Real Time Detection and Recognition of Hand Held Objects to Assist Blind People | Author : Suchit Adak, Ankit Dongre, Jimil Gandhi, Dhruv Purandare, Prof.Archana G. Said | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In this paper, we have implemented our idea to help blind
individuals with their daily struggle. We have used Google’s
TensorFlow library in our project. TensorFlow is an open
source, fast and scalable open source machine learning
library. TesnsorFlow is used by many internal Google
products including: Gmail, translate, YouTube, and Play.
| Online Shopping Application for Local Vendors. | Author : Purva Lila, Rutuja Kirve, Sejal Kale, Shubham gavali, Prof. S. P. Pimpalkar | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In the era of online shopping with the online shopping
giants like Flipkart, Amazon dominating the shopping
world, people are ignoring the local vendors who also
provide us with the same quality goods. And so, in an
attempt to provide global platform to the local vendors
and to acquaint the people with the shops available in
their locality, we are designing an online shopping
application for local vendors in Pune. |
| Providing Security to Results using Color QR Codes | Author : Mrs. Zaware Sarika Nitin, Shraddha Chavan, Pratik Kulkarni, Aswathy Sreenivasan, Rasika Pawar | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Quick Response (QR) codes are now extremely popular
due to the widespread uses of smart phones. Almost all
the areas have had the QR codes to overtake the
traditional one-dimensional bar codes, due to the
increased capacity and quick data retrieval. QR codes
offer a myriad of specifications like small space,
durability against damage due to soil, better data
capacity and higher language support, which make them
much better than bar codes. Further, this Project is
attempting expand the size of the QR codes further by
making use of Color QR codes. Blowfish algorithm is
efficient. This has been proved due by measuring the
time required for its execution as well as its throughput.
Due to the use of large key size, the efficiency of the
algorithm may be affected. Further, the data which is
considered is encrypted using Blowfish Algorithm,
which makes the data secure and tamper-proof.
Blowfish Algorithm belongs to the class of the
algorithms which have a symmetric block cipher. The
block cipher has a size of 64 bits and the key is
variable, having a key length which can range from 32
bits until 448 bits at the maximum. This algorithm is a
very fast and a useful scheme. It consists of a sub-key,
an S-box phase and the actual encryption phase. |
| An implementation of Virtual Dressing Room for Low - End Smart Phones. | Author : Prof S. N. Zaware, Amey Bansode, Kanchana Gore, Kaveri Kedari, Shreyash Phakade-Pawar | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :A Virtual Dressing Room for Low-End Smartphones is
presented here. The proposed system uses Euclidean distance
measurement algorithm. It involves capturing image of the
subject or the person who wishes to try out the apparel.
Systems similar to this have are in use in the West. They
involve the use of Augmented Reality. They are available in
for countries like US, UK, France, etc. But considering the
PPP, GDP, etc. pricing factors of India, it is more expensive to
deploy similar systems here. Hence to overcome this problem
we came up with the solution that will enable everyone who
owns at least a smartphone to benefit from the system. Basic
idea is user will take their own photograph. Give the
measurement of the reference object and place the points on
their shoulder/height in image taken by smart phone camera.
