Effects of bacterial lipopolysaccharide on serum testosterone level and sperm vitality in mature rats | Author : Abdellah Hassan1; Mohammed Youssef2; Atef M. Khalil3; Hassan Ahmed2 | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In the last decades, the light had been shed on the importance of male
reproduction and how to protect it from disease conditions and
inflammation which may cause infertility. Accordingly, the mechanism
underlying inflammation-mediated infertility must be well clarified. In the
present study, an experimental model of acute inflammation in mature male
albino rats was established by intraperitoneal (ip) injection of a single dose
of lipopolysaccharides (LPS). Consequently, basic reproductive parameters
were estimated after LPS administration. Blood samples were collected and
assayed for serum testosterone levels. Semen was also analyzed for live
sperm percent. Testes were removed for histopathological evaluation. The
findings revealed that testosterone level in LPS-treated rats decreased
significantly (P<0.05) compared to control rats at 6 and 12 hrs after
injection. Meanwhile, serum testosterone recovered 72 hrs after injection.
Moreover, live sperm percent decreased drastically in LPS-treated rats
(P<0.001) compared with control rats at 6 and 12 hrs after LPS injection.
Adverse effects of LPS on sperm vitality at 72 hrs after LPS injection were
also found. Microscopic examination revealed that degenerative changes
were observed in LPS-treated rats at 6 and 12 hrs. Most of histopathological
findings returned to normal structure in LPS-treated rats at 72 hrs. |
| The use of different stabilizers for improving integrity of the locally prepared lyophilized Brucella melitensis Rev 1 vaccine | Author : Nabila A. Ghazy1; Wafaa R. Abd El-Aziz1; Ibrahim H.M.1; Shell W.S.2; Hosein H.I.3 | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Stability study of biological products especially living bacterial vaccines plays
an important role for the determination of product changes in maintenance
period, and ensures safety, efficacy and maintenance of biological
properties of the vaccines. So, the objective of this study was to establish
stability and keeping quality of the local Brucella melitensis Rev-1 vaccine
using different types of stabilizers in lyophilization process. A long-term
stability study was carried out for four batches of reduced-dose Brucella
melitensis Rev-1 vaccine manufactured by veterinary serum and vaccine
research institute using four different stabilizers. Stabilizers were: (A)
sucrose and skimmed milk, (B and C) different concentrations of sucrose,
sodium glutamate and gelatin, and (D) casein, sucrose and sodium
glutamate. The quality control tests including colony forming unit, purity,
dissociation and physicochemical tests on all batches until 12 months postproduction were performed. The obtained results indicated that in spite of
collapse (shrinkage) of lyophilized cake in a number of bottles in batches
prepared using stabilizer A, Brucella vaccine batches were stable and met
the specification recommended by OIE 2012 for 12 months post-production
in vaccine batches with stabilizers A and D. |
| Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus. | Author : Fawzy R. El Seedy1; Hala S. H. Salam1; Samy A. A.2; Eman A. khairy2; Shimaa T. Omara2; Aya A. koraney.2 | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Food contaminated with multiple antibiotic-resistant S.aureus can be a major threat to
the public health. The purpose of this study was to isolate S.aureus from different food
sources, determine their antimicrobial susceptibility as well as detection of mecA gene
among some resistant isolates. Out of 125 samples, 19 S.aureus isolates were isolated,
and the antimicrobial susceptibility testing showed high resistance against kanamycin,
penicillin G, oxacillin, erythromycin and tetracycline were the most resistant
antimicrobials agents. All the tested isolates isolates were multiple drug resistant
(MDR).Eight out of 19 isolates were phenotypically resistant to oxacillin as well as
they were carriers for mecA gene. |
| Molecular and pathological studies of duck hepatitis virus in Egypt | Author : Ali Zanaty; Naglaa Hagag; Mohamed Samy; Ahmed abdel-Halim; Mohamed A. Soliman; Abdel-Satar Arafa; Soad Nasif | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Duck Hepatitis virus (DHV) causes great economic losses in waterfowl
industry worldwide. 3D gene, lies in the P3 segment of the picornavirus
genome, is highly conserved and is a non-structural polyprotein gene, its
encoding protein contains a conserved domain termed RNA-dependentRNA polymerase which participates in the synthesis of virus RNA
during virus replication. The current work describes the surveillance of
DHV in 20 commercial duck farms in Egypt with a history of high
mortality in 3 to 15 day-old young ducklings from 2014 to 2016. Clinical
samples were examined by Real Time-Polymerase Chain Reaction
assays followed by partial sequence analysis of the 3D gene of the
positive samples. Histopathological examination of the liver from
selected samples was also conducted. The overall positive rate was 50%
