Experimental analysis of the noise produced by burners inside a boiler plant in an educational building |
Author : Catalin Bailescu, Vlad Iordache |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :One of the most important parameters of comfort in a building is acoustic
comfort for which designer engineer typically given little or no attention during project
planning and design. The purpose of this article is to highlight the noise produced by
boilers in a technical room of a faculty in Romania. Different measurements were
performed for the gas flow and noise level in the boiler room. The measurements resulted
in several values of the noise level for different thermal loads of the boilers. The result
obtained confirm that noise level depends on the thermal load and that increase of
thermal load is directly proportional to the noise level inside the plant room. After the
measurements, the values of the noise level were processed and compared with literature
predicted values and the maximum limit values from the Romanian norm. The results of
this article highlighted the noise produced in a technical space of a modern power plant,
correctly installed and calibrated. This study can by used by design engineers and all
participants in designing and installing equipment in a new educational building, but
also in an existing building to meet the comfort conditions of the students. |
Evaluation of the potential of natural ventilation in different Algerian climates |
Author : Meriem Mezouari, Naima Fezzioui, Mohamed El-mir , Roulet Claude-Alain |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :.The purpose of our research is to test the effectiveness of some basic
configurations of natural ventilation on the thermal comfort of occupants for different
climates. The study focuses on the Algerian climate. Seven cities were selected from the
new climate zoning of Algeria proposed by [1]. To evaluate the potential of the selected
configurations and given the diversified nature of the Algerian climate, the study will
focus on the mid-season period that includes the months of May September and October
and the summer season for the months of June, July and August. The study was carried
out through numerical simulations using the TRNSYS software coupled with the COMIS
aeraulic software.
The results of the simulations showed the contribution of natural chimney ventilation
caused by the stairwell to improve occupant comfort Its integration, however, requires a
judicious and permanent control to guard against the falls of temperatures or the risks of
overheating. |
Durability of ultra-high performance fibered concretes made from local raw materials in two aggressive media of hydrochloric acid and barium sulphates |
Author : Farida Ait Medjber, Mohammed Saidi |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The durability of ultra high performance fiber-reinforced concrete (UHPFC)
made from local raw materials has been studied in this manuscript. An experimental
study was carried out on the best variants of UHPFC using finely ground dune sand as
ultrafine. The UHPFCs studied were developed from Portland cement (PC), dune sand
(DS), fine sand (FS), metal fibers (MF) and superplasticizer additive (SP). The results
show that it is possible to manufacture a more ductile and durable fiber concrete of 41.96
and 35.28 MPa for flexural tensile and 95.5 and 85.36 MPa for compressive strength for
UHPFCs made from dune sand and immersed respectively in two chemical solutions
concentrated at 5M hydrochloric acid and barium sulfate for one year. The manufacture
of a concrete based on local raw materials with good mechanical properties and
durability can reduce the consumption of cement. |
Modeling and electric drive of a laser engraving / cutting machine |
Author : Cristina Gabriela Saracin, Mihai Sorin Dinca |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This paper presents a viable solution for the practical realization of a laser
cutting and engraving device that can be operated manually or automatically. The
proposed device is portable and is ideal for simple and fast engraving of different types of
materials. The device can engrave wood, cardboard, plastic, leather, plastic, but it
cannot engrave glass, ceramics, metal, stone, marble. It is a small device that fits on any
desk and can be easily transported. The transmission of the information from the
engraving process can be done through a computer program or the engraving can be
done manually with the help of a joystick. Under these conditions, it becomes possible to
manually and automatically control the laser cutting or engraving device. Given this
aspect, the paper focuses on both the management of the automatic control of the
engraving device and the realization of a manual electronic control with a joystick. The
1000mW power of the laser is sufficient for projects such as customizing phone cases,
personalizing small objects, making cut invitations or postcards, signing design objects.
The machine cannot replace a professional engraving machine with much higher power,
capable of cutting or engraving any kind of material. |
About the production and interconnection of electricity obtained from geothermal energy |
Author : Carmen Mârza, Georgiana Corsiuc |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :In the context of sustainable development, the use of renewable energy
sources and the decrease of greenhouse gas emissions have become global priorities.
