ETHNOGRAPHY OF COMMUNICATION: THE ANALYSIS OF DELL HYMESS SPEAKING IN BALINESE WEDDING PROPOSAL | Author : Diany Purnama Sari, Ni Putu Santhi Widiastuti, I Made Agus Adi Gunawan | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The present study conducted a qualitative descriptive method regarding ethnography of communication to analyze a Balinese wedding ceremony of a Balinese couple using Dell Hymes’s SPEAKING mnemonic. The research resulted that there was a relationship between speech event regarding Balinese wedding proposal and Dell Hymes’ SPEAKING mnemonic. The results showed that Balinese wedding proposal of a Balinese couple was held in Bale Dangin (setting) and people sat in a semicircular including father, mother, sibling, and also some close relatives such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, and so on (participants) to make an agreement to hold a wedding ceremony (ends). The sequenced of the proposal was started by proposee’s spokesman who delivered the opening then it was continued by the proposer’s spokesman (act of sequence). They were all in serious situation (key) by the use of code-mixing in delivering the speech (instrumentalities) to ensure about their commitment to live together (norms of interaction and interpretation). The genre was proposal which showed serious claim of reasoning of an action. |
| SEXUALITY CONSTRUCTION IN CINDERELLA STORY: ASH NOVEL | Author : Nafisa Zafira Taufik, Eva Leiliyanti | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Recently, there has been a huge increase of sexuality construction studies in literature field including in Young Adult genre. Ash novel is one of young adult genre retelling the classic fairy tale story of Cinderella with the gendering plot twist of the main female character. Instead of construct the main characters to heterosexual, Malinda Lo deconstructs her gender and sexual identity. The aim of this research will focuses on investigating the relationship between the elements of psychosexual development and sexuality construction in the narratives that change the main character’s gender and sexual identity. This research are using 5 stages of development theory by Sigmund Freud and performativity theory by Judith Butler. To analyze the narratives, this research is using deconstruction theory by Jaques Derrida as methodology approach. The gendering process and sexuality construction to lesbian appears in several events that bring the main character questioning the masculine role and construct her identity by the dominant stepmother. |
| LINGUISTICS POLITENESS MARKERS IN AUSTRALIAN EMBASSY IN INDONESIA’S SOCIAL MEDIA | Author : Hamidah Hamidah, Miftahulkhairah Anwar; Saifur Rohman | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This article analyzes the types of politeness markers on the social media of Australian Embassy in Indonesia. This research used descriptive qualitative method with content analysis techniques. Data sources taken from Instagram and Facebook which retrieval during 2017. The data was selected based on educational and cultural themed. This reaserch found that there were 55 politeness markers included in 15 forms, there are semoga, kamu bisa, apakah, selamat, bentuk sapaan hormat, ayo atau yuk, bentuk sapaan akrab, sangat dianjurkan, asyik ya, tak sabar, tahukah kamu, sebaiknya, bagaimana, sukses untuk studinya, kami mendoakan yang terbaik, and kami ingin mengucapkan selamat. |
| CONTENT ANALYSIS: EXPLORING THE SUITABILITY OF BUSINESS ENGLISH TEXTBOOK FROM LEARNER’S PERSPECTIVE | Author : Pangulu Sudarta Saat, Endry Boeriswati, Yumna Rasjid | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This research aims to find out how the following aspects of analysis in textbook evaluation can facilitate assessment of the suitability of the text book students have been using as the main course book. The aspects are (1) use of business language skills and grammar (2) business vocabulary (3) business related materials (4) pedagogic features.The textbook being referred to is Market Leader, Third edition, Elementary published by Pearson Education, London, United Kingdom. The gap filled in this research and prior research is that they are prior-use textbook evaluation, while this article is based on a in-use textbook evaluation. To achieve the aim, this research employs Philipp Mayring’s Qualitative Content Analysis research method, and Chengqian Guo’s new text book evaluation model as the framework developed from previous evaluation models. |
| REDEFINING AUSTRALIAN LANGUAGE CLASSROOM EFFECTIVITY: TOWARDS INTERCULTURAL COMPETENCE IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING | Author : Devina Devina, Rahmi Yulia Ningsih, Lifia Yola Febrianti | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Global competence has inevitably expanded the way of education conducted in recent year. One key aspect of global competence is the emergence of cultural intelligence in the classroom – as one medium of global competence transfer is through language learning. Interest to learning a foreign language raises in which many people see foreign language learning as the window and door to the world. This paper aims at exploring global competence is delivered and conducted in a Spanish classroom in Brisbane, Australia. Data were gathered through (1) classroom observation (2) questionnaire distributed to the learner and (3) interview with the learners. Finding shows that in the program is perceived as effective and teacher holds the most important factor in the classroom. In addition to being knowledgeable and skillful, a teacher who possesses cultural intelligence is likely to be preferred. Classroom is portrayed as a hub for transfer of knowledge, allowing learners to bring their identity inside the class while learning being exposed to other foreign language. |