Our system will calculate the appropriate length and suggest
garments accordingly which the users want to try out. Users
can place an order at the same time via the following system. |
| Preventing File Inclusion Attacks on Website | Author : P.S.Sadaphule, Utkarsha Dhande, Priyanka Kamble, Sanika Mehre, Rashmi Savant | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :People use internet to communicate
with one another. Without internet, it would be both
more expensive and slower to maintain personal and
professional relationships. Many people use internet
to enjoy themselves and to engage in personal
interests. However, there are many security threats
people come across which may be viruses, worms, file
inclusion etc. So, to provide security to web
applications and preventing root shell access and
admin passwords is the main challenge. In previous
survey, we have studied on security threats such as
remote file inclusion and local file inclusion. Also, we
have mentioned different prevention techniques such
as Digital Signature, File size verification,
Sanitization of input and Dynamic allocation to
prevent website attacks. In this paper we have
implemented these techniques by using methods such
as MD5, SHA256. The expected outcome will be
achieved by using these methods, providing security
to the websites from RFI and LFI attacks. |
| Stratification of Dengue Fever using SMO and NSGA-II Optimization Algorithms. | Author : Suresh Limkar, Preet Dalsania, Swarada Deshpande, Aishwarya Dixit, Poonam Doddamani | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In today’s world, millions of cases of dengue are reported
ever year. The number of cases has increased, afflicting many
individuals. For prediction of dengue clinical methodology
comprises of antigens and anti-bodies tests. The tests are
conducted on the blood samples collected from the patients. In
our proposed system we are stratifying dengue into Dengue
Fever (DF), Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) and healthy
patients. The dataset [GDS5093] being referred in this
proposed model are of acute dengue patients. Existing work
uses PSO approach which achieved the accuracy of 90.91%,
in order to achieve high accuracy we are using optimization
algorithms like Spider Monkey Optimization (SMO) and
Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-II (NSGA-II) and
to increase the optimality of the model, we have also used
Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN). PNN uses feedforward
technique for classification. |
| Connecting Social Media To e-commerce: Cold-Start Product Recommendation | Author : Prof .Prajwal Gaikwad, Priyanka Hajare, Rutuja Nigade, Gayatri Kapadi, Priyanka Retwade | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In the recent years, social networking websites are not much in used for taking benefits for e-commerce websites. Many e-commerce related or product purchase websites uses the concept of login with social networking sites. In e-commerce there is a webpage called microblogs in which e-commerce’s users add the purchase this paper, the purchase system gives solution to the newly login user on e-commerce which does not having any microblog related information at all. Such users or problem called as cross-site cold start product recommendation our purpose system, the product recommendation is given as per the user’s do this ,their is need to extract such a knowledge from social networking site which gives you knowledge about interest of the user’s such as profile information, demographic information, their network related information and many more. And this knowledge is used to give relevant recommendation to newly login users. This propose system also having one more feature is that ,to link the users from e-commerce & social networking websites as bridge between them, to map users feature to another feature representation.. |
| Preventing Educational Document Frauds using Smart Centralized Qualification Card (SCQC). | Author : Prof. Sarika Zaware, Pratik Lodha, Parag Sanyashiv, Shubham Kadlak, Sunil Jagtap | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Even though world is focusing on being digital still large
amount of information or the data is represented by the papers
only and that may also contain critical data. Now a days
official documents are strongly secured with modern
techniques such as artwork or printed pattern, but still paper
documents suffer from a lack of security it means that with
the high availability of cheap scanning and printing hardware,
non-experts also can easily create fake documents. For the
many organizations prevention of fraud has become a major
concern. The industry understood the problem and is just now
starting to act by innovation of new techniques for fraud
detection. But as always said prevention is better than cure,
we will focus on prevention of frauds, it is the best way to
reduce frauds, fraudsters are adaptive and will usually find
ways to break the security and circumvent such measures. So,
for that purpose we have to make prevention system more and
more stronger. In this paper, we present convenient and much
more efficient approach for fraud prevention. In our approach,
we use the smart card (can be RFID, magnetic tape based
etc.). In this smart card, all the educational details can be
linked so that the details can be obtained on the go, and hence
there is no worries related to carrying your documents all the
time with you. So, the issues related to the forgery or
alteration of original documents will be reduced (or you can
say fully eliminated!)
| Parallel Patient Treatment Time Prediction with Hospital Queuing Recommendation System | Author : Pradnya Gaikwad, Prajakta Khedekar, Rohan Kalyankar, Prof. Dr. Meenakshi Thalor | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In today’s era almost in every hospital, we see a large amount
of people waiting in queue to take treatment from doctors for
different types of illness. In this scenario people get fed up to
stand in queue for a long time waiting for their turn for
treatment, leaving all their usual important work and job. To
help them out and to avoid their stress to stand in the queue
and wastage of their important time, we have developed
system that gives queue waiting time to patients through the
web application which updates in real time. We developed a
Parallel Patient Time Prediction Algorithm which will give
the patient waiting time for their treatment .So that they can
attain the hospital according to the time predicted to them.