Geothermal energy represents an important potential for many countries, including our
country. If the exploitation of thermal energy has a relatively widespread, the production
of electricity is less developed, even if there are countries that cover a significant part of
the electricity demand from this resource. In this paper, the authors aim to present the
main technical solutions that produce electricity from geothermal sources, but also
present some topological models for integrating the obtained electricity in the public
network. |
Contribution of compressed stabilized earth bricks (CSEB) to the control of indoor air quality in buildings: case study of Algeria |
Author : Fezzioui Naïma, Miloudi Yassine, Roulet Claude-Alain |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The aim of this work is to examine the thermohydric behavior of a building
made of compressed stabilized earth bricks (CSEB), by testing its effectiveness in
stabilizing the quality of indoor air, compared to four conventional materials. The study is
carried out using TRNSYS-COMIS software with its Buffer Storage Humidity Model for
three types of climates: desert, Mediterranean, and dry and cold semi-arid climate. The
results highlight the contribution of the CSEB material in regulating the indoor relative
humidity of buildings, also in limiting the effects of condensation thanks to its adsorption
effect. |
Valorization of local kaolin in sustainable concrete and on the environment through their exploitation deposit |
Author : Tayeb Rikioui, Soltane Lebaili, Ahmed Tafraoui , Mekkaoui Abderahmane |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract : The exploitation of clays in the cement sector creates a great influence on the
geological monuments as well as on the general geological environment. In this context,
this article aims to valorize kaolin from southwestern Algeria in sustainable concrete and
to exploit their deposit site as a landfill.
In order to obtain metakaolin, this kaolin is subjected to a thermal transformation
controlled by an apparatus designed to test the ecological efficiency of this material.
Subsequently, a mass substitution of 10% of cement with metakaolin in concrete was
made for the study the performance of this new concrete. |
Experimental study on the phenomenon of cracking of a reinforced element in sand concrete |
Author : BOUSSERHANE Slimane, HAMOUINE Abdelmadjid |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :With the diversity of concrete quality, sand has taken a big place in the
composition of sand concrete. However, reinforced concrete based on sand is undergoing
experimental tests and validation tests, and its cracking in this concept has become a very
paramount parameter when sizing this material. In this context, this work of an
experimental nature, has for main objective to study the cracking of an element of
reinforced concrete based on sand by the variation of the spacings of cracks using a
reduced model in reinforced concrete. |
Influence of fire performance of wood chipboards on the development of a natural scale simulated fire, in a confined space |
Author : Alexandru-Florin CHIOJDOIU, Ion ANGHEL, Valentin ENCIU, Ionel-Alin MOCIOI, Emil Florin TUDOR |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This study analyses the contribution of wood chipboards combustion to a
natural scale fire that manifests in a confined space. Wood is of particular importance in
the development of fire in buildings, because it is widely used in building’s frame
structures, for cladding, floors or furniture objects. This study starts from the description
of the physical and chemical phenomena occurring during the wood combustion process
and continues with the presentation of the fire performance under final use conditions.
The results obtained from the fire test of the wood chipboards for ISO 9705 and SBI test
methods are presented, also. The study ends with the natural-scale simulation of the
wood chipboards contribution to the development of confined space fires, by using the BRISK fire simulation program, based on the two fire test methods and the two fire
scenarios. There are two fire scenarios: 1st. The test room is not cladded with interior
lining material, its walls made of concrete with a thickness of 100 mm and 2nd. The test
room is cladded with 12 mm thickness wood chipboards used as interior lining material.
