????????? ??????????? ?????? ?? ???????? ??????? ????????????? ? ????????????? ??????????? ??????? | Author : ??????? ?.?., ??????????? ?.?. | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :????????? ??????????? ?????? ?? ???????? ??????? ????????????? ? ????????????? ??????????? ??????? |
| Covert cooperation in criminal proceedings | Author : Sergeeva D | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The paper deals with the issues associated with the use of confidential cooperation in criminal
proceedings. Author analysis current legislation of Ukraine and scientific sources on specified issues.
It is reported that a confidential cooperation can be used in the proceedings of covert investigative
(search) actions, observation by a person or thing, place (Art. 269), audio, video surveillance of
place (Art. 270), and person (Art. 260), control of commission of a crime (Art. 271 CPC of Ukraine),
perform special tasks disclosure of criminal activity of an organized group or criminal organization
(Art. 272), during covert obtain samples necessary for comparative studies (Art. 274), which is not
covert investigative (search) actions, but it is a security measure.
During the proceedings of other covert investigative (search) actions using confidential collaboration
in the form of involvement of persons with whom cooperation is established, is not appropriate.
Another form of confidential cooperation, under Art. 275 CPC of Ukraine, namely obtaining (and
use) information from such persons, is appropriate for use not only in the course of all, without exception,
covert investigative (search) actions, but in a proceeding of other procedural actions undertaken
within the pre-trial investigation. It is concluded that in p. 1 of Art. 275 CPC of Ukraine legislator
unreasonably limited this possibility by only covert investigative proceedings (search) operations.
Author substantiates that for the relevant legal acts is necessary to make appropriate amendments,
which would provide the legal possibility of covert cooperative divisions during pre-trial investigation,
regulate organizational aspects of cooperation in confidential pre-trial investigation in
accordance with Art. 275 CPC of Ukraine |
| Classification of guarantees of rights and freedoms in the application of preventive measures such as detention. | Author : Zelenska M | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The article is devoted to the research and classification system guarantees the rights and freedoms
during a preventive measure in the form of detention. In this regard, reviewed the legislation,
litigation on these issues and studied classification criteria guarantees of rights and freedoms in
Classified guarantees the rights and freedoms stipulated Code of Ukraine regarding the use of
restraint in the form of detention by setting what they are:
1) the task of criminal proceedings;
2) the principles of criminal proceedings;
3) set onus probandi purpose and reason preventive measure in the form of detention;
4) the right to legal counsel;
5) criminal procedural form;
6) the term of the decision on the application of a preventive measure in the form of detention;
7) legal responsibility for the lack of grounds or for violation of the order and the rights and freedoms
during custody;
8) procedural responsibility in the form of cancellation of procedural decisions (including the system
of appeals for). They are enshrined in the criminal procedural legislation of Ukraine.
Defining a classification system and warranties can be concluded that the totality of these
guarantees will only work in a system that is the essence of its implementation, each of its elements
is inalienable part and can be implemented separately from other |
| Some aspects of realization the rights of victims to professional legal assistance in criminal proceedings of Ukraine | Author : Kostiuchenko O. | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The article deals with issues of the impact the victim and his representative on the course of the
criminal proceedings in the light of the principle of competition. In criminal proceedings of Ukraine
the professional legal assistance to the victim is provided only by the advocate (lawyer) in the form
of representation, which is to ensure the implementation of the interests, rights and obligations of the
victim by the advocate. The lawyer can provide other forms of legal assistance too. The victim has the right to be represented by a lawyer throughout the criminal proceedings and at any time to abandon
law services. Representative has the procedural rights of the victim, excepting the procedural
rights, the implementation of which belongs directly to the victim and could not be delivered to the
In order to ensure better the rights and interests of the victim, it is advisable to recognize legislatively
the victim and his representative as the party of the criminal proceedings and as the private
prosecutor – ?both in private and public prosecution with the provision of right to support both private
prosecution. In such cases, it is needed to consider the prosecuting complex (combined).
