Abstract :Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the quantity of enamel loss after microabrasion treatment in different severity of white spot lesions resulting from orthodontic treatment. Materials and Methods: Fourty-five recently extracted caries-free human upper premolar were collected. White spot lesions (WSLs) were formed, considering the severity of the decalcification using an artificial caries solution. According to this, lesions were scored and 3 groups were established, Group 1: mild lesion, Group 2: severe lesion, and Group 3: cavitation lesion. Microabrasion was applied only distobuccal side of the teeth. The other side were used as control. Each specimen picture was captured with a stero microscope and its’camera. The axiovison software was used to measure the depth of the demineralization in micrometer. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) images were taken after the microabration application.
Results: The highest enamel wear was 304.44 µm ± 72.61 µm found in cavitation group after microabrasion. In the microabrasion side there was no differences between mild and severe groups. Whereas cavitation group was found statistical significance due to increased enamel wear depth after microabrasion (p< 0.001).
Conclusion: This study quantitatively prove that microabrasion technique is a conservative treatment with a satisfactory outcome for mild and severe WSLs.