A Population-Based Study Comparing Child (0-4) and Adult (55-74) Mortality, GDP-Expenditure-on- Health and Relative Poverty in the UK and Developed Countries 1989-2014. Some Challenging Outcomes |
Author : Colin Pritchard*, Richard Williams, Tamas Hickish and Mark Wallace |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Purpose: To compare the UK Child (0-4) and Adult (55-74) Mortality with twenty developed countries 1989-2014 to explore whether the UK has lower priorities for children?
Under-Five Mortality in India: A Muddled Trip through Millennium Development Goal - 4 |
Author : Paramita Sengupta, Purushottam A Giri* and Sadhu C Mohaptra |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The Millennium Development Goal-4 (MDG-4) had a target of reducing the under-fi ve mortality rate (U5MR) by two-thirds, between 1990 and 2015. When compared to 1990 levels, 17,000 fewer children died each day in 2015. In 2012, UNICEF found that, globally, children born in the poorest 20% of households had only half the chance of surviving to their fi fth birthday as children born in the richest 20% of households. Many countries, including India could not attain the MDG-4. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) seeks to build on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and “complete what these did not achieve, “particularly in reaching the most vulnerable. The SDGs are committed to the full realization of all the MDGs, including the off-track MDGs, by providing focused and scaled-up assistance to least developed countries and other countries in special situations, in line with relevant support programs. MDG-4 failed to achieve its single target of reducing child mortality. This review attempts to provide an insight into the under-fi ve mortality in India. Various internet based popular search engines were used to explore data from literature, which includes PubMed, PubMed Central, Google Scholar, Medknow, and Science Direct. Search was made using the key-word combinations “under fi ve mortality” and “millennium development goals” were used. The search was limited to reviews; meta-analyses and assorted reports were retrieved and evaluated. A total of 25 publications were evaluated for this review article.
Palliative Care for Cancer: A Public Health Challenge in India |
Author : Shrikant Atreya* and Purushottam A Giri |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Palliative care is an emerging discipline worldwide which focuses on improving the quality of life of patients with chronic life threatening condition like cancer. Globally, palliative care is sparsely distributed in developing countries including India where the need is immense. While there is extensive coverage of this issue in palliative care literature, there is limited coverage in public health literature, which suggests that the challenges of palliative care have not been generally recognized as a priority in public health. The present article will embark upon various challenges and solutions for implementing palliative care in the country. By considering this discipline in the fi eld of public health literature, it is hoped to raise awareness and stimulate thoughts among public health professionals and health policy makers. In addition to this, a model based on preexisting research has been proposed, that will facilitate palliative care services to be delivered through the existing health care system, which will not only be accessible to the needy in remote parts of the country, but also at a cost the community and country can afford.
Healthful School Environment: A Comparative Study of Public and Private Primary Schools in Ogun State, Nigeria |
Author : Amoran OE*, Kupoluyi OT, Salako AA and kupoluyi OT |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Introduction: A healthy school environment (physical, biological and socio-cultural) serves as a major determinant of health and greatly infl uences the individual’s level of intellectual growth and development. This study was therefore designed to assess the school environmental health services in both private and public primary schools in Ogun state Nigeria.
Forced Marriage and Mental Health by migrants in Germany |
Author : Jan Ilhan Kizilhan* |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Background and Objectives: The study examines the extent to which a link exists between forced marriage and the frequency of mental illness.
Methods: Female migrants both in forced marriages and not in forced marriages with a Turkish background were compared in psychosomatic clinics in Germany with regard to their psychological complaints.
Results: Turkish women in forced marriages suffer from mental health problems with signifi cantly greater frequency and, on average, have attempted suicide at least four times.
Necrotizing Fasciitis caused by Streptococcus pyogenes: A case report and literature review of disease diagnosis and management |
Author : Hassan A Aziz* |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Background: A 55-year-old male presented to the emergency room at a local hospital complaining of chest discomfort and severe left elbow pain. Case Presentation: Erythema and symptoms of peripheral neuropathy were evident in the left hand. The patient reported recent trauma to his left elbow; however a radiograph of the left arm was unremarkable for fracture. After being admitted to the intensive care unit for observation, he developed worsening pain out of proportion and progressive decreased sensation in his left hand.
Don’t We Need Non-communicable Diseases Block in Government Tertiary Care Hospitals? |
Author : Sumanth Mallikarjuna Majgi*, Purushottam A. Giri and Bhavani Nivetha |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Non-communicable Diseases (NCDs) are emerging as the major cause of morbidity and mortality globally. In India, non-communicable diseases (NCDs) contribute to around 5.87 million deaths that account for 60% of all deaths. India shares more than two-third of the total deaths due to NCDs in the South-East Asia Region. World Health Assembly endorsed the WHO Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of NCDs for 2013-2020, the goal is to reduce the preventable and avoidable burden of morbidity, mortality and disability due to non-communicable diseases by means of multi-sectoral collaboration and cooperation at national, regional and global level. When analyzed about the existing health care services in India, the primary health centers are the fi rst point of contact for a patient with the health care, the services provided in the primary Health centers are grossly inadequate, in India almost 40% of the primary health centers are functioning without lab technician and 9% without doctors. In order to improve the NCD services in a tertiary care, we have to address the issue of dissatisfaction in patients in tertiary care by providing a better organized service which will lead to better compliance of the patient to treatment.
Walking Distance to Tobacco Outlets in Vulnerable Areas Baltimore City: An Issue of Health Equity |
Author : Aruna Chandran*, Christian Fuller, Emilie Gilde |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Introduction: Health equity concerns related to tobacco use are signifi cant in Baltimore City. We use spatial analytic techniques to understand the density of tobacco outlets by areas of socioeconomic vulnerability, and their location within walking distance of residences compared with vehicle ownership. Methods: Population demographic indicators were obtained from the 2010 Census and associated with increasing numbers of tobacco outlets using a linear regression model. The distance from the centroid of each census block to the nearest licensed tobacco retailer was calculated using a spatial joining techniques.