Awake Open Atypical Gastric Resection under Combined Lumbar Spinal Anesthesia and Thoracic Epidural Neuroaxial Block in a High-Risk Patient |
Author : Manuel Wenk*, Christina Massoth, Daniel Pöpping and Michael Möllmann |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Modern day general anesthesia has a convincing safety record in any age group presenting with or without severe co-morbidities, hence allowing surgeons to introduce a broad range of patients to surgical procedures. However, sometimes patients present with the most signifi cant co-morbidities and organ function impairment where then general anesthesia becomes a major risk in itself. Awake surgery under regional/neuroaxial anesthesia is a possible alternative in chosen cases and has been described in cardiac and lower abdominal surgery. |
Lidocaine Infusion Decreases Pain Scores in a Fibromyalgia Pain Population with Signifi cant Differential Pain Relief Secondary to Smoking Status |
Author : Yang Hyung Kim, Dan Moyse, Christian Horazeck, Hung-Lun Hsia, Carlos J Roldan, Billy Huh and Lance Roy* |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Study Objective: Our hypothesis is that systemic lidocaine can significantly reduce chronic pain associated with fibromyalgia. A secondary goal of the study is to determine if other patient demographics can affect the response to IV lidocaine.
Design: Retrospective chart review
Setting: Outpatient pain clinic |