Author : Nur Hidayah |
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Abstract :Konsep partisipasi masyarakat dalam pembangunan sudah mulai dikenalkan oleh pemerintah sejak awal tahun 1980-an melalui istilah pemberdayaan masyarakat program pemberdayaan saat ini mengalami transformasi, seiring kemampuan dan kapasitas masayarakat di dalam proses partisipatif. Program PLPBK adalah program akhir dari proses penyempurnaan program sebelumnya. Dimana tujuan nya adalah menciptakan masayarakat yang berdaya menuju masyarakat yang madani serta berkelanjutan . Untuk mencapai pembangunan permukiman yang berkelanjutan ditempuh 3 jalur sebagai berikut : Orientasi pada perubahan prilaku, Orientasi pada pengelolaan oleh masyarakat sendiri, dan Orietasi pada inivasi dan kreativitas masyarakat. Rumusan masalah pada penelitian ini dititik beratkan pada Evaluasi sejauh mana keterlibatan masayarakat dalam Proses pembangunan serta seberapa besar keberhasilan partisipasi pembangunan Sungai ciberu di Desa Ciledug Tengah yang menjadi kawasan prioritas pembangunan terhadap perubahan prilaku masyarakat sekitar kawasan. |
Author : Amalia Effendi |
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Abstract :Indonesia as one of Cities with a large Population has problem in Housing sector. The economic gap between urban nad rural cause urbanitation move ment. If it not handled properly, urbanitation will cause problem in housing and settlement. One of the slums area in Aceh can be seen in Pasar Keutapang. Pasar Keutapang is a traditional market which is consisting of street vendor. Pasar Keutapang located on the edge of Aceh Besar District nearby to Banda Aceh City. That area filled of with poor housing which is do not have a good sanitation. In This research aims to find out the cause of slum area in this arean and how to solve that problem. Research method that use in this research is qualitative method with descriptive approach. |
Author : Yamin Astha, Altim, Saiful Alam, Sutrati Melissa Malik |
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Abstract :The waste is all kind of things or material/human excreta, animal, vegetation or anything from the result of human activity to fulfill their daily need. This waste may trigger and or cause contamination to the water, land, and air and cause damage to the human environmental. The ultimate waste disposal of the city in The Landfill Site is against some obstacles, physically and nonphysical, such as social, economy, maintenance problems, etc. According the field experience in some area especially in the City of Palu, city waste management in TPA Kawatuna or Kawatuna Landfill Site consistently practice open dumping system with specific awareness on the environmental protection.
The problem occur in Kawatuna Landfill Site is none of waste selection criteria. This condition caused a habitant of the scavengers to earn the life for their expanse, but this settlement has negative impact to their healthiness. The contours of landfill site are valley and hilly. This caused a waste collections activity from the waste employee throw away randomly to the valley of landfill site area and caused wider landfill area. In addition, another wider valley becomes the garbage collection area and causes destruction to the land structure. As a result, the qualitative descriptive method of this research concludes applicable waste management system for the Kawatuna Landfill Site and factors that influences the waste management system.
Effort and good cooperation are necessary for a good waste management practice in Kawatuna Landfill Site. This practice starts from each of us where the waste is a requirement that should minimize together. Application of 4R (Reduce, Replace, Reuse and Recycle) is the first step in maximizing the waste management system of Kawatuna Landfill Site. All of this effort certainly requires a support from human resources, facility and infrastructure, social participation and government regulation. |
SUSTAINABLE STREETSCAPE PADA KORIDOR KAWASAN KOMERSIAL Studi Kasus : Koridor Jalan Cibaduyut Raya, Kawasan Sentra Industri Sepatu Cibaduyut (KSISC) |
Author : Try Ramadhan, Karto Wijaya, Zakhi Rezki Muttaqin, Amat Rahmat |
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Abstract :Cibaduyut Shoe Industry Center (KSISC), especially the corridor of Jalan Cibaduyut Raya is one of shoe shopping center in Bandung. The key to the success of the commercial corridor area to be profitable from the economic aspect is the attractiveness of the space / space of the commercial corridor. Sustainable streetscape plays an important role in shaping the visual image of sustainable cities, as this is one of the most important factors that help the success of cities, and tourist spots. this study aims to see the existing physical quality in the corridor of Jalan Cibaduyut Raya as the center of the activities of shopping area of leather shoes in Bandung. Then examine the elements and principles of sustainable streetscape that can be applied to the corridor of Jalan Cibaduyut Raya so that it impacts on the social, economic and visual image of the city. The method used is qualitative method by focusing on problem solving. The results show that KSISC corridor is not sustainable enough so as to build sustainable streetscape, the principles of sustainable streetscape should be applied thoroughly. |
Author : Soraya Masthura Hassan, Armelia Dafrina |
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Abstract :Proporsi merupakan salah satu elemen dalam konteks geometri yang paling mendasar di dalam proses perancangan suatu karya arsitektur dan juga merupakan salah satu instrumen pemicu kreatifitas bagi seorang arsitek. Proporsi menyangkut perbandingan – rasio – dari bentuk geometri di dalam suatu komposisi arsitektur. Penelitian ini mengkaji pola proporsi yang dilakukan oleh Ando dalam proses berarsitektur guna menciptakan suatu bangunan, yang mencirikan arsitektur seorang Ando selama perjalanan karirnya. Pada penelitian ini, metode analisis isi digunakan pada beberapa tahap penelitian yaitu pada tahap menemukan konsep desain geometri Tadao Ando yang dilakukan melalui kajian tekstual dari beberapa sumber tertulis dan pada kajian intertekstual pendeskrisian secara keseluruhan sampel penelitian yang berupa bangunan-bangunan karya Tadao Ando. motede preseden ini akan digunakan pada analisis tahap kajian formatif, dimana dilakukan analsis pada gambar kerja seperti denah, dan tampak dengan menggunakan teori umum dari proporsi dan geometri sebagai dasar penulusuran untuk menemukan proporsi dalam konteks geometri pada karya-karya Ando. Dari temuan rasio proporsi dapat disimpulkan beberapa hal yaitu: dimensi panjang merupakan kelipatan atau turunan dari dimensi lebar, lebar : panjang dimana a : (x)a dan (x)a : (x)a, x adalah unit kelipatan (0.5, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 2, 3, dan 4) |
Author : Rendy Perdana Khidmat |
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Abstract :Recent trends and rapid developments in computing gives tremendous impact in many disciplines beside computer science. Architecture is one of disciplines that have undergone an evolution in paradigm as a result of this development. Parametric design is one of the approaches used in architectural design which lead to the advance circumtances in design process. This approach adopts some of designer-friendly programming language where architects can utilize unlimited computation abilities from computers in search of design solutions by designing their parametric definitions or rules. This article will discuss about the parametric approach to the design of multi-storey building buildings. The case study in this research is the design competition of ASEAN Secretariat building (ESAC) organized by Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia (IAI) Jakarta. The Grasshopper platform is used to explore for building form (form-finding) that maximize the view toward its site. A simple radiation analysis is also conducted in this design process using the plug-in called Ladybug + Honey bee and Multi-Objecive Optimization using Octopus plug-in, to look for minimal radiation that is affected by the location of the building form. |