Direito à Diversidade e Infiltrações Transformadoras |
Author : José Luiz Quadros de Magalhães |
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Abstract :The text begins by analyzing the concept of infiltration as radical social transformation engine . Racism , sexism and other forms of exclusion and subordination are shown with inventions of modernity that can only be understood as such from a historical research of what is called modernity. |
Mediação e Judiciário - Qual é o lugar do Mediador na Institucionalização da Mediação? |
Author : Stela Tannure Leal |
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Abstract :This paper aims to analyze the birth of a new professional field scenario for mediators, which is related with the institutionalization of the mediation by the Judicial Power. So, the skills of Sociology of the Professions is adopted to comprehend the demands of productivity, the tensions between mediators and other law professions, questions about remuneration and volunteering, besides another problems. |
Uma Ética Holística para as Gerações Futuras: caminho para o Novo Direito Ambiental |
Author : Mária de Fátima Alves São Pedro |
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Abstract :This article discusses the relevance to investigate the concerns based on ethics and on environmental law, with a view to defend and preserve the environment for current and future generations as possible, because it is a right that link all aiming at a balanced ecological environment. In this tuning fork features environmental ethics in a perspective of solidarity and responsibility on the environment, that is, the environmental ethics as an environmental system in search of alternative paths to a holistic proposal in order to show a new environmental law, supported by a responsibility based on ethics of sustainability. |
Do Problema Geral da Razão Pura |
Author : Theresa Calvet de Magalhães |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The Critique of Pure Reason (CPR), at least by Kant’s own reckoning, is an extended reflection on a single question: “Now the real problem of pure reason is contained in the question: how are synthetic a priori judgements possible?” (CPR B19). The question “how is synthetic a priori cognition possible?” is the transcendental question. Kant’s famous 1772 letter to Marcus Herz – a letter this paper aims to explicate – already contains an outline of the first Critique and is quite important if we want to understand the genesis of the transcendental question. For Kant, transcendental philosophy, “which necessarily precedes all metaphysics”, is nothing but the complete solution, “in systematical order and completeness”, of the problem of pure reason, and he can then say that “it is not surprising that when a whole science (...), in itself quite new, is required to answer a – single question satisfactorily, we should find the answer troublesome and difficult, nay even shrouded in obscurity.” (Prolegomena, § 5, Ak IV, p. 279). |
Elementos para (re)construção da Teoria Geral da Decisão Judicial no Processo Civil Brasileiro |
Author : Alexandre de Castro Catharina |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The Civil Procedure Code of 2015 established a complex system of judicial decisions with the aim of ensuring greater dialogue between procedural subjects and, consequently, increase the democratization of the decision-making process. However, this complex system will not be effective if there is a theory of judicial decision that addresses the conceptual and paradigmatic changes required for this purpose. In this context , it is intended with this article address the key innovations inserted by Law No. 13,105 / 2015 , which reformed the judicial decision definitions, and discuss about the existence of a theory of judicial decision in the Brazilian civil procedural law that contemplates changes conceptual required by new procedural legislation. |
A Usucapião Extrajudicial: entre Expectativas Teóricas e Possibilidades Empíricas |
Author : Cláudia Franco Corrêa, Bárbara Gomes Lupetti Batista |
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Abstract :This article discuss the New Code of Civil Procedure’s proposal, about the administrative adverse possession. This change was introduced by Article 1.071, which adds the art. 216-A, of the Public Records Law (Law No. 6,015 / 73). The purpose of this study is, on the one hand, analyze the extrajudicial adverse possession, according to the New Code, which admits the recognition of property by notaries using the adverse possession institute. On the other hand, this paper discuss the procedural and empirical barriers of this candy of change. The background of this asticle, is the evident crisis of the judiciary, caused by the large volume of demands. It has required the implementation of institutional policies to promote the speedy trial. These policies have the challenge of maintaining guarantees and promote rights, at the same time. In fact, the introduction of extrajudicial adverse possession in the our legal system, seems to represent one of these honorable changes which wants to simplify procedures and facilitate the acess to rights. Outherwise, we notice some doubts about the effectiveness of that change in the Brazilian real estate sector. The question is: Will the New Code of Civil Procedure makes the process of adverse possession be faster? Or it will create a new procedural phase and result in a slower process? |
