Psicologia, Poder e Modernidade |
Author : Hugo Baracho de Magalhães, José Luiz Quadros de Magalhães |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The objective of this study is to understand the process of formation of this modern state and demonstrate that we still live in it, emphasizing the role of psychology in maintaining and understanding. |
Esboço sobre a Relação entre Ética e Política através da ideia de Justiça, segundo Aristóteles |
Author : Wellington Trotta |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This paper is the result of several years of research on the ethical-political thought of Aristotle, specifi cally concerning the Aristotelian refl ection about justice. It is noteworthy that the central idea of justice for Aristotle means total virtue, in other words, public morality. However, it is worth noticing that the concept of justice of the philosopher’s thought is polysemic, since it assumes diff erent meanings depending on the specifi c fi eld of political action. |
O Consentimento e a Informação nos Cuidados Médicos |
Author : Fernanda G. Galhego Martins |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This study analyses the dynamics of the doctor-patient relationship and the framework of the informed consent in Brazilian law, critically assessing the ability of legal mechanisms to guarantee individual self-determination. |
O Ano Europeu dos Cidadãos |
Author : Dora Resende Alves |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Since the creation of citizenship of the European Union with the Maastricht Treaty, have been sought democratic developments of active involvement of citizens in the process of European integration. Th e choice of the theme “European Year of Citizens” for the year 2013 aims to strengthen active citizenship and the rights of citizens. |
Portée et Justiciabilité des Droits Sociaux et Protection de Quelques Catégories de Personnes Défavorisées en France |
Author : Véronique Champeil-Desplats |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Introduction: La France de l’après Seconde guerre mondiale se caractérise, en matière de droits et de libertés, par l’affi rmation, dans le préambule de la Constitution du 27 octobre 1946, d’une liste de principes économiques et sociaux considérés « particulièrement nécessaires à notre temps ». Jusqu’au tournant néo-libéral de la fi n des années 1980, de la droite chrétienne jusqu’à la gauche communiste, il existe une conviction partagée que l’Etat doit assurer des fonctions essentielles de protection et de redistribution sociales. (...) |
O Estado Islâmico e o restabelecimento do Califado |
Author : Antônio Celso Alves Pereira |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This paper, after presenting historical and political bases of Islam analyzes the emergence of so-called Islamic State, draws a comparison chart of the same with other terrorist organizations such as Al Qaeda, and that line, discusses the action and unquestionable threat of new Caliphate not only about Muslim communities as well as on political stability and security of the West. |
Direito, Globalização e Convivência |
Author : Vanderlei Martins |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The article discusses the comtemporary glo balization as a technological nature phenomenon and imposing, as a natural consequence, a ratio of a technical nature to this globalização. Nesse sense, we approach the insertion of this conception of the world in the global coexistence that now experienced. We also discuss the impacts of this technical-positive ratio in some contemporary globalized social institutions, namely, politics, the economy and, more directly, on the right. From a discussion within the so-called post-modern circuit, we analyze the intertwining of pragmatic interests and utilities that permeate contemporary global coexistence, and the presence of ethics in this scenario. |
A Ética nas funções de Estado |
Author : Marco Aurélio Mello |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Introdução: Será uma boa nova o retorno à ve lha discussão sobre a ética na gestão pública? Os otimistas decerto responderão que sim, vendo a questão como sinal do despertar da consciência cívica nacional ou, mais ainda, como prova viva do amadurecimento político do país. Os mais pessimistas, já descrentes, enxergarão, sem dúvida, os escândalos por trás da notícia, os abusos e desmandos que serviram de mote à volta do assunto às pági nas dos jornais. (...) |
Dignidade da Pessoa Humana: o Epicentro do Ordenamento Jurídico |
Author : Cleyson de Moraes Mello |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :È necessario chiarire l’esperienza di diritto (un modo) di essere uomo di pensiero. L’inchiesta della realizzazione della linea fi n dalla protezione della dignità umana si trova di fronte alla ricostruzione fenomenologica. Di qui la necessità di comprendere il diritto da essere nel mondo. Questo approccio consente inoltre un certo punto di vista fenomenologico, che è l’uomo (persona) è in gioco nella sua esistenza, permettendo più chiaramente immaginare il loro rapporto con la legge. Particolarmente interessante è quello di rifl ettere il diritto periodo dall’uomo (persona) nel suo caso, storicamente situata. In quanto dell’essere-ci umano, vi è il fondamento del diritto – e solo in tal senso – è che il giudice può comprendere l’obiezione del sistema giuridico guidati da elementi di storicità, mondanità e personalistico. |
Análise dos Fundamentos Epistemológicos da Jusfi losofi a de Hans Kelsen |
Author : Daniel Nunes Pereira, Patrick de Almeida Saigg, Samira Costa Arcanjo |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This paper aims to undo some donnybrook in the interpretation of the work of Hans Kelsen, and to deconstruct the myth of a nonexistent exegete positivism of the Viennese master’s philosophy. Specifi cally, the urgency of a Constitutional Jurisdiction from Kelsenean theory requires philosophical furtherance of large-scale theme and elaborate complexity that constantly are not adequately described or interpreted. The constitutional argument of the author derives from his own philosophical constructs, consistent with each other, in which lie his own epistemological frameworks. |