It is also proposed to include in the list of persons eligible to receive free professional legal assistance
to victims who are not able to fully exercise their rights on their own by age or state of health or
intend to conclude an agreement on reconciliation with the suspect or the accused. |
| The Institute for Analytical Support of Pre-trial Criminal Proceedings in Ukraine: current status and prospects of development | Author : Zaets O | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In the article the problems in the implementation of analytical support of the National Police
authorities of Ukraine at the stage of pre-trial investigation of the criminal proceedings are discussed,
and proposals on the use of active and effective use of scientific and technical developments and
technologies for analytical support for the pre-trial criminal proceedings are made.
The main purpose of the criminal analysis is to strengthen the mechanisms for the prevention,
detection, documentation and investigation of criminal offenses, as well as the strengthening of
mechanisms of monitoring the crime situation, exchanging of information at the regional and international
levels on trends and risks in this area.
Prospects for further development of Institute for analytical support of pre-trial criminal proceedings
is seen in the development of theoretical and methodological foundations of its application use.
Successful implementation and application of new methods of criminal analysis will make it possible
to spread it to the whole of the National Police system of Ukraine in the future and to use actively the
analytical methods and techniques that make possible to fulfill the tasks of pre-trial investigation on
the effective investigation of criminal proceedings, will create conditions for more effective implementation
of the subjects operatively-search and investigatory activities of their tasks and law enforcement
functions, which, in turn, will enhance the effectiveness of combating crime.
The study of various aspects of the use of criminal analysis gives reason to identify priority
measures for the further development of this direction of countering criminal offenses: the need for
further development of the regulatory framework in the use of criminal analysis in the National Police
of the Ukrainian authorities; increase in the use of criminal analysis in the National Police of the
Ukrainian authorities; improving the security of operational and investigative units with modern office
equipment, computer software; formation of the respective information data banks on a regular basis |
| Interception of telecommunications transport networks as a means of obtaining evidence operational units. | Author : Isk?nderov E | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The paper highlights the issues of obtaining evidence by operational units by interception of telecommunications
transport networks. Specifies by author, that the current Criminal Procedure Code of
Ukraine in p. 4 of Art. 263 does not include among the subjects interception of telecommunications
transport networks operational and technical departments National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine.
In this connection, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine detectives for take an evidence of
signs to their jurisdictional crimes draw on written assignments relevant operational and operational-technical
units for interception of telecommunications transport networks. This procedural order interception
of telecommunications traffic is not entirely logical, as often subjects of commit are employees
of the preliminary investigation, including of the National Police or Security Service of Ukraine. Accordingly,
operational and technical units of the National Police or Security Service of Ukraine, performing
assignments detectives of National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine, advance can prevent the persons
concerned of the fact that the use of appropriate means of obtaining evidence. So, author talk
about the risk of information leakage. Therefore stipulating the possibility of operating units of National
Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine carry out interception of telecommunications transport networks.
It is noted that procedural order to obtain evidence through the interception of telecommunications
transport networks are not entirely logical and not comply with the legal principles of criminal
procedure proof. In this connection author proposes to change Art. 263 of CPC of Ukraine by complement
p. 5 as follows:
«Protocol on the progress and results of the interception of telecommunications transport networks
is authorized by operating units of the National Police, Security Service of Ukraine or National Anti-Corruption
Bureau of Ukraine, which spent directly relevant covert investigative (detective) action.» |
| Justice is main function criminal procedure | Author : Syza N | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The article deals with the contents of structural elements of criminal procedure judicial functions.
Established that these structural elements are: 1) the subject of the execution of the function (the
court); 2) the object of the court’s activities (clarify the circumstances to be proved and other circumstances
that are important for criminal proceedings); 3) the content of the activity (judicial review of
the criminal action); 4) the purpose of the activity (decision of the criminal action with making legitimate,
reasoned and fair judicial decision).