(n = 10/20). All duck breeds (Pekin, Muscovy and Mallard) used in the
study were found to be susceptible to the disease. Histopathological
findings of the liver samples showed pronounced lesions including
hepatocyte degeneration and necrosis. Also, apoptosis were observed and
bile duct hyperplasia, together with varying degrees of inflammatory cell
response and haemorrhage. Sequence and phylogenetic analyses
indicated that the Egyptian strains cluster in the DHAV serotype 1 with
Asian viruses and distant from the vaccine strains used in Egypt. |
| Prevalence of udder and teat affections in large ruminant in Beni-Suef and El-Fayoum provinces | Author : Ragab G. H.1; Seif M. M.1; Abdel-Rahman M. A.2; Qutp M.3 | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This investigation was carried out on 5457 animals; among which, 3916 cows, 1531
buffaloes and 10 she-camels in Beni-Suef and Fayoum provinces. Animals were
subjected to clinical examination to study the congenital and acquired udder and
teat surgical affections. Clinical findings of affected animals were recorded. It has
been found that the prevalence of teat and udder affections were: in cattle
(19.87%; 778/3916), 141 (3.6%) had congenital anomalies, (hyperthelia 2.17%,
leaker 0.38%, athelia 0.26%, pendulous udder 0.20%, hypermastia 0.26%,
hypoplasia of mammary gland 0.13%, hyperplasia of teat 0.08%, teat obstruction
0.08% and fistula 0.05%)and 637 (16.267%) suffered from acquired affections
(fibrosis 6.26%, mastitis 3.29%, pendulous udder 1.18%, edema 1.15%,
fistula/wound 0.84%, teat obstruction 0.66%, teat stenosis 0.66%, ulcer/crack
0.64%, abscess 0.54%, hematoma 0.26%, seborrhea 0.23%, impetigo 0.18%,
neoplastic growths 0.18%, udder gangrene 0.15% and teat gangrene 0.05%). In
buffaloes (11.43%; 175/1531), 11 (0.72%) had congenital anomalies (hypermastia
0.59%, hyperthelia 0.07% and fistula 0.07%), and 164 (10.71%) had acquired
affections (fibrosis 2.81%, ulcer/cracks 2.09%, mastitis 1.89%, seborrhea 1.44%,
obstruction 0.91%, edema 0.46%, hematoma 0.33%, fistula/wound 0.26%, teat
gangrene 0.26%, stenosis 0.13%, abscess 0.07% and impetigo 0.07%). In shecamels, no congenital anomalies were recorded with only one animal showed an
acute mastitis and other had a teat orifice obstruction |
| Macroanatomic investigations on the course and distribution of the celiac artery in Hooded crow (Corvus cornix) with special reference to the arterial supply of the stomach | Author : Nawal A. Noor | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The aim of this study was to investigate the course and distribution of the celiac
artery in Hooded crows and to extend our knowledge on the captured crows.
Scarce information in the field of veterinary comparative anatomy and the
available literature on the celiac artery and its distribution is provided. So, the
present study tried to declare the confusion about the course and distribution
of the celiac artery in the Hooded crows. Therefore, 10 apparently healthy
Hooded crows of different ages and sexes were captured. The birds were
anaesthetized by IM injection of 0.5 cc of 2% xylazine HCL (3 mg/kg). Colored
gum milk latex (60%) was then injected through the descending aorta. Then,
specimens were subjected to fine dissection to demonstrate the origin, course
and distribution of the celiac artery. The celiac artery erupted laterally from the
right face of the descending aorta opposite to the distance between the 5th
and 6th vertebral rib, on a level with the junction of the esophagus and the
proventriculus. It proceeded ventrally and slight caudally, where it gave off the
esophageal artery after, 5 cm from its origin, the dorsal proventricular artery,
splinc arteries and at the middle of spleen then bifurcated into left and right
branches. The left branch of the celiac artery gave rise to right hepatic artery,
ventral proventricular artery, pyloric branches, ventral gastric artery and then
continued as the A. gastrica sinistra. The right branch of the celiac artery
released the caudal group of splenic arteries, A. gastrica dextra, then continued
as A. pancreaticoduodenalis. |
| Comparison of quality of anesthetic effect between intramuscularly administered ketamine, intravenously administered ketamine and intravenously administered propofol in diazepam premedicated goats | Author : Ragab G. H.; Seif M. M.; Fatma M. Halfaya | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study aimed to evaluate intramuscularly administered ketamine,
intravenously administered ketamine and intravenously administered propofol in
diazepam premedicated goats. Nine native female goats divided into three groups
(each of 3 goats) were premedicated with diazepam 1 mg/kg intramuscularly. Goats
of group I were treated with ketamine (8 mg/kg) intravenously, while those of group
II treated with ketamine (10 mg/kg) intramuscularly, and group III injected with
propofol (5 mg/kg) intravenously. The mean anesthetic onset, anesthetic duration,
and total recovery period were calculated. The mean heart rate (HR), respiratory
rate (RR), rectal temperature (RT) and biochemical parameters also were recorded.