Thus, a comparative analysis of the temperature of the upper layer of hot gases and of the
ceiling results from the use of the B-RISK program in the two test situations and methods
is obtained. Following the analysis, some recommendations are given that can improve
fire safety in the case of confined spaces containing wood in the form of chipboards. |
Modeling the operation of an unconventional system with photovoltaic solar panels and heat pump that supply buildings with heating and hot water utilities |
Author : Florin Iordache, Mugurel Talpiga |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :In this paper is it presented functional modelling of an unconventional system composed
by fotovoltaic panels which are producing electric energy to drive the compressor of a
heat pump to produce termal power for central heating unit of a building or to be used for
daily hot water. Can be seen in tha paper the corresponding equations to evaluate
electrical power from sollar cells and equations to establish the dynamic termal power
given by heat pump to final costumer. At the end will be realized an energetic analyze
and economic aspects to conclude the implementation of such unconventional systems. |
Aspects regarding the use of the Tuned Mass Dampers |
Author : Zainulabdeen K. Abdulfattah Abdulfattah, Vlad Stefan Niculae, Daniel Stoica |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :One of the alternatives of designing new buildings but also for interventions to
existing buildings is based on the use of the Tuned Mass Dampers (TMD). Given that they
are effective only in high rise buildings, case studies have been carried out for buildings
with 10, 20, 30 and 40 levels, having 3 different types of shapes in plan (circular, square
and rectangular) and two types of structures (reinforced concrete frames and reinforced
concrete dual systems). Comparisons were made between the structural responses
obtained for the calculation models corresponding to the buildings with and without
using the TMD. |
Comparative study regarding corrosion in time of the ground electrodes, Part 1 - Introduction |
Author : Stefan PAVEL, Ioan Bogdan PASCU, Nicoleta NEMES, Romeo NEGREA, Emilia DOBRIN, BURIAC Oana |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The objective of this paper is to present aspects related to: corrosion of metals
covered, and not covered with zinc in the soil of Timi?oara (grounding electrodes of a
grounding installation related to Electrical Installations of Constructions), analysis of
soil parameters, prototype electrodes, electrical, microbiological measurements and
mathematical prognosis analysis-prediction, materials, and dictionaries of related terms.
Another aspect presented in this material are the measurements related to the spectrum
of the oscillograph electromagnetic field of the grounding electrodes, which are covered,
and not covered with zinc. |
Study of the durability against carbonation of the concrete formulated with the partial replacement of cement with marble powder |
Author : Ahmed MERAH |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The first aim of this study is the use of marble waste powder as a partial
replacement with cement (CEMI 42.5) in concrete in order to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions results in the cement production and consequently on the manufacturing
concrete with less environmental impact.
Moreover, the carbonation phenomenon influences significantly the durability of
reinforced concrete structures, in this context, the second aim of this work is the study of
the effect of the accelerated carbonation on the durability of concretes formulated with
the cement containing the marble waste (MDP) with different percentages. For this
purpose, four concrete mixtures containing 0%, 10%, 15%, and 30% MDP as cement
replacement by weight basis have been prepared. These mixtures of concretes were
submitted to accelerated carbonation to study their durability against this phenomenon.
The series of tests are conducted to study the effect of 10%, 20% and 30% replacement of
cement with marble powder on carbonation depth and compressive strength and compare
it with the conventional concrete.
The result of this present investigation indicates that the carbonation depth increases
with the increase of the rate of the replacement of cement with waste marble powder (10
% to 30%) and the compressive strength decreases slightly with the increase of
replacement. the compressive strength remains within the acceptable range of M25
concrete. |
Experimental and numerical study on the performance of different fire ventilation systems |
Author : Marius Dorin Lulea |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :In the fire safety design of buildings, it is common practice to consider a smoke
and heat exhaust ventilation system. The choice is made between either natural ventilation
or a mechanical ventilation system. In case of a fire, the main requirement for building
designers is to save users. For the safety of users during a fire, low temperatures, high
oxygen concentration and good visibility for a certain period must be ensured.
Three different cases of ventilation in case of fire were analyzed in this study: mechanical
ventilation (CASE1) and natural ventilation (CASE2- wall hatches and CASE3- roof
hatches). The results of an experimental study were used to validate a numerical model
(CASE0- no ventilation system) using FDS software. The action of the fire in a room with
an area of 18(m2) has been studied.
Indoor temperatures, oxygen concentration and visibility are determined and used to
establish the performance of different ventilation system. The three parameters play an
important role in assessing the environmental conditions necessary to save users.
The study shows that natural or mechanical ventilation in case of fire considerably
improves the evacuation conditions, saving users lives. Both types of ventilation ensure
good performance in the situation of a correct dimensioning and designs. |