In Silico Analysis of Mobilome Response to Salt Stress in Phaseolus vulgaris L. | Author : INAL, Behcet | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Common bean is an important legume that grown and consumed as animal feed and for human nutrition. It is also an important source of protein in developing countries. Transposable elements (TEs) constitute a large part of the genome in various eukaryotic species. TE was described as garbage DNA by researchers for a long time. Recently, it has been found that TEs can move near stress response genes and they have known effects on plant resistance to diverse stresses. With the acquisition of common bean genome sequence, one of the next step is to annotate the genome and define the functional DNA elements. TEs are the most abundant genetic elements of plant genomes and have an important impact on genome stress evolution and genetic variation. So, it is important to determine TEs in the common bean genome. In the current study, genome-wide transposon annotation and definition were achieved in root and leaf tissues of common bean under salt stress. Homology and sequence structure-based methods were used. Tont2-I-Copia and Copia-39 Copia retrotransposons were found to be more in salt-treated roots and leaves respectively. As a result of the analysis, we found TEs number ranging from 46 to 50 belonging to about twenty different plants. Gene ontology analysis of transposon sequences brought the light on diverse important pathways related to abiotic stress conditions. Keywords: |
| Adsorption of Methylene Blue Dye on Urfa Stone Obtained Around at Agriculture Land in Harran Plain | Author : Dilekoglu, Mehmet Fatih | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Urfa tasi, düsük maliyetli, yerel olarak bol bulunan, yüksek verime sahip ve çevreye duyarli bir adsorbent olarak kullanilabilecegi düsünülerek, atik sudan boyalari uzaklastirmanin güncel pahali yöntemlerine alternatif bir adsorbent olarak incelenmistir. Bu çalisma ile Urfa tasinin sentetik olarak hazirlanmis atik sulardan metilen mavisi (MB) boyasi uzaklastirma potansiyeli arastirilmistir. Laboratuvar deneyleri kesikli olarak yürütülmüstür. Urfa tasinin MB sorpsiyonu performansi, dozaj (0.1, 0.25, 0.5 ve 1 g) ve baslangiç konsantrasyonlari (5, 10, 20, 30 ve 40 mg L-1) ile hesaplanmistir. Deneyler farkli pH (3, 5, 7, 8, 8.98 ve 11) degerleri için de gerçeklestirilmistir. Adsorpsiyon oranlarinin hesaplanmasi için iki kinetik model (yalanci ikinci mertebeden ve por difüzyonu) kullanilmistir. Ayrica Lagergren esitligi ile adsorpsiyonun mekanizmasi da incelenmistir. Deneysel veriler, Langmuir, Freundlich ve Tempkin izoterm modelleri kullanilarak analiz edilmistir. Elde edilen neticede Metilen mavisi boyasinin Urfa Tasi üzerinde adsorpsiyonunun Langmuir izotermine tam uyum gösterdigi, kismen Tempkin izotermine uydugunu göstermistir. Yalanci ikinci mertebe kinetigi ve por difüzyonu mekanizmasinin adsorpsiyonun kinetigine uygulanabilecegi ve intrapartiküler difüzyon hizinin etkili mekanizma oldugu anlasilmistir. Adsorpsiyonun kendiliginden meydana gelme egiliminde oldugu, Urfa tasinin metilen mavisine dogal ilgisinin bulundugu tespit |
| Investigation of Hyaluronidase Activity with Amniotic Fluid on Romanov Sheep | Author : KAYA, Mustafa Oguzhan., IRAK, Kivanç., MERSIN, Seyrani., YERLIKAYA, Emrah., KARAGEÇILI, Hasan | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Bovine testicular hyaluronidase (BTH) is a very important enzyme in industrial field, cancer studies and in many animal applications. In this study, it was investigated whether amniotic fluid of Romanov sheep could be used as an alternative new substrate source for BTH enzyme. As a result of the study, the BTH activity was found as 9.187 U mL-1 with commercially available hyaluronic acid (HA), while the BTH activity of 35 different amniotic fluids was found between 1.604-18.659 U mL-1 . No information was reported on whether the amniotic fluids of the Romanov breed sheep were a source of substrate for the BTH enzyme due to the HA content. It was thought that amniotic fluid of the Romanov breed sheep could be a new HA source, as the BTH activity calculated using the commercial HA and the BTH activities obtained using amniotic fluid were very close. |
| Summer Dormancy in Perennial Cool-Season Forage Grasses | Author : ÖNAL ASCI, Özlem., Egritas, Ömer | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Plants survive in unfavorable environmental conditions by developing some strategies. One of these strategies is dormancy. This article was prepared to provide information about the summer dormancy of plants in summer. Summer dormancy is a type of endo-dormancy that plants have. It is very difficult to determine that the plant has endo-dormant by phenotype. For this reason, it is necessary to determine the type of dormancy. As a result of the studies, summer dormancy was determined in many plant species belonging to different families including Poaceae family. In order to increase both the production of forage crops and the yield of grasslands, the perennial cool season grasses should be cultivated. While plants having summer dormancy may lost all or some of the aboveground parts, underground meristematic tissues can continue their vitality. Therefore, plants can survive under extreme conditions. However, the yields during summer are rather low. For this reason, dormancy characteristics of the plants should be clearly defined and the cultivation area and cultural practices should be chosen correctly.
