests every three weeks were done by screening tests, BAPA
and RBPT and confirmed by Riv.T. At the end of the control program, all examined
buffaloes were serologically negative. Application of biosecurity in the farm was
applied by the sanitary disposal of aborted material and application of proper
disinfectants at its recommended work strength and contact time. |
| Evaluation of the bioassay of Commiphora molmol extract (Mirazid) against praziquantel in experimentally infected mice with Schistosoma mansoni | Author : Mohammad Aziz1; Amer Ragheb Adel Aziz2 | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Schistosoma mansoni worms inhabit the portal triad affecting blood elements.
Therefore, the current study aimed to compare ameliorative effects of
Commiphora molmol extract (Mirazid, MZD) and praziquantel (PZQ) on some
biochemical parameters in S. mansoni-infected mice. Accordingly, Swiss albino
mice (n=72) were used and were divided into 4 equal groups; 18 mice each. Group
(1) was uninfected non-treated control. Mice in infected groups administered 100
S. mansoni cercariae/mouse. Group (2) contained infected non-treated mice.
Group (3) was infected and treated with MZD at a dose of 500 mg/kg for 5
successive days. Group (4) was infected and treated with PZQ in a dose of 500
mg/kg for 2 successive days. Treatment started 7 weeks post infection (WPT) by
the oral route. Blood samples were collected at the 1st, 2nd and 4th weeks post
treatment for liver functions (ALT, AST and ALP), kidney functions tests (blood urea
and serum creatinine) and cholinergic function (serum cholinesterase level). PZQ
ameliorated activities of serum enzymes; alanine aminotransferase, aspartate
aminotransferase and alkaline phosphatase more than MZD compared to infected
untreated group. PZQ significantly decreased ALT at 1, 2 and 4 WPT as well as AST
and ALP activity at 2 and 4 WPT whereas, MZD resulted in significant reduction in
ALT activity at the 1st, 2nd and 4th WPT. AST and ALP activities appeared at the
2nd and 4th WPT. PZQ caused progressive significant reduction in elevated levels
of urea and creatinine at the 1st, 2nd and 4th WPT, respectively that produced by
MZD. PZQ and MZD induced a significant elevation in the level of AChE. Such effect
was early detected MZD, and it was showed at the 2nd and 4th WPT for PZQ. It
was concluded that PZQ and MZD were safe drugs with no adverse biochemical
effects on S. mansoni-infected treated mice with potential action done by PZQ
rather than MZD. |
| Pathogenicity and immunosuppressive potential of an Egyptian field isolate (2015) of the chicken anemia virus (CAV) in chickens | Author : Nassif S.A.; Anhar A. Abdel Latif; Nermeen M. Elsayed; Hayam Farouk; Ekram Salama; Ghada M. Elsadek | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Chicken anemia virus (CAV) is the causative agent of chicken infectious anemia (CIA).
Studying CAV isolates in Egypt and their genetic diversity and its potential role in
vaccination failure recently noticed in broiler flocks, is lacking in Egypt. So, the present
study aimed to characterize CAV isolate-collected from a commercial broiler flock
suffered from severe anemia and high mortality based on sequence and phylogenetic
analysis of partial VP1 gene as well as to study pathogenicity and immunosuppressive
potential in one day-old SPF chicks. The CAV isolate proved to be positive by PCR. The
PCR product was sequenced and submitted to the gene bank under the accession
number KX171350 and the CAV strain was designated as CLEVB-Zag2. Phylogenetic
analysis at the nucleotide and amino acids level classify CLEVB-Zag2 CAV under group III
(genotype III) of CAVs. On the other hand, the CLEVB-Zag2 CAV was found to be highly
pathogenic for the experimentally inoculated SPF- chicks showing depression, severe
anemia in almost all chicks in two infected groups beginning at the 7th day post
infection (PI) and reached the peak of severity at the 14th day (hematocrit value,
hemoglobin conc. and RBCs counts) are significantly reduced in chicks of the infected
group. Blue wings were observed in few chicks in each infected group at the 14th day PI.
Macroscopic lesions consisting of subcutaneous and muscular hemorrhages are
observed with pale bone marrow, significant atrophy of thymus, spleen and bursa,
hepatomegally with mottled liver and paleness of the carcasses were detected 7 days PI
Those findings were evident and increased in severity until the day 14 PI. Concerning the
CLEVB-Zag2 CAV, it was found to be highly immunosuppressive in the infected SPFchicks vaccinated with a commercial potent inactivated H5N1 vaccine as manifested by
a significant reduction (protection 50%). The variance in the titer of the shieded
challenge H5N1 virus was 1.45 log10 and the mean HI titer at the 4th week post
vaccination was 1.5 log2 compared with the non-infected vaccinated group where these
values were 90%, 2.35 log10 and 5.3 log2; respectively. In conclusion, the present study
revealed that the CLEVB-Zag2 CAV isolate is highly pathogenic and immunosuppressive. |
| hemical and bacteriological evaluation of some crustaceans | Author : Fatma H.M. Ali1; Abdel- Rahim H.A. Hassan2; Gehan M. Oaf3; Ahmed A. Elmasry4 | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Forty samples of crustaceans, 20 shrimp (local, imported, peeled and nonpeeled) and 20 local chilled samples were collected from Beni-Suef markets.
Samples were evaluated by physiochemical deteriorative criteria (pH, TVBN) and bacteriological quality including APC at 35°C (mesophils), APC at 7°C
(psycrotrophs), coliforms (MPN), fecal coliform (MPN), E. coli (MPN), S.
aureus count and isolation and identification of specific pathogens (E. coli,
and S. aurerus). All fresh and frozen seafood samples were judged as safe
food from the microbiological point of view. The total mesophillic,
psychrotrophic and S. aureus of all examined seafood samples lied within
the standard permissible limits. |
| A case report of lobar agenesis in the lung of a sheep and extra lobation in the lungs of dogs in Trinidad | Author : Mohamed, R.* 1; Georges, K.2; Rajh, S.2; Suepaul, R.2 | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :A clear understanding of the pulmonary morphology of domestic animals is essential for the recognition and investigation of any anatomical variations. The right and left lungs of small ruminants and dog are separated into distinct lobes by inter lobar fissures. The right lung in these animals typically divides into 5 and 4 lobes, respectively. However, the left lung divides into 3 lobes. We report a case of congenital absence of the middle lobe of the right lung of a sheep and extra lobation in the left lungs of two dogs in Trinidad. This case report is of value to veterinary radiologists, pathologists, and veterinary public health inspectors during examination and investigation of the thoracic cavity of the sheep and dog. |