| ABILITY OF INDONESIAN TEACHERS CANDIDATES IN PREPARING A LESSON PLANS | Author : Indrya Mulyaningsih | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :One aspect that influences the success of learning objectives is the accuracy of the teacher in choosing learning strategies and media. Both of these can be known in the Lesson Plans made. This study aims to explain the ability of prospective Indonesian teacher students. This descriptive qualitative research data is in the form of lesson plans made by 18 students of the Indonesian Tadris Bahasa Indonesia in the academic year 2019/2020. Data collected by note taking and interview techniques. Data collection instruments use guidelines for preparing lesson plans and interview guidelines. The validity of the data uses the triangulation of theories, sources, and methods. Based on the analysis that has been done, it can be concluded that 77% of the lesson plans made by students are incomplete. Incomplete components in the form of 1) basic competencies and achievement indicators, 2) learning materials, 3) learning methods, 4) learning resources, 5) learning steps, and 6) assessment of learning outcomes. The student lesson plans needs to be stressed on 1) time allocation, 2) accuracy of the material, 3) the relationship of material to life, 4) strengthening literacy, 5) strengthening character education (PPK), 6) developing higher-order thinking skills, 7) competency measurement Core, 8) internet utilization, and 9) maximizing learning resources and facilities. |
| DEFENSE MECHANISM OF THE MAIN CHARACTER IN LAURIE HALSE ANDERSON’S SPEAK NOVEL | Author : Ritsnaini Zulfaisya, Hasnini Hasra | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study is a defense mechanism analysis of the main character in Laurie Halse Anderson’s Speak novel. It aims at revealing how defense mechanisms is experienced by Melinda Sordino as the main character of Speak novel by applying Sigmund Freud’s defense mechanism theory. The data is the narration and dialogue in the narrative implying defense mechanism strategies used by the main character in coping up with verbal, physical and phsychological bullying she experienced. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method. The finding shows that the main character had repression, rationalization, regression, reaction-formation, projection, replacement, isolation, identification, sublimation and turning to self as defense mechanisms strategies to oversome the conflicts |
| A CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS OF MOHAMAD NASIR’S SPEECH | Author : Ni Putu Santhi Widiastuti | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Discourse is a unit of language in which its form is longer than a sentence including the vast majority of everyday communication; in addition, it ussually employes specific kinds of language as well as infromation structures to deliver specific purposes. In order to identify the structure and purpose of a discourse, the present research employed Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) to analyze an educational speech in May 2nd, 2016 delivered by the Indonesian Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, Mohamad Nasir in the celebration of the National Education Day of Indonesia. The result of the analysis showed how the speech was constructed in form of macrostructure, superstructure, and microstructure revealed how the social power was used by symbolic elites to invite all parties in educational field to join together in reforming educational system of Indonesia to be better than what had been conducted by previous partisans in the past. |
| “COVID-19” MEME IN SOCIAL MEDIA: STUDY OF ROLAND BARTHES SEMIOLOGY | Author : Siti Isnaniah, Tiya Agustina | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The objective of this research is to reveal the meaning of Covid-19 memes in social media using study of Roland Barthes semiology. In addition, this research also explains the social representation in Covid-19 memes. The method of the research is qualitative descriptive using technical analysis of Roland Barthes semiology. The technique of collecting data is based on two resources. The primary data are collections of memes about Covid 19 in some social media, such as Instagram, Facebook, and Web Blog. The secondary data are references supporting the topic of the research. In validity technique, the primary data are collected based on the topic of the discussion. After that, the data are processed descriptively by explaining, and comparing the information gained from many resources. Then, the data are reduced and presented. The result of the study shows that the creators tried to reveal social condition through Covid-19 memes. The social conditions were presented in some types of memes, namely critical memes, parodist memes, and motivational memes. In relation to meaning presentation, some social problems were revealed Covid-19 memes. |