A Europa que repudia o Outro: o avanço da Voz da Extrema Direita e suas implicações na Tutela de Direitos Fundamentais e na Construção de uma Identidade Europeia |
Author : Heron Abdon Souza, Beatriz Cesário de Abreu, Jéssica Fonseca Machado, Juliana de Oliveira Silva |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :European Integration is a obliged issue on schedules of politicion parties and Europeans claims. A bigger resistance to social integration has been identifi ed by sympathizes that regularly votes on parties of radical rhetorical. Th ere is a186 empowering tendency of polarization of themes such as immigration and identity. Th e parties of these new extremist right-wing orientation in Europe are identifi ed as a product from the post-industrial society and classifi ed as asymmetrical parties. Th e article investigates the intolerant and xenophobic position of three European parties – National Front (France), PVV (Netherlands) and UKIP (United Kingdom) – in relation of the integration and its continuous increase of support by electors. |
Elucidación de las Normas Cristianas |
Author : Juan Castillo Vegas |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Saint Augustine and Saint Th omas Aquinas iusnaturalist continue the tradition of Aristotle and Cicero and many other philosophers. Depart from the ontological aspect of natural law as requirements of rational human nature, and of a gnoseological aspect as knowledge of these demands and imperatives for the reason. Without this natural moral law is not doing anything as it is, because they are the fi rst duties of the human being. Without this natural moral law, natural law is a part, there would be no human reason since they do not know nor the fi rst principles of practical reason in regard to good and evil, the just and the unjust. Nor would there be freedom, since being a quality of the will as rational appetite, it could not exist without a rational knowledge. Without this natural moral law the man would be the only being in the universe without a law in its own nature in the tilt to its own perfection and development. |
Reflexões acerca da ideia de Sistema na Ciência do Direito |
Author : Eva Dias Costa |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The act of interpreting derives from the very necessity of enforcing the law. Th e mission of the interpreter, the applicator of the law, is to build a content of senses or meanings from the legal provisions, and to able to apply the law to specifi c cases.However, one cannot ignore that rules only reach their full meaning and signifi cance in harmony with other rules if one takes into account the systematic relationship that exists between them.Legal methodology postulates the existence of a fundamental legal system, as evidenced by the rule of systematic interpretation or the search for general principles of law. Th e interpreter not only builds but reconstructs sense, given the existence of meanings embedded in the language use and built into the community.Under rationalistic conceptions which prevailed in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the text of the law was regarded as its’ highest expression of the law, therefore there were no concerns with interpretation. Th e law was regarded to be clear and precise so as to provide for all human confl ict, and the judge was left with the simple task of implementing it, without any valuation, as if it were a mechanical task – in claris non fi t interpretatio. Th e methodology of a science is a self-refl ection. It is not intended only to describe the methods it uses, but also to understand them, that is to comprehend its’ necessity, its’ reasons and its’ limits. Th e need and justifi cation for the method of deriving meaning must therefore be explained. One cannot deal with the science of law without simultaneously addressing the law itself. |
Creche: Direito da Criança ou da Mãe Trabalhadora? |
Author : Élida Seguin, Priscila Pimentel, César Padilha |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :In this article the authors discuss several approaches to care with young children, when mothers are away to work. One of the objections is to leave the child in the nursery, which summarizes the performance of the fi rst child fundamental right to education, in the same time it is also a way to keep mothers in the labor market. Dogmatics the right to erect a constitutional level, does not watertight, as the law closed in on itself, but combining with all the other citizen ´s rights, such as the worker right, the woman right, the right to equality and Justice, a legal autopoiesis and synergy.Proper initiation of child to basic education ensures the optimal development of his capabilities, giving you tools to be an active part of the society in which he lives. This study aims to articulate some rights that are interconnected with common point as the nursery, children and their parents who, today, is well aware that the futuredepends on continued 280 education, and that education will be better conveyed, as before there is the insertion of the infant in daycare. |
Cleyson de Moraes Mello, José Rogério Moura de Almeida Neto, Regina Pentagna Petrillo |
Author : Customer Centricity (centralidade no cliente) |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :O artigo científico apresenta os elementos básicos da estratégia denominada de “centralidade no cliente”. |
Direito, Educação e a Sociedade Inclusiva |
Author : Geovani Broering |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :O presente artigo apresenta análises e pesquisas acerca do conceito histórico da Educação Inclusiva, os tipos de Deficiência, o histórico dos parâmetros legais e a história dos portadores de deficiência no Ensino Superior a fim de compreender o contexto que a problemática da pesquisa se debruça, a saber, a inserção dos portadores de deficiência nos cursos de graduação. |