FROM EMPIRICISM TO SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE: THE VALUE OF PROVERBS IN FOOD AND NUTRITION | Author : Paloma Celada, Francisco J Sánchez-Muniz | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Our life is full of sayings, which reflect the tradition of millennia and speak in the mouth of experience, and this is even more evident when it comes to nutrition or food, which is the link between health, disease, food security and happiness. In this short paper we have reviewed some central proverbs that are part of our daily work, its meaning and the scientific evidence and studies that endorse or deny such aphorisms. A total of 55 have been collected, which we believe to be very relevant, since a higher number of them would probably tire the reader and make our effort vain.
| PNEUMOCOCCAL VACCINES HAVE COSTS AND THE COMPLICATIONS IN THE UNVACCINATED HAVE HIGHER | Author : Raúl Godoy Mayoral, Francisco J. Callejas González, Sergio García Castillo, Javier Cruz, Marta Genoves, Pedro J. Tárraga López | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :(Abstract in English on source)
Objetivo: Analizar el impacto económico de la vacunación de la cohorte de 65 años con la vacuna antineumocócica en la Comunidad Autonómica (CCAA) de Castilla-La Mancha.
Métodos: Se adaptó un modelo de transmisión dinámica basado en ecuaciones diferenciales para analizar la carga de enfermedad neumocócica (EN) en población de 65+ años durante 5 años, siendo vacunada anualmente un 59%. Se aplicó una eficacia de VNC13 del 52,5% (estudio CAPITA), cobertura de serotipos vacunales del 60,1% (estudio CAPA) e incidencia de EN en la Comunidad de 258,5/100.000 casos año (CMBD 2011-2015). La perspectiva fue la del SESCAM; costes de casos de EN hospitalizada según CMBD de la CCAA (neumonía hospitalizada; 4.675€, neumonía invasiva; 4.792€, meningitis; 11.9342€, bacteriemia primaria; 4.792€) y coste de neumonía extrahospitalaria de 358€.
Resultados: La vacunación con VNC13 reduciría la incidencia de EN en un 75%, hasta 324,7 casos/100.000 acumulados en 5 años. Como consecuencia, se espera evitar 1.219 casos de EN; 715 neumonías hospitalizadas, 437 neumonías extrahospitalarias y 67 casos de enfermedad invasiva. El coste de vacunación esperado en 5 años de 2,3 millones de euros se compensaría completamente al evitar 3,9 millones de euros de costes médicos de enfermedad, con un ahorro neto acumulado de 1,4 millones de Euros (tasa de descuento del 3%). El análisis de sensibilidad con distintos escenarios fue robusto.
Conclusión: Los costes de las complicaciones por enfermedad neumocócica son mayores que los que tiene una campaña de vacunación antineumocócica VNC13 en adultos de 65 años. La muerte aumenta en pacientes no vacunados. |
| EPISIOTOMY RATE IN ACTIVE WOMEN DURING PREGNANCY | Author : Raquel Rodríguez-Blanque, Juan Carlos Sánchez-García, María José Menor-Rodríguez, Ana María Núñez-Negrillo, Antonio Manuel Sánchez-López, María José Aguilar-Cordero | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Aims: Study the influence of moderate aquatic physical exercise following the SWEP methodology (Study of Water Exercise Pregnant) on the episiotomy rate.
Methods and Material: Randomized Clinical Trial, with 140 randomized subjects; 129 subjects (Group of Exercises n = 65, Control Group n = 64) completed the requirements of the study. The study began in the 20th week of gestation and ended in week 37. The perinatal results were obtained from the partogram registered in the Paritary Services of the University Hospital Complex of Granada and from the clinical history of each woman.
Results: There were no statistically significant differences in the episiotomy rate, although a percentage difference of 10% lower was observed in active women (45.31% vs. 35.4%).
The weight of the RN remained within the normal weight range in both groups (2,500 g - 4,000 g), for the GC of 3,460 g (Q1 = 3,207.5 - Q3 = 3,770.0) and for the GE of 3,250 g (Q1 = 2.955.0 - Q3 = 3.572.5) (p = 0.011).
In relation to epidural and subdural anesthesia, there are no statistically significant differences between both groups, obtaining 85.9% for CG and 72.3% for EG (p = 0.092).
