Complications in Maxillary Local Anesthesia |
Author : Chisci Glauco* |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :One aspect of oral pathology and maxillofacial not to be overlooked in the anesthesiological approach to the patient are complications due to local anesthesia in maxillary bone.
Main procedures of local anesthesiology involve the greater palatine nerve, the infra-orbitary nerve and the posterior superior alveolar nerve: all of these nerves derive from the second sensitive branch of the trigeminal nerve. |
Intravenous General Anesthesia for Patients with Neurological Disorders |
Author : Kentaro Ouchi* |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :In dental practice, intravenous general anesthesia is useful for patients who are difficult to treat when not sedated such as those with neurological disorders [1]. |
Peri-Operative Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy: A Case Series |
Author : Alicia M Kowalski*, Jeff Cerny, Spencer Kee, Farzin Goravanchi, Elizabeth Rebello |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy (TC) is a reversible, stress-induced, non-ischemic cardiomyopathy associated with temporary weakness of the myocardium and midventricular or apical ballooning [1,2]. Angina, ST abnormalities, elevated troponins, ventricular asynergy, CHF, and decreased EF are all components of TC. The unique finding is that they occur on the absence of CAD [3]. In this case series with IRB approval we report three cases of post-operative cardiac symptoms that all resulted in a diagnosis of TC. |
Structural Differences in Respiratory System and Airway of Parturients |
Author : Ayten Saracoglu* |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Oxygen consumption increases with increased alveolar ventilation and respiratory alkalosis occurs. Thus, PaCO2 becomes 28-32 mmHg in pregnant women, and this amount is compensated with renal bicarbonate absorption. Preoxygenation can be made slower by inhalation of 100% oxygen for 2-5 minutes. Denitrogenation of the lungs occurs after three minutes [1]. Another method can be applied quickly with 4-8 deep breaths of 100% oxygen [2]. However, for pregnant women who will have a cesarean section under general anesthesia, an oxygen fraction of 1 has been shown to increase fetal oxygenation more compared with the 0.3 or 0.5 FiO2 [3]. As this may lead to free oxygen radicals and apsorbtion atalectesia, 80 % oxygen is recommended. |
Placenta Previa Combined with Placenta Accreta and Fetal Congenital High Airway Obstruction- Failed Ex Utero Intrapartum Treatment |
Author : Sohan Lal Solanki*, Gautam Chand Bhansali |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :A parturient with placenta previa and accreta combined with fetal congenital high airway obstruction was scheduled for cesarean section. Ex utero intrapartum (EXIT) treatment on fetus after classical cesarean section was planned. General anesthesia was induced after routine and invasive haemodynamic monitoring started. Profuse bleeding was started as soon as the baby was delivered. EXIT procedure was cancelled and cord was clamped and cut. ENT surgeon performed tracheostomy on baby and airway was secured but baby died after half an hour. Emergency cesarean hysterectomy was done after all measures to control the bleeding were failed. |
Fetal Monitoring in Open Fetal Surgery |
Author : Kemal Tolga Saracoglu* |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Open surgery and fetoscopic surgery are of the safest procedures, whilst the ex-utero intrapartum treatment (EXIT) procedure has lost its significance as a result of the severe complications experienced both by the mother and the fetus. While uteroplacental circulation maintains, the EXIT is performed before delivery. The fetus is to be delivered at the conclusion of the case. A neonatal resuscitation area and two operating rooms are needed. Significant uterine relaxation is required for open midge station surgery. The risk for rapid bleeding and hemodynamic instability are the common accompanying parts of this procedure. It still continues to be a process done in certain centers not only in United States but also in Europe [1]. |
Differential Gastrointestinal Effects of Who-Step III Opioids in Low Back Pain Patients with vs. Without Constipation: Post-Hoc Analysis of Data from a 12-Week Prospective, Open-Label Blinded Endpoint Streamlined Study |
Author : Michael A Ueberall*, Gerhard HH Mueller-Schwefe |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Objective: Opioid-induced constipation (OIC) is the most prevalent patient complaint associated with longer-term opioid use and interferes with analgesic efficacy, functionality, quality-of-life, and patient compliance. To compare effects of prolonged release (PR) oxycodone and PR naloxone (OXN), vs. PR oxycodone (OXY) vs. PR morphine (MOR) on bowel function under real-life conditions in chronic low back pain (LBP) patients with vs. those without pre-existent constipation. |
Therapeutic Hypothermia |
Author : Padmaja Durga* |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Therapeutic hypothermia has been advocated for neuroprotection in cardiac arrest-induced encephalopathy, neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, traumatic brain injury, stroke, hepatic encephalopathy, and spinal cord injury, and as an adjunct to certain surgical procedures. In this review, we address physiological mechanism of hypothermia to mitigate neurological injury, the trials that have been performed for each of these indications, the strength of the evidence to support treatment with Evidence is strongest for prehospital cardiac arrest and neonatal hypoxic-ischemic mild/moderate hypothermia. Evidence is strongest for prehospital cardiac arrest and neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. For traumatic brain injury, a recent meta-analysis suggests that cooling may increase the likelihood of a good outcome, but does not change mortality rates. For many of the other indications, such as stroke and spinal cord injury, trials are ongoing, but the data is insufficient to recommend routine use of hypothermia at this time. Although induced hypothermia appears to be a highly promising treatment, it should be emphasized that it is associated with a number of potentially serious side effects, which may negate some or all of its potential benefits. Prevention and/or early treatment of these complications are the key to successful use of hypothermia in clinical practice. |