Besides the functions of the elements of justice must also is focus attention on the procedural
form envisaged by law implementing criminal procedural functions and means of its implementation
On the basis of these structural elements formulated the concept of justice as the main criminal
procedural functions. The court administers justice is through the implementation of the established
procedural from of powers for clarify the circumstances to be proved and other circumstances that
are important for criminal proceedings, and decision of the criminal action with making legitimate,
reasoned and fair judicial decision.
It was shown function limits implementation of justice in criminal proceedings. The function of
justice is carried out in judicial stages of criminal proceedings, where the prosecution decided: in the
preparatory proceedings, trial in first instance, appeal and cassation review and in the revision of
judicial decisions on again opened circumstances |
| Concerning the definition and types of the criminal procedural guarantees of the defender as a subject of proving in the pre-trial investigation | Author : Starenkyi O | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The article on the results of the analysis of domestic and foreign scientific sources, the current
provisions of the criminal procedural legislation of Ukraine defines the concept and types of criminal
procedural safeguards defender as a subject of proof in the pre-trial investigation.
The criminal procedural safeguards of criminal procedural guarantees of advocacy were stated
in the article.
We give the definition of proof counsel in pre-trial investigation, during which the author understands
the criminal procedure law regulated informative and practical, mental activity defender, which
is to obtain evidence and to use them to justify their legal position, which is due to its own object,
subject, aim, objectives, means of proof to achieve the desired result in pre-trial investigation.
It is noted that criminal procedural safeguards defender as a subject of proof in the pre-trial investigation
is regulated by criminal procedure law provided that the implementing authority provide
defence counsel as subject of proof when receiving evidence and using them to justify their own legal
position in the pre-trial investigation.
In conclusion, criminal procedural safeguards defender as a subject of proof in the pre-trial investigation
advisable classified as follows: 1) the source of regulatory consolidation; 2) on the legal
status of the defender; 3) the stage of proof in the pre-trial investigation; 4) by means of obtaining
evidence in pre-trial investigation; 5) for the purpose of legal proceedings; 6) according to the type of
evidence that receives and uses the back; 7) on the subject, which gives a proof protector |
| Surveillance of an individual, an object or a place in the process of investigation of crimes in the sphere of international student exchange | Author : Chernyak A. | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The list and the nature of the crimes committed in the sphere of international students exchange
are determined. The essence of surveillance of an individual, an object or a place are examined.
The goals and the objectives of this surveillance during the investigation of crimes committed in the
sphere of international student exchange are defined. The ways to improve its use in criminal proceedings
concerning this category of criminal offenses are dedicated.
It is determined that visual monitoring of an individual, an object or a place is an effective means
of crime investigation in the sphere of international student exchange. It’s aim is obtaining forensically
significant information that is deliberately hidden stakeholders. Among the persons who were subject
to such surveillance to be allocated:1) students and applicants among foreigners engaged in illegal
activities in Ukraine; 2) officials of universities and public authorities receiving undue benefits from
foreign students and applicants; 3) persons using public organization leaving Ukraine to study abroad |
| Consideration by investigating judge of the complaints of omission of investigator or prosecutor lying in the failure to introduce information on a criminal offense in the course of pretrial investigation: issues of law enforcement and ways of solutions | Author : Shaputko S. | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The article deals with the comparative analysis of legislation, theoretical researches as well as
court practice on considering by investigating judge of the complaints of omission of investigator or
prosecutor lying in the failure to introduce information on a criminal offence to the Unified Register of
Pretrial Investigations.
Based on the analysis of decrees of the investigating judges on the complaints of actions or
omissions of investigator or prosecutor it was found that court practice on determination of the term
for lodging the complaint of omission of investigator or prosecutor lying in the failure to introduce
information to the URPR is contradicting. In one case the court finds that the term for lodging complaints
of omission of investigator or prosecutor lying in failure to introduce information to the URPR
starts within 24 hours of lodging the complaint of the criminal offense, and in other case from the
moment when the person became familiar with the failure to introduce information to the URPR.
