Considerações acerca da compreensão do modelo de vinculação às decisões judiciais: os precedentes no novo Código de Processo Civil Brasileiro |
Author : Antônio Pereira Gaio Júnior |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :El presente artículo analiza el modelo de vinculación a las decisiones judiciales representados en la figura del precedente judicial, la experiencia brasileña con un modelo de este tipo, así como el establecimiento de reglas de este contenido con el nuevo Código de Procedimiento Civil. |
NEABI-UNESA: a Extensão Social e as Questões Étnico-raciais Brasileiras |
Author : Carlos Alberto Lima de Almeida |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This article is the result of the Social Extension Project presented under the title Center for Afro-Brazilian Studies and indigenous (NEABI), split of research at the Federal Fluminense University (UFF) and Estacio de Sa University (UNESA), whose focus it is directed to ethnic and racial issues, with emphasis on the study of history and african-Brazilian and indigenous culture, and the importance of such issues in the training of students of higher education courses, classroom and distance, grade technology, BA and degree. |
Politicizing Skepticism – Agonal Thought for Democracy |
Author : Daniel Nunes Pereira, Lucas Pinheiro Garcia |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The study hereby proposed aims to show how a skeptical and agonal attitude is an imperative demand on political thinking towards democracy. Departing from the paradigm of several possible political worlds, most theories on democracy reveal themselves as just one of multiple possibilities to configure and reconfigure the ordinary world. Therefore, the skeptic’s legacy on the concept of ‘epoché’accrues an unceasing benevolent debate between theories and Weltanschauungen. This way, some agonal way of thinking causes the inexorability of any judgment in terms of “true/false”, summarizing the absence of a truly political knowledge. The paper discusses how political thought, especially concerning ‘Democracytheories’, must be understood under an unstable axiological reality, which reinforces the fideist approach of any political decision, that is, merely a bet from a circumscribed sovereign power confident on its own potential to provide transition from chaos to order with the consequent normativity. |
La perennidad del legado de los “padres fundadores” del derecho internacional |
Author : Antônio Trindade Augusto Cançado Trindade |
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Abstract :Que sean mis primeras palabras, de profundo agradecimiento a las autoridades y profesores de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (U.A.M.), por el gran honor con que me distinguen al otorgarme el título de Doctor Honoris Causa. En esta ceremonia del 20 de mayo de 2016, quisiera, de inicio, extender las expresiones de mi gratitud a la U.A.M., a todos sus Catedráticos y Profesores, en las personas del Profesor D. Carlos D. Espósito Massicci (con mis agradecimientos por su Laudatio, que tanto me complace y que debo creditar a su generosidad); del Rector Magnífico, Profesor D. José María Sanz Martínez; de la Decana, Prof. Dña. Yolanda Valdeolivas García; del Director del Departamento de Derecho Público, Profesor D. Francisco Velazco Caballero; del Co-Director del Máster en Gobernanza y Derechos Humanos, Prof. D. Antonio Rovira Viñas; de los Profesores de Derecho Internacional, D. Antonio Remiro Brotóns y D. Javier Díez-Hochleitner (...) |
Direito e(m) Verdade |
Author : Cleyson de Moraes Mello |
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Abstract :This research paper seeks to establish a relationship between the statements of the legal rule on the question of truth in terms of the existential conditions of possibility. |
O Controle das Prestações de Contas no Brasil e as Impropriedades mais Frequentes |
Author : Antonio Carlos Flores de Moraes |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This work aims to address several aspects related to the control of accounts’ provision in Brazil, mainly focusing in the so-called “external control” and, more specifically, the technical examination of the accounts performed in assistance to the Legislative power. This power is the ultimate responsible for performing this control inside the check and balances’ system in Brazil. After a brief history of the Courts of Auditors starting from the Republican period, the role of the Courts of Auditors is addressed through the perspective of the Brazilian Constitution of October 5, 1988, mainly focusing on the expansion of the Courts’ powers and duties.Comments are also done as to the analysis of the government’s accounts, which are annually submitted by the President to the Legislative power. Prior to the account’s analysis, a technical opinion is issued by the Court of Auditors, although the judgment itself (by the Legislative power) may, in some cases, become extremely political, which is inherent to democratic governments. |
As origens da Politização da Justiça ou da Judicialização da Política no atual Sistema Constitucional Brasileiro |
Author : André Panno Beirão, Ana Carolina Nogueira Beirão |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Subject of constant social debate and academic reflection, this paper starts from epistemological expression of “politicization of justice”, distinguishing it from judicialization of politics. In the Brazilian case, the consolidation of democratic institutions has suffered of a big influence of international jurists, specially from German and Portuguese ones, that, in certain way, permeated the relationship between the constitutional three Powers and ways of control with mechanisms that ended up by influencing the own condition of acting of its powers. It presents how the Executive Power’s typical decisions has found a strong barrier of Judiciary Power and how the exercise of the jurisdiction has also exacerbated its power in political decisions. It presents how these decisions, under the aura of the “social justice” exercise and of the fundamental rights guarantee, also extrapolate its original powers, specially by the Superior Federal Tribunal – the Brazilian constitutional supreme court – when exercises the guarantee of constitutionality of the national juridical law, even more when typically politics decisions are raised to the Judiciary Power. |
