Study on the capability of a dual capripox vaccine in protection of cattle against LSD infection | Author : Christine A. Mikhael; Olfat E. Nakhla; Namaa A. Mohamed | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The experiment applied on four groups of calves, each of four calves. Three calves
from each group were vaccinated with one of the following attenuated vaccines:
Lumpy skin disease vaccine (LSD), Romanian sheep pox (RSP) vaccine, Held goat
pox (HGP) vaccine and dual (bivalent) vaccine of SPV and GPV. All vaccines were
evaluated by estimating the cellular immunity using lymphocyte blastogenesis
measured by XTT assay, and humeral immunity using serum neutralization and
ELISA tests of vaccinated calves. The NI coincided with the ELISA antibody results
and corroborated the results of cell mediated immunity which demonstrated the
capacity of LSD and dual vaccines to induce immune response higher than SP
vaccine and GP vaccines. In conclusion, the current study proved that the LSD and
dual vaccines were highly immunogenic than the RSP and HGP vaccines, and dual
vaccine could be safely used for vaccination of cattle against lumpy skin disease. |
| Coagulase Negative Staphylococci as an emerging cause of bovine mastitis: prevalence, antimicrobial resistance and biofilm formation | Author : Fawzy R. El-Seedy; Ismail A. Radwan; Walid H. Hassan; Amr Shehata | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :"> Coagulase negative Staphylococci are the most prevalent cause of bovine subclinical mastitis. The current study were designed to study their occurrence, antibiogram and their ability to form biofilms. A total number of 95 CNS isolates were recovered from 400 lactating. S. xylosus (36.84%), S. chromogenes (12.63%), S. epidermidis (10.53%), S. saprophyticus (8.42%), S. haemolyticus (7.38%) were the most common recovered species. Disk diffusion method against 14 antimicrobials discs was used to detect their antibiogram. 100% were sensitive to Imipenem, 96.84% were sensitive to Enrofloxacin, 85.26% to Chlramphenicol and 84.21% to Vancomycin. But, 95.79% were resistant to Ampicillin, 77.9% resistant to Cefoxitin, 35.8% resistant to Cefuroxime, 32.63% resistant to Amoxycillin and 18.95% resistant to Clindamycin. Cultivation on Congo Red Agar (CRA) was carried out to detect biofilm formation. 47.37% were positive and S. epidermidis was the most biofilm positive species on CRA by the percentage of 70%. Haemolysins were studied by cultivating CNS on sheep blood
agar. 25.26% were ß-haemolytic, 71.57% (n=68) were ?-
haemolytic and 3.15% were a- haemolytic. |
| Epidemiology of viral components causing respiratory problems in broilers in six Egyptian Governorates | Author : Taher M.T.1; Amer M.M.2; Arafa A.1; Saad F.E.3 | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Infectious bronchitis (IB), Newcastle disease (ND) and Avian influenza (AI) are
highly contagious and the most economically important diseases of the poultry
affecting the respiratory tract and causing economic losses in the poultry industry
throughout the world. In the present study, 180 broiler flocks were sampled from
6 different Egyptian provinces (Giza, Qaluobia, Sharqia, Menofia, Al Behira and
Fayoum) during 2014 to 2015. The birds showed respiratory illness and they were
examined for 4 respiratory viral diseases; avian influenza (AI subtype H5 and H9),
vNDV and IBV. All farms were vaccinated against IBV, ND and AI and were
investigated using RT-PCR. The results showed that 41 out of 180 broiler farms
were positive for either IBV or vND or AI-H5 and AI-H9 as a single infection as
follows: 24, 10, 5 and 2 farms respectively. There were 62 farms detected as mixed
infection, the highest incidence was shown in 40 farms co-infected with IBV and AI
(H9) and 11 with IBV and vNDV, rRT-PCR results for each governorate separately go
more or less parallel to that of all governorates collectively, There was no clear
geographical preferences in positive viruses among governorates. ,Mortality rate
and clinical signs incidence showed the highest percentage for birds reared in
winter and Autumn compared with the other seasons. The results revealed that
IBV as a single or a mixed infection had a major role in the respiratory problem in
the field. |
| The incidence of C. perfringens in chickens in different seasons and Governorates in Egypt | Author : Asmaa Shaaban1; Sahar A. Zoulfakar2; Youssef I. Youssef2; Basma Shalaby1 | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :A total of 247 intestinal samples from freshly dead broiler and layer chickens
were collected from 150 farms in Giza, Sharkia, Qalubia, El-Behera, Daqahlia and
Cairo governorates in different seasons. These samples showed different degrees
of intestinal lesions from apparently normal to sever necrosis with ulcerations.
