Fundamentos de la lógica y los conjuntos neutrosóficosy su papel en la inteligencia artificial |
Author : Florentin Smarandache, Maikel Leyva-Vázquez |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Neutrosophy is a new branch of philosophy which studies the origin, nature and scope of neutralities. This has formed the basis for a series of mathematical theories that generalize the classical and fuzzy theories such as the neutrosophic sets and the neutrosophic logic. In the paper, the fundamental concepts related to neutrosophy and its antecedents are presented. Additionally, fundamental concepts of artificial intelligence will be defined and how neutrosophy has come to strengthen this discipline. |
Toma de decisionesempleando números SVNDecision making using SVN numbers |
Author : Maikel Leyva Vázquez |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Decision-making methods in the presence of indetermination are becoming increasingly important. This work pre-sents general frameworks for decision-making and evaluation. Additionally, different aggregation models are presented. The SVN numbers and the Euclidean distance are used for the neutrality treatment as well as the scoring and accuracy functions toevaluatealternatives. Different illustrative examples for demonstrating the applicability of the proposal are presented |
Modelo de recomendación basado en conocimiento empleando números SVN |
Author : Roddy Cabezas Padilla, José González Ruiz, Milton Villegas Alava, Maikel Leyva Vázquez |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Knowledge based recommender systems despite its usefulness and high impact have some shortcomings. Among its limitations are lack of more flexible models, the inclusion of indeterminacy of the factors involved for computing a global similarity. In this paper, a new knowledge based recommendation models based SVN number is presented. It includes data base construction, client profiling, products filtering and generation of recommendation. Its implementation makes possible to improve reliability and including indeterminacy in product and user profile. An illus-trative example is shown to demonstrate the model applicability |
Modelado y análisis las interdependencias entre requisi-tos no funcionales mediante mapas cognitivos neutrosó-ficos |
Author : Ameirys Betancourt-Vázquez1, Karina Pérez-Teruel2 |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Nonfunctional requirements refer to global properties of software. They are an important partof the requirement engineering process and play a key role in software quality. Currentapproachesfor modelling nonfunctional requirements interdependencies have limitations for dealing with indeter-minacy. Inthis work we proposed a method to model interdependencies in nonfunctionalrequirements using neutrosophic cognitive maps. This proposal has many advantages for dealing withindeterminacy making easy the elicitation of knowledge. A case study is shown todemonstratethe applicability of the proposed method |
Competencias de los profesionales de Ingeniera en Sistemas en el mercado laboral. Análisis basado en mapas cognitivos neutrosóficos |
Author : Evelyn Jazmín Henríquez Antepara, Jenny Elizabeth Arizga Gamboa, Ruth Elizabeth Paredes Santin, Mélida Rocio Campoverde Méndez, Maikel Leyva Vázquez |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Recently, neutrosophic cognitive maps and its application in decisionmaking have become a topic of significant importance for researchers and practitioners. Furthermore, systems engineering is a demanding career with many interrelated competencies. Inthis paper system engineering competencies are summarized. Later a framework based on static analysis of neutrosophic cogni-tive maps applied to competencies modelling and prioritization in presented. A case study based on modelling and prioritization of transversal competencies is developed. The paper ends with conclusion and future research directions. |
Modelos mentales y mapas cognitivos neutrosóficosMental models and neutrosophic cognitive maps |
Author : Maikel Leyva Vázquez, Rebeca Escobar Jara, Florentin Smarandache |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :In this work, elements related to mental models elicitation and analysis are addressed through causal models. Issues related to the need to include indeterminacy in causal relationships through neutrophic cognitive maps are discussed. A proposal for static analysis in neutrosophic cognitive maps is presented. The following activities are included in the proposal: Calculate, measures of centrality, Classify nodes, De-neutrosification, and Ranking nodes. As future works, the incorporation of new metrics of centrality in neutrosophic cognitive maps is proposed. The inclusion of scenario analysis to the proposal is another area of future work |
Modelos para la evaluación de competenciasen sistemas de información empleando números SVN |
Author : Evelyn Jazmín Henríquez Antepara, Oscar Omar Apolinario Arzube, Jorge Arturo Chicala Arroyave, Eduardo Antonio Alvarado Unamuno, Maikel Leyva Vázquez |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Recently neutrosophic sets and its application to decisionmaking have become a topic of significant importance for researchers and practitioners. The present work addresses one of the most complex aspects of the formative process based on competencies: evaluation. In this paper, a new method for competencies evaluation is developed in a multicriteria framework. The proposed framework is composed of four activities, framework, gathering information, ideal solution distance calculation and ranking alternatives. Student are evaluated using SVN, for the treatment of neutralities, and Euclidean distance. The paper ends withconclusion and future work proposal for the application of neutrosophy to new areas of education |