| Long-Term Analysis for Harvest Erosion Caused by Sugar Beet Production in Turkey | Author : Deviren Saygin, Selen | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The sustainability of soil resources is under significant threat due to the accelerated anthropogenic pressures at the historical expansion of human population. In this context, soil erosion is defined as a limiting factor for human interests in terms of ecosystem services. As an erosion type, harvest erosion occurs by harvesting of the taproot and tuberous root plants such as sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.), potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), carrot (Daucus carota L.) and chicory (Cichorium intybus L.), has begun to take attention in recent years. The objective of this study was to estimate soil loss due to harvest erosion and to economically analyze the transport of plant nutrients between 1999 and 2016 from sugar beet growing areas in Turkey. For this aim, the compiled data of 25 different sugar factories throughout Turkey were obtained from Türkseker and soil loss estimations were performed and economically analyzed. According to the results, average soil loss rate was calculated as 3.41 Mg ha-1y-1 for the studied period (1999-2016). That means annually an average of 716983 Mg soil removed from the Türkseker sugar beet production areas. This result indicated that harvest erosion represents only 0.9% of soil lost by water erosion in Turkey. But, if tolerable soil loss value considered as “1 Mg ha-1 y-1”, calculated soil loss values are above this critical value for all the factories. In addition, economic assessments of soil losses showed that costs are to be more than US $10 000 annually on the 60% of the factories due to removal of plant nutrients with harvest process. And, annually US $419 433 investment must be made to recover all these losses. Conclusively, harvest erosion as an ignored erosion type must be emphasized to the economic sustainability of natural resources in fragile ecosystems such as our country. |
| Evaluation of Temperature-Humidity Index Values on Dairy Cattle Farming: The Case of Siirt Province | Author : KIBAR, MUSTAFA., YILMAZ, Ayhan., BAKIR, Galip | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Türkiye bulundugu cografi konum itibariyle dört mevsimin birlikte yasandigi, iliman iklime sahip bir ülkedir. Yaz aylarindaki (Haziran, Temmuz, Agustos, Eylül) günlük ortalama sicaklik degerleri 25 oC’nin üzerine çikabilmektedir. Özellikle nem oraninin yüksek oldugu Akdeniz ve Ege Bölgesi’nde, ayrica sicakligin çok yüksek oldugu Güneydogu Anadolu Bölgesi’nde bütün canlilar isi stresine maruz kalabilmektedir. Hayvansal üretim bakimindan degerlendirildiginde, isi stresi bu bölgelerde yetistirilen süt ineklerinde önemli verim kayiplarina neden olabilmektedir. Isi stresini belirlemede ve degerlendirmede bazi ölçütler kullanilmakla birlikte en yaygin kullanilan parametre sicaklik-nem indeksi degeridir. Siirt ili ve ilçeleri için sicaklik nem indeksi degerlerini saptamak için Siirt Meteoroloji Müdürlügü ile ilçelerdeki meteoroloji istasyonlarinin verilerinden yararlanilmistir. Buna göre Siirt Merkez, Pervari, Baykan, Kurtalan, Sirvan ve Eruh ilçelerine iliskin sicaklik nem indeksi degerleri sirasiyla 72.43, 67.64, 71.80, 72.34, 71.67 ve 68.87 olarak bulunmustur. Çalismada Siirt il merkezi ile ilçelerinde Haziran, Temmuz, Agustos ve Eylül aylarinda sicaklik nem indeks degerlerinin esik degeri olarak bildirilen 65 veya 72 degerlerinin üzerine çiktigi saptanmistir. Ancak isi stresi açisindan istatistiki olarak Pervari ve Eruh ilçelerinin diger ilçelere oranla süt sigirciligina daha uygun oldugu anlasilmistir (p<0.05). Sonuç olarak, Siirt kosullarinda sürdürülebilir bir süt sigirciligi için isi stresinin ortaya çiktigi zamanlarda yeterli serinletme sistemlerinin kullanilmasi gerekmektedir. |
| The Determination of Genetic Diversity in White Clover (Trifolium repens L.) Populations | Author : Yilmaz, Nuri., Demirkol, Gürkan | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Sustainability can only be achieved through the use and protection of genetic resources. White clover (Trifolium repens L.), a perennial legume forage grass, is also an important genetic resource and widely found in grasslands, parks and gardens in many regions of Turkey. This study was conducted to determine the genetic diversity of white clover populations collected from different altitudes on seven provinces of Turkey. Six Simple Sequence Repeats (SSR) molecular markers were used to estimate genetic diversity in fifteen populations collected for the study. In the study, 56 alleles were detected. Populations were gouped as three clusters in the dendogram created to see genetic relationships. According to results, especially population collected from high altitudes were mostly in the same group. This revealed the interaction between geographical distribution and genetic diversity in the collected samples. As a result, it was understood that our country has a rich genetic diversity to provide the necessary material in the white clover breeding.