Satisfactory anesthesia and immobilization (smooth induction, and smooth
recovery) needed for surgical interventions of short duration were achieved in all
groups. The induction was good and smooth in groups I and III. The quality of
recovery was good in groups III and I and recovery is longer in group II. In
conclusion, this study indicates that the 3 regimens are associated with acceptable
anesthetic characteristics; Propofol IV is superior to ketamine because it provides
uneventful onset and recovery which are more rapid than ketamine IV or ketamine
IM, so reduces anaesthetic risk while administration of ketamine intravenously is
superior to its administration intramuscularly. |
| The survival of listeria monocytogenes in yoghurt and ice cream | Author : Saadia H. El shinaway; Arafa M.S. Meshref; Mohamed M.A. Zeinhom; DaliaA. A. Hafez | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :; "> The ability of L. monocytogenes as an opportunistic pathogen of humans and animals, to survive and grow under various adverse environmental conditions, makes it a potential health hazard after the consumption of contaminated dairy products, it often implicated in several outbreaks of listeriosis. This study was conducted to investigate the survival of L. monocytogenes strain (NCTC13372) when inoculated with a population level of 6.95 log cfu/g and 7.64 log cfu/g and stored at 4ºC for 15 days and 3 months at -18ºC for yoghurt and ice cream respectively. The obtained results indicated that complete inactivation of the tested organism wasn’t achieved till the end of storage periods and the inoculated L. monocytogenes was survived in both yoghurt and ice cream throughout the trial. It is concluded that in the dairy industry, we cannot rely upon either fermentation process and storage at refrigerating temperature or upon storage at freezing temperature during yoghurt and ice cream manufacturing to control L. monocytogenes pathogen in order to provide safe products for consumption. |
| Effect of parity on the peripartum hypocalcaemia In dairy cows under Egyptian conditions | Author : M. H. Ramadan1; E. M. M. Abdel-Gawad2; A. E. B. Zeidan1; A. Gomaa2 | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :"> A total of 30 dairy cows were attended in veterinary practice investigations have
been done under Egyptian conditions, in Seds farm belong to animal production
research institute , from the reproductive perspective . the study divided the
animals according to parities to - one parity , two parity , three parity and more
than three parity .The study followed values of some biochemical parameters
glucose , calcium , phosphorus ,potassium, sodium ,cholesterol, triglyceride ,
albumin ,total protein and urea. showed that cows affected by hypocalcaemia The
most important notifeibal results in postpartum 1-7 days the calcium level of cows
with parity one calcium level were 7.06 gm /dl while in cows with parity two were
6.64 gm/dl, in cows with three parity 6.6 gm /dl and cows more than three parity
calcium level were 6.91 gm/dl. 14-21 days post partum .4 cows with parity one
calcium level were 7.46 gm /dl, first parity cows has along interval from calving to
estrus ,days open and number of services .cows with parity two has along period to
come in first estrus at 86 ±5.6 s days and long days open which were 106±4.7
days. But NO. of services were high in cows with more than three parity 1.9±0.16 |
| The influence of meat storage atmosphere on the quality parameters | Author : Fathy A. Khalafalla1; Abdel-Rahim H.A. Hassan1; Rabab A-H. Ali2 | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :0px; text-transform: none; white-spacThis study was carried out to assess the effect of storage conditions on the sensory, quality parameters and microbiological status of beef from
the muscle “Semitendinosus”. The experiment was design into 4 groups of beef samples, the first was control and the others were unpacked, aerobic packed and vacuum packed chilled meat. The obtained results showed that the mean values of mesophilic counts were 6×107±5×106, 3×107±3×106, 3×107±2×106 and 5×107±5×106 CFU/g, while those of psychrophilic count were 5×107±5×106, 3×106±3×105, 4×106±3×105 and 7×106±7×105 CFU/g, whereas the mean values of coliforms MPN were 105±104, 105±104, 2×104±10³ and 4×107±2×106 MPN/g, the mean values of fecal coliforms MPN were 2×10³±2×10², 4×104±3×10³, 2×10³±10² and 107±106 MPN/g, the mean values of E. coli MPN were 9×10²±9×10, 6×10±6×10², 6×10³±10² and 2×10³±10² MPN/g and the mean values of Staphylococcus count were (9×105±9×104, 