IMPLEMENTASI UANG BEREDAR (M2) SEBAGAI PUBLIC GOODS AND FLOW CONCEPT DAN UANG SEBAGAI PRIVATE GOODS AND STOCK CONCEPT | Author : SRI RAMADHAN | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The theme of the article is "economy based on the principles of Islam". This paper tries to discuss the issue of money supply (M2) as public goods and stock concept and public goods and flow concept. The point of the problem discussed is about the function of money economically Islam and convention then how the implementation of money supply (M2) as public goods and flow concept and money supply (M2) as private goods and stock concept. To find the answer to this problem, use a literature study using the hermeneutical approach by looking at the money supply data in a broad sense (M2) per year 2014 to 2016 published by Bank Indonesia. It is concluded that the function of money from an Islamic economic point of view is as a means of exchange and a unit of value, while in conventional economics the function of money apart from the two points plus money as a means of exchange of wealth, money as a standard of delay payment. Furthermore from the money supply data (M2) illustrated that money circulating in the position of money that is public goods and stock concept. This Stock concept illustrates the weakness of M2 growth that is affected by the contraction of Governments financial operations. This is reflected in the increase of government deposits, BI and Banking. Deposits are more channeled on business activities in the form of stock concept, such as property loans, compared to Working Capital Loans. While in view of Islamic economy money is public goods and flow concept not public goods and stock concept. Because in Islamic economics there can be no accumulation of money at one point, meaning money must flow like a flowing water. If the position of money in the stock concept, it will damage the flow of the economy of society. |
| PENGARUH KEPEMIMPINAN TERHADAP DISIPLIN KERJA KARYAWAN PADA PT. BANK SYARIAH MANDIRI | Author : JELI NATA LIYAS | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The theme of the article is "economy based on the principles of Islam". The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of leadership on employee discipline at PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri Branch Duri.population in this research is all employees at PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri Branch Duri which amounted to 41 people, So the sample taken in this study is all employees of PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri Duri Branch Office amounting to 40 people, this is because the leader is the object studied in this study, therefore the leadership is not included in this study. Data analysis used in this research is descriptive and quantitative analysis method. In this research used simple linear regression analysis model. Y = 16,679 + 0,591X, hence can be seen constant 16,679. Means when the leadership is considered constant, the discipline of work is 16.679, while the leadership (X) of the work discipline is positive as evidenced by the result b = 0,591 which means that any increase in leadership one unit will be able to raise the discipline of employees at PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri Branch Duri of 0,591 units. Can be obtained r-square value (coefficient of determination) of 0.384. This shows that leadership contributes to the influence of employee work discipline at PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri Branch Duri amounted to 38.4% while the rest (100% -38.4%) = 61.6% influenced by other variables outside the variable in this study. |
| PERSEPSI SANTRI TERHADAP BANK SYARIAH | Author : ANY MEILANI | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The theme of the article is "economy based on the principles of Islam". The purpose of this research is to identify the santri perception toward syaria bank and to analyze the perception of santri between pesantren one with other pesantren. The location of the research was conducted in three locations, namely Darunnajah Pesantren, Pesantren Daar El-Qolam and Pesantren Darul Amanah. The sample of the research is santri of 120 people, taken by simple random sampling from each pesantren counted 40 people by using questioner. The questionnaire contains the profiles and perceptions of santri towards sharia banks. To analyze the santris perception level in general and to compare the santri perception level between pesantren one with other pesantren using Factor Analysis with Lisrel 8,54. The results showed that: 1) The level of perception of santri against Islamic banks is proportionally equal. The level of perception is almost owned by students (47.5%), perceptions good and very good (44.1%), and less (8.3%). This shows that students in pesantren have a good perception about syariah bank; 2). The perception of santri towards Islamic banks in three different levels of pesantren. The highest levels of students perceptions are the Darunnajah Pesantren, the Daar El-Qolam Pesantren, and the Darul Amanah Pesantren. For the future, sharia banks should conduct socialization to pesantren because pesantren is a big potential for the development efforts of sharia banks in Indonesia. |
| ANALISIS FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI KEPUASAN NASABAH TERHADAP PELAYANAN BANK SYARIAH KOTA BATAM | Author : NUZUL IKHWAL | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The theme of the article is a business based on the principles of Islamic economics. Perception of service quality is reflected in consumer’s assessment of the realities and expectations of the service he felt. Tangibles, reliability, assurance, responsiveness, and empathy are the five dimensions of service quality. Some 100 respondents were selected as the study sample. Factor analysis techniques as data analysis techniques used in testing the impact of service quality on customer satisfaction on Islamic Bank in Batam. Results of testing of physical evidence, reliability, assurance, responsiveness, and empathy as a dimension of service quality on customer satisfaction in a Islamic Bank in Batam showed a significant positive effect. The result of this test indicates that consumer satisfaction visited Islamic Bank in Batam is affected by quality of service offered. |
| PENINGKATAN MUTU KINERJA KARYAWAN MELALUI MANAJEMEN ARSIP DALAM MENINGKATKAN KUALITAS PELAYANAN PUBLIK DI KJKS BMT | Author : HELMALIA | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The theme of the article is a business based on the principles of Islamic economics. The purpose of this research is to know the archive management in KJKS BMT. The object of research is KJKS BMT in Anduring Padang. This research raises the problem of how the archive management in KJKS BMT. The results of the study are: the low management of archive storage in KJKS BMT. |
