Conjunto plitogénico, una extensión de los conjuntos crisp, difusos, conjuntos difusos intuicionistas y neutrosóficos revisitado | Author : Florentin Smarandache | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :En el presente artículo, introducimos el conjunto plitogénico (como generalización de conjuntos nítidos, borrosos, intuicionistas, borrosos y neutrosóficos), que es un conjunto cuyos elementos se caracterizan por los valores de muchos atribu-tos. Un valor de atributo v tiene un grado correspondiente (difuso, intuicionista difuso o neutrosófico) de pertenencia d (x, v) del elemento x, al conjunto P, con respecto a algunos criterios dados. Para obtener una mejor precisión para los operadores de agregación plitogénica en el conjunto plitogénico, y para una inclusión más exacta (orden parcial), se define un grado de con-tradicción (disimilitud difusa, intuicionista difusa o neutrosófica) entre cada atributo del valor y el valor del atributo dominan-te (el más importante). La intersección y la unión plitogénicas son combinaciones lineales de los operadores difusos tnormy tco-norm, mientras que el complemento plitogénico, la inclusión (desigualdad), la igualdad está influenciados por los grados de con-tradicción (disimilitud) de los valores de los atributos. Por tal motivo el objetivo del presente trabajo es ofrecer algunos ejem-plos y aplicaciones de los nuevos conceptos que se proponen, para su aplicación en la vida cotidiana. |
| Soporte de decisión multicriterio para el mantenimiento de equipos médicos en un entorno neutrosófico lingüístico heterogéneo | Author : Christian Torres Sarango, Daniel Loza Hernández, David Barrios Puerto, Maikel Leyva Vázquez | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Clinical engineering departments in hospitals are responsible for establishing and regulating a Medical Equipment Management Program that require multiples viewpoints to ensure that medical devices are safe and reliable. In order to miti-gate functional failures, significant and critical devices should be identified and prioritized. In this paper, we present a multi-criteria decision-making model to prioritize medical devices according to their criticality in different expression domains us-ings 2-tuple linguistic neutrosophic numbers.In this paper a prioritize medical devices model is develop based on the linguistic decision analysis scheme. The proposal can manage different types of information (numerical and linguistic) and the final re-sults are expressed into a linguistic domain, following the computing with words paradigm. Finally, an illustrative example is presented in order to show applicability of the proposed model. |
| La neutrosofía para el análisis de la inteligencia emocional de los estudiantes de la carrera de Psicología de la Universidad Técnica de Manabí Ecuador | Author : David Ricardo Guerrero Saltos, Ruth Marlene Loor Rivadeneira, Durán Solórzano Stéfano Alexander | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :La Inteligencia emocional es la capacidad o rasgo de personalidad de sentir, comprender, y aplicar efectivamente el poder de las emociones, conducirlas de forma apropiada como una fuente de energía, creatividad e influencia es vital, dado que influye significativamente sobre el éxito profesional, la felicidad, y la salud de las personas; y contribuye al mantenimiento de relaciones significativas. El nivel de esta puede incrementarse mediante el desarrollo de capacidades intrapersonales e interper-sonales. Por tal motivo el objetivo del presente estudioes determinar la relación existente entre inteligencia emocional y autoe-ficacia generalizada como variables del rendimiento en estudiantes de la Universidad Técnica de Manabí, en particular los dela facultad de ciencias humanísticas y sociales, escuela de psicología, ya que, por la naturaleza de su futuro trabajo con perso-nas, se espera que estos posean y/o se entrenen en el manejo de las emociones propias y de los otros, indistintamente del ámbi-to laboral en que ejerzan su profesión |
| Un marco de trabajo para la selección de servicios de cloud computing basado en el consenso | Author : Yudenalbis Lao Mendoza, Juan Carlos Cedeño, Héctor Lara Gavilanez, Carlos Banguera Diaz, Maikel Leyva Vázquez | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Many cloud services been developed and many more organizations are seeking to contract services from cloud computing with. Numerous criteria should be counted in the selection process of cloud services with uncertainty and indeterminacy presence. Therefore, the selection process of cloud services can be considered as a type of multi-criteria decision analysis problems in-cluding multiples stakeholders. In this paper framework for selecting cloud services taking into account consensus and using SVN numbers. The model includes automatic search mechanisms for conflict areas and recommendations to the experts to bring closer their preferences. |
| Evaluación de la calidad de software empleando decisión Multicriterio basado en los números de SVN | Author : Salah Hasan Saleh, Héctor LaraGavilanez, Juan Carlos Cedeño, Carlos Banguera Diaz, Maikel Leyva Vázquez | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Neutrosophic sets and its application to decision support have become a topic of great importance. In this paper, a new model for decision making for software quality appraisal is presented based on single valued neutrosophic number (SVN-numbers) and the fuzzy decision map method (FDM). The proposed framework is composed of four activities, framework, criteria weighting, gathering information and rating alternatives. Software alternatives are rated based on aggregation operator and the ranking of alternatives is based on scoring and accu-racy functions. The FDM method is included and allows a correct weighting of different criteria involved. Addi-tionally the common decision resolution scheme for helping decision maker to reach a reliable decision is used giving methodological support t. A case study is developed showing the applicability of the proposal for software quality appraisal. Further works will concentrate in extending the proposal for group decision making and devel-oping a software tool. |
| Use of the Neutrosophy to analyze the Mental Load of the public officials in the state university of Manabí | Author : Oscar Nelson Veliz Gutiérrez, Maritza Gutiérrez Ponce, Neilys González Benítez | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The present investigative work is carried out in the installations of the state university of the Manabí south of the re-public of the Ecuador, which was framed in the use of the Neutrosophy to analyze the level of mental load that possesses the public officials of the area of endless education and center of training of local development. The results reached favoured to the high direction of the institution to take and apply preventive and corrective criterions in benefit of the collaborators, based on the results it contributed the Neutrosofía use to identify the main traces of mental load, that present the herons, executedthe NTP 544 norm through the method of the NASA-TLX, method that it is applied in all work positions, for the sake of evaluat-ing the different developed activities and the mental load they possess the herons. Also evaluated, from the results that it is ob-tained to apply the Neutrosofía, the physical environmental factors that it falls in the mental stress of the herons, by using the LEST method, with the one which recognizes to him the recommended levels as for the level of mental load. Based on the ob-tained results plan preventive and corrective actions to prevent the levels of risk in the areas of study. |