Total resection of recurrent meningothelial meningioma through a combined transcranial.endonasal approach | Author : Orestes López Piloto | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Objective:
To evaluate the efficacy of combining an endonasal endoscopic approach and transcranial approach in a patient with a recurrent olfactory cleft meningothelial meningioma. |
| Diagnosis and Surgical Treatment of Orbital Tumors of Various Localizations and Histostructures. | Author : O.I. Lystratenko | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The article reviews and analyzes the results of treatment of 32 patients with orbital tumors operated in the clinic, neurosurgery until the period from 2015 till September 2019.
Goals and objectives: coverage of clinical signs and symptoms, histology, diagnostic methods and treatment of patients operated on with orbital tumors during the period 2015-2019. Determination of optimal surgical approach to the tumors with different localization for performing the radical organ-preserving surgery, with maximal saving of visual functions, minimization of oculomotor disorders, patient disability.
Materials and Methods: we analyzed the clinical cases of 32 patients undergoing treatment in DOKTMO with orbital tumors for the period from 2015 till September 2019.
Patients were operated on with various approaches - transcutaneous, subconjunctive (without orbitotomy), fronto-orbito-zygomatic, pterional, subfrontal (neurosurgical approaches), transmaxillary, transethmoidal (ENT approaches). The choice of surgical approaches were individual. In 2 cases we become a backset of tumor growth: one patient with aggressive adenocarcinoma, after 18 months, leading to orbital exentration and the child, 9 years old with rhabdomyosarcoma after non-radical removal of tumors of subconjunctival approach. In all other cases, relapses were not detected, operation were organ-preserving oriented.
Conclusions: the results of treatment of patients with tumors directly depend on the choice of radicality tumor removal, which is associated with the choice of surgical approach, chemical, radiation treatment in postoperative period depending on the histological response. From our point of view, the most universal method for tumor removal with various localizations and sizes is fronto-orbito-zygomatic approach which provides the performance of radical organ-preserving operation with maximal vision saving, minimizing oculomotor disorders, disability of the patient, despite its technical complexity for ophthalmologist surgeons. In this regard, surgery of orbital tumors is subject to the competence of doctors of related specialties. |
| Problems with the Mind-Brain problem | Author : David I. Dubrovsky | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :For decades, the mind-brain problem has been the object of intense debate in the realms of philosophy, psychology and neuroscience. This article relates to the polemic involving the leading representative of analytical philosophy, Thomas Nagel, who has formulated the main difficulties of the mind-brain problem in their most clear and complete manner and outlined the means of a possible solution. Nagel, however, believes that modern science and philosophy does not possess the necessary conceptual tools; they are not yet known to us and a quest for them is a thing for the future. Unlike Thomas Nagel, the author of this article believes that such conceptual tools are indeed known and sufficient to overcome the principle difficulties of the mind-brain problem. This is shown with reference to the information approach, which affords an explanation of the connection of mental states with brain processes, explanation of mental causality and free will, and which offers a basis for prospects of decoding the brain codes of subjective-reality phenomena. |
| Aging and Social Gerontology vs Social Accounting in Developing Countries | Author : Mohammad Taghi Sheykhi | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Though aging is a gift in general, it may be a hard time for many in developing countries in particular. Aging may be defined as the combination of biological, social and psychological processes that affect people as they grow older. The first refers to the physical body, the second refers to cultural values, norms and role expectations that change with age, and the third refers to the change in ones emotional, cognitive and mental capabilities. Science, modern technologies, improved agriculture, sanitation, medicaments, improved nutrition and many more developments have brought about aging increase and declining mortality. Social aspects of aging or social gerontology as a new phenomenon needs to be taken into account through social accounting. As rapid changes are emerging in population structure in modern times, social accountants need to study and project different emerging changes of population including aging and gerontology. While aging is affected by the quality of the society, it affects society too. Such a phenomenon is currently appearing in the developing world. Similarly, aging people find a different psychology and lifestyle contradicting their younger ages. Such a dramatic change needs more applicable inspection including geriatrics and social accounting. However, complications in elderly life is ever appearing and increasing. Method of research used in the present paper is mainly based on a qualitative approach. Various subtitles discussed in the present paper, result from aging, or influence aging phenomenon. The paper concludes that social accounting widely affects healthy aging. |
| Syringomyelia: Report of a Clinical Case and Bibliographical Review. | Author : Miranda Nava Gabriel | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Introduction
Syringomyelia is a pathological involvement of the spinal cord, which consists of a central cavitation, which mainly affects the cervical area. In 90% of cases, it may be closely related to Chiari disease, however, there are other alterations such as intra or extramedullary tumor, trauma, hydrocephalus, among others that can cause syringomyelia as well. The diagnosis is completed with imaging studies (MRI). The treatment is usually surgical in most cases, as long as the patient is a candidate for it. However, there are other alternatives with promising results.
Clinical Case: A 47-year-old female patient, who goes to the outpatient clinic, referring pain in the upper extremities, mainly in the right, irradiated to the dorsal region, in addition to presenting other signs and symptoms such as tachycardia, medium intensity precordial pain, headache, nausea and dizziness As a pathological personal history, the patient reports having suffered seizures during childhood, in addition to being hit by a truck with an evolution time of 15 years.
Conclusions: with the studies obtained and the evaluation of the patient, the diagnosis of syringomyelia associated with Chiari is reached. The patient is followed up and scheduled for neurosurgical treatment due to the presence of symptoms. |