An Evaluative Study of Impact of Dividend Policy Exhibiting on Stock Prices of Auto-sector Firms of Pakistan (2006-2015). | Author : Israr Ahmed Soomro, Ikhtiar Ali Ghumro | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The study was carried out to examine the effect of firm dividend policies on their respective stock prices. Ten years (2006-2015) panel data was collected from fourteen selected firms of the sector on the basis of the availability of data. Random Effect Model of Regression was used to check the link between the one dependent Market Price and five independent variables i.e. Dividend Yield, Retention Ratio, Profit after Tax, Earnings per Share and Return on Equity. To check various anomalies in data tests were applied. This study found significantly negative relationship of Dividend Yield and Retention Ratio with Market price but significant and positive affiliation of Profit after Tax and Earning per Share with Market Price. But no evidence found the impact of Return on Equity with Market Price. This study found mixed results about chief determinants like dividend yield and retention ratio. Reciprocally did not match each other to support Dividend Relevance theory. On the basis of results this study recommended to the management to develop best policy by considering shareholders wealth and growth of companies. |
| Intelligent Use of Emotions: Impact of Manager’s Emotional Intelligence on Marketing Creativity - Study of Financial Service Providers in Sindh. | Author : Amjad Ali Jatoi | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Marketing creativity is proved to be a competitive advantage in now days, and this is some-how known as healthy competition between entrepreneurs, owners of different business organizations, and ultimately it will be beneficial for consumers/ultimate users of product or services. Each and every owner of manufacturing or service oriented organization is busy in making their product/services more creative, in this regard study was carried out from financial service providers of Sindh by knowing the intelligent use of emotions. Data was collected from officers of targeted population (i. e. banks, insurance companies, mudarbas, musharikas, etc.) through a structured questionnaire, followed by pilot testing, reliability analysis of questionnaire, descriptive statistics, factor analysis, correlation, and regression analysis for checking the hypothesis. Results suggested that: marketing creativity can be enhanced by adding positive in Self Awareness, Motivation and Relationship Management from the results it is very much clear that Self Awareness, Motivation and Relationship Management are positively and significantly contributing to the marketing creativity. |
| Impact of Government Size Threshold on Economic Growth of Pakistan (1980-2015) | Author : Ms Hina Kanwal, Ikhtiar Ali Ghumro | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The purpose of this research study is to investigate the existence of Armey curve in case of Pakistan. OLS regression model was applied for this purpose. The observed results show that Govt Expenditure, Investment, population growth and unemployment rate positively and significantly affect Pakistan’s economic growth. Whereas, consumption and Trade openness show positive but insignificant impact on economic growth. The main objective of this research was to find out reverse U curve to explain relationship among govt expenditures and economic growth for the period of 1980 to 2015. We found that the optimal size of Pakistani government spending is 18.2 percent but the actual spending is 20.4 percent. Our result suggests that govt expenditure all the way through increase. Therefore, this research recommends the Pakistani govt to decrease its spending up to the maximum level, to achieve efficient utilization of public sector expenditures and promote economic growth. |
| The Environment and Trends of Primary & Secondary Education in Khairpur City: A Comparative Study of Private and Public Sector Schools | Author : Farhan Ali Soomro | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Research was carried out on comparative analysis of environment and trends in primary and secondary education of Khairpur city, the study had explained various factors on which the public sector schools can be differentiated from the private sector schools, comparison made on the basis of Performance based reward, facilities, teaching methods, Fees structure, and teachers performance towards a target variable “Quality Education Environment”. The study had found that the Education, particularly primary education is mostly well thought-out a public sector school which should be provided to the public of a nation without discrimination, irrespective of affordability and for the most part as it is the responsibility of government, like other services provided by the government, locations and learning outcomes which reduce parents’ interest for public sector schools, furthermore, several other factors illustrate the cost effectiveness of the private sector schools as compared to the public sector schools in providing decent education facilities and better quality of learning levels. On the basis of findings this study become able to conclude that although the public sector school teachers are highly compensated in the shape of salaries and other incentives as compare to private sector schools and the public sector schools are using twice the resources to operate but unfortunately with no fruit full feedback, on the other hand the learning levels of private sector schools continued to be significantly better than the public sector schools. |