106±105, 2×106±105 and 2×106±2×105 CFU/g) for control, unpacked, aerobic packed and vacuum packed chilled stored beef, respectively. The unpacked meat showed increase in shelf life time till four days as the sensory evaluation become excellent till four days also, increased pH, drip, water holding capacity (WHC) and cooking loss at four days. Staphylococcus reach to unsatisfactory level. Area packed meat increase in shelf life time till six days showing excellent sensory evalution at six day, decreasd drip, water holding capacity and cooking loss and slowly increased in bacterial count. Anaerobic meat have the longest shelf life time till 10 days as vacuum packing reduce drip, WHC and cooking loss. Also decrease mesophilic, fecal coliform growth. The quality assurance of cold storage was discussed as well as the vacuum packaged chilled beef has long shelf –life time than aerobic packed and fresh meat. This attributed to that package and cold storage reduce microbiological and physio-chemical alterations in meat. The recommendations to extension of shelf life time were discussed. |
| Negative Impact of Metritis and Endometritis on Reproductive Performance in Dairy Cattle | Author : Hussein M.M; Goma A; Abdel –Halim B.R.; M. Abdallah | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :0px; "> The current study was conducted to investigate the incidence of metritis and endometritis in
dairy cows. Moreover, to determine the collective impact of metritis and endometritis in dairy
farms on reproductive performance and milk yield. A total number of 246 Holstein cows
divided into three groups was included in the current study.One of these groups as control
group and the second and the third groups were including those cows diagnosed with acute
postpartum metritis and chronic endometritis, respectively. The obtained results showed that
endometritis possessed severe negative effects on postpartum reproductive performance of the
studied cows compared to normal cows. Moreover, the impact of this disease was higher in
premiparous cows in comparison with com their pleuriparous herd-mates. Days to first estrus
tended (P=0.06) to be increased in premiparous cows suffering from endometritis (89.19±12.12
days) compared to normal cows (59.45±3.30 days) or those suffering from acute metritis
(65.37±4.92 days). While in pleuriparous cows, the negative effects of endometritis did not
show any tendency for prolonged days to first estrus, when compared to normal cows.
Endometritis had significantly (P<0.01) negative impacts on postpartum cyclicity in
premiparous cows (89.19±12.12 days), compared to 56.32±3.15 days in pleuriparous cows.
Endometritis, significantly negatively (P<0.05) impacted days to first AI in both premiparous
cows (105.63±12.95 days, compared to 65.97±2.63 days for normal cows and pleuriparous
cows (76.19±3.64 days). A nearly similar trend was observed for endometritis and metritis
regarding their potential negative impacts on number of inseminations per conception in both
premiparous and pleuriparous cows. Regarding to, days open, diseases like endometritis was
associated with significantly (P<0.01) higher days open in both premiparous and pleuriparous
cows. Meanwhile, advancing parity was associated with significantly (P<0.05) higher days
open for cows suffering from endometritis only. |
| Color Doppler ultrasound as an accurate and rapid tool for early pregnancy diagnosis in buffaloes | Author : Ibrahim S. S.1; El-Anwar A.H.1; Fadel M.S.2; Abd Elkarim A. M.2 | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The objective was to determine the accuracy of color Doppler ultrasound
for diagnosis of early pregnancy in buffaloes based on the evaluation of corpus
luteum blood flow (CLBF) on days 20 and 21 after mating. Local Egyptian
buffaloes, (n=12) during 3rd and 4th lactational season were kept in the farm of
Animal Reproduction Research Institute (ARRI). The animals were divided into
two groups, group A (n=6) was mated naturally by a fertile bull during late estrus
phase and group B (n=6) was left. Animals underwent grayscale ultrasonography
(US) to locate the CL , then color flow Doppler and power Doppler were activated
to evaluate CLBF and pulsed wave Doppler to evaluate uterine blood flow on days
1,5,10,12,14,16,18,19,20,21,23,25,27,30 after mating, using a portable, battery
operated color Doppler and B-mode ultrasound scanner equipped with a 10-5MHz,
rectal transducer (M-turbo, Fujifilm sonosite, USA). Based on subjective (visual)
and objective (Doppler parameters) corpus luteum blood flow (CLBF) evaluation.