| ETOS KERJA ISLAMI DAN KESEJAHTERAAN KARYAWAN PADA PT. ADIRA DINAMIKA MULTI FINANCE SYARIAH | Author : NURFITRI HIDAYANTI, BUSAINI BUSAINI, MOH. HUZAINI | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The theme of the article is "economy based on the principles of Islam". This work ethic is dynamically always influenced by several factors, both internal and external. This study aims to see the concept of work in the view of Islam, the application of Islamic work ethic and characteristics of Islamic work ethic for employees of PT. Adira Dinamika Multi Finance Syariah, Tbk branch of Mataram. The methods used are qualitative methods and data collection by using triangulation consisting of observation, interview and documentation so that they can explore the complete information about the Islamic work ethic in PT. Adira Dinamika Multi Finance Syariah, Tbk branch of Mataram. The results of this study found that of the seven informants are said to be less able to work in accordance with Islamic views, the characteristics of the Islamic work ethos that is less visible from the seven informants seen when they often come late, less willing in doing the work, less honest, not istiqomah, sometimes happy to serve customers sometimes less happy. If viewed the level of welfare from employees of PT. Adira Dinamika Multi Finance Syariah, Tbk branch of Mataram from the seven informants have fulfilled the indicators of Islamic welfare (maqashid syariah) although in every person all components always exist like 1) Maintaining religion, 2) Maintaining the soul, 3) Maintaining the mind, 4) maintaining the offspring, 5) Maintain wealth. |
| SHARIA MARKETING : AKTIVITAS STRATEGIS UNTUK TUJUAN KESEJAHTERAAN MATERI DAN SPRITUAL | Author : RUSTAM | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The theme of the article is "economy based on the principles of Islam". Islamic marketing is operationally defined throughout the process of strategic activities undertaken by individuals and institutions in a lawful way to create, communicate and offer (products and services) for the purpose of material welfare and spiritual stakeholders based on the rules of the Quran and sunna both in the world until the end. There are several series of sharia marketing activities that are of concern. First, product creation. Explicitly in the creation or creation of products in sharia marketing must comply with halal terms, does not cause dirty or corrupt thoughts, does not interfere, does not contain elements of usury and maysir, morals, products in legal possession, the product must be submitted clearly and must be precise in quantity and quality. Second, the offer. The process of communication in sharia marketing is allowed to use both print and online media directly or indirectly while not contrary to the values of Islamic law. A communication effort in sharia marketing is recommended is communications that really exist so as not to cause any treatment of vanity. Third, the change of value (value). The process of change in value in the shariah marketing is not only orientation on changes in material values but changes in value by considering the spiritual values. |
| THE SMALL - MEDIUM INDUSTRY AND SELF-FULFILLMENT GONTOR DARUL MA’RIFAT STUDENTS ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL IN KEDIRI | Author : REZA FAHMI, PRIMA ASWIRNA, ASNAWIR ASNAWIR | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The theme of the article is "economy based on the principles of Islam". The research based on the fact that the Gontor Darul Marifat Modern Islamic Boarding School of Modern Islamic Boarding School has been operated the many kind of samll and medium industry. The students Involved in many kind of small and medium industry the which they held. They want to build through the buisness Reviews their selffulfiment that they hold. The aim of the study; (1) to describe the small and medium industry Darul Marifat roomates Modern Islamic Boarding School of Islamic Boarding School Operate. (2) to describe about the character of students who manage the small and medium industry. (3) Correlation between management character and self-fulfillment of students. Then, one hundrad and seventy two students were a population the the study. The sample size count by Slovin formula (n = N / 1 + N.e2). So, the sample of students were only about one hundrad and twenty students. The Data collected by psychological scale, interviews and documentation of data. The Data Analyzed with statistical package of social science (SPSS) Version of 24. The result: (1) There were therty one kind of small and medium industry held by Darul Marifat roomates Modern Islamic Boarding School of Islamic Boarding School. (2) There were three kionds character of students (honesty, decipline and responsible) who manage the small and medium industry. (3) There were correlation between small-medium industry and self-fulfillment students. 3. According To Pearson correlation the research got the coefficient correlation r count> r table (0.275> 0.211). It means rijected H0 and Ha has been recieved. So, there were correlation between small-medium industry and self-fulfillment students. |
| THE DEVELOPMENT OF ISLAMIC ECONOMICS IN VARIOUS PARTS OF THE WORLD | Author : MEIRISON | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The theme of the article is "economy based on the principles of Islam". In the Famous Hotel in heart of London, England, is full of bankers, lawyers, and top world investors. Those who come from various countries in Asia, Europe, and the Middle East, make mutual offers, and many end up on signing the deal. One country absent on this event: USA. Islamic finance - which became increasingly global after Britain adopted it - has grown tremendously over the past decade. This economic system has attracted all key international players, leaving the United States in the increasingly profitable global industry. According to the report, 2016 saw new trends across the various sectors of the Islamic economy. In the halal food sector, which saw Muslim spending reach 4 trillion dirhams ($ 1.1 trillion) in 2014, new partnerships have been forged between countries such as the UAE, South Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia and South Africa. Sukuk listings in Malaysia and the UAE have also contributed to the growth of the Islamic finance sector, which grew to 6.6 trillion dirhams ($ 1.8 trillion) in 2014, helped by regional initiatives such as the UAE-Bahrain partnership and Avriland First launched the first Islamic window in Cameroon. |