Princípios Éticos e Normas Jurídicas: um percurso entre o Passado e o Presente |
Author : Geraldo Ribeiro de Sá |
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Abstract :This article discusses the issue of the contemporaneity of ethical principles, namely, honesty, credibility, diligence and frugality, which compose the book The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, written by German social scientist M. Weber, first published in 1904, and debates under some meaningful connections between these principles and certain legal rules. Based on the sources that were researched the author decided to distinguish three directions in the concept of ethics: the first, as the possibility for an individual to act freely and autonomously; the second, as a field of philosophical knowledge; and the third, as a set of coded moral rules. Among the final consideration is a general outcry demanding ethical decisions, especially from political, business and autonomous agents, i.e., in accordance with ethical principles, moral and legal rules. |
Why Western Law Theories do not settle religious issues? |
Author : Daniel Nunes Pereira |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The present study addresses the difficulty regarded on the gap between ideal/real on law and religion phenomena, and seeks to understand the motives and reasons for the inability of the western legal framework to deal with problems arising from religious practices. The paper starts from the assumption that mankind is not defined solely through social objects in which manifests itself in compact and concentrated way. There is a transverse dimension on humankind that works in active or latent way in the entire thickness of social reality, which does not fit in the immanence of Law. The transversality of religion and its reverberations in other spheres of human life is bounden to review the issue of deontological nexus that exists in the law. Thus, in this study concluding 144remarks, the problem of the gap on “Is-Ought problem” prevailing on Law Theory, may be primarily located in the binomial relation “Religion-praxis/Law-techné”. |
O Projeto Trabalhista: Garantismo e Cidadania Regulada |
Author : Marcos Eduardo Teixeira Ceia |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This study aims at an analysis of Brazilian labour law institutions, through its biggest vector of stability, the labour project materialized in the Consolidation of Labour Laws, not only in its original conception and its idea of citizenship, but also in its effectiveness in being put into practice as an institutional design, so as to present a balanced portrait between its proposed institutional design and how it behaves as an effective institutional arrangement. |
Il ruolo della biomassa come fonte di energia rinnovabile nella promozione dei diritti sociali in Brasile |
Author : Vânia Aieta, Thiago Jordace |
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Abstract :Il presente lavoro ha come obiettivo la realizzazione di un’analisi tecnica, sociale ed ambientale sulla biomassa qualefonte rinnovabile di energia per contribuire allo sviluppo sostenibile e alla tutela del paesaggio. Il lavoro analizza l’evoluzione della biomassa come fonte di energia in Brasile e i suoi possibili sfruttamenti, quali la combustione, l’estrazione di oli e la fabbricazione di combustibili come l’alcool, il biodiesel e il biogas. Sarà messa in evidenza la conoscenza del know-how che il Brasile ha acquisito in questo processo e i benefici che potrebbero essere ottenuti tramite il rimboschimento di aree degradate. Inoltre, illustreremo quali benefici sociali possono essere raggiunti con l’adozione della biomassa come fonte di energia alternativa in Brasile. La promozione e l’uso estensivo della biomassa ridurrebbe il fenomeno migratorio degli agricoltori verso i centri urbani. Le zone agricole verrebbero così non solo preservate ma anche sviluppate attraverso la creazione di nuovi posti di lavoro sostenibili e di qualità. Verrebbe, inoltre, salvaguardata la qualità della rete idrica, senza pericoli di contaminazione, grazie alla produzione di un combustibile di qualità senza zolfo. Tali benefici, risultanti dallo sviluppo di beni di capitale, possono ampliare l’inclusione sociale di quella fascia di brasiliani che è ancora in condizioni di indigenza.Il conseguimento dei diritti sociali sostenuti dalla Costituzione brasiliana del 1988 diventerebbe così possibile. |
O Acesso à Justiça em Boaventura de Sousa Santos |
Author : Vladimir Santos Vitovsky |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The new Civil Procedural Code brings substantial changes. Before analyzing its impacts, it is important to discuss the prospects of access to justice, and in particular, the changes in its concept, especially in the case of the Brazilian State a welfare state later. The purpose of this article is to discuss the traditional concepts and to present the innovations brought by Boaventura de Sousa Santos.It begins with the discussion about the crisis of the justice and proposals for judicial reform. Then, it is importante to articulate the proposals for reform in the welfare state, discussing the traditional conceptions of access to justice. Finally, it presents the prospect of Boaventura de Sousa Santos about access to rights and justice. |