METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES TO THE LAND INVENTORY WITHIN LAND MANAGEMENT REQUIRE CHANGES | Author : Dorosh Y., Tarnopolskyi A., Avramchuk B. | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :On the basis of the conducted researches it was clarified that the current legislative and
regulatory acts regulating the carrying out of works on inventory of land under land management
can not be applied equally to all objects of land management with peculiarities of use for the
intended purpose. At the present time, in the field of land management there has been a situation in
which the implementation of land management, in the sense of a set of measures aimed at the
rational use of land, almost does not occur, but the whole land management system is reduced to
the implementation of works related to registration of land plots, restrictions on their use,
registration real rights to them, and encumbrances.
It is substantiated that for scientific institutions, organizations and agricultural enterprises
with special features of land use there is a need for the development of different methods during
carrying out this type of work with a clear definition of the stages of such works.
It is proved that the introduction of this methodology will allow to provide a systematic
approach to the work of inventorying the lands of scientific institutions, organizations or
agricultural enterprises in land management, taking into account the features of land use,
depending on the specificity of use, unifying their content and improving the quality. |
| LAND PLOTS EXCHANGE AT THE EXISTING AGRICULTURAL LAND TENURES IMPROVEMENT IN UKRAINE | Author : O. MALASHEVSKA | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : The issue of the existing agricultural land improvement effectiveness
in the course of land reform is scrutinized in the article. The research relevance
is predefined by the need for the fragmented land ownerships and tenures
optimization as a constituent of the sustainable land tenure in Ukraine. Land plots
exchange approaches substantiation in the course of the existing agricultural land
tenure improvement under current social and economic conditions is the goal of the
research. Key aspects of land exchange aiming at land tenure optimization within the
agricultural land mass in accordance to the legislation in effect have been exemplified.
Sources of the existing agricultural land tenures and land ownerships drawbacks have
been singled out.
Land tenure areas of agricultural enterprises situated in Ukraine and Kyiv Region
have been analyzed. Land plots exchange based on a set of qualitative, spatial
and technological characteristics has been carried out on the example of an agricultural
enterprise in Kyiv Region. As the result, the improvement of the agricultural enterprise
land tenure spatial characteristics including furrow length has been achieved.
The research results can be used at the existing land tenure and land ownership
improvement in accordance to the legislation, the land consolidation strategy
development in Ukraine, land owners and land users private efforts and the scientific
researches in the future. |
| SHWEDISH EXPERIENCE OF MANAGEMENT OF SECONDARY RESOURCES CADASTRE | Author : V. Peresoliak | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The article analyzes the problems of functioning and dynamics of the
management reform and management of secondary resource cadastre in the
Kingdom of Sweden. The scientific paradigms of the analysis of the use of secondary
resources of the Kingdom of Sweden are presented.
Secondary or they can also be called technogenic resources annually
"reproduced" at a significant and rapid pace and increasingly occupy new territories
of natural landscapes. The growth rates of waste in the industrialized countries of the
world exceed twice the dynamics of material production and natural population
growth. In each civilized country, the accumulation of solid industrial and domestic
wastes causes the risks of environmental disasters that need to be utilized for their
solution. Ukraine is no exception.
Establishing and maintaining a cadastre of secondary resources at the state
level provides an opportunity to make managerial decisions on preventing
environmental disasters and bringing technogenic landscapes to the fore.
For example, the Kingdom of Sweden considered how the philosophy of
society, dealing with secondary resources and managing their cadastre changes with
the adoption of targeted state management decisions. |
| NATIONAL VECTORS OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF AGRICULTURAL LAND PLOTS MARKET IN UKRAINE | Author : Dorosh O.S., Fomenko V.V.,Tretiachenko D.V. | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :It is revealed that the presence of institutional constraints precludes the full use
of the potential of agricultural lands as a complete component of commodity-money
relations. In view of this, the rather complicated, multifaceted problem of new
institutes installation in the development of agricultural land plots market is
scientifically substantiated. In this correspondence, the national vectors of influence
on the introduction of the market of agricultural land plots in Ukraine have been
formed and singled out, namely: trust in the authorities, stability of financial and
credit institutions and the independence of the judicial branch of power. It is proved
that the cancellation the moratorium on the sale of these land plots will be
expedience only after the formation of institutes, which will require a certain time
interval of several years.