Also we developed the Hospital Queuing Recommendation
(HQR) System, which suggests the treatment to the patient
according to waiting time of treatment. The treatment with
short queue among other is first recommended to the patient. |
| Chatbot for Education System | Author : Aishwarya Hajare, Priyanka Bhosale, Rasika Nanaware, Guruswami Hiremath | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The purpose of this paper is t o develop an automated system
which gives reply to user query on behalf of human for
education system. It can give answer to each and every query
asked by end user. Existing Chabot such as Facebook chat bot,
WeChat, Natasha from Hike, Operator, etc. were giving reply
from its local database. But our approach is to focus on
local database as well as web database and also to make
system scalable, user friendly, highly interactive. Various
techniques such as neural network (RNN), NLP, pattern
matching data mining algorithms are used in this paper to
enhance the performance of the system |
| Efficient Data Communication On Cloud by Secure Auditing and Deduplication | Author : Prof. Prashant Sadaphule, Priya Jawale, Rishabh Rapatwar, Uday Mahana, Chetan Magar | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Cloud computing systems have graced the internet world in a
way that no other technology has ever done before. They
bring in a sense of comfort and a superiority that has enriched
the lives of people who have benifited from it. Many giant
companies like Google, Amazon and Microsoft has taken this
technology to the next level by providing Google Cloud
platform, Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure
respectively. The problem comes in with the amount of data
that is being uploaded to the cloud. The amount of data is
directly proportional to the storage hardware devices and
backup media used. The simplification that the businesses and
enterprises enjoy comes at a cost. A technology called data
deduplication can severely reduce the amount of data that is
being stored on the cloud. Most of the data on the internet is
redundant. Storing the replicated data on the cloud only
increases the cost for the enterprise. Data deduplication is a
technology that most of the enterprises use to get rid of the
redundant data. Data deduplication aims at allowing only a
single copy of a particular file to be stored on the cloud while
discarding the replicated copies of the same file.
This paper shows the implementation of
deduplication. Alongside deduplication this paper also asserts
at the security of data in cloud environment. SecCloud and
SecCloud+ are the systems that help us achieve both
deduplication and data integrity |
| DETECTING INTRUSION USING DEEP NEURAL NETWORK. | Author : Prof. P.S.Gaikwad, Deepanjali Khamkar, Priyanka Kamble, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Nowadays, we have seen many files which come along with
intrusion present in it. Every application has a motive to
reduce this intrusion so that the system does not get affected.
Humans nowadays has created many applications to detect
these intrusions and to keep the files or systems secure. NIDS
is one of the outstanding system for security. It helps to keep
the system free from attacks and thus enhancing its use. NIDS
not only helps to reduce the attacks but gives the name of the
specific attack present in the file or the system. Thus
enhancing the dynamic use. Many systems have been
developed for the same but NIDS proves to be better with its
confidence factor to detect the attack. IDS is a champion
around those all the sections of security. The majority key
section to security establishments to association conditions,
what’s more may be comprehensively utilized as a only
distinguishing, recognizing and further more emulating those
gatecrashers that is progressive and also sensible. |
| Machine Learning based Crop Prediction System Using Multi-Linear Regression | Author : Prof. D.S. Zingade, Omkar Buchade, Nilesh Mehta, Shubham Ghodekar, Chandan Mehta | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :India being an agricultural country, its economy
predominantly depends on agriculture yield growth and allied
agro industry products. In India, agriculture is largely
influenced by rainwater which is highly unpredictable.
Agriculture growth also depends on diverse soil parameters,
namely Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Crop rotation, Soil
moisture, pH, surface temperature and weather aspects like
temperature, rainfall, etc. India now is rapidly progressing
towards technical development. Thus, technology will prove
to be beneficial to agriculture which will increase crop
productivity resulting in better yields to the farmer. The
proposed project provides a solution for Smart Agriculture by
monitoring the agricultural field which can assist the farmers
in increasing productivity to a great extent. Weather forecast
data obtained from IMD (Indian Metrological Department)
such as temperature and rainfall and soil parameters
repository gives insight into which crops are suitable to be
cultivated in a particular area. This work presents a system, in
form of an android based application and a website, which
uses Machine Learning techniques in order to predict the most
profitable crop in the current weather and soil conditions. The
proposed system will integrate the data obtained from
repository, weather department and by applying machine
learning algorithm: Multiple Linear Regression, a prediction
of most suitable crops according to current environmental
conditions is made. This provides a farmer with variety of
options of crops that can be cultivated. Thus, the project
develops a system by integrating data from various sources,
data analytics, prediction analysis which can improve crop
yield productivity and increase the profit margins of farmer
helping them over a longer run. |