Animals in group A were classified as pregnant or non- pregnant on day 20 and day
21 after mating depending on CLBF. Blinded from results of the previous diagnosis,
we performed a final pregnancy diagnosis using US to visualize the fetal heartbeat
on day 30 after mating. Blood samples were collected from jugular vein after
examination to determine by ELIZA kits, serum estradiol and progesterone
concentration. The final pregnancy outcome on day 30 was retrospectively
compared with the CLBF on days 20 and 21 diagnoses and then classified as true
positive, true negative, false positive, and false negative. The sensitivity, specificity,
positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and accuracy of the CLBF-d20-
21 test were calculated using specific equations.
The CLBF decreased markedly on days 20-21 in case of non-mated group
(CL regression), while it remained constant or slightly increased in case of pregnant
animals. Moreover the uterine blood flow markedly increased in case of non-mated
group during the same period. |
| Vancomycin resistance among methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolates from animal milk | Author : Ismail A. Radwan1; Wafaa K. Mahdy2; Esraa Hegazy1; Hala S. H. Salam1 | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Staphylococcus aureus(S. aureus) is a major cause of mastitis in dairy animals
and a serious pathogen affecting human health. The current study was
designed to investigate the extent of S.aureus in milk samples collected from
dairy animals as well as human clinical samples,beside determination of its
antimicrobial susceptibility pattern. Also, the prevalence of both mecA and
vanA genes among some selected methicillin-resistant isolates was
investigated. Out of 120 milk samples obtained from different animals (cows,
buffaloes, sheep, and goats), 81 (67.5%) samples reacted positive for S.
aureus, whereas 67 (74%) out of 90 human samples were found positive for S.
aureus. Disk diffusion susceptibility testing revealed that S.aureus isolates of
humans were more resistant than thoseof animals against all tested
antimicrobials except for clindamycin. A high rate of multi-drug resistance
(MDR) and mecA gene was recorded in S. aureusof both animals and humans.
Surprisingly,vanAgene, which is responsible for vancomycin resistance was
detected only in S. aureus isolated from animal milk. To the best of
ourknowledge, it is the first record of vanA gene in S. aureus recovered from
animals. |
| Microbiological Quality of Retail Meats | Author : Khalalfalla F. A.; Fatma H. M. Ali; Saif-Alnasr M.M. | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :"> A total of 220 random meat samples of different animal species were collected from 50 carcasses consisting 10 carcasses from each of beef, buffalo, camel, sheep and goat, as well20 frozen beef samples. Each carcass represented by four cut samples from neck, shoulder, abdomen and thigh. All samples were collected from random retail and butchers’ shops ofBeni-Suef governorate to assess their microbiological status and compare the levels of contamination among animal species and carcass cuts. This study showed and compared the means of counts (CFU/g) of total aerobicbacteria (mesophilic count and psychrophilic count), coliforms,fecal coliforms,Escherichia coli,Staphylococcusaureus in each of beef, buffalo, camel, sheep and goat carcasses and imported frozen beef as well. Beside the incidence of E.coli, Salmonellaspp, and coagulase positive Staphylococcus aureus. The obtained results clarified that the examined beef, buffalo and mutton samples were more contaminated than those of other kinds of meat. The results were discussed from the hygienic point of view and compared with the national and international standards to assess their reliability for consumption. |
| Efficacy of Ultra-sonographic Examination and Combined Use of PGf2a plus Cephapirin to Identify and Treat Endometritis in Dairy Cows | Author : Hussein M M; Khalil A.A.Y; Al Agawany A A; A A Zyada | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :tool for endometritis, as well as to determine the effects of intrauterine infusion (IU) of benzathine cephapirin plus systemic PGF2a as a treatment protocol of endometritis in dairy cows. 260 Holstein cows were included in this study. The affected cows were examined rectally and US. The cows were divided according to the diagnostic method and treatment protocol into 3 groups. Group1: rectally diagnosed and received systemic PGF2a. Group2: diagnosed rectally and received IU benzathine cephapirin plus systemic PGF2a. Group3: diagnosed US and received IU benzathine cephapirin plus systemic PGF2a. Good reproductive indices were recorded for cows examined US and treated with combination of IU benzathine cephapirin plus systemic PGF2a. A highly significant positive correlations were observed between days in milking (DIM) and most of tested reproductive indices. Meanwhile, Daily milk yield was negatively correlated with all tested reproductive parameters. In conclusion, transrectal US could be used as a reliable method for early diagnosis of endometritis. In addition, using a combination of IU application of benzathine cephapirin plus systemic PGF2a was superior treatment protocol in endometritis in comparison with PGF2a. |