| ECOLOGICAL AND ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF CHANGING THE LAND`S LEGAL STATUS FOR THE NEEDS OF ROAD TRANSPORT | Author : M.P. Stetsyuk, N. F. Ishchenko | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :An analysis of the land transport structure which are owned
or used by enterprises and organizations in the composition of land has been
determined. Ukraine transport lands have been formed by ownership type. It was
clarified that change in the purposeful use of land plots which are in state or
communal property is carried out by executive authorities or local self-government
bodies, which make decisions on approval of land utilization projects for the
allocation of land plots and the transfer of these plots into ownership or provision for
use in accordance with the Land Code of Ukraine. Changing the legal status for the
needs of land road transport the policy and main priorities should be aimed at the
creation and operation of such rules and standards that reflect both public interests
and the interests of landowners and land users as well as European requirements,
since in recent years transport infrastructure has evolved towards the European
integration. The main interests should be environmental interests in ensuring the
reduction of atmospheric air pollution by emissions of motor vehicles, the removal of
agricultural and forest land for public use. Economic interests should ensure the
construction of toll-free highways of the European format
The implementation of ecological and economic instruments is proposed, namely:
instruments of economic guaranteeing, innovative and investment instruments of land
relations development. |
| LAND MANAGEMENT EDUCATION OF UKRAINE IN CONDITIONS OF EUROINTEGRATION | Author : O. DREBOT, O. ZUBOVA, O. LUKIANENKO, O. KRASNOLUTSKY | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The arOcle deals with current problems of EurointegraOon process
in the field of land management educaOon. The need for changes in the field of higher
educaOon in the process of teaching disciplines of land management specialiOes
is proved, taking into account the importance of raising students’ knowledge level
to develop a consciousness of the European values unity and provide future
employment, including the European labor market. The purpose of the arOcle
is to develop approaches and principles of educaOonal process, as well as the
acOviOes of higher educaOonal insOtuOons in general in order to increase the level
of students’ knowledge and develop essenOal professional skills and social involvement
in European processes in the field of land management.
A method of scienOfic analysis, synthesis and generalizaOon of current naOonal
and European approaches to teaching land management disciplines to students is
used in the arOcle. As a result of the research it was established that a comprehensive
approach should be applied to teaching discipline. It includes introducOon of
new disciplines or subjects on European principles of land management into
educaOonal process; conducOng scienOfic research in this area; cooperaOon with
other educaOonal insOtuOons, and representaOves of the StateGeoCadastre bodies,
land management organizaOons; as well as free disseminaOon of scienOfic research.
The material presented in this arOcle is the foundaOon for organizing and improving the
educaOonal process in the field of land management educaOon. |
| ECONOMIC BENEFIT USE SERVICES OF THE SERVICE «NATIONAL NATURAL PARKS OF UKRAINE» ON THE FORMATION OF OBJECTS OF THE NATURAL RESERVED FUND | Author : I. S. BUGAENKO | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : The stages of forming the National Natural Parks (NPP) swere investigated.
The stages of NPP formation, which are carried out in accordance with environmental and land
legislation, were specified. The completion time and the cost of each stage were highlighted.
The long process of forming the NPPs, the high cost of preparing technical
documentation, bureaucratic obstacles at the stages of project documentation approval
prove the ineffectiveness of the current system of forming the NPPs. the ineffectiveness
of the today’s system of NPP formation is proved by the fact that during the years
of Ukraine’s independence only 5.72% of the NPPs were formed.
Bureaucratic obstacles at the stages of NPP formation lead to wasteful spending
of funds from the State Budget of Ukraine, and Soviet methods for their formation lead to
the loss of valuable natural territories. As a result, no environmental protection activities
are carried out in the NPPs, the share of the state’s ecological component decreases and the
population’s standard of living decreases.
An effective modern electronic GIS method for forming the NPP swas proposed.
Its effectiveness was proved: project and cartographic documentation is elaborated
in 100% compliance with the Presidential Decree, the stages of formation are performed
almost free of charge and faster by 87.5% in comparison with the existing method.
Time and economic indicators, methods of forming the NNP swere compared.