Based on the above it is proposed to adopt in terms of legislation that calculation of the terms
of lodging the complaint of omission shall be made starting next day after the term specified by the
Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine for carrying out by investigator or prosecutor of a particular
It was found that it is problematic to complain omission of investigator or prosecutor if the decision
of the investigator is made in the form other than provision as long as in this case the decision is
to be drawn up in the form of the URPR extract. Based on the above it is proposed to resolve the issues
on the term for lodging the complaint of omission of investigator or prosecutor in different ways.
Based on the system analysis of court decisions of the judges of the first and appellate instance,
legislation and scientific attitudes the author proposed to amend paragraph 1 of Article 304 of the
Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine as follows: «Complaints of the decisions, actions or omissions of
investigator or prosecutor provided for by paragraph 1 of Article 303 of this Code shall be lodged by
a person within ten days from the moment of decisions making, action or omission. If the decision of
investigator or prosecutor is drawn up in the form of provision the term for lodging the complaint shall
start from the date of receipt of its copy by a person. If in case of the decision of investigator or prosecutor
the resolution is not prescribed, the complaint of their actions or omission shall be lodged within
ten days starting next day after the end of the term determined for its carrying out by this Code». |
| Rinehart Maurah – ?German scientist and criminologist, native Simferopol (Chronicle Search Biographical fragments in German sources) | Author : Berzin P | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :On the basis of German sources fragments of biography and scientific activity of German criminal
law scientist Rinehart Maurah is described. Sources that served as the basis for the biography
and the process of their searching is described. The author traced the connection of Rinehart Maurah
with Simferopol during the period until 1920, and described his scientific views and publications. The
article is accompanied by the formulation of the intermediate conclusions about the fate of Rinehart
Maurah during 1941–1945 and the need for further research in this direction.
The information in the reference and of the German historiographical sources do not give a complete
picture of the life of the Crimean period R. Maurach. For example, it is not clear what specific
reasons prompted to leave 18-year-old boy and his parents in the Crimea is in the final year of the
Civil War. And still unclear and that, at what time of Maurach family left the Crimea.
Maurach scientific activity has been associated with the work in the field of criminal law dogma,
theory of punishment, criminal policy, international criminal law, including the Soviet criminal and
constitutional law. Considerable attention is paid Maurach German criminal law (general and special
The main scientific teaching was connected with the history of the influence of unlimited state
power as a result of the Russian Revolution and the authorities of the Third Reich. The main provisions
of his scientific work consists in the implementation of state-legal protection of criminal law and
formed the basis of criminal dogmatic position determining penal policy. They are also bound by its
ideas about the history of the formation of the practice of criminal law |
| The institute of the special prosecutor in the United States of America | Author : Yeremenko Y | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The paper examines the history, the organization and the legal status of the institute of the
Special Prosecutor. Special attention is paid to the modern legal regulation of the subject’s activity.
The institute of the Special Prosecutor in the United States is well known, important, and, what is
notable, it is working. It has been developing for a long historical period, since the 19th century, the
Watergate events, to our time. The paper states that the Special Prosecutor was often the subject of
discussion in professional and legal environment. The importance of its fulfilled tasks, the influence
on the political process, the independence of the institute, the special procedure of the appointment,
public funding, professionalism – ?have always been the subject of controversy for many years. As
the result, the regulation of the institute was changed. The author analyses powers and the process
of appointment of this official. In his view, current and past regulation has specific advantages and
The author writes that the main idea of taking control under the investigation and prosecution by
this subject is due to its independence, impartiality and public confidence. The Special Prosecutor is
not a permanent actor; he is involved in the investigation and carrying out duties of the prosecutor
in those cases where there is a conflict of interest and mistrust of society to traditional methods of
work of the authorities. To perform these tasks professional lawyer is involved who does not belong
to government agencies, has a good reputation and trust of the society.
The author determines that the main factor, which justifies the existence of this particular institution,
is its independence that changed in different historical stages |
| J. Systematic Character of the Concept of «Independence of the Judiciary» | Author : Kuchynska O., Tsyhanyuk J | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The paper is devoted elucidation of systematic character of the concept of «independence of the
judiciary». The authors disclose various approaches to understanding the concept of «independence
of the judiciary.» The authors approach establishing the concept of «independence of the judiciary»
as an quality that inherent to judicial power in the mechanism of checks and balances, understanding
as the principle of the judicial authorities, as its characteristics, as a part of the right to a justice, as
well as the degree of freedom of the court in relations with other branches of government.