Clostridium perfringens was isolated from 138 samples with incidence of 55.9%.
The incidence of NE was higher in spring and summer than winter and autumn.
According to polymerase chain reaction and intradermal injection of guinea pig all
isolates were Clostridium perfringens type A. In vitro antibiotic sensitivity tests
made for 15 isolates and most of the examined isolates were highly sensitive to
amoxicillin, ampicillin, florfenicol, penicillin and metronidazole. Three isolates
showed resistance to most of antibiotics were used. Effect of piperazine salt on
antibiotic resistance of C. perfringens isolate was studied in this work. |
| Preparation of inactivated canine distemper vaccine using different inactivators | Author : Shendy M.B; Soliman A.F.; Amany ELZieny | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :; "> Development of environmental, safe and protective vaccines against infectious pathogens
remains a challenge. In consequence of its high morbidity and mortality rates canine
distemper is one of the most important diseases of young dogs. The object of the present
study is to develop a selected method for preparation of an inactivated canine distemper
vaccine. This method involved exposure of the virus to different concentrations of binary
ethyleneimine (BEI), beta propiolactone (ßPL) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Complete virus
inactivation was obtained with BEI (0.003M) for 6 hours, ßPL (1/5000) for 4 hours and H2O2
at a concentration of 3% rapidly inactivated a Vero cell adapted canine distemper virus strain
within 3 h of exposure without affecting its antigenicity or immunogenicity. The safety,
immunogenicity and potency induced in four groups of puppies were evaluated using the
three prepared experimental batches of inactivated canine distemper vaccine. These results
revealed that no residual infectious virus was detected in H2O2 inactivated CD vaccine that
proved to be safe and effective when compared with the same virus harvest that inactivated
with the classical inactivating agents as BEI and ßPL. Thus, an alternative inactivation
method, such as H2O2 is able to maintain the integrity of the virus protein may be essential
for improving the potency of inactivated canine distemper virus vaccine produced sufficient
level of antibodies which measured by serum neutralization test (SNT) and was protected
when challenged with virulent CD virus strain. These findings reinforce the idea that H2O2
can replace BEI and ßPL as inactivating agents for canine distemper virus to reduce time and
cost of inactivation process. |
| Efficacy of a novel foot pan in biosecurity protocols for control of salmonellae in poultry farms | Author : Ehsan Y. Bashandy1; Soad A. Nasef2; Shimaa A.E. Nasr1; May F. AbdElAty2; Osama M. K. Zahran1 | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study aimed to replace liquid foot pan in the poultry farm, with a novel model
that is used more effectively in biosecurity program convenient with the workers
in Egyptian farms that avoid foot pan. This novel model dry foot pan, semiliquid
(wet) foot pan and floor mat that enabled the disinfectants to be worked for a
longer time. In the present study authors are looking for a durable footbath,
stable, fast, easily applied and log acting in the reduction of salmonellae. The
efficacy of powder disinfectant (calcium hypochlorite powder, Halamid, Staldren,
Virkon S and paraformaldehyde) were tested against salmonellae in a novel form
of foot pan dry, semi-liquid and floor mat models. The disinfectants were diluted
by calcium carbonate or sodium chloride powder in the dry form, surfactant in the
semiliquid form and use of the sponge as a mat in the third form. Daily
measurement of the active principle of the tested disinfectants and the log
reduction of the Salmonellae were done. The dry form and semi liquid form of the
Calcium hypochlorite was successfully effective for 10 days in dry form and 9 days
in semiliquid form. However, Halamid and Staldren were successfully effective in
dry form for 14 days and 17 days respectively, semiliquid form was worked for 21
day and 3 days and floor mat was effective for 21 days and 3 days respectively.