| Demand Estimates and Projections for Meat in Pakistan by the Year 2030 AD | Author : Dr. Khalid Mahmood Aujla | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The demand for meat in the Pakistan has been estimated for the year 2012 and based on this projections are made for the year 2030. Seemingly unrelated regression equations by assuming log-linear specification have been used to analyze the effects of income and prices on the meat demand. The study is based on Household Integrated Economic Survey (HIES) data2010-11 and national level secondary data. Analysis of HIES data indicate that meat shares 3.8% in monthly household expenditures in the country. Per capita annual beef, mutton, chicken and fish consumptions in the country are2.7, 0.8, 3.4 and 0.6 kg, respectively. Consumption of all meat types per person is high in urban areas than in rural localities. Demand for mutton, chicken, and fish are relatively more income elastic in urban areas than rural areas, while opposite is the case with beef demand. Own prices elasticities of all meat types have expected negative signs. Beef and mutton demands are comparatively more price elastic in rural areas, while chicken and fish have more price elastic demands in urban regions. National demand for beef, mutton, chicken and fish in the year 2012 are estimated at about 1590.2, 560.2, 740.9 and 361.4 thousand tones, respectively. The demand projections for beef, mutton, chicken and fish corresponding to 3.6% GDP growth for the year 2030 are 4236.4, 1136.8, 2699.7 and 574.1 thousand tones, respectively. Demand for these commodities is expected to grow by the year 2030 at 5.6, 4.0, 7.4 and 2.6% per annum, respectively. Thus, high growth in demand of all meat types may result into escalation in prices. This may have serious implications for the people to afford consumption of healthy diets in future. |
| Exploring The Influence of Customer Experience and Re-purchase Intention: An Empirical Evidence of Huawei Mobile Phone Users in Khaipur | Author : Muhammad Zahid Maitlo | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Unusual experiences attract customers and the purpose of this research is to identify the influence of customer experience on re-purchase intention of Huawei mobile phone users, however, this research concludes that there is a positive influence customer experience including its dimension sensory experience, emotional experience and social experience on customer re-purchase intention. Reliability and validity of scales have been measured which is higher than the required value of (0.7). Additionally, hypotheses of this research have been accepted on 95% confidence interval and all independent contracts have a significant and positive influence on re-purchase intention although, significance value of constructs were sensory experience re-purchase intention, emotional experience re-purchase intention and social experience re-purchase intention is P= 0.000. strategically, the fitness of the model used in this research were .877 which shows a good fit for the research. Hence, it is concluded that customer along with tremendous experience of Huawei mobile phones influences customer towards re-purchase intention. |
| Is consumer lifestyle affected by genuine or counterfeit brands? An empirical study. | Author : Muneer Ahmed Shah | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The purpose of this study is to measure and examines the lifestyle of Pakistani users and their influence on brand preferences (genuine vs. counterfeits brands). A Scale was developed to find out the empirical impact by using three variables namely status consciousness, price consciousness, and need for uniqueness on brand preferences (genuine vs. counterfeits). The structured questionnaire was designed and distributed to collect the data from the respondents, based on convenience sampling. The survey was consisting of a sample of 150 consumers of Khairpur city. Results revealed that a very unusual lifestyle demonstrated in very different ways in the purchasing behavior of Pakistani consumers concerning counterfeits or genuine products. Most of the consumers are observed to quite dependent on using the brands to look different and counterfeits brands prefer mostly to fulfill their “Need of uniqueness”. The consumers importantly “Price consciousness” are identified to purchase counterfeits products as they look similar but are comparatively low priced and their purpose is being served. Furthermore, the user they prefer to purchase genuine products if they are status conscious because they prefer product rather than price. The results of this research have provided for marketers to relate their brands to different lifestyle categories of Pakistani users, as a result, to enhance their efficiency and profitability in the Pakistani market. |
| Determinants of Entrepreneurial Intensions: An Empirical Study of Female Students in Pakistan | Author : Marvi Soomro | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The purpose of this study was to determine determinants of entrepreneurial intentions of female graduates by utilizing perceived support model. The theoretical framework implies us to analyze the impact of Perceived relational, educational and structural support on entrepreneurial intentions. Therefore, this study utilized the descriptive methodology and data was personally collected from 250 females of Sukkur and Khairpur. The Survey questionnaire was used to collect data from 250employees in work groups. SPSS version 23 was used for data analysis. The results of analysis showed that perceived relational support and perceived relational support significantly impact EI, while one other variables perceived educational support did not impact EI. Reliability, Exploratory factor analysis, Multiple regression analysis were performed to conclude the results of the analysis. This study also enables universities to develop latest entrepreneurial educational programs, entrepreneurial intentions of young female graduates and to develop entrepreneurial universities to promote entrepreneurs |