As a result, the authors performed isolation of the characteristics of judicial independence. They are:
• provides by the applicable domestic law: as internal normative legal acts and international
treaties, ratified by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine;
• refers to the notion of «judicial power» as a part of the government, which is defined in Art. 6
of the Constitution of Ukraine;
• is realized in the relationship of the system of checks and balances;
• is the guarantor of the implementation by the judiciary of it’s functions;
• implemented during the functioning of the judiciary (implementation allowed only during the
judicial authorities);
• characterizes the degree of freedom of the judiciary, while being as common prevention;
• provided by set of guarantees for its implementation;
• detailed in the work of the judiciary and judges;
• is multi-faceted and complex legal category that contains the elements of complex of legal,
economic, political and social issues;
• for it’s violation occurs, political and/or legal responsibility.
• In conclusion, the paper also reveals a systematic understanding of the concept of «independence
of the judiciary.» |
| The history of the institute appeal in economic proceedings | Author : Ponomarova O | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The article is devoted to historical conditions of creation and development institute in the economic
appeal proceedings in Ukraine.
The author argues that the emergence of appeal reaches the Kievan Rus’ as for the judiciary
Kievan Rus was characteristic, which eventually acquired the status of one of the main features of
the Institute for appeal ? the formation of uniform thinking and ensure uniform enforcement. During
Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky in Ukrainian lands formed on the principles of the judicial system instantsiynosti,
territoriality and specialization. In the early nineteenth century, along with the general
judicial system in Ukraine began to form special courts for consideration of trade disputes ? commercial.
Thus, in 1807 has been created commercial court in Odesa. Laying the foundation of the modern
system of commercial courts in Ukraine, features on consideration of economic disputes were trans-ferred to a specialized court system took place in 1991. Although still maintained significant influence
of executive authorities and the President on the activities of arbitration courts, particularly in the
appointment of arbitrators and arbitral tribunals funding. A further foundation in the formation and
development of legislation on higher specialized courts was the adoption June 28, 1996 Constitution
of Ukraine. Judicial reform was extended by the Law of Ukraine «On the Judicial System of Ukraine»
dated February 7, 2002. Holistic view of general jurisdiction acquired by the Law of Ukraine «On the
Judicial System and Status of Judges» from July 7, 2010 |
| Epistemological aspect of the concept of «information support of courts» | Author : Ratsa V | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The author of the article based on the results of the analysis of scientific sources the epistemological
aspect category «information support of the judges.» It is noted that the information of courts ?
a method of functioning of the judicial system, which includes interconnected and interdependent set
of: (a) information, created to meet the needs of judicial work; (b) for the implementation of complex
information events caused by the specifics of the court, and necessary for the effective functioning
of the court and the general conditions for the administration of justice in particular; (c) information
technology. The purpose of the Information of courts is to create a favourable communication environment
in order to guarantee receipt of information according to user requirements ? of judicial
activities using the latest information technology. The task of providing information is the timely provision
of information subject of the appropriate quality within the existing organizational and technical
structures, regulation and financing.
Objective information of courts due information needs, defined as a condition of the subject entity
that arises from the need to obtain the information needed to solve meaningful problems.
Provision of information levels of courts: micro, which provides for the organization of information
processes directly in the judiciary, where the subjects of information relations is exclusively its representatives;
macro that using information product formed by the internal environment of the judicial
system and directs it to the circulation and use in society. |
| The mechanism of realization of criminal procedural safeguards victim as a subject of proof on the involvement of experts in criminal proceedings | Author : Kripak A. | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The article is based on the analysis of the current provisions of the criminal procedural legislation
of Ukraine, materials practices, survey practitioners highlights problems issues pf mechanism for implementing
the criminal procedural guarantees of the victim as a subject of proof on the involvement
of experts in criminal proceedings. The author proposed to amend the Criminal Procedure Code of
Ukraine to improve the mechanism for the implementation of criminal procedural safeguards victim
as a subject of proof on the involvement of experts in criminal proceedings.