Conclusions: The births of the women who have followed the SWEP methodology have presented a lower rate of episiotomy, although this has not been statistically significant, which is associated with the improvement of the abdominal muscles and better control of the musculature of the pelvic floor. |
| LEVEL OF KNOWLEDGE ABOUT ORAL HEALTH OF PREGNANT PATIENTS: DESCRIPTIVE STUDY | Author : María José Aguilar-Cordero, Tania Rivero-Blanco, Agustín Lasserrot-Cuadrado, Ana María Núñez- Negrillo, Jose Antonio Gil-Montoya, Antonio Manuel Sánchez-López | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Introduction: During pregnancy, the woman may be exposed to infectious processes, lesions in the oral cavity or painful symptoms, which is sometimes difficult to manage, given the precautions that the pregnancy condition demand. The aim is to understand that the state of maternal oral health determines to a large extent the state of health of the future baby, as well as adequate oral health conditions for pregnant women. The information that the mother acquires during this period will allow her to evaluate her oral and child health.
Aim: To describe the level of knowledge of the oral health of pregnant women.
Method: Descriptive, cross-sectional investigation. The sample was non-probabilistic and for convenience; was composed of 50 pregnant women. The variables studied were age, pregnancy trimester, level of education and level of knowledge.
Results: Secondary studies predominated in the sample. The level of regular knowledge prevailed (64%) in the 3 trimesters. According to the perceived needs of oral health status, 66% said it was good. All the pregnant women, between 41 and 45 years old, showed regular knowledge.
Conclusions: In the younger women, a deficient level of knowledge predominates. There are also differences for the weeks of gestation, because women with more weeks of gestation have more knowledge. 64% of the sample presented a regular level. Only 10%, got a correct assessment. |
| ORAL HEALTH KNOWLEDGE OF PREGNANT WOMEN. SYSTEMATIC REVIEW | Author : María José Aguilar Cordero, Tania Rivero-Blanco, Norma Mur-Villar, Raquel Rodríguez-Blanque, María Dolores Moraleda-Hurtado, Luis Emilio Fernández-Curbero, Antonio Manuel Sánchez-López | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Introduction: The oral health of pregnant women depends on the knowledge, attitudes and behaviors learned prior to pregnancy. Research shows that the most frequent and specific problem encountered during this period, which continues during lactation, is gestational gingivitis, that is, inflammation of the gums. Therefore, the knowledge that the pregnant woman has about these alterations is essential, not only to prevent them, but for the consequences that can have during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum.
Aim: To analyze the main studies on the level of oral health knowledge of pregnant women.
Method: The systematic review was performed according to the PRISMA guidelines. We have selected 18 studies that analyze the subject matter.
Results: The studies reviewed did not present similar samples at the time of assessing the level of knowledge of the oral health of pregnant women. This can create problems comparing studies with each other. The issue addressed to measure the knowledge of pregnant women served to determine this discernment, and thus orient the research towards those aspects that presented difficulties.
Conclusions: All of the studies reviewed show that the level of knowledge of pregnant women about their oral health is regular. This result that the surveys show, is not validated by a unified protocol, this means that there is no unanimity when verifying the knowledge of pregnant women, in relation to their oral health, as a health problem in general. |
| BMI DURING PREGNANCY AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH THE WEIGHT OF THE NEWBORN | Author : Cristina Megías Patón, Juan Lorenzo Prados-Ruiz, Raquel Rodríguez-Blanque, Juan Carlos Sánchez-García | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :An analysis of the literature was carried out whose main objective was to evaluate the influence of the Body Mass Index, pregestational and gestational, on the weight of newborns. We designed a systematic review of observational studies (retrospective, cross-sectional or prospective), fulfilling the guidelines of the review protocol Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). The protocol was registered on the PROSPERO website, and it was assigned the registration number: CRD42017080707.
We searched by applying the inclusion criteria in the following electronic databases; Pubmed, Scielo, Cuiden, Google Scholar and Scopus. We identified 372 articles that met the inclusion rules. We carried out a screening in duplicates, reading the title and abstract of the identified articles, and subsequently an in-depth reading of the articles, 10 articles were included in the present systematic review.
Once the articles are analyzed, it is observed in the results that the BMI is positive and significantly related to the birth weight of the children. Thus, mothers who begins gestation with low weight have a greater risk of conceiving children with low birth weight for gestational age, just as obese and overweight women have a greater risk of having macrosomic children.
No data have been observed that relate the weight of newborns of women with normal weight, with the weight gain of mothers. |
| TERMINAL DISEASE: A BIOLAW MANAGEMENT | Author : Francisco Rivas García | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :There are many different dilemmas and situations posed by the current development of the medical sciences. Bioethics is a booming discipline that should guide any clinical practice, being especially relevant to situations that augur end of life.
The present work aims to provide a current and useful analysis that can help to understand the main problems that generate a terminal illness, and how Bioethics can be very useful. The methodology used has included a study of bibliographic documentation through consultation of specialized databases.
It is concluded that Bioethics is a very useful tool that helps to analyze and make decisions on the part of health professionals in their daily activities. Bioethics is essential to understand the palliative treatment that must be provided at the end of life as a guarantee for the maintenance of human dignity. |