The advantages of modern electronic GIS method were substantiated. |
| PRACTICAL ASPECTS OF ESTABLISHING (CHANGING) THE BOUNDARIES OF ADMINISTRATIVE AND TERRITORIAL ENTITIES | Author : Dorosh O., Ibatullin S., Tarnopolskyi Ye., Kharytonenko R. | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In order to establish (change) the boundaries of administrative-territorial
entities using the example of Malaya Olshanka village, Belotserkovsky district, Kiev
region, pre-project studies were conducted, namely: the materials of the master plan,
the project of forming the boundaries of the village council and establishing its
boundaries, the existing cartographic and topographical data were analyzed land
cadastre, land-registration data. In addition, a reconnaissance survey was conducted
on the territory of the village council in the zone of the existing and project boundary
(defined by the master plan) of the specified rural settlement. It was established that a
significant part of the project boundary according to the general plan divides land
plots of landowners and land users, contours of land, contributes to the formation of
enclaves in accordance with the law, in case of approval of such a limit will require
the separation of such sites.
The need for a combination of urban planning documentation (master plan) with
land management (land management project to establish (change) the boundaries of
administrative-territorial entities) into a unified system of spatial (territorial)
planning to create an effective tool in solving problems related to the formation and
establishment of boundaries. |
| PARTICULAR ISSUES OF THE CONFORMITY OF THE USC-2000 COORDINATE SYSTEM TO THE LAND LEGISLATION | Author : Avramchuk B., Patiyuk O. | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The coordinate basis for the implementation of land management works is the State
Geodetic Reference System of the USC-2000 coordinates. However, as practice of land
management shows, public information from the State Land Cadastre is reflected in the coordinate
system of 1963 (SC-63).
In this case, in most cases, the recalculation of areas between the above-mentioned
coordinate systems leads to a change in the area of land .
Therefore, it is important to highlight some issues regarding the use of the USC-2000
coordinate system with the current land laws that may arise when used in conjunction with the SC63, namely the possible excess of the rules for free remittance. land plots to citizens in the transition
to a single state coordinate system.
To investigate such distortions, the authors designed three model land plots in the
coordinate system SC-63 in the maximum allowable area in accordance with the norms of free
transfer for the maintenance of personal from the eagle economy (2,0000 ha) for the construction
and maintenance of a residential building, commercial buildings and structures (private plot) in
villages (0,2500 hectares) and for gardening respectively (0,1200 hectares).Subsequently, using the
standard features of the licensed Digitals software , the coordinates of each plot of land from the
SC-63 system in the USC-2000 were recalculated within the three selected administrative units .
For the purpose of visual representation, the coordinates of the first point of the listed land
plots in USC-2000 were given the coordinates of the first point of land in the system SC-63 .
Changes or distortions in squares, lines or angles are obvious when moving from one
coordinate system to another if they are based on ellipsoid referents with different parameters.
However, it should be noted that the compliance of the USC-2000 with the land legislation,
and in particular the excess of the area of established norms for the free transfer of land plots to
citizens in modern conditions in the transition to a legally established single frame of reference
USC-2000, requires further consideration and resolution, for example, by clarification legislation . |
Srivashshya soil in an example of a comparative analysis of soil transformation in
the Novotroitsky region and the Azov-Sivash National Natural Park under the
influence of natural and anthropogenic factors.
Soils of the Northern Pryvashshya, namely Novotroitskiy district, undergo
significant transformations caused by anthropogenic activity, quickly lose their
positive properties when irrational agricultural use.
Long-term use of soils in arable land and, in particular, the use of
reclamation measures, predetermine the existence of soil processes that differ from
those existing in the natural environment and are currently poorly understood. In
todays conditions of use of land resources, precise information is needed on the
features of the qualitative state of saline soils for monitoring and rational
agricultural use, in connection with which the issues studied are of particular
scientific and practical significance.
On the basis of the comparative analysis, the differences between soils of
agricultural use and soils, which do not undergo anthropogenic influence, that is,
are in the natural state within the protected areas, are determined. It is proved that
the soils of the protected area in comparison with the soil cover of Novotroitsky
district, will not undergo significant anthropogenic influence. The territory of the
Novotroitsky district is characterized by large scale devastation of agricultural
land. |