| Mini Tuber Production in Potato Via Aeroponic System | Author : AHMED, HUSSEIN ABDULLAH., URANBEY, Serkan., KOÇAK, Nilüfer | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The aeroponic production system is one of the new applications in soilless agriculture. This system is also an alternative seed production system for mini-tuber production of potato in terms of providing optimum growth conditions, enabling potato production to be free from diseases and pests and to make economic use of agricultural inputs. This system, which is independent of climatic conditions, has the advantage of improving the vegetative growth, delaying tuber formation, prolonging the vegetative period, increasing the tuber yield per plant and total tuber yield while decreasing the tuber weight. Due to the problems experienced in potato seedling tuber production in recent years, it emerged as an alternative production system for our country. |
| Inoculation Tecniques For Assessing Pathogenicity of Fusarium solani, F. oxysporum, Macrophomina phaseolina And Rhizoctonia solani From Pepper (Capsicum annum) Seedling | Author : Güler Güney, Inci Güldür, Ertugrul | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In this study, surveys were carried out during 2015 and 2016 for wilt and root rot diseases caused by Rhizoctonia solani, Macrophomina phaseolina, Fusarium oxysporum, and Fusarium solani in pepper fields in Adiyaman, Diyarbakir, Mardin and Sanliurfa provinces of Turkey. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of different inoculation methods (root dip, soil infestation with wheat bran and soil infestation with rice grain) on pathogenicities of R. solani, M. phaseolina, F. oxysporum and F. solani on pepper seedlings. Inoculated pepper seedlings (cv. Inan-3363) were left to grow for three months after transplanting under growth chamber conditions. Inoculation of infective rice-grain was used to test pathogenicity of all four fungi. Root dip inoculation method was used for F. solani and F. oxysporum when the soil was infested with wheat bran method for R. solani andM. phaseolina inoculation. All tested isolates resulted in the stem and root rot, leaf chlorosis and bruising. To test the pathogenicity of fungi, soil infestation with rice grain inoculation was the most suitable method. All tested fungi induced similar foliar symptoms, root rot severity and caused a similar reduction in dry root weightswhen rice-grain inoculum was used. With other inoculation methods, all pathogens similarly affected root rot severity. Whereas, F. oxysporum was the least virulent pathogen among tested fungi affecting foliar symptom severity; for fresh root and plant weights, and dry root and plant weights; R. solani, M. phaseolina and F. solani were similarly virulent when these parameters were used. The results of the present study may have a useful connotation to monitor pepper seedlings against these pathogens. In conclusion, we recommend rice-grain inoculation to test pathogenicities of R. solani, M. phaseolina, F. oxysporum and F. solanion various pepper cultivars. |
| Determination of Optimum Sowing Rate for Narbon Vetch (Vicia narbonensis L.) Cultivation in Antalya Coastal Conditions | Author : ÖZYIGIT, Yasar | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This research was conducted to determine optimum sowing rate for narbon vetch (Vicia narbonensis L.) in Antalya coastal conditions in 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 years. The research was designed according to randomized complete block design with three replicates, and five different sowing rates (5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 kg da-1 ) were performed to parcels. Some agronomic data such as plant height, number of pods, number of seeds per pod, number of branches, pod length, 1000 grain weight, grain yield, biological yield, straw yield, and harvest index were investigated. Study results showed that sowing rates had statistically significant effects on all studied traits. Plant height, seed yield, biological yield and straw yield increased with increasing sowing rate, while pod number, the number of seeds per pod, number of branches, pod length, 1000 seed weight and harvest index decreased. Grain yield reached its highest value at 15 kg da-1 application and a decrease in higher seed applications were observed. When the results obtained were evaluated, it was concluded that the most appropriate sowing rate for narbon vetch cultivation in Antalya coastal conditions was 15 kg da-1 where the highest grain yield was achieved and the sowing rates above or below this value resulted in decreased yield. |