The researcher agrees with the position of scientists who propose paragraph 2 of part 3 of article
93 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine as follows: «The initiation of the defence, the victim,
a representative of the legal person against which the proceedings of the investigative (search) and
covert investigative (search) actions carried out by means of the investigating judge appropriate applications.
To enhance the implementation of appropriate criminal procedural safeguards victim as
a subject of proof in criminal proceedings amends articles 101, 241?244 Criminal Procedure Code
of Ukraine, giving the victim the possibility of legislative requests for involvement of experts to the
investigating judge.
The expediency of presenting article 243 Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine as follows: «1. The
prosecution involves expert on the grounds of the examination. 2. The defence, victims have the right
to involve experts on a contractual basis for the examination, including compulsory. 3. The expert
may be involved investigating judge at the request of the defence, the victims in the cases and in the
manner provided for in article 244 of the Code» |
| Psychiatric aspects of the evaluation of persons who have committed sexual offenses | Author : Kozeratskaya O | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In the article the theoretical analysis of scientific approaches to forensic-psychiatric assessment
of the persons who committed sex crimes is carried out. Definition of the concept «paraphilia», according
to the operating MKB is given, its disadvantages and the possible prospects of changes in
the following MKB are taped. The analysis of use of category of «a limited sanity» in various criminal
codes of the European countries is carried out, need of entering of certain changes into the existing
criminal code of Ukraine concerning a possibility of recognition «limited responsibility «persons who
suffer from paraphilias (including a pedophilia) and uses concerning them the corresponding punishment
and coercive measures of medical character.
It is noted that mental abnormalities, starting from the first years of life may prevent the emergence
and development of adequate sex-role-playing systems, awareness of itself as an equal and
equal participant sexual relations. Yes, psychopathy and effects of traumatic brain injury are able to
create the feeling of sexual inadequacy, insufficiency. Moreover, early in life, such as in male children
may be laid foundations subjective misperceptions women as threatening, destructive force. Because
of this people in adult life in relations with representatives of the opposite sex begins to take a
defensive position where the best way to protect ? the attack. This explains the facts that many rapes
engaged offenders with mental abnormalities, accompanied by brutal beating and bullying.
Established that sexual preference disorders have similar etiology, confirmed the results of the
close relationship with issues of sexual deviations statevorolevoyi socialization. While mental disorders
that accompany sexual deviations observed communication difficulties at the beginning of the
disease causing trouble mastering role stereotypes |
| Judicial reform: matrix reloaded. | Author : Khotynska-Nor O | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The article deals with the analysis of separate innovations of normative regulation of the sphere
of the judicial system functioning caused by the constitutional reform of justice and coming into force
of the Law of Ukraine «On the Judiciary and the Status of Judges» of 2 June 2016.
Particularly, the attention is drawn to approaches applied to institutional matrix of the judicial system.
The author describes the effort to hold normativization of the idea of pertaining the institutions
of prosecution and advocacy to the judicial power, which is a characteristic peculiarity of the contemporary
period of reformation, and by which it is significantly different from previous ones. Herewith,
it is emphasized that it is not the first time in the history of the judicial reform, when changes to the
national judiciary take prominent place in the complex of measures proposed to be implemented.
While analyzing them, the article provides the criticism of the new edition of the Article 125 of the
Constitution of Ukraine, which in the author’s opinion, creates vacuum situation in the judicial system
organization, which, as historical experience testifies, threatens to «fill up» in a new manner each
time after changing political elite in country. Besides, in the author’s opinion, the liquidation of the
Supreme Court of Ukraine is unjustified, since it is aimed at getting rid of its staff. In general, incorrect
HR policy of the contemporary judicial reform can cause its high social price, the expression of which
will be represented by the violation of an individual’s right to judicial protection.