Paraformaldehyde powder was also effective for 6 days in the dry form, but in the
semiliquid form was effective for 10 days, floor mat was effective for 12 days. 5%
Virkon S could be effective for 3 days in the dry form and semi-liquid form but only
2 days in the floor mat form. |
| Pathogenicity of Aeromonas hydrophila isolated from diseased sharp teeth catfish, Clarias gariepinus, with special reference to the lethality of its extracellular products | Author : Mortada M. A. Hussein1; Walid H. Hassan2; Mohamed O. Kamel3 | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :0px; "> A study was conducted to investigate the pathogenicity and the median lethal dose (LD50) of Aeromonas hydrophila isolated from clinically diseased catfish against apparently healthy homologous fish to evaluate the lethality of extra-cellular products (ECPs) of the isolated strain in vivo. For pathogenicity experiment, five different concentrations of Aeromonas hydrophila strain BNS 01614 including 3× 108, 1.5 × 108, 1.5 × 107, 1.5 × 106 and 1.5 × 105 CFU/fish used via intra peritoneal. The results revealed that pathogenicity of BNS 01614 was confirmed by the mortality of 30 % to 100 % of all tested fish within 4 to 12 days with LD50 1.5 × 107 CFU/fish. The Concentrated extracellular products (ECPs) of the selected bacterium were prepared and confirmed to be toxic in Clarias garipineus with LC50 of 20µg. |
| Immunological response of locally prepared oil adjuvanted pneumo-5 vaccine in calves | Author : Rasha I.EL-Hawary1; Hanaa A. Mostafa2 | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The present study aimed to prepare a combined inactivated vaccine containing
bovine viral diarrhea genotype-1(BVD-1),bovine viral diarrhea genotype-2 (BVD-
2),infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR),parainfluenza-3 (PI-3) and bovine
respiratory syncytial virus(BRSV) and adjuvanted with montanide oil ISA 206.
Quality control results proved that the pneumo-5 vaccine was pure and completely
safe to be used in calves without abnormalities. Potency test was performed on
two groups of calves three for each group, where the first group was vaccinated
with pneumo-5 vaccine adjuvant with montanide oil ISA 206 and the second group
was left as non-vaccinated control group. In group (1), serum neutralization test
revealed that the serum neutralizing antibody titers in BVD-1 and BVD-2 developed
more higher than the minimal acceptable titer of the protective level (log10 0.9),
while log10 0.6 was protective against IBR, PI-3 and BRS viruses at one month of
vaccination and remained protective till the end of experiment compared to group
(2) that showed no neutralizing antibody response. The prepared vaccine proved
to be highly potent as the developed BVD-1, BVD-2, IBR, PI-3 and BRSV antibodies
remained within the protective level for 9 months post vaccination. |
| Prevalence of brucellosis in buffaloes and its control measures | Author : Mahmoud H. Abd-El Halim1; Abeer A. E. Mohamed2; Nadia A. Shalaby1 | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :> Brucellosis is considered an economically important highly contagious and
zoonotic bacterial disease of water buffaloes. Control of brucellosis in buffaloes is
very important for public health. The efficacy of control program depends on the
detection and eradication of infected animals coupled with vaccination and
application of biosecurity. This study was carried out to control the brucellosis in
buffalo farm in Assuit Governorate, Egypt during the period from April 2015 to
August 2016. Out of 620 unvaccinated buffaloes, 87 (14.03%) aborted. Moreover,
90/620(14.51%), 82/620(13.22%), 82/620(13.22%), and 80/620 (12.9%) buffaloes
were serologically positive by BAPA, RBPT, m SAT and Riv.T, respectively. Three
isolates were differentiated as Brucella melitensis, biovar 3, one strain isolated
from one vaginal swap out of 10 Riv.T. positive recently aborted buffaloes (10%)
and two strains were isolated out of ten milk samples of Riv.T. positive buffaloes
(20%). Eighty serological positive buffaloes to Riv.T were culled from the herd,
while 60 serological negative heifers were vaccinated by Brucella abortus S 19
vaccine, with a dose of 3-8×109 cfu/5ml and monitored for serological titer for 240
days. After 6 months of vaccination, the number of serologically positive calves
declined marginally to 50 (83.33%), 40 (66.67%), 50 (83.33%), 0 (0%), 40 (66.67%)
and 0 (0%) by BAPA, RBPT, mSAT, CFT, iELISA and cELISA, respectively. Three
successive serological tests every three weeks were done by screening tests, BAPA
and RBPT and confirmed by Riv.T. At the end of the control program, all examined
buffaloes were serologically negative. Application of biosecurity in the farm was
applied by the sanitary disposal of aborted material and application of proper
disinfectants at its recommended work strength and contact time. |
| Evaluation of the bioassay of Commiphora molmol extract (Mirazid) against praziquantel in experimentally infected mice with Schistosoma mansoni | Author : Mohammad Aziz1; Amer Ragheb Adel Aziz2 | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Schistosoma mansoni worms inhabit the portal triad affecting blood elements.
