AVALIAÇÃO DA QUALIDADE DA ÁGUA DO RIO DOCE PARA FINS DE ABASTECIMENTO HUMANO POR MEIO DO IQA NA CIDADE DE COLATINA – ES | Author : Enza Dondoni, Gemael Barbosa Lima | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The main objective of this paper is to evaluate the water quality of the Doceriver,at pointRDC1D020,which is located in the second bridgeinColatina city -ES. The study was done through the IQA method, an evaluation system that seeks to bring results that can be easily understood by the population. The classification on this method varies from great to very bad. Each classificationalsohas a specific color. The calculation has nine parameters: thermotolerant coliforms, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), total nitrogen, total phosphorus, total solids, temperature difference and turbidity. These parameters indicate several water characteristics, important for their qualification and classification for human consumption. The study analyzed water quality over a period of seven years, from 2009 to 2015. Through the results of the calculations, water was classified as good, this represents a IQA number that ranges from 65 to 68. Although the water is suitable for human consumption, it is concluded that water quality can still be improved, in order tobe classified as great. |
| CONCEPÇÕES E ADESÃO DO PORTADOR DE HIV FRENTE AO TRATAMENTO MEDICAMENTOSO | Author : Maryanna Skarlete Alves Ritto, Vanilda Gomes Gimenez | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is caused by infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). This virus attacks theimmune system, responsible for defend theorganism of diseases. With the high rate of patients affected by the disease, it is necessary to conduct studies to better understand the care provided to this public, as well as identifythe factors that interfere in thetreatment adherence and necessary care.This study aims to analyze the factors that interfere with adherence to AIDS treatment, as this directly affects the maintenance of life of these patients and understand their conceptions and purposes of improving the care provided. This is a qualitative approach study, conducted from May to Octoberof2019, and the content analysiswas according to Laurence Bardin. Data were collected through a semi-structured questionnaire applied to patients and professionals of the interdisciplinary Health Surveillance team in the interior of Espírito Santo. The results demonstrated that drug treatment is impaired by the lack of information and encouragement from the health team. |
| ANÁLISE DOS LEILÕES DE ENERGIA EÓLICA BRASILEIRA NO PERÍODO DE 2009 A 2017 | Author : Amadeus Costa, Jamil Haddad, Roberto Akira Yamachita | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :With climatic variations, hydraulic energy conversion, which is prevalent in Brazil, is compromised, impacting the generation of electricity. In this scenario, wind generation has advantages to be implemented in the country. In order to analyze the contracts signed in wind energy auctions in Brazil, between 2009 and 2017, an exploratory research was carried out considering the technical, economic and regulatory aspects, revealingpositive impacts, such as: a higher generation in the period when the reservoir levels of hydroelectric plants are low; jobs; lower cost of sale; low environmental impact. As a negative impact, there is a failure to deliver energy on the stipulated date. In the period analyzed, 11,553 wind energy contracts were sold. Of these, 521 contracts did not enter in the generation situation, what represents4.5% of the total. This corresponds to an amount of energy traded in the order of 95,027,305 MWh that was not injected into the transmission network, having a total of R$ 15.76 billion, which is equivalent to 7.1% of all electricity generation in Brazil in the period under review. This scenario causes an imbalance in the sectors of Brazilian energy planning, in which they need to activate other mechanisms of electric generation, such as thermoelectric ones, to supply the demand, harming the final consumer, which, consequently, will have a higher cost due to the increase in operational values. The projects that will be left without the supply of electricity contracted at auctionwill have an impact on the production of goods or services, reducing the maintenance and creation of new jobs and contractual difficulties in guaranteeing services. |
| FATORES QUE REDUZEM O CONSUMO ALIMENTAR DE IDOSOS RESIDENTES EM INSTITUIÇÕES GERIÁTRICAS | Author : Jackelyne Lopes Silva; Emille Colombo Dutra; Ana Paula Maragonha, Ana Cristina de Oliveira Soares, Maryanna Skarlete Alves Ritto | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Observa-se elevada incidência de risco nutricional e desnutrição entre a população idosa internada em instituições de longa permanência. Assim, tendo em vista a maior fragilidade biológica do público supracitado, qualquer prejuízo que resulte em deficiência nutricional merece atenção. O estudo objetivou avaliar os fatores, como polifarmácia, tempo de internação, odinofagia, dentre outros que afetam o consumo alimentar de idosos residentes em instituições geriátricas de Colatina-ES. Foram realizadas pesquisas bibliográficas, além de um estudo quantitativo, transversal, com aplicação de questionário estruturado, análise de prontuários e coleta do resto-ingestão. A amostra foi composta por 35 idosos institucionalizados. Para análise dos dados foi realizado o teste de Qui-quadrado de Pearson e o teste exato de Fisher, considerando relação estatística com p<0,05. Os resultados evidenciaram que há relação entre redução de consumo alimentar e tempo de internação, sendo as inadequações mais prevalentes entre os recém-internados (p=0,032). Os participantes que ingeriam mais de cinco medicamentos por dia também apresentaram maior prevalência de inadequação do Índice Resto-ingestão (p=0,018). Em relação aos resultados obtidos por meio do questionário, entre os que afirmaram deixar de comer ou comer menos do que de costume devido à tristeza, 80,0% apresentaram ingestão alimentar inadequada, evidenciando relação significativa entre esse evento e consumo comprometido (p=0,016). A mesma ligação foi encontrada entre os que afirmaram, com frequência, comer menos ou não comer devido à falta de apetite no dia (p=0,018) ou no momento em que a refeição foi servida (p=0,041). Destarte, reforça-se a importância do aprimoramento dos profissionais que assistem essa população, a fim de buscar mitigar impactos ambientais e relativos à idade que fomentam distúrbios nutricionais |