Separately, the author considers such an innovation as implementing monopoly of advocacy
institution to representation of interests in court. Particularly, the author analyses the risks of its realization
in the judicial system, and on the basis of the held analysis a range of reasons against such
an innovation is provided.
Besides, there is an author’s position concerning functional transformation of the institution of
To sum up, the author made opinion about haste, radicalism and lack of scientific basis for implemented
innovations, which can have negative impact on the achievement of goals declared by
the judicial reform. |
| Interaction of the High council of justice with state authorities, judiciary self-governmental bodies and other law entities | Author : Kostkina J | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The article deals with the issues of interaction of the High council of justice with other state
authorities, judiciary self-governmental bodies and other law entities. The author of the article emphasizes
two classifications of such interaction due to the various criteria such as subject and functionality
of the interaction.
The article gives a review of regulation of these issues by previous version of the Constitution
of Ukraine and previous version of the law «On the High council of justice» and compares it with the
new versions of such laws.
The article shows the peculiarities of the interaction between High council of justice and President
of Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, High qualification commission
of judges of Ukraine, international organizations, judiciary self-governmental bodies, private
individuals and different types of legal bodies.
The author underlines some problems with the new legal regulations and suggests a new approach
to the solution of them, offers amendment to the current regulation. |
| The conciliation agreement in juvenile criminal cases | Author : Nagorniuk-Danyliuk O | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This article considers the legal principles for providing investigating judge authorization of special
pre-trial investigation in the criminal process of Ukraine and problems of their practical application.
The tendency of increase criminal proceedings for criminal offenses committed by minors, which
directed to court, was noticed. At the same time, the proportion of minors in the total number of convicts
in the 2013–2015 years didn’t change significantly and amounted to 4.8%.
This article considers the question of the right of prosecutor to participate in the making and
consideration process of the conciliation agreement.
Established that in our country is still a tendency to punitive response to minor offenses, mechanisms
of restorative justice aren’t full realized. Therefore there is a need to review and improve mechanisms
of restorative justice in juvenile criminal cases to ensure their rights.
Expressed necessity of a number of changes to the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine regarding
the need to clarify some of its provisions. Expressed necessity of a change to the art. 469 and
art. 474 of Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine regarding the conciliation agreement in juvenile
criminal cases |
| Participation of underage witness in criminal proceedings | Author : Krukevych O.M | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The paper studies the procedures of questioning juvenile witnesses in court proceedings. Author
explores the issue of the participation of a legal representative during the questioning of juvenile witnesses
in court proceedings. In contradistinction to defense counsel (lawyer), which provides legal
assistance to a minor, the legal representative involved in criminal proceedings to provide in general
psychological and emotional support. The paper considers features of the procedural status of a
teacher, psychologist and doctor in criminal proceedings and procedure of their involvement in to the
questioning of juvenile witnesses.
The choice of the person, which can be invited to participation in the proceedings have a great
tactical importance. Requirements for those subjects can be divided into two groups, depending
on the functional purpose of each person in proceedings, in particular on compulsory and optional.
Author propose to provide mandatory participation of a representative in the criminal proceedings
which may be the protector during the interrogation of a minor witness in the proceedings.
Introduction of juvenile witnesses’ attorney representation will facilitate the adaptation of the
proceedings to the level of understanding of the child and ensure the best interests of the child, regardless
of its procedural status in criminal proceedings. |
| Problems of the prosecutor’s supervision over the legality of the notification of the suspicion to the person. | Author : Maystrenko O | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The article analyzes the mechanism of messages suspected person under the current criminal
procedural legislation. Analyzes and identifies the existing problems of the legitimacy of the notification
of suspicion. Set supervision of the legality of notification of suspicion. Formulates their own
proposals on improvement of legal regulation to the person suspected to increase the efficiency of
public prosecutions.
Message persons suspected of a criminal offense is an important procedural decision, which accepts
prosecutor or investigator with the consent of the prosecutor before the end of the preliminary
investigation in criminal proceedings.