Democracia e Participação: Conquistas da Cidadania Brasileira nos 28 anos de Constituição |
Author : Claudia Gurgel |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Les luttes pour la liberté et l’égalité révèlent au monde démocratique la nécessité pérenne qui ces valeurs sont présentes dans les débats verrouillés, à la fois en politique et dans la récolte de milieu universitaire. Dans le processus politique, les nouveaux arrangements sociaux historiquement surgi dans la foulée des mouvements sociaux, et en ligne avec les nouvelles vagues de la démocratie ont donné le nouveau visage à l’exercice de la citoyenneté par la participation populaire. Dans ce contexte, les instruments de participation sont apparus dans le cadre institutionnel de façonner la relation entre le pouvoir de l’Etat et de la société, en particulier dans les choix de politique publique. Dans les débats académiques, les brins participative et de délibération se detachment. Dans la plus récente réalité historique du Brésil, au cours des années de la transition démocratique, comme la force de la Constitution brésilienne, les luttes sociales ont abouti à une série d’ouvertures à la participation sociale dans le processus de production des politiques publiques. Il met en évidence le rôle des villes dans cette trajectoire. |
Mujeres supremas. La cuestión de género en Cortes Supremas y Tribunales Constitucionales. Datos comparados sobre la performance de las juezas |
Author : Jorge O. Bercholc |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The topic of gender, as regards of the process of appointment to the courts and to the judicial performance, introduces us in two different problems. One of them, reasons of democratic representation like faithful mirror of the social composition for gender, based on a representative sociological concept that must be taken form to institutional level. Another topic: ¿which would be the added value or different point of view, if someone, from the women in the courts? ¿What different perspectives or sensibility, could be offer a women in a constitutional court? |
Cidade e Políticas Públicas. A questão da Saúde Pública |
Author : Vanderlei Martins |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The article discusses the contemporary city and, in the specific case, the Rio de Janeiro as the central focus. The main theme here privileged understands the city as socio-institutional community center that brings together political, economic and cultural interests specific, but not always treated with the right balance, especially political balance. In this sense, public affairs, synthesis of this institutionalized living in urban areas of the city, is treated by the authorities in a way that does not meet adequately the interests of the population as a whole, in the specific case, and especially the most disadvantaged social strata. Objectively, the work turns to consider the issue of public health in Rio de Janeiro, trying to show that the collapse in the sector is a direct result of the absence of an efficient public policy associated with the neglect and social and cultural lack of commitment to the poor layers of the population urban. |
Uma Ética Holística para as Gerações Futuras: caminho para o Novo Direito Ambiental |
Author : Maria de Fátima Alves São Pedro |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This article discusses the relevance to investigate the concerns based on ethics and on environmental law, with a view to defend and preserve the environment for current and future generations as possible, because it is a right that link all aiming at a balanced ecological environment. In this tuning fork features environmental ethics in a perspective of solidarity and responsibility on the environment, that is, the environmental ethics as an environmental system in search of alternative paths to a holistic proposal in order to show a new environmental law, supported by a responsibility based on ethics of sustainability. |
Direito e Antropologia: por uma Aproximação Necessária |
Author : Camilo Plaisant Carneiro, Diogo Oliveira Muniz Caldas |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This article aims to describe the need for a greater rapprochement between the jurisprudence and anthropology and how this approach can bring benefits for both fields, especially to the field of law by introducing research methods from Anthropology that are different from the search mode usually used in law the, bibliographical research. Anthropology, through the use of field research, empirical research, when applied to the law search deconstruct true until then regarded as absolute, objectively demonstrated that certain legal institutes, imported from other countries, may not be exactly similar to its ‘original’, showing clear dissociation between what applies in a specific location and what applies in Brazil. Thus the aim is to demonstrate how can there be a greater rapprochement between these two fields and to demonstrate concretely that the examples used by Brazilian Law institutes, not always correspond to alleged international institutes that the doctrine country insists on label as similar, as will be demonstrated in this paper succinctly. |