| The Effects of Peroxidase and Catalase Components of Pepper Genotypes on Phytophthora capsici Resistance | Author : KARIPÇIN, Muhemet Zeki., DEMIRER DURAK, Emre | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In this study, sixty landrace pepper genotypes were used to test the resistance to Phytophthora capsici. The CM 334 (Criollos de Morelos 334) P. capsici resistant genotype was selected as the control, and two inoculations were applied to all the materials evaluated for peroxidase and catalase enzyme contents. As a result of the first inoculation, genotype CM 334 and native genotypes 3 (P1), 13 (Urfa), 25 (UKST), 38 (UD), 48 (UKDT) and 57 (ANKSB) survived. As a result of the second (last) inoculation, only the CM 334 genotype survived and continued to form shoots. In both inoculations, it was concluded that the enzyme contents of genotypes showing partial or complete resistance were also at elevated levels, especially the peroxidase enzyme content was specifically distinctive. Peroxidase content of all genotypes showing resistance in the first inoculation was high, but catalase content was not very apparent in resistant and sensitive varieties. It has also been determined that P. capsici resistance appeared in the last stages of plant development, rather than in the initial stages of development. As a result of the study, it was determined that materials showing partial resistance even in the first inoculation, could be breeding materials and used in hybridization programs. |
| Determination of Basic Soil Properties and Nutrient Element States of Agricultural Soils of Akselendi Plain and Formation of Distribution Maps | Author : ÇELIK, Pinar DENGIZ, Orhan | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study was carried out to determine some basic characteristics and present productivity status of agricultural lands covering 9437.1 hectares between two adjacent micro-basins, Ilicak and Kum Rivers and Akselendi plain, in Gediz Basin. Additionally, it was also aimed to determine distribution maps of these soil properties in the area with IDW interpolation model. A total of 181 soil samples were collected, soil samples were collected between 0-30 cm depth while geographic coordinates were recorded the. Soil fertility (soil texture, pH, electrical conductivity, calcium carbonate, organic matter), and available micro and macroelement contents (N, P, K, Fe, Cu, Zn, and Mn) were analyzed in the collected soil samples. According to analysis results, agricultural lands have a coarse texture in general, while texture changes between a clay loam and sandy. Even though soil pH values do not change often, some were slightly alkaline, low or moderate on organic matter, salty, and 56.4% of the soil were mild limy. In addition, 52.4 and 68.5% of the soil were low in phosphorus and nitrogen, respectively. While only the copper content of the study area soil was sufficient in terms of microelement coverage; iron, manganese and zinc contents were found to be inadequate. |
| Contributions to the Dance Flies (Diptera: Empididae) of Siirt Fauna, Turkey | Author : Mustafa Cemal ÇIFTÇI | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The adults of the Empidid flies are small to medium-sized, usually shiny black or densely grey dusted species. The adults are very important in pollination because they are flower visitors. Turkey has a wide variety of habitats and species diversity. Although it seems to consist mostly of flat plains, mountainous regions are also found in the east and northeast parts. For this reason, species diversity has increased. Siirt province is rich in steppe but forests cover less space and the summers are quite hot and arid. Siirt also has variable elevation and this positively affects species diversity. This study was carried out in Siirt between 2014-2016. Specimens were collected from different habitats with using a hand net. As a result of the field studies, 15 empidid species were determined in Siirt Province. Among these 15 species, five species belong to the genus Hilara and ten species belong to the genus Empis. And also, Hilara clavidipes Chvála, 2008, H. freidbergi Chvála, 2008 and H. fusitibia Strobl, 1899 are new records for the Turkish fauna. When we compare the species number of the Empididae family from the world and Europe, the number of the known species from Turkey is relatively low, thus constituting the idea that Turkey should be better screened with local faunistic studies. |