Therefore, the current study aimed to compare ameliorative effects of
Commiphora molmol extract (Mirazid, MZD) and praziquantel (PZQ) on some
biochemical parameters in S. mansoni-infected mice. Accordingly, Swiss albino
mice (n=72) were used and were divided into 4 equal groups; 18 mice each. Group
(1) was uninfected non-treated control. Mice in infected groups administered 100
S. mansoni cercariae/mouse. Group (2) contained infected non-treated mice.
Group (3) was infected and treated with MZD at a dose of 500 mg/kg for 5
successive days. Group (4) was infected and treated with PZQ in a dose of 500
mg/kg for 2 successive days. Treatment started 7 weeks post infection (WPT) by
the oral route. Blood samples were collected at the 1st, 2nd and 4th weeks post
treatment for liver functions (ALT, AST and ALP), kidney functions tests (blood urea
and serum creatinine) and cholinergic function (serum cholinesterase level). PZQ
ameliorated activities of serum enzymes; alanine aminotransferase, aspartate
aminotransferase and alkaline phosphatase more than MZD compared to infected
untreated group. PZQ significantly decreased ALT at 1, 2 and 4 WPT as well as AST
and ALP activity at 2 and 4 WPT whereas, MZD resulted in significant reduction in
ALT activity at the 1st, 2nd and 4th WPT. AST and ALP activities appeared at the
2nd and 4th WPT. PZQ caused progressive significant reduction in elevated levels
of urea and creatinine at the 1st, 2nd and 4th WPT, respectively that produced by
MZD. PZQ and MZD induced a significant elevation in the level of AChE. Such effect
was early detected MZD, and it was showed at the 2nd and 4th WPT for PZQ. It
was concluded that PZQ and MZD were safe drugs with no adverse biochemical
effects on S. mansoni-infected treated mice with potential action done by PZQ
rather than MZD. |
| Pathogenicity and immunosuppressive potential of an Egyptian field isolate (2015) of the chicken anemia virus (CAV) in chickens | Author : Nassif S.A.; Anhar A. Abdel Latif; Nermeen M. Elsayed; Hayam Farouk; Ekram Salama; Ghada M. Elsadek | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Chicken anemia virus (CAV) is the causative agent of chicken infectious anemia (CIA).
Studying CAV isolates in Egypt and their genetic diversity and its potential role in
vaccination failure recently noticed in broiler flocks, is lacking in Egypt. So, the present
study aimed to characterize CAV isolate-collected from a commercial broiler flock
suffered from severe anemia and high mortality based on sequence and phylogenetic
analysis of partial VP1 gene as well as to study pathogenicity and immunosuppressive
potential in one day-old SPF chicks. The CAV isolate proved to be positive by PCR. The
PCR product was sequenced and submitted to the gene bank under the accession
number KX171350 and the CAV strain was designated as CLEVB-Zag2. Phylogenetic
analysis at the nucleotide and amino acids level classify CLEVB-Zag2 CAV under group III
(genotype III) of CAVs. On the other hand, the CLEVB-Zag2 CAV was found to be highly
pathogenic for the experimentally inoculated SPF- chicks showing depression, severe
anemia in almost all chicks in two infected groups beginning at the 7th day post
infection (PI) and reached the peak of severity at the 14th day (hematocrit value,
hemoglobin conc. and RBCs counts) are significantly reduced in chicks of the infected
group. Blue wings were observed in few chicks in each infected group at the 14th day PI.
