Abstract :Optimizing anterior implant outcome using patient’s extracted teeth.
Successful implant treatment in the anterior maxilla is predicated on providing a functional and esthetically acceptable outcome. As well, achieving a predictable ideal emergence profile and soft tissue contour is expected. Placing immediate provisional restorations utilizing the patient’s modified extracted teeth can facilitate initiate facial soft tissue contouring while precluding undue pressure on the surgical site during the early healing phase. This allows for a one stage surgical procedure, fixed provisionalization and ideal tissue contouring.
This clinical report presents the use of a patient’s modified extracted permanent teeth as bonded fixed provisional restorations placed immediately after implant placement and bone grafting. The gingival-lingual and cingulum tooth structure was recontoured to allow no contact with the implant or bone graft material. A combination of cement and screw-retained definitive restorations were fabricated with contours reflecting the tissue contours established by the interim restoration.