| Contributions to the Dance Flies (Diptera: Empididae) of Siirt Fauna, Turkey | Author : Mustafa Cemal ÇIFTÇI | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The adults of the Empidid flies are small to medium-sized, usually shiny black or densely grey dusted species. The adults are very important in pollination because they are flower visitors. Turkey has a wide variety of habitats and species diversity. Although it seems to consist mostly of flat plains, mountainous regions are also found in the east and northeast parts. For this reason, species diversity has increased. Siirt province is rich in steppe but forests cover less space and the summers are quite hot and arid. Siirt also has variable elevation and this positively affects species diversity. This study was carried out in Siirt between 2014-2016. Specimens were collected from different habitats with using a hand net. As a result of the field studies, 15 empidid species were determined in Siirt Province. Among these 15 species, five species belong to the genus Hilara and ten species belong to the genus Empis. And also, Hilara clavidipes Chvála, 2008, H. freidbergi Chvála, 2008 and H. fusitibia Strobl, 1899 are new records for the Turkish fauna. When we compare the species number of the Empididae family from the world and Europe, the number of the known species from Turkey is relatively low, thus constituting the idea that Turkey should be better screened with local faunistic studies. |
| Contributions to the Dance Flies (Diptera: Empididae) of Siirt Fauna, Turkey | Author : Mustafa Cemal ÇIFTÇI | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The adults of the Empidid flies are small to medium-sized, usually shiny black or densely grey dusted species. The adults are very important in pollination because they are flower visitors. Turkey has a wide variety of habitats and species diversity. Although it seems to consist mostly of flat plains, mountainous regions are also found in the east and northeast parts. For this reason, species diversity has increased. Siirt province is rich in steppe but forests cover less space and the summers are quite hot and arid. Siirt also has variable elevation and this positively affects species diversity. This study was carried out in Siirt between 2014-2016. Specimens were collected from different habitats with using a hand net. As a result of the field studies, 15 empidid species were determined in Siirt Province. Among these 15 species, five species belong to the genus Hilara and ten species belong to the genus Empis. And also, Hilara clavidipes Chvála, 2008, H. freidbergi Chvála, 2008 and H. fusitibia Strobl, 1899 are new records for the Turkish fauna. When we compare the species number of the Empididae family from the world and Europe, the number of the known species from Turkey is relatively low, thus constituting the idea that Turkey should be better screened with local faunistic studies. |
| Contributions to the Dance Flies (Diptera: Empididae) of Siirt Fauna, Turkey | Author : Mustafa Cemal ÇIFTÇI | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The adults of the Empidid flies are small to medium-sized, usually shiny black or densely grey dusted species. The adults are very important in pollination because they are flower visitors. Turkey has a wide variety of habitats and species diversity. Although it seems to consist mostly of flat plains, mountainous regions are also found in the east and northeast parts. For this reason, species diversity has increased. Siirt province is rich in steppe but forests cover less space and the summers are quite hot and arid. Siirt also has variable elevation and this positively affects species diversity. This study was carried out in Siirt between 2014-2016. Specimens were collected from different habitats with using a hand net. As a result of the field studies, 15 empidid species were determined in Siirt Province. Among these 15 species, five species belong to the genus Hilara and ten species belong to the genus Empis. And also, Hilara clavidipes Chvála, 2008, H. freidbergi Chvála, 2008 and H. fusitibia Strobl, 1899 are new records for the Turkish fauna. When we compare the species number of the Empididae family from the world and Europe, the number of the known species from Turkey is relatively low, thus constituting the idea that Turkey should be better screened with local faunistic studies. |