Transition Coach Program Implementation Associated with Thirty-Day Readmission Rates in a Community Hospital Setting |
Author : Richard A Moore II*, Travis Gerke, Derek Bourgoine and Pracha P Eamranond |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Background: With implementation of Medicare policies affecting reimbursement for readmissions, there has been increased emphasis on quality of care during transition from hospital to home. Several models for improved care, such as utilization of transition coaches, have developed to address barriers to quality healthcare that are prevalent in this care transition.
Indoor Air Pollutants and Respiratory Problems among Dhaka City Dwellers |
Author : Mahibun Nahar, Manzurul Haque Khan and Sk Akhtar Ahmad* |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Background: Indoor air pollutants becoming a great concern for public health. Indoor air pollution can cause more harmful health impacts than that of outdoor air pollution.
Objectives: The study was conducted to investigate some selected indoor air pollutants and respiratory problems among the households of Dhaka city.
A Theory-Based Intervention in Health Visiting Students in Order to Reduce Mental Illness Stigma: A Quasi-Experimental Study |
Author : Georgia Koutsouradi*, Christina Dimitrakaki, Eirini Agapidaki, Yannis Tountas and Areti Lagiou |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Background: Stigma of mental illness is an important barrier to treatment and recovery of mental illness. Schizophrenia represents the most common mental disorder for the public and it is connected with the highest stigma due to misconceptions of dangerousness. Stigmatizing attitudes have been found not only among general population but also in health care providers.
Exclusive Breastfeeding Practice and Associated Maternal Socio-Demographic Factors among Mothers Attending Imo State Specialist Hospital, Owerri, South-Eastern Nigeria |
Author : Chikere Ifeanyi Casmir Ebirim*, Ugonma Winnie Dozie, Wanwuri Akor, Ijeoma Judith Dozieand Oluchi Agatha Ashiegbu |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Introduction: Breast milk is unique and contains the entire nutritional requirement a new born infants needs for the first year of life. Exclusive breastfeeding is defined as the consumption of no other food or liquids except breast milk and drops or syrups consisting of vitamin-mineral supplements or medicines for at least 4 months and if possible the first 6 months of life. The aim of this study was to determine the socio-demographic factors associated with exclusive breastfeeding practice in Imo specialist hospital, Owerri, south-eastern Nigeria.
Role of Dentists in Creating a Tobacco free Society |
Author : Amit Vanka and Shanthi Vanka* |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :“Giving up smoking is easy I have done it a thousand times” is an adage that puts in perspective the difficulties in tobacco cessation. Tobacco is a global agent of death [1]. The tobacco epidemic is one of the biggest public health threats the world has ever faced, killing around 6 million people a year. More than 5 million of those deaths are the result of direct tobacco use while more than 600 000 are the result of non-smokers being exposed to second-hand smoke. Nearly 80% of the more than 1 billion smokers worldwide live in low- and middle-income countries, where the burden of tobacco-related illness and death is heaviest [2]. Globally the toll of deaths due to tobacco is on a rise exponentially.
Development of Community Health Care Networks Utilizing Local Community Centers |
Author : Eiichiro Ichiishi* |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Objectives: Japan is expected to become the fi rst super-aging society in the world, and the collapse of the Japanese health care system is becoming a real possibility, due to the aging of the society combined with a signifi cant increase in medical expenditure. In Japan, with the majority of land covered by forests, regional disparities between urban and depopulated mountainous areas are becoming greater each year. The importance of health management of the elderly living in these mountainous areas and diseaseprevention measures for them has been noted.