IbM Kelompok Usaha Kerajinan Ikat Pinggang | Author : Muhammad Tahwin, A. Aviv Mahmudi | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Belt handicraft industry developed in Sendangmulyo village is the result of village entrepreneurial management training held in 2012. The problems faced to develop this industry is production, marketing, business management and financial administration. The limited production is caused by lack of sewing machines and ability to print its own logo. Problem of promot ion field is caused by the simple way to do the promotion. In financial management, this industrial cluster has not done regular financial accounting. By IBM program, it will help to
overcome these problems faced by belt handicraft industry. Developing of belt handicraft industry held using participation method by empowering communities potential, such as socialization, training or mentoring. The results of IBM program are (1) industrial cluster has blog, brochure and catalog as marketing media, (2) industrial cluster has simple organization, (3) industrial cluster has done recording transaction with computer (4) Belt handicraft industrial cluster has capability to print its own logo. |
| Upaya Peningkatan Pendapatan Rumah Tangga Melalui Pengembangan Usaha Pada Kelompok Pengrajin Batik Tulis Kampoeng Batik Desa Karaskepoh Kabupaten Rembang | Author : Riskin Hidayat, Siti Alliyah | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The program IbM is implemented in the Karaskepoh village, Pancur district, Rembang with partners Craftsmen Group Batik Sekar Melati and Sekar Jagad. Karaskepoh village is one of the tourist village kampoeng batik in Rembang because many of its citizens who work as batik, so local knowledge is necessary to get attention in IbM program. IbM purpose of this is to increase revenue Craftsmen Group Batik Sekar Melati and Sekar Jagad. The methodology carried out is counseling, training of Management and Entrepreneurship, and business assistance. IbM program results include: 1) There is an increasing role of group members batik and business networking; 2) Batik products Sekar Melati and Sekar Jagat group has had a more diverse media promotion, both conventional ones such as brochures, business cards, and banners although online media promotions is using a blog; 3) Batik products Sekar Melati and Sekar Jagad group has had packaging and labels a good and interesting; 4) Group batik Sekar Melati and Sekar Jagat has had a good product catalog; 5) It has been structured proposal batik feasibility Sekar Melati and Jagad Sekar group; and 6) The group batik Sekar Melati and Sekar Jagat has had an orderly and good bookkeeping. |
| PENGARUH HORTICULTURE THERAPY TERHADAP TINGKAT AGRESI NARAPIDANA: SEBUAH ANALISA RASCH MODEL | Author : Yayasan Indonesia Biru Lestari Waibi | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The purpose of this study is to measure the contribution of horticulture therapy to the level of aggression of the prisoners in a few prisons. The Rasch model approach was used in this study. Using Rasch model is to analyze individual as well as group level of aggression of prisoners based on their demographics and backgrounds. Using the Rasch model the results of the analyses can be presented in two dimension mapping or variables maps. The methods of this study were by adm inistering questionnaires for demographic and their backgrounds, observations for recording the convicts? behavior and opinions regarding the horticulture therapy program, and administering aggression instruments which are consist of physical, verbal, anger, and hostility dimensions. Sample was 32 convicts from three different prisons in the Jakarta areas: Cipinang, Tangerang, and Serang prisons. The results of the analysis of R-Square influence of horticulture therapy against aggressive show of R2 = 0.298 with p value <0.05. This means that the horticulture therapy contributes to the aggressiveness of prisoners amounted to 29.8% (approximately 30%). In other words, can be stated that: the aggression of the Prisons is accounted for by horticulture therapy as much as 30%. |
| PENGEMBANGAN SISTEM ADMINISTRASI SEKOLAH BERBASIS TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI DI MTS. DARUL ULUM DAN MTS. MIFTAHUL HUDA DI KABUPATEN JEPARA | Author : Miftah Arifin, Aida Nahar | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This purpose of this activity are, first, provide companionship to the school administration system integrated to provide quick, effective and accurate services. Second, fix the quality management system of institutional to reach the school?s objectives. The method used are training, FGD, and Mentoring. The result show that, first, preparation Integrated School Administration System (SISDU) goes well. Obstacles encountered in the implementation of the
infrastructure that SISDU is still limited and the ability of teachers to operate system needs to be improved. Second, the activities preparation of ISO-based governance system in general has been running well, but school administrators are still unfamiliar about the documents in the ISO standardize, they are already accustomed to using predefined Education Offices? documents. |
| PEMANFAATAN SAMPAH SEBAGAI ALAT PERAGA EDUKATIF BAGI SISWA-SISWI PAUD | Author : Siti Aliyah, Mufid Mufid, Purwo Adi Wibowo | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The development of quality early childhood is a major investment that are important in human development in Indonesia. To support the creativity of learners is needed media as a supporter, which in this case former students trash useless can be used as an educational tool at the same props for students learning about environmental awareness.
Partners service is namely PAUD PERMATA Darul Hikmah and PAUD Roudlotul Faizin both of which are located in the district of Jepara. The purpose of this service program is improving the quality of learning with the use of waste as educational props to stimulate the creativity of students. The activities have been carried out through training to teachers and early childhood learning groups or managers in both partners. Outcomes of these activities in the form of products props educative (APE) in the form of sheep originating from waste bottles of milk drinks, bottled soft drinks, which transformed into turtles, fish , owl, and piggy bank |
| PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT DALAM PEMBUATAN BALSAM METIL SALISILAT UNTUK MENGATASI RASA NYERI SENDI DAN OTOT DI LINGKUNGAN MOJOSONGO SURAKARTA | Author : Siti Aisiyah, Reslely Harjanti, Vivin Nopiyanti, Suhartinah Suhartinah, Pudiastuti R.S.P | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Pain is an uncomfortable feeling that is often felt by the majority of the Indonesian people. Pain involves two aspects: psychological and physiological both affected by factors such as culture, age, environment and support systems, past experience, anxiety and stress. The purpose of the program of activities of community service is to prov ide knowledge about the definition and the factors that influence pain, especially joint and muscle pain as well as provide training for people Tegal Mulyo RT 01 RW 04, Tegalmulyo village Mojosongo, district Jebres in the manufacture of balsam methyl salicylate easy and cheap. The method has been used in this activity is already done counseling about pain relief and making training balm containing metisalisilat to overcome joint and muscle pain. The benefits of this activity is to increase public knowledge about pain, especially joint and muscle pain, as well as increasing the ability of communities to make an ointment Metil Salisilat independently which is easy and cheap. |
| PENYUSUNAN RENSTRA DESA WISATA BUNGA PADA KAWASAN EKOWISATA SEBAGAI UPAYA PENINGKATAN KESEJAHTERAAN MASYARAKAT DESA JETIS KECAMATAN BANDUNGAN KABUPATEN SEMARANG | Author : Miftah Arifin, Yanto Yanto | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Regional policies on the development of Jetis as "tourism village flower", must continue to be developed because it can provide reciprocal benefits for humans and the environment. Unfortunately, the management concept of "tourist village built environment interest" in ecotourism in Jetis, not to apply the principle of participation-partnership between government and society, as well as the concept of the relationship between society and the environment. This activity is done by assisting the Village with facilitation techniques, so that the public is able to apply management "Tourism Village of Flowers" independently, through the Strategic Plan. As a result, synergy partnership between government and community is key to accelerating the success of ecotourism programs of interest for the welfare of society. |