Macroscopic lesions consisting of subcutaneous and muscular hemorrhages are
observed with pale bone marrow, significant atrophy of thymus, spleen and bursa,
hepatomegally with mottled liver and paleness of the carcasses were detected 7 days PI
Those findings were evident and increased in severity until the day 14 PI. Concerning the
CLEVB-Zag2 CAV, it was found to be highly immunosuppressive in the infected SPFchicks vaccinated with a commercial potent inactivated H5N1 vaccine as manifested by
a significant reduction (protection 50%). The variance in the titer of the shieded
challenge H5N1 virus was 1.45 log10 and the mean HI titer at the 4th week post
vaccination was 1.5 log2 compared with the non-infected vaccinated group where these
values were 90%, 2.35 log10 and 5.3 log2; respectively. In conclusion, the present study
revealed that the CLEVB-Zag2 CAV isolate is highly pathogenic and immunosuppressive. |
| Comparison of tramadol, lidocaine and tramadol-lidocaine combination for epidural analgesia in goats | Author : Ragab G. H.; Seif M. M; Fatma M. Halfaya | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The aim of this study was to compare the analgesic effect of tramadol,
lidocaine and tramadol-lidocaine combination injected in the epidural space
in goats. Nine goats were used to compare the epidural analgesic effect of
tramadol (3 mg / kg), 2% lidocaine (2.86 mg/kg) and tramadol-lidocaine
combination (1 mg /kg and 2.46 mg kg, resp.). Onset time, duration, and
degree of analgesia and ataxia were recorded as well as Heart rate (HR),
respiratory rate (RR), rectal temperature (RT), and biochemical parameters
were recorded. Time to onset and duration of analgesia, were tramadol 10
min and 225 min; lidocaine 4 min and 85 min and tramadol-lidocaine 4 min
and 130 min respectively. Onset time and duration were significantly longer
with tramadol and tramadol-lidocaine combination than the other
treatment. Ataxia was not observed in tramadol and mildly observed in
tramadol-lidocaine combination and was severing in lidocaine. Tramadol
and tramadol-lidocaine combination might be clinically useful to provide
analgesia in goats for long-duration surgical procedures than lidocaine
alone. |
| A qualitative immunoassay as complementary test with tuberculin skin test for detection of tuberculosis in dairy cattle | Author : Walid Hamdy Hassan1; Essam Amin Nasr2; Hassan Mohamed Moussa3 | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Bovine tuberculosis, caused by Mycobacterium bovis, is a zoonotic disease causing
approximately 6% of total human deaths. Its economic losses are not only a
reduction of 10-20% in milk production and weight, but also infertility and
condemnation of meat. Many serological tests are applied for detection of
tuberculosis. ELISA test has the highest sensitivity and specificity than the other
serological tests for the diagnosis of tuberculosis. Several forms of new technology
were brought into the diagnostic approach to mycobacterial infection. The aim of
this work was to detect bovine tuberculosis by application of different serological
tests. Tuberculin skin test was applied on 2650 cattle, only 63(2.4%) were positive.
Forty eight (76.2%) of the slaughtered positive animals showed visible lesions (VL)
while the other 15 (23.8%) had non-visible lesions (NVL). The bacteriological
examination of the 63 samples revealed isolation of M. bovis from 47 processed
samples (74.6%). The results of the immunoassay test have detected 27 out of the
tuberculin positive cattle, while the ELISA has detected 34 out of the positive
reactor cattle. It was concluded that immunoassay and ELISA tests act as
complementary tests for tuberculin skin test especially in anergic cattle. |
| Microbial quality of street-vended ice cream | Author : Abo El-Makarem H.S. | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :h: 0px; "> Ice cream is a delicious dairy product commonly consumed during summer in all
age groups. Due to its composition, it can harbor many potent pathogens. Most ice
creams become contaminated with microbes during production, transit, and
preservation. Such contaminated food product can be responsible for food borne
infections in children, elderly people and immune-suppressed patients. Therefore,
the study was conducted to evaluate the microbiological quality of street-vended
ice creams sold in different areas of Alexandria city, Egypt. One hundred street
vended ice cream samples (50 packed and 50 unpacked) randomly collected
samples and analyzed for total bacterial count, Enterobacteriaceae count, coliform
count, enterococci count and Staphylococcus aureus. The results revealed that the
mean value of total viable count, Enterobacteriaceae count, Coliform count,
Enterococci count and Staphylococcus aureus in packed and unpacked ice cream
samples were 1.9x103±0.3x103, 1.0x106±0.8x106; 2.1x103±0.8x103,
1.9x104±0.8x104; 1.6x103± 0.6x103, 0.8x104±0.6x104; 1.3x103±0.05x103,
7.4x104±5.5x104 and 9.1x102±2.6x102, 0.8x104±0.4x104cfu/ml, respectively.
Enterobacter aerogenes, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Citrobacter
sp. could be isolated and identified from the examined packed and unpacked ice
cream samples. Serological identification of E.coli showed that the O111: K58: B4 is
the most serotype of E.coli isolated from unpacked ice cream samples while O128:
K67: B12 is the most prevalent E.coli serotype isolated from packed ice cream
samples. It is recommended to launch awareness programs to minimize the
contamination of ice cream products. |