Serum cystatin C as an early marker of Acute Kidney Injury in elderly patients after surgery for femur fracture. An observational study | Author : José de Souza Andrade Neto, MD, PhD, Vera Lucia Fernandes de Azevedo, MD, PhD, Italo Lopes and Carvalho, MD, Reinaldo da Silva Santos Junior, MD, MsC, Paulo do Nascimento Junior, MD, PhD and Norma Sueli Pinheiro Modolo, MD, PhD | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Background: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is prevalent in hospitalized patients, primarily in patients undergoing major surgical procedures. AKI is associated with increased morbimortality, and patients would benefit from a very early diagnosis that would allow implementation of specific therapeutic or additional prophylactic measures. The present study evaluated serum cystatin C as an early predictor of AKI in elderly patients during the postoperative period. |
| How end stage renal disease creates, enhances and promotes poverty for patients in the United States | Author : John D Sullivan* | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :End Stage Renal Disease impacts the lives of over 750,000 patients and their families in the United States. It is well documented that the treatment is both expensive and takes a physical and fi nancial toll on the patient and their respective families [1]. Depending on the treatment modality, many patients fall out of the workforce under the age of 65 and depend on disability to survive creating an additional expense for the government and the general economy through a lower utilization of the workforce [2]. The question, which has been somewhat explored, is if the diagnosis of renal failure leads to inevitable poverty? Despite coverage ratios and access to care, it still seems to negate that undergoing such a treatment regime removes the economic impact to the patient as well as society in general in addition, in many cases, of a quality of life previously experienced. |