Enforcing the law during message suspected person is an important activity of the prosecutor,
because after such message and acquiring the status of a suspect person, the volume of its individual |
| Fundamental disadvantages of conceptual-categorical apparatus which underlying in the criminal procedural legal relations | Author : Stel’maschuk O | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :As the title implies the article describes that the concepts and categories of the underlying legal provisions
that regulated criminal procedure legal relations marked drawbacks methodological, procedural,
technical and legal, so that these rules and contradictory and false reflect detectable them phenomena
that difficult to understand unsettled towards legal aspects and causes errors in the practice of law.
The analysis of these deficiencies discovered their causes and their consequences caused
author proposed to make amend in the current legislation CPC, Constitution of Ukraine. Recommendations
are given:
• based on the fact that the word «criminal» literally means «criminal», focuses on the inappropriateness
of concepts «penal code», «Criminal Procedure Code», «criminal proceedings»,
«criminal charge» that contribute to the naming of «criminal» Procedure and other realities;
• grounds misunderstanding of the concepts «the beginning of the preliminary investigation»
and «opening of criminal proceedings», which leads to misunderstanding of reason and
opening criminal proceedings and the grounds for the start of the investigation;
• draws attention to the fact that if the CPC concept of «closure of criminal proceedings» is
used often, the term «opening of criminal proceedings» in the general part not used at all,
contrary to the rules of logic;
• highlights that that due to changes in the criminal justice paradigm in its structure no judicial
investigation now, and then the term «preliminary inquiry», «preliminary investigations»,
«bodies of pre investigation» is devoid of logic.
• grounds that consideration of these proposals could contribute to bringing the norms that
regulated the procedure for opening criminal proceedings and start an investigation in accordance
with the rules of logic, coordination of the content and substance unsettled towards
their relationships, and as a result – ?improvement of how content the CPC and practice. |
| Prospects of methodical forensic software of economic crimes investigation | Author : Shapoval O | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The article shows the current state and prospects of methodical forensic software of economic
crimes investigation based on the analysis of the current state of legal regulation economic areas by
state, changes and new trends in the criminal process, practices materials and results of the survey
of investigators and prosecutors.
The author found that methodical forensic software must pass five stages (stages) before
the development to methods of investigating economic crimes. The first stage ? the study the
economic crime situation in the state. The second stage ? the analysis of Ukrainian legislation,
which establishes criminal liability for committing economic crimes. The third stage – ?the study
and generalization of investigative, judicial, expert practice of economic crimes investigation. The
fourth stage ? analysis of criminal procedural law and identify procedural problems that exist in the economic crime investigation. The fifth stage – ?development of forensic aspects of overcoming
high latency of economic crime.
Having analyzed all five stages author concluded that further prospective research would be
aimed at the development and practical implementation of integrated methods for economic crimes
investigation, including economic crimes across the border with the involvement of organized international
character criminal groups, the Internet, the latest achievements in computer engineering. |
| Types of visual monitoring in criminal proceedings | Author : Hribov M | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The article is dedicated to the analysis of the provisions of the Article 269 of the Criminal Procedure
Code of Ukraine and to the determination of the grounds for classifying visual monitoring as a
covert investigative (search) action on individual species. From this perspective, the legislator introduced
evaluates criteria differentiating visual monitoring. The copyright vision of approaches to the
definition in the norms of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine different kinds of visual monitoring
are given. The promising ways of legal, organizational and tactical measures of each species are
outlined. |
| ???????? ???????? ???? ?????????? ??????? ???????? ????????????? ?????????????? ??????? ??????? ?? ????????????? ??????? ??????? | Author : ??????????? ?.?., ???????? ?.?. | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :???????? ???????? ???? ?????????? ??????? ???????? ????????????? ?????????????? ??????? ??????? ?? ????????????? ??????? ??????? |
| ????????: ?????????-????????? ??????????? ??????????? ??????? ??????? | Author : ???????? ?.?. | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :?????????-????????? ??????????